Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

Ethnic and demographic processes in the Russian Arctic

Ethnic and demographic processes in the Russian Arctic

Flera Kh. Sokolova

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The population dynamics and ethno-national structure of Russian Arctic are analyzed and presented in the materials of Soviet and Russian census. А number of trends has been identified: negative demographic dynamics and outflow of population, especially in those regions, where the provision of foreign exchange reserves due to mining operations has decreased significantly. The European part of the Russian Arctic tends to be a monoethnic area where the population is predominantly old-settled (indigenous people and smallnumbered indigenous people). In economically attractive regions there is a fixed increase in the number of representatives from Central Asia Caucasus and the Asian-Pacific region. The increase in the number of indigenous small-numbered people is the key to preserving and developing the culture of these ethnic groups, but on the other hand it has a potential threat, including the contradictions between the need for industrial development of the Arctic and the need to preserve the indigenous way of life.


Ethnic identity of Pomors of the Arkhangelsk region through the prism of the main anthropological approaches

Ethnic identity of Pomors of the Arkhangelsk region through the prism of the main anthropological approaches

Pyzhova A.N.

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This article provides an overview of the two main theoretical approaches that are widely used to study the issues of ethnic identity in social anthropology − primordialism and constructivism. In addition, an overview of the basic theoretical difficulties in determining the ethnic identity of the group. Using data from the field research (interviews), the article provides an analysis of the ethnic identity of Pomors, presented through the prism of these two approaches.


Ethnic policy of Russia in the Arctic: basic approaches and principles

Ethnic policy of Russia in the Arctic: basic approaches and principles

Alexander E. Shaparov

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The need to account the regional specific of the ethnic policy making and its practice in the AZRF is grounded on 2 contrary management approaches: economic- technocratic approach and political-humanitarian approach. Indigenous peoples are considered to be the subject and the object of the state ethnic policy of Russia. 2 issues are analyzed: 1) conditions for the preservation and development of indigenous peoples, historically living in the area; contributions to their cultural diversity; improvement of the living standards; 2) social integration of internal and external migrants. It is noted that there are three imperative approaches to the state policy towards small-numbered ethnic groups of the North: the state-paternalistic, liberal market and neo-traditionalist approaches. Prospects of mutually- interacting state and indigenous peoples discussed in the context of supra-ethnic identity — indigenous peoples, “local” people.


Ethno-cultural landscape of the Russian Arctic: from the conceptualization of knowledge to the management of conflicts

Ethno-cultural landscape of the Russian Arctic: from the conceptualization of knowledge to the management of conflicts

Yury F. Lukin

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The article focuses on a multidisciplinary analysis of the conceptual framework and the current situation of ethnic and cultural landscape of the Russian Arctic and reveals the problems of management of conflict interaction in social and ethnic relations. The author developed and discussed a technological model in order to move from the conceptualization of knowledge to the conflict management. The author analyzed Arctic ethnological monitoring activities in Russia and proposed a list of seven subject areas to form databases. Undoubtedly, the need to continue this work on the legislative level emerges to protect the rights of indigenous peoples. However, a key challenge is to ensure a balance between paternalism of the state aimed at preserving the indigenous cultures and increasing investment in human capital and the introduction of modern technologies. Social cohesion and the allocation of quotas for indigenous peoples of the North in the leading sectors of the modern economy are relevant for today. A need of transition to green economics in the Arctic, close to the traditional culture of northerners and their worldview is extremely important as well.


Ethnodemographic processes among the Sami of modern Norway

Ethnodemographic processes among the Sami of modern Norway

Kseniia S. Babenysheva

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On the basis of statistics and comparative analysis the article shows ethnodemographic processes among the Sami of Norway in 2000–2013, including the dynamic of population, natural increase, factors and reasons which caused them in this period. The short analysis of references has been made. Stable economic situation is improving the conditions of Sami. At the modern stage, special conditions for keeping the Sami’s ethnic identity are arranged, the basis of which is the language development.


Ethnonational policy of the Komi Republic: normative and infrastructural support

Ethnonational policy of the Komi Republic: normative and infrastructural support

Oleg V. Minchuk

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The territory of the municipality of the city district "Vorkuta" is referred to the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the Komi Republic. It is not necessary to talk about some specific "Arctic" ethno-national policy in that municipality, different from the model of the national scale. Therefore, ethno-national policy is analyzed in general for the whole Republic, and then its features are revealed in the municipality "Vorkuta," which is the part of the Russian Arctic. The analysis of the list of regulating and strategic documents reflecting the specifics of the matter, together with an extensive existing infrastructure, allows to conclude about the formation of a regional model of ethnic policy in the Komi Republic. In addition, the incoordination of a number of documents is noted, as well as some inconsistencies of ethno policy to federal standards. Ethno policy in municipality "Vorkuta" is generally carried out in the framework of a regional trend. Standard maintenance includes various municipal programs and plans. The conclusion about the need to improve the conceptual foundations of the Arctic vector of ethno policy has been made.


European Union and Cooperation in the Arctic Council

European Union and Cooperation in the Arctic Council

Kirgizov-Barskiy A.V.

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Since 2008, the European Union has unsuccessfully tried to obtain permanent observer status in the Arctic Council, the central cooperation forum in the Arctic. The analysis shows that the EU's failures in this area are connected both with its location mostly outside of the region and remoteness from the northern realities, as well as global geopolitical tensions. However, the EU has had de facto observer ad hoc status since 2013, allowing it to participate in almost all formats of interaction in the Arctic Council. Considering this fact, the permanent observer status has rather a symbolic meaning and is equivalent to joining a kind of “privileged Arctic club”. An analysis of the EU's functioning in its relations with the Arctic Council and its members shows that the EU is ready to adapt and listen to the opinion of the Arctic countries in order to become a legitimate Arctic actor. The Arctic Council is of uneven importance for the different EU member states: Denmark, Finland and Sweden are full members, several countries are permanent observers, but most EU countries are not interested in the Arctic issues. Because of this multifaceted nature, the collective EU is more of an extra-regional player on the platform, but one with serious Arctic claims. The EU is actively working on a common Arctic policy. It is represented in the Arctic Council by the Ambassador-at-Large for Arctic Affairs, introduced in 2017, who acts in coordination with the European Commission and the member states concerned. The EU's overall approach is not unsuccessful: it has managed to engage more member states on the Arctic vector, and European expertise and input on sustainable development issues is already becoming an integral part of the AC's work and promises to evolve further.


European Union’s approach to the Arctic policy development through the lens of the Russian regional interests

European Union’s approach to the Arctic policy development through the lens of the Russian regional interests

Tulupov Dmitrii S., Tsarenko Egor V.

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Based on an extensive database, the authors analyzed the main features of the EU Arctic strategy and their relationship with Russian interests in the region. The authors proceed from the fact that the probability of reaching any significant points of contact between the two actors is minimal. The incompatibility of their strategic lines is because the EU considers the Arctic as another platform for its potential of “normative strength”, while Russia, in cooperation with its foreign partners, is primarily aimed at attracting investments in the development of the Arctic infrastructure. In the context of the ongoing crisis in bilateral relations caused by the events in Ukraine, it is not possible to talk about the prospects for harmonizing the regional aspirations of the EU and the Russian Federation.


Evaluation of geo-environmental risks in the influence zones of oil and gas industry in the Russian Arctic

Evaluation of geo-environmental risks in the influence zones of oil and gas industry in the Russian Arctic

Bashkin Vladimir N., Trubitsina Olga P., Priputina Irina V.

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The article discusses the integrated scientific research program aimed at developing the acid deposition monitoring and geo-environmental risks evaluation in the Russian polar terrestrial and marine ecosystems in the areas of the oil and gas industrial influence.


Experience of integration of the Kola Scientific Center of RAS with Universities in solving complex problems of sustainable development in the Russian Arctic

Experience of integration of the Kola Scientific Center of RAS with Universities in solving complex problems of sustainable development in the Russian Arctic

Masloboev Vladimir A.

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Socio-­‐economic circumstances in the Russian Arctic require high quality engineering and technical personnel. The article is focused on the analysis of the key factors that determine the situation, staffing problems and solutions of national interests of Russia in the Arctic. Specialists, able of the use theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the Far North, socially adapted to the life in the Arctic, are needed. A set of measures aimed at promoting the engineering education, on the one hand, and retention of young people in the region, on the other hand, and the modernization of existing regional system of vocational education are required. The article reveals positive experience of integration of the Kola Science Centre (KSC) with the universities — basic departments of the universities and the institutions of the KSC, scientific and educational centers, and regional university-­‐academic cluster, innovative partnership of science, education, government and business. The article focuses on the continuity of environmental education aimed to maintain the sustainable development, starting from kindergartens and ending up with school and university education.


Export-import economics of the northern regions of Russia at the crossroad of international sanctions: past and present, geopolitics of compromise

Export-import economics of the northern regions of Russia at the crossroad of international sanctions: past and present, geopolitics of compromise

Nikolai P. Zalyvsky

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In this article, the author discussed historical prerequisites for the inclusion of the North in the world economy and analyzed the participation of the Arctic territories of the Russian Federation in international trade 2000–2016. The impact of the Western sanctions and their influence on the dynamics and structure of foreign trade is also in a focus of the present article as well as the political economy provisions that allow overcoming the negative nature of international economic relations between the Russian Federation and Western countries. The author proves the expediency of changing the geopolitical positions of the West and Russia with a view to moving towards a compromise model of economic cooperation between the North of Russia and the EU and other countries.


Expulsions in the Russian North: migration processes and neoliberal policy

Expulsions in the Russian North: migration processes and neoliberal policy

Lytkina Tatyana S., Smirnov Andrey V.

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The article summarizes the results of a long-term study of changes in living conditions of the population in the North during the formation of trade capitalism and the spread of neoliberal policy. Expulsion is considered as an institutionally organized way of exception in the form of state policy, actively supporting social polarization, contributing to consumer way of natural resource development and extensive use of before-built infrastructure, and accompanied by the isolation of the experience, disregard of the interests and violation of the rights of residents. The article proves that Soviet policy, interested in attracting labor to develop the Russian North and used a distribution system of goods for these purposes, did not contribute much to the consolidation of labor migrants in the northern territories as it initiated their return to the homeland at the end of their labor biography. The position of a "temporary worker" was formed by the proposed privileges, which served a compensation for work in adverse climatic conditions but did not contribute to the prospects for the development of the northern territories. At the same time, the interests of residents, who turned out to be cut off from prestigious jobs and found themselves in worse living conditions, were regularly ignored, and their rights were unrecognized. If, through vertical mobility and integration into the Soviet distribution system, it was possible to smooth out the inequities in the distribution of benefits, it became more difficult to hide this with the country's transition to the market and the beginning of a new phase of natural resource extraction. Moreover, considering the exclusion processes have become more widespread. Now not only the indigenous peoples of the North but also the second generation of migrants are among the vulnerable groups. The focus of the conflict has shifted and expressed itself in the relations between the residents of the Center and the regions.


Family values and social education of young parents in the modern society

Family values and social education of young parents in the modern society

Fedulova A.B., Rybak E.V.

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The article raises the question of the transformation of family values in the society at risk. The approaches to the understanding of family values. Focused on the field of parenting as the most promising area of family and society. Formulated the need for the social education of the family as a mechanism for the internal reorientation of values of the modern society.


Features of clustering in fisheries by the example of fisheries in the northern basin and the Murmansk oblast

Features of clustering in fisheries by the example of fisheries in the northern basin and the Murmansk oblast

Vasilyev Anatoly M.

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The purpose of the study is the rationale for creating a fisheries cluster in the Northern Basin. The analysis of the creation of classical clusters in foreign countries is carried out, information on the limited use of these structures is provided. The stages of clusterization of the fishing industry in Russia are considered. The reasons for the lack of implementation of numerous cluster projects are clarified. The main one is the refusal of fishing fleets to enter the cluster. The successful functioning of the fishery complex in the Northern Basin in the pre-market period is presented. The reasons for its destruction and the stagnation of enterprises and organizations' economies serving the main structures of the marine economic activity of fishing fleets are clarified. They are caused by a change in the structure of mining fleets, the development of uncontrolled export of fish products directly from the sea, with the departure of fishing vessels for repairs and maintenance to foreign ports. The practicality of creating a local fish cluster, the core of which will consist of fishing vessels with an incomplete cycle of processing aquatic biological resources and coastal fish processing enterprises, is justified. The proposed measures stimulate entry into the cluster. The study's practical significance lies in the creation of conditions for the deep processing of aquatic biological resources and the release of innovative fish products, as well as for the development of ship repair and other enterprises serving the fishing fleet.


Features of external respiration of female students in the conditions of the North

Features of external respiration of female students in the conditions of the North

Palkina О.А.

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The respiratory apparatus of the female students have been studied. A small voltage functional capacity of respiratory apparatus is found.


Features of local identity of single-industry town residents (the case of the Murmansk oblast)

Features of local identity of single-industry town residents (the case of the Murmansk oblast)

Nedoseka Elena V., Zhigunova Galina V.

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The article presents an analysis of the local identity of single-industry town residents in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) in the case of the Murmansk Oblast, which has half the single-industry towns of the Arctic zone. Considering local identity as a part of territorial identity, the authors present it as a symbolic space for creating and strengthening the sense of territorial identity. At the same time, according to the authors, the people's identification related to the area of residence contributes to the construction of an effective system of regional interaction. It is one of the critical factors for the sustainable development of territories. According to the results of the study, positive and negative factors of identity manifestation were obtained from the residents of single-industry towns of the surveyed area (questionnaire (n=428), in-depth interviews (n=12)); the assessment of connection with the place of residence and socioeconomic status of residents, the degree of attractiveness of cities and migration attitudes of the population were determined. The authors argue that the socioeconomic image of the area in the minds of its residents is developing along with the manifestation of their rootedness. A distinctive feature of the local identity of single-industry town residents in the Murmansk Oblast is well-being. It determines the visibility of communication with the place of residence. The increase in prosperity is proportional to the growth of identification with the town, and it is of strategic importance for building regional policies in single-industry towns.


Features of the Arctic Policy of the United States and Canada and the Contribution of Their Northern Universities in Its Implementation

Features of the Arctic Policy of the United States and Canada and the Contribution of Their Northern Universities in Its Implementation

Zaikov K.S., Kondratov N.A.

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The United States and Canada, along with Russia, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden, are the so-called "official" Arctic countries. In the 21st century, The United States and Canada have begun to implement national Arctic strategies and updated them. The accepted documents have both similarities and differences. The United States and Canada are active members of the Arctic Council and view it as a platform for negotiations on a wide range of issues related to the development of the Arctic. The United States has come a long way in the Arctic, including in terms of regulation. Unlike other Arctic countries, the United States has a minimal area of access to the Arctic Ocean, their strategy as a whole is turned “outward”. The first Canadian strategy for the development of the Northern Territories (2013) is addressed directly to the development of the northern periphery of the country, formulates tasks for its sustainable socio-economic development, the development of indigenous peoples, and the support of sovereignty. In 2019, the updated strategy presented already combined national and international goals for the development of the Arctic and the North. To advance national interests in the Arctic, the US and Canada have developed and funded a geographically, infrastructure, stakeholder, and thematically differentiated Arctic research policy in which higher education institutions play an important role and are used to reinforce their geopolitical aspirations. The purpose of the article is to characterize the features of the Arctic strategies of the USA and Canada, as well as to analyze the contribution of universities and colleges in Alaska (USA) and the northern territories and provinces of Canada to the implementation of research policy in the Far North and the Arctic. The practical significance of the paper is in the possibility of its use in the educational process, as well as for the analysis and updating of international aspects of research activities by universities in the Arctic zone of Russia.


Features of the dynamics of prices for agricultural products of the northern countries

Features of the dynamics of prices for agricultural products of the northern countries

Olga P. Sushko

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Price dynamics for agricultural products of the northern countries is determined by many factors. The methods of economic and mathematical analysis of the dynamics of prices for agricultural products of the northern countries have allowed to identify trends, seasonal and cyclical processes. The dynamics of prices from 1991 to the present time there are two long opposite trends. Cyclic processes have a duration of 2–4 years. Seasonality in change of prices is sustainable due to natural biological processes under the influence of climatic factors. Correlation analysis of price series for agricultural products of the northern countries has showed connection of high strength, confirming the presence of trends and periodic components under the influence of the common factors. Short-term price dynamics approximation shows the retention of the increasing price trend.


Fedor Konyukhov’s dream

Fedor Konyukhov’s dream

Alexander P. Оboimov

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The article is about the meeting with the famous traveler F.F. Konyukhov, whose ancestors were Russian Pomors, in the White Sea coast, in the place called Letnyaya Zolotitsa. Photos of the meeting are published.


Fertility in the European Part of the Russian North in 1990–2015

Fertility in the European Part of the Russian North in 1990–2015

Arseniy L. Sinitsa

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Based on the Federal State Statistics Service data, the article examines the dynamics of changes in the system of indicators characterizing the birth rate in the regions of the European North of Russia (including urban and rural areas). General and special demographic methods were used for the analysis. In the course of the work it was revealed that by 1999 the number of births in the regions of the European North of Russia had greatly decreased, but by 2015 fertility rates had improved, although the birth rate had worsened. At the same time, the birth rate in the regions of the European North of Russia in general is higher than the average for Russia, but the reproduction of the population has been narrowed for quite a long time already. Finally, the differences between the urban and rural areas are large. In relation to the latter, it is possible to assume the existence of certain problems related to the collection of information.

