Development strategy. Рубрика в журнале - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

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The article presents the comparative analysis of the conclusions of the Accounts Chamber on the draft laws on the federal budget, executed in 2013 and 2012. The specifics of the conclusion on the draft law on the federal budget for 2014-2016 are characterized. The article highlights critical remarks of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on the given draft law, in particular with regard to the economic and financial parameters associated with the implementation of the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012.

Anti-crisis influence reverences of the state
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The article describes the author's view on the measures taken by the federal government to overcome economic crisis, the direction of forming the country's stable financial system is concerned.

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The theory of innovative economic development is based on the concept of “innovation”, which implies novelties that have a progressive impact on the development of a society. At the same time, human ingenuity often goes beyond the limits of public interest, giving birth to an intellectual product, which is not directly linked to the public progress. In this regard, such notions as “pseudo-innovation” and “anti-innovation” emerge, which transfer innovative topics from their constructive interpretation to their critical perception. Using the examples of derivative financial instruments, the article describes the process of transforming the innovation implemented to increase market reliability into its opposite, i.e. a significant factor of creating instability of modern financial markets.

Assessment and strategy of coal resources development of the Komi Republic
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The article deals with the problems of little-developed and sparsely populated areas of the northern region on the example of the Komi Republic, the typology of regions based on their industrial development is made, regional differences of the state’s northern policy are marked, the role of coal in the energy supply of the country is shown, the prospects of forming a new center of coal mining in the north-west Russia based on the Seydinskoyecoal deposit areevaluated.

Assessment of economic potential of the Chelyabinsk oblast: state and development prospects
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The article presents the results of economic activities in the Chelyabinsk Oblast for the last years, main indicators of improving regional investment policy, perspectives on implementation of regional economic projects. It provides economic indicators of the development of the Chelyabinsk Oblast industry potential in the case of metallurgical, machine-building, nuclear, etc. enterprises.

Assessment of the level of socio-economic development in municipal formations of the Vologda oblast
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Socio-economic development of regions depends to a great extent on the state of economy and social sphere in its constituent municipalities, because this level of government provides basic services to the population, and ensures comfortable living conditions, which determines the growth of the standard of living and quality of life. Under the conditions of the increase in the differentiation of socio-economic development of territories it becomes especially important to identify and study groups (types) of territories with similar development factors, conditions and parameters in order to implement specific measures of regional policy. The authors propose and test a methodology of comparative analysis, which used different techniques of standardization of indicators, which makes it possible to assess the level of socio-economic development of municipal and urban districts in the Vologda Oblast, and to distinguish 5 types of territories on the basis of calculation of the integral index that aggregates 18 initial statistical indicators. The article shows that the highest level of socio-economic development is characteristic of the cities of Vologda and Cherepovets and adjacent areas; the farther from the oblast center, the lower this level. The typological classification of the municipalities makes it possible to propose main directions and instruments of regional policy for territories with different levels of development.

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The article deals with the issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR) of large corporations and studies its role in the life of local communities in Russia’s Arctic regions. The authors summarize some foreign and domestic theoretical studies and propose a classification of CSR forms and development stages. The obtained theoretical data serves as the basis for the analysis of CSR at the largest mining enterprises of the Murmansk Oblast, which is presented in the article.

Budget crisis of the regions in 2013 - 2015: a threat to Russia's security
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The article continues the series of publications on the issues of budgetary sufficiency of the territories. Judging by the main budget parameters, the 2013 - 2015 period will be a serious challenge to the strength of sub-national budget systems. In the conditions of an acute debt crisis, Russian regions have to take up the bulk of public obligations of the Russian Federation concerning the implementation of the President’s election programmes. Of special concern is the reduction of federal financial support, which creates additional risks for the territorial budgets burdened with loans. However, despite the gravity of the situation, there still exist the reserves for implementing the President’s assignments and stabilizing the country’s budgetary system. The main of them concern the necessity of conducting the state policy in the sphere of business capital exports.

Challenges of heterogeneity and sustainability of economic expanse of the Russian North
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The article deals with theoretical aspects and criteria of sustainability of territorial systems, taking into account both the objective conditions of heterogeneity of economic space related to geographical and natural factors and the subjective ones conditioned by historical trends and characteristics of state regulation. Particular attention is paid to the northern regions, including the positions of natural rent and intergovernmental relations formation.

Comprehensive approach to arranging marine economy in the western arctic
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The article substantiates the necessity of using integrated management of marine economy in the West-Arctic shelf, primarily in the Barents Sea. It studies the experience of applying marine spatial planning, the projects of environmental impact assessment, the methodology of integrated coastal zone management. The necessity to improve the Russian Federation legislation is shown in order to eliminate contradictions in integrated management.

Development of health economics for improving the quality of life
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The article deals with the developmental problems of public health in Russia as a key factor of improving the quality of life and providing the high efficiency of domestic economy. It shows the dynamics of main health indicators in the last two decades. Economic and organizational, social and cultural reasons for Russia’s lagging behind the developed countries in terms of public health are characterized in the article. It focuses on the essential territorial differentiation of public health standards in the country and represents the specific indicators of these differences for federal districts, which allow us to see the complexity and volume of health problems. The main ways and directions of progressive public health development in Russia are indicated in the article.

Development of the economic space of Russia's regions on the basis of cluster principles

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The article considers the condition and prospects of trade and economic cooperation between Belarus and Russia at the present stage in the framework of the Union State. It highlights the importance of the Belarusian-Russian inter-regional cooperation, outlines the basic guidelines of trade and economic policy of the Union State for the period up to 2020.

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The article under consideration observes the results of the integrated public opinion monitoring held by ITSED RAS at the territory of 10 North-West federal district subjects, since 2005. It contains information about socioeconomic status and political moods of NWFD regions' population amid the economic crisis. The article presents index analysis which enables to summarize the situation in NWFD and also to make comparative analysis of changes in public mood of NWFD population.

Economy of the region: from crisis to sustainable development
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The article analyzes the impact of financial crisis on the economy of the Vologda region, justifies the direction of anti-crisis actions. The necessity of maximum use of small and medium businesses capabilities for way out of the crisis and, streamline of the regional economy structure are emphasized.

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The global financial crisis influenced national economic systems to a variable extent. The same trends can be observed at the regional level in the Russian Federation. In this article there has been made an attempt of the analysis of the basic system-forming branches in the real sector of the Murmansk area economy in the phase of the increase of the crisis phenomena, the ways of their overcoming are also considered.

Formation and functioning of the national innovation system
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The article presents conceptualization of such notions as “innovation”, “innovativeness”, “innovation activity”, “national innovation system”. It contains a structural model of this system, describes its main functions in the process of implementing the state scientific-technical innovation policy in Belarus.