Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

Financial Development Trajectories of the Russian Arctic Regions

Financial Development Trajectories of the Russian Arctic Regions

Dyadik N.V., Chapargina A.N.

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Priority development of the Arctic territories is particularly relevant in conditions of unstable environmental balance, significant climate change, and territorial vulnerability. The Arctic regions have common natural and climatic conditions, geographical location, the availability of natural resources on their territory, the level of technical and technological development of the branches of the national economy, however, they are characterized by heterogeneous conditions of socio-economic development, therefore, the imbalances in the functioning of these regions are manifested more clearly. Elimination or levelling of the emerging interregional imbalances is an objective necessity for the sustainable development of regions, ensuring their financial stability. The authors, on the basis of private financial indices (budget, economic, investment), carried out a pinpoint adjustment of the development of the Arctic territories and determined the trajectories for the implementation and expansion of potential financial opportunities, taking into account the identified threats and drivers that affect the economy of the region. This approach made it possible, firstly, to assess the financial capabilities of the regions in terms of different aspects (budgetary, economic, etc.,); secondly, to identify the dynamics of their financial development; and, thirdly, to rank the regions according to the level of financial solvency. As a result, three clusters were identified: regions with a high value of the economic index; regions with a high value of the investment index and regions with a high value of the budget index. For each group, a vector of financial development has been determined, which makes it possible to effectively use all the possibilities of the Arctic regions to ensure their both social and financial and investment development.


Fishing tension arcs in the Russian Arctic

Fishing tension arcs in the Russian Arctic

Zilanov Vyacheslav K.

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The author of the article comprehensively examines the current situation, problems and possible solutions related to fishing in the Arctic. Changes in the Arctic will undoubtedly affect fisheries. In this regard, the author analyses the "hot spots" of economic activity and international relations — fishing tension arcs in the Russian Arctic, as well as the internal problems of the marine resource use.


Five problems of Russian Arctic development

Five problems of Russian Arctic development

Yury F. Lukin

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In recent years, Large circumpolar fields have begun to attract great attention of not only Arctic countries, but also states, situated far from high latitudes. In conditions of global climate changes a possibility of exploitation of these fields became possible. Here great deposits of hydrocarbon crude and mining materials are open. And the Northern Sea route promise to become the international transport corridor, where length of investigation is increasing. These problems were in the center of participants’ attraction of regular meeting «Mercury club», which took place in October, the 8th, 2014.


Forecasting and the results of climatic changes in the Arctic region

Forecasting and the results of climatic changes in the Arctic region

Zelenina L.I., Fedkyshova S.I.

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The article defines the role of the Arctic region. The causes of climatic changes have been studied. The statistics of changes in key climate indicators is written. A mathematical model of a polynomial trend of the minimum area of Arctic sea ice is created.


Forecasting the Economic Growth Limitations in the Northern Regions Based on the “Sustainability Windows” Assessment

Forecasting the Economic Growth Limitations in the Northern Regions Based on the “Sustainability Windows” Assessment

Druzhinin P.V., Shkiperova G.T.

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In modern conditions, the issues of assessing the sustainability of regional development are of particular relevance. The complex problems of interrelation of economic growth, environmental pollution and population well-being require the development and use of new, simpler and more understandable approaches for decision makers to assess, analyze, and predict sustainability at the regional level. The purpose of the article is to investigate the opportunities for sustainable development of the regions of the European North included in the Arctic zone, and to develop methods for forecasting their socio-environmental and economic development based on sustainability window assessment. The dynamics of changes in the relationship between environmental, social and economic indicators with the use of pollution functions is analyzed. The main factors contributing to the reduction of environmental pollution and increase of the population's well-being are identified. It is shown that structural changes in the regional economy and environmental investments have the greatest effect. A methodology for calculating sustainability windows for the regional economy is presented. The possibility of using the method has been demonstrated using data from the Republic of Karelia. A scenario of sustainable development based on the restriction of economic growth for some regions and the requirements for the structure of the economy has been developed. The results obtained can be used as an informational and methodological basis for assessing and elaborating sustainable development policies in the Arctic regions.


Foreign Economic Partners of Russia in the Arctic Zone

Foreign Economic Partners of Russia in the Arctic Zone

Vopilovskiy S.S.

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The study expresses the readiness of foreign investors to participate in Russia's Arctic innovation projects in difficult international economic and political conditions. Key high-tech projects of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) with the participation of international economic partners are presented. The tendency of economic interaction in the field of high technologies is expressed, which has not been subjected to political pressure from outside. The key investor companies of the Asia-Pacific region (APR) and the European Union (EU), with which agreements on participation in projects have been signed, are presented. The intentions of the world powers for economic partnership in the Arctic projects of Russia are discussed, the most promising areas and areas of activity are outlined. It is determined that the dominant economic attention is shown by Asian countries. The leader is the People's Republic of China (PRC), interaction with which contributes to the acceleration of investment growth in these projects and has a wide range of industry areas. The implementation of AZRF projects with the participation of foreign partners has a positive multiplier effect on the development of the Northern Sea Route (NSR), the main economic highway of the Russian Arctic. The high value of Russian and international scientific research in the Arctic is determined, as well as the critical importance of the achievements of scientific and technological progress (STP), and as a result, a high-tech economy; the increased interest of the world powers in the work of the Arctic Council is indicated; the general attention to the thin ecological system of the Arctic is presented. The aim of the study is to assess the current economic agreements with the participation of international partners and to attract foreign investment in promising long-term Arctic projects in Russia.


Foreign and domestic experience of economic development of the Arctic territories

Foreign and domestic experience of economic development of the Arctic territories

Dmitriy A. Matviishin

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The article deals with the key aspects of the Arctic exploration. There is a brief description of the Arctic Council, as well as strategic goals, objectives, activities and resources used of member countries and observer organizations to achieve these goals. The resource base of the Arctic region is studied. The economic analysis of the Arctic territories by circumpolar states, including the characteristics of resource projects, is arranged. The features of the Russian and foreign approaches to the management of the economy in the Arctic are noted. The method of logical analysis, economic and statistical and historical methods are used in the research. The result is the scientific justification of advantages and potential of domestic experience of development of the Arctic, and also of the necessity of timely adaptation of economic approaches, investment policy and the legislation according to the current chalenges and tendencies.


Foreign trade experiments in the Arkhangelsk province (1916-1921): historical experience of survival under sanctions

Foreign trade experiments in the Arkhangelsk province (1916-1921): historical experience of survival under sanctions

Troshina Tatyana I.

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Based on historical material, the article presents the regional experience of searching for a model of economic development on the example of the Arkhangelsk Province's desire to get rid of the image of a “resource province” in the context of the growing importance of this region for the state. The article considers the period of the military-revolutionary era and the early NEP, which is short by historical standards, when, in the conditions of the inaction of other Russian ports, foreign policy sanctions, and a “trade blockade”, the economically active community of Arkhangelsk sought to diversify the economic life of the region as much as possible, choosing a different vector of further development. The author noted the forms of responding to the challenges of the era that forced look for new ways of solving problems. There is a desire to find its way for the Arkhangelsk Province within the framework of a single state, and the unification of the European, Ural, and Siberian territories gravitating towards the White Seaports. These issues should be considered in terms of only economic interregional cooperation. Among the variety of development projects, the foreign trade aspect was selected for consideration. During the study, the general motivation for planning foreign trade activities through Arkhangelsk changed. In the conditions of post-revolutionary devastation, the main motivator is the food supply of the population, which could return the value of raw materials to the region, while making it more dependent on external partners. In these circumstances, the local commercial and industrial community was ready to give up part of their rights in favor of the state foreign trade monopoly. On the other hand, the state was ready to transfer part of its powers so that local authorities interested in obtaining food and other items of life support ensure the formation of the necessary “export fund”. Thus, projects to diversify the regional economy were thwarted; in the 1920s the province retained the significance of the “all-Russia sawmill”; during the period of industrialization, industrial development was also associated mainly with the forest industry, and this one-sided development subsequently led to a severe structural crisis.


Formation of oil and gas clusters and special economic zon in the Euro-pean Russian Arctic

Formation of oil and gas clusters and special economic zon in the Euro-pean Russian Arctic

Zuevskaya A.P.

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This article discusses the formation of oil and gas clusters in the European Russian Arctic, the Port special economic zone in Murmansk and the possibility of establishing an oil special economic zone, a balanced participation of the stakeholders


Formation of the transport infrastructure of the Russian sector of the Arctic in the XXI century

Formation of the transport infrastructure of the Russian sector of the Arctic in the XXI century

Andrianov V.A.

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Large-scale of the economic development of the North and the Arctic zone of Russia must be preceded by the establishment of the transport frame, consisting of two latitude and six radial strategic railways. For the possible effective interaction between different modes of transport only in the north of the country should be established (or reconstructed) to ten major ports, which may be the key hubs in the development of the Arctic. These sites should be focused on the state logistics centers. Forming the base of the transport framework creates opportunities for accelerated and efficient development of thousands of large mineral deposits in Siberia, the North and in the Russian Arctic.


From the editorial board

From the editorial board



Future work of the International Seabed Authority in the context of the Arctic governance

Future work of the International Seabed Authority in the context of the Arctic governance

Andrey A. Todorov

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The article studies the history, legal framework of the International Seabed Authority, its functions, structure and current work. The analysis focuses on potential fields of ISA activity in the Arctic. Despite the ongoing expert discussions, the author is of the view that Part XI of the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, setting out the legal basis for the governance of the Area resources and the work of ISA, applies to the Arctic Ocean like to any other part of the world ocean. The primary function of ISA is to regulate exploration and exploitation of deep seabed non-living resources beyond national jurisdiction. Apart from that, ISA will be engaged in other issues — implementation of the UNCLOS provisions on the payments by the coastal states concerning the exploitation of non-living resources on the outer continental shelf, coordination of marine scientific research in the Area, dissemination of its results, etc. Moreover, in the future, ISA could play a significant role in the integrated cross-border and cross-sectoral ecosystem governance of the Arctic Ocean.


Geological and mineralogical heritage of Komi region as a potential for the development of the North tourism

Geological and mineralogical heritage of Komi region as a potential for the development of the North tourism

Ievlev A.A., Jdanova L.R., Astahova I.S.

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Analyzed the currently prevailing in the Republic of Komi saving system geological and mineral diversity in the framework of the specially protected natural areas (nature monuments) and museums of the geological and natural profiles. Geological heritage is a potential for the development of tourism in North regions.


Geopolitical risks of hydrocarbon development in the Russian Arctic

Geopolitical risks of hydrocarbon development in the Russian Arctic

Olga P. Trubitsina, Vladimir N. Bashkin

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The article is devoted to the issues of geopolitical risks (GPR) in the hydrocarbon development of the Russian Arctic. The authors pay special attention to the analysis of modern geopolitical and geostrategic challenges of the Arctic region development. The article identifies the key geopolitical factors that affect the sustainable development of the Arctic and analyzes the similarities and differences in the geostrategic positions of the Arctic Five. One of the most important factors of the XXI century that determines the alignment and interaction of various geopolitical forces is the struggle for resources. In this regard, an increase in GPR in the Arctic, related to its resource potential, is inevitable. For oil and gas industry facilities, GPR can be transformed into opposite environmental factors in the form of additional opportunities or threats, which the authors identify in detail for each type of risk. The authors focus on such positions of the GPR, which are related to ensuring access and obtaining control rights over the Arctic's hydrocarbon resources from different countries, the uncertainty of the legal status of the Arctic region, and the use of geoecological risks (GER) as manipulative priorities of attention to Russia's actions in the Arctic.


Germany's strategy for the Arctic

Germany's strategy for the Arctic

Vladislav B. Belov

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In the last decade Germany has increased activity in the Arctic region. From a formal point of view, the German state connects it with various aspects of international security (mainly — environmental and transport), with needs to respect the rights of peoples living in the Arctic regions and the importance of scientific research in the Arctic. But in reality, they are hiding far-reaching interests of safeguarding the national security of raw materials and access of German concerns to the Arctic resources. In solidarity and in many ways defining the EU's policy in the Arctic, Germany primarily is focusing on their long-term economic and geopolitical goals and objectives, which it will consistently implement in the coming years in the framework of the Arctic Council, and beyond, including within the framework of cooperation with Russia. This article is devoted to the analysis of these goals and objectives, as well as to the definition of medium-term trends in Germany's Arctic policy.


Global symbols in the décor of the northern distaffs

Global symbols in the décor of the northern distaffs

Zemtsova I.

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Considering constructive construction and decorative design of traditional northern distaffs, we can note reflection practically all most meaningful world symbols which to some extent are presented in ornaments and show universal concepts about structure of the world. The design of northern distaffs consists of the basis («lopast»), a leg («nozjka») and sitting or («dontce»), it represents three-parts dividing the world: the high, middle and low worlds. On the one hand the splendid and varied decor of distaffs allows to consider evolution of technological process (carving- painting), on the other hand we have a possibility to retrace development of graphic motives.


Government, business and the population in the Northern regions of Russia: problems and prospects of cooperation

Government, business and the population in the Northern regions of Russia: problems and prospects of cooperation

Kondral Dmitry P., Morozov Nikolay A.

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Political strategy of the North and Arctic Russia determines the prospects of the interaction between government, business and the public, creating conditions for a long-term development of the northern territories of the country. Today, the quality of accounting and promoting the interests are extremely important and determine the need to assess and improve the mechanisms of articulation and aggregation of the interests of government, business and the population in the North of Russia.


Green economics: environmental imperatives of providing economic development of the Arctic zone of the RF

Green economics: environmental imperatives of providing economic development of the Arctic zone of the RF

Evgeny Shepelev

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A short review of reports and discussions during the 2nd meeting of the Arctic expert club on October 23, 2015. The meeting was dedicated to the issues of environmental protection in the Arctic in conditions of growing economic activity.


Heavy metals in the soil-­vegetation cover of the selitebnii landscape of the city Arkhangelsk

Heavy metals in the soil-­vegetation cover of the selitebnii landscape of the city Arkhangelsk

Korelskaya T.A., Popova L.F.

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Soils of the selitebnii landscape of Arkhangelsk is the most polluted of the forms of heavy metals (Pb, Cu and Zn) in the old part, which may be related to the type of underlying soils. The soils have a high availability of Arkhangelsk mobile forms of Cu and Zn, but the actual reserves are deficient in Co, Ni and Mn. Accumulation of heavy metals in the city plants is more intense that in natural conditions and increases in the number of row of Fe < Ni < Co < Pb < Cu < Zn.


Heroic contribution of Pskov in the protection of the Russian North during the "northern" wars at the end of XVI - to the beginning of XVIII centuries

Heroic contribution of Pskov in the protection of the Russian North during the "northern" wars at the end of XVI - to the beginning of XVIII centuries

Egorov А.М.

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The article deals with difficult problems of cross-border relations in the north of Europe have not lost their importance and relevance to the present. In the work we showed the events reflected and so-called “Northern” wars middle. XVI − the beginning. XVIII centuries. In the form how they look through the lens of a key border town in the north-western border of Russia, Pskov, which was at this period the main city of Russian statehood in the Northwest and the country, was in the middle of international controversy. Article introduces the scientific revolution, some little known facts that allows to use more objective look at the history and present of the North and North-West Russia.

