Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

Development of the North 2.0: challenges of making a new theory

Development of the North 2.0: challenges of making a new theory

Alexander N. Pilyasov, Nadezhda Yu. Zamyatina

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It is proposed to create a new theory of economic development of the North on three primary sources — the Soviet development school, the European school of regional studies, the North American school of frontier studies. Each of these schools relies on a broad conceptual foundation (location of productive forces, endogenous economic growth, innovative search), the fusion of which is capable of radically and positively transforming the theory of modern time. Comparison of the nature of the development process today and in the Soviet times reveals significant differences: an increase in spatial and temporal irregularity (polarization), multiactorism, glocalization, and the role of the grassroots “design” level. Numerous projects of new development implemented in the Russian Arctic and the North have common features in the form of an experimental nature, pilot-clone schemes for saving on experience, a plurality of equal status supply and training bases, etc. Large resource corporations that lead the world are directing actors of the territorial structure of the process of new development, and it depends on the internal organizational and institutional structure of the company itself.


Development of the provincial press on the Arkhan-gelsk north in the reform period

Development of the provincial press on the Arkhan-gelsk north in the reform period

Butorin Michail, Butorin Sergey

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The article is devoted to the provincial press of the Arkhangelsk North of Russia. Analyzing the reasons for its formation and development, the author concludes that the appearance of new newspapers have been caused by changes in the social life of the country and northern region in particular.


Development of transport networks of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

Development of transport networks of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

Petr I. Tarasov

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In modern conditions exploration of the Arctic is impossible without development of transport, introduction of new technologies. The author proposes the creation of a net of transport corridors in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) on the basis of existing transport nodes, in particular the port of Tiksi, and the usage of new technologies.


Digitalization in education and distance barriers in the Russian Arctic: problems and prospects

Digitalization in education and distance barriers in the Russian Arctic: problems and prospects

Natalya V. Dyadik, Anastasiya N. Chapargina

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In the era of digital technologies, the issues of providing highly qualified personnel, the effective use of the intellectual potential of the territory and the creation of conditions for its reproduction are of particular importance. These problems are more acute in remote areas of the Russian Arctic. This is due, firstly, to the ultradispersity of the settlement system in the Arctic of the Russian Federation, and, secondly, to the imbalance between the demand and supply of labor resources in territorial and professional terms. Digitalization has become an integral component of education all over the world; therefore, the purpose of this article is to assess the availability of education in the regions of the Russian Arctic and to search for new targets for quality education in the context of digital transformation. The existing educational environment in the Arctic regions is analyzed in the article. The impact of urbanization degree on affordable education in remote Arctic regions is assessed. The financial capabilities of the population are investigated. Based on the analysis, a number of problems associated with the active dissemination of new technologies are identified. Recommendations for improving the educational process are given, taking into account the digitalization of society. The main stages of modernization of the educational process in remote regions of the Arctic are identified.


District newspapers as a chronicler of the Arkhangelsk North history

District newspapers as a chronicler of the Arkhangelsk North history

Butorin Mikhail V.

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The article discusses the creation and operation of district periodicals in the Arkhangelsk Oblast. The author analyzed their role in solving problems in different periods and evaluated the place of the “district” in the relations of the state and local authorities. Based on a study of modern local periodicals, the author concluded that the press, freed from the CPSU dictates, became dependent on new power and was forced to cover mainly its activities and achievements. The way out of this situation is the creation of municipal newspapers.


Do nents people the ethnos, which disappear?

Do nents people the ethnos, which disappear?

Lukin Y.F.

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It is researched the problems of the number of the Nenets, the language skills, management models, administrative and territorial unit at the beginning of the XXI century.


Doctrine on Food Security of Russia: Socio-Economic and Socio-Biological Aspects of Its Implementation in the Arctic

Doctrine on Food Security of Russia: Socio-Economic and Socio-Biological Aspects of Its Implementation in the Arctic

Sukhanov G.G., Sukhanov S.G.

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The article considers socio-economic and socio-biological aspects of the Russian Food Security Doctrine, approved on January 21, 2020. The need to monitor Russia's food security is due to significant changes in “the country's socio-economic development, the emergence of new risks and threats to food security caused by economic sanctions imposed in 2014 by a number of Western countries against our country, the openness of the national food market” in connection with the accession to the World Trade Organization, and the deepening integration within the EAEU. The article examines modern approaches to the definition of state food security. Certain provisions of the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation are assessed, the analysis of food security in Russia in terms of self-sufficiency, economic and physical availability of food was carried out on the basis of statistical data. Food security in Russia has been achieved for the main items of food products, which is confirmed by the results of the analysis performed. A similar positive trend in the development of our country is confirmed by the estimates of foreign researchers based on the results of the Global Food Security Index monitoring. A comparative analysis of the diet of the population of Russia and the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk Oblasts is given. The work focuses on socio-biological risk factors for food security in the Arctic region of Russia.


Drivers of the innovation system and role of knowledge application in regional innovation system - case Oulu region, Finland

Drivers of the innovation system and role of knowledge application in regional innovation system - case Oulu region, Finland

Longi Henna, Niemel Sami

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In the northern periphery, actions are needed to support regional economic development. According to widely shared understanding, innovations are at the core of sustainable economic growth. The regional innovation system (RIS) approach is a framework that has been developed for the design and implementation of innovation-based regional policies. This concept implicates new roles for public and private actors in the system. The role of the public sector is related to generating and diffusing knowledge to the companies and industrial networks. On the other hand, companies have increased collaboration with other actors and utilization of external knowledge for innovation and commercial purposes. The case analysis in this study is based on data from experiments in Oulu region, Finland, which has a long history in developing public-private collaboration and innovation system. The focus of the analysis is on knowledge application and exploitation, and their implications for the public driven innovation system and activities. Operational tools and activities are divided into three different categories: company collaboration, business development, and competence development. The analysis also reveals some examples of the future prospects and challenges in the region.


Driving forces and development problems of cargo flows along the Northern Sea Route

Driving forces and development problems of cargo flows along the Northern Sea Route

Vladimir S. Selin

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The author analyzed the trends and prospects of the Northern Sea Route. The main problem is that this rather complex system is influenced by many factors, often contradictory and poorly predictable. Thus, the increase in demand for energy and resources determines the overall need for the development of the Arctic shelf. However, the possible cooling and worsening of the ice conditions may adjust to the possibility of transporting of the resources to the Asia-Pacific market, for instance. In this regard, along with the methods of factor and economic analysis the expert approach was used for the study. Its main result is a package of proposals aimed at supporting the Arctic marine cargo flow.


Dvina Land: in search of identity

Dvina Land: in search of identity

Yury F. Lukin

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As a historic-geographical term, Dvina Land is localized by archeologists since the 10th century and is identified with Zavolochye. Administratively it was a part of Velikiy Novgorod (10—16th centuries), Grand Duchy of Moscow and centralized Russian State, transforming into Dvina uyezd (16—18th centuries) and Dvina province (1719—1785). As a multidisciplinary research object, it is systematically defined in several dimensions: landscape and natural, historic-geographical, administrative and governmental, cultural, socio-economic, mythical.


Dynamics of border tourism in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region

Dynamics of border tourism in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region

Elena Yu. Tereshchenko

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The article discusses the main types and characteristics of border tourism in the countries of the Barents region. It provides official statistics on the number of trips, the results of tourist motivation study and reveals the positive dynamics of border tourism development. The materials of the current study in-clude a review and comparative analysis with data obtained during research sessions since 2013 within the framework of the international program Bachelor of Northern Studies. According to the survey, the Barents region has a great potential for the development of tourism and positive motivation that contributes to international contacts. An analysis of the border tourism development dynamics has shown an increase in the demand in the tourism services market, the necessity to create programs focused on the needs of the target audience of buyers, and the active promotion of Russian tourism in the international market.


Eastern Murman: social aspects of colonization in the materials of expeditions and travel notes of the 2nd half of the 19th - early 20th centuries

Eastern Murman: social aspects of colonization in the materials of expeditions and travel notes of the 2nd half of the 19th - early 20th centuries

Tereshchenko Elena Yu.

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The article discusses several social aspects of the colonization of Eastern Murman (everyday life, daily work, religious beliefs, schooling, leisure). The historiographic analysis made it possible to identify the specifics of the local (everyday) history of the Kola Peninsula colonization. In the works of A.P. Engelhardt, A.G. Slezskinsky, S.Yu. Witte, S.O. Makarov, V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, K.K. Sluchevsky, D.N. Ostrovsky, A.K. Engelmeyer, V.I. Manotskov, A.K. Sidensner, N.V. Romanov, “Materials on the statistical study of Murman” and other sources provide facts from personal and family biography, the circumstances of resettlement to the Murmansk coast, living conditions, home furnishings, especially the education and upbringing of children. The descriptions of the migrants’ lifestyle recorded in the materials of expeditions and travel notes allow us to conclude that the colonists’ socio-cultural adaptation in Eastern Murman, the creation of a human habitat, was primarily associated with the development of the institution of the family. In general, the history of colonization is a unique experience in the development of the Arctic - one of the most productive in world history, which is vital for understanding the Russian North’s geography.


Eastern Yakutia: demographic processes in the post-Soviet period

Eastern Yakutia: demographic processes in the post-Soviet period

Evdokiya N. Fedorova, Galina A. Ponomareva

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This article reflects the statistical analysis of all demographic indexes of East Yakutia for the post-Soviet period (1989—2010), which shows its deterioration. Also depopulation occurred. However, despite negative processes, there are prerequisites for recovery of demographic potential. Optimism is connected with megaproject implementation, which can revive it. In 2007 the investment project “Complex Development of the Tomponsky Mining Region” was adopted for realization in the republic.


Eastern vector of politics in Russia: potential and problems of the realization

Eastern vector of politics in Russia: potential and problems of the realization

Ermolaev T.S.

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The article discusses the need for transition from an extensive to an intensive strategy of modernization processes in the Far Eastern regions as the key to their success. The ‘new’ industrialization of Yakutia should focus on energy saving technologies, the use of local labor resources and improving the quality of human life.


Ecological Preimage of the Symbol of Northern University in the context of Regional Cultural Code

Ecological Preimage of the Symbol of Northern University in the context of Regional Cultural Code

Bobyleva N.I.

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We investigate the preimage of ecological symbol of Northern University in the context of regional cultural code.


Ecological tourism as a factor of sustainable development of the Western Arctic

Ecological tourism as a factor of sustainable development of the Western Arctic

Eduard B. Grushenko

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The article is based on the expert assessment of ecological tourism as the priority and competitive type of recreational nature management in the Western Arctic. The theoretical provisions are developed and the importance of the tourism industry in the sustainable development of the Russian Arctic is determined based on the analysis of problems and prospects of the modern development of ecological types of tourism in the regions and centers of tourism. The specificity of tourism is discussed considering the increased interest in the Arctic, the growth of cruise tourism and the increase in the anthropogenic load on the polar landscapes. Proposals are given and priority strategic tasks for the development of Arctic tourism are formulated: minimization of anthropogenic impact on the environment and preservation of the cultural and natural heritage of the Arctic, increasing the availability of Arctic territories for tourists. Development of competition in the field of transport, simplification of logistics, the combination of sea cruises with air travel to reduce the cost of travel for those wishing to visit the unique high-latitude Arctic territories and increase the tourist flow. Due to the predominance of expensive types of tourism in the Arctic, support for low-cost and high-income tourism destinations is needed. Innovative investment projects in the field of the Arctic tourism based on clusters could attract tourists and additional investments in infrastructure modernization.


Ecological tourism in protected natural areas of the Russian Arctic: prospects and challenges

Ecological tourism in protected natural areas of the Russian Arctic: prospects and challenges

Elena I. Golubeva, Nadezhda I. Tulskayа, Maria V. Tsekina, Natalia I. Kirasheva

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The article focuses on the problems and prospects of the ecological tourism in the natural protected areas (NPA) in the Russian Arctic. It is proposed to create a unified terminological basis for the concept of “ecotourism”. We analyzed the systemic problems that hinder the development of ecotourism in the NPA of the Arctic region. The article shows arising recreational conflicts, caused by environmental and traditional land use issues and the existence of NPA in the Arctic. We also discuss promising aspects of the ecological tourism, preservation of the heritage of indigenous peoples of the North and opportunities for involving local people in economic activities and environmental education.


Ecological-economic preconditions of politicians transition to alternative source of the energy

Ecological-economic preconditions of politicians transition to alternative source of the energy

Zueva Marina

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The article discusses the reasons for the transition to alternative energy sources. The comparative characteristics of the fuel component quantities of heat when using different fuels and justify the economic benefits of biofuels. Environmental benefits of biofuels are considered, the economic preconditions for increasing its consumption.


Economic and ecological balance and the development of the forest product industry in Arctic countries

Economic and ecological balance and the development of the forest product industry in Arctic countries

Sushko Olga P.

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Instability of production and the decline of the export share in the world commodity turnover show increasing problems in the forest industry of Nordic countries. The article represents the retrospective analysis of the Northern forest industry development in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Canada and Denmark. The obtained results give us an opportunity to identify the main economic and environmental problems of the Northern forest industry and its development prospects.


Economical and Legal Barriers and Its Potential Overcoming During the Northern Sea Route Exploitation in the Context of Pan-Asian Trade

Economical and Legal Barriers and Its Potential Overcoming During the Northern Sea Route Exploitation in the Context of Pan-Asian Trade

Grigorishchin A.V., Sorokina T.Yu., Zadorin M.Yu., Yakhyaev D.B., Bashkina I.E.

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The article provides a systematic analysis of the critical economic and legal factors affecting the current state of cargo flow in the Northern Sea Route in the convergence of the Asian and European markets. First of all, these are legal norms, environmental standards, economic efficiency and organizational and managerial motives, and the development of transport and port infrastructure along the route of the “historically developed national unified transport communication of Russia in the Arctic”. The authors propose specific steps and recommendations to overcome obstacles that create an unfavorable barrier environment for logistics companies to strengthen cooperation and interaction on an equal and mutually beneficial basis with Russia and counterparty partners in the market. These include irregular deliveries due to the seasonal functioning of the transport route and ice conditions, a high level of tariffs due to low cargo flow, and the inability to transport return goods. Particular attention is paid to the need for international cooperation to implement large infrastructure projects for the development of the NSR and the industrial and economic development of the Arctic territories. The authors propose specific steps and recommendations to overcome obstacles that create an unfavorable barrier environment for logistics, stevedoring and insurance companies, infrastructure operators, ship-owners and regulatory authorities to enhance cooperation and interaction on Russia’s equal and mutually beneficial basis and counterparty partners in the international market.

