Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

Innovation in education by the eyes of the students of NArFU: problems of the transition period

Innovation in education by the eyes of the students of NArFU: problems of the transition period

Lukina A.A., Tarasova I.I.

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The article tries to compare the ideal vision of NArFU and reality, marked by the student audience.


Innovative development vector of the coastal areas of the Russian Arctic

Innovative development vector of the coastal areas of the Russian Arctic

Svetlana A. Lipina

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The article examines the opportunities for further development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation on the basis of innovative standards and technology, as the whole system of state management of innovation processes should be based on innovative strategy of the state in general and the region in particular, without which it is impossible to imagine a real, deep and lasting renewal of the economy and entire society.


Integrated security issues in the basic principles of Russian Federation state policy in the Arctic to 2035: experience and prospects for implementation

Integrated security issues in the basic principles of Russian Federation state policy in the Arctic to 2035: experience and prospects for implementation

Grinyaev Sergey N., Zhuravel Valery P.

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March 5, 2020, President of Russia V.V. Putin approved the Basic Principles of Russian Fedration State Policy in the Arctic to 2035. It is a strategic planning document aimed at ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation and designed to protect Russia's interests in the Arctic. It defines goals, directions, tasks, as well as mechanisms for implementing Russian policy in the Arctic for the next 15 years. The authors analyzed the implementation results of the Basic Principles of Russia's State Policy in the Arctic until 2020 and further perspectives. The article provides a general outline of the Basic Principles of Russian Fedration State Policy in the Arctic to 2035. The authors focus on the analysis of the leading national security challenges in the Arctic and enhancing integrated security of the fuel and energy complex, as well as the main directions of the implementation of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic. They are the protection of the population and territories of the Arctic zone from natural and human-made emergencies, enhancing national security in the Arctic zone, ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation, and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation. It is emphasized that the comprehensive implementation of the Basic Principles will contribute to improving the quality of life of people in the Arctic zone, socio-economic development of the country, and increasing its defense capability in the Arctic.


Integration mechanisms for immigrants in Norway and Russia: a comparative analysis

Integration mechanisms for immigrants in Norway and Russia: a comparative analysis

Marina M. Panikar, Flera Kh. Sokolova, Alexander E. Shaparov, Oleg V. Zolotarev, Vladimir M. Kapitsyn

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An essential component in the structure of the immigration policy of developed countries is the integration of migrants. The integration policy for migrants is aimed at solving the issues of adaptation, inculturation, labor mobility, naturalization, and political participation. Integration is a reciprocal process which involves the interaction of migrants and the host society. The integration policy goal is the formation of migrants' qualities and competencies that allow them to participate in the economic, social, political, and spiritual spheres of the recipient country. The failure of integration policies inevitably increases the conflict potential of the host society, leads to social exclusion, marginalization of migrants, and an increase in xenophobia. The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the integration policy of the two Northern states — Norway and Russia. Norway has extensive experience in implementing the integration policy, occupies a leading position in the index of integration of migrants MIPEX. Russia has extensive experience in the incorporation of various ethnic groups into a national state, but the state has long ignored the solution of issues of integration and adaptation of migrants. The study aims to analyze national models and practices of integration and adaptation of migrants. The research methodology is linked to the methods of demography, sociology, political science, law, and statistics. For the comparative analysis of the immigration policies of Norway and Russia, a set of indicators reflecting the quality and status of the integration policy, MIPEX (labor market, family reunification, long-term stay, political participation, protection against discrimination, naturalization) was applied. It is concluded that the policy of integration in Russia should have different objects of regulation, be differentiated by goals and objectives.


Integration of marine activities in the Arctic

Integration of marine activities in the Arctic

Maskulov E.

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Questions of integration of sea activity in Arctic regions, its increasing geopolitical importance in the conditions of globalisation, the status of Northern sea way are considered. Creation of «soft» corporate structures, such as consortia or noncommercial partnership, «the Sea forum» to Norway, the Netherlands Sea Community allows to solve effectively problems of coordination of economic activities, protection and lobbying of interests of its participants. There is actual a military-economic integration into Arctic regions, maintenance of national safety.


Interdisciplinary approach to the solution of problems of management of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Interdisciplinary approach to the solution of problems of management of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Konov A.M.

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The article analyzes the possible ways of the decision of problems of management of the Arctic zone of Russia from the position of the interdisciplinary approach.


Interdisciplnary expeditions - an effective way to form implementation complex innovative and ivesment projects

Interdisciplnary expeditions - an effective way to form implementation complex innovative and ivesment projects

Kirko V.I., Kopzeva N.P., Nevzorov V.N., Nozdrenko E.A., Slabyha A.V.

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In the given article we represent our final results of the inter-disciplinary expeditions of the students, post-graduate students and tutors of the 4 universities of Krasnoyarsk to the villages and localities, inhabited by the indigenous minorities of the North of the Krasnoyarsk Region.


International dialogue about people in the Arctic: the topic of development of the human capital at the International Arctic Forum “Arctic: Territory of Dialogue”

International dialogue about people in the Arctic: the topic of development of the human capital at the International Arctic Forum “Arctic: Territory of Dialogue”

Igor V. Katorin

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The International Arctic Forum “Arctic: Territory of Dialogue", held at the end of March 2017 in Arkhangelsk, has become one of the most representative events devoted to the Arctic issues in Russia in recent years. The business program of the event included a plenary session with the participation of the Presidents of Russia, Finland, Iceland, as well as 13 thematic sessions. The theme of the forum "People in the Arctic" was most actively discussed at four thematic sessions, as well as at the special event — the Forum of the Arctic Municipalities. The article presents the main results of the discussion of the participants of the event at the sessions "The Arctic is the territory of professionals", "The Arctic is the Territory of History, Culture and Tourism", "The Arctic is the Territory of Health", "The Arctic is the Territory of the Favorable Life Environment", and also at the Forum of the Arctic Municipalities.


International environmental cooperation in the Arctic

International environmental cooperation in the Arctic

Vasiliy P. Koval, Dmitry N. Lyzhin

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Key challenges and threats to the Arctic environment are associated with progressive pollution and degradation of environmental components in the face of increasing anthropogenic load, the accumulation of waste, climate change and others. International cooperation in the field of envi-ronmental safety, unprecedented speed and energy cooperation in the Arctic can serve as a positive example and a lesson for humanity. An important role in environmental cooperation play an international environmental organization, the Arctic Council, states. On the con-Jania cooperation affects contradictory trends determining the current state of international co-relations. It is concluded that joint efforts need to create a system of global interaction, which, taking into account the interests of all parties, would be enabled to make rational use of natural resources in the Arctic.


International shipping routes for cargo transportation in the Arctic

International shipping routes for cargo transportation in the Arctic

Lukin Yury F.

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The main purpose of the article is to study the problems of the functioning and competition of sea routes of cargo transportation in the Arctic region. Methodologically, the work is of a research nature within the framework of the global integrated and northern regional studies, based on interdisciplinarity and complexity. A complex of interdisciplinary tasks is synthesized: to show, against the background of the history of the development of the water area of the northern seas, begun in the era of Velikiy Novgorod, the priority of Russians in the Arctic; the geopolitical and economic significance of the new projects of the Northern Sea Transport Corridor (SMTC), the National Arctic Transport Line (NATL) at the present time; to reveal the presence of many actors in the Arctic region of planet Earth. Operating water area of the Northern Sea Route in 2012-2020 based on legislative acts 1998, 1999, 2012. And while it does not provide a significant share of international transit, it is developing as an internal sea route. The article analyzes the literature of domestic and foreign authors and primary sources, including: Novgorod Chronicles, cartography, current legal acts, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and departmental documents of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the development of the Far East and the Arctic, FSBI “Administration of the Northern Sea Route”, directorates Northern Sea Route of Rosatom State Corporation, International Monetary Fund (June 24, 2020), China White Book (2018), the Polar Silk Road project, etc. The plurality of sea routes for cargo transportation in the Arctic along the coast of Russia, off the coast of Canada, the Arctic Bridge, the Trans-Arctic sea route, the Polar Silk Road of China; modernization of the NSR infrastructure; implementation of investment projects of the oil and gas and mining complex of global significance generates new challenges and opportunities for the development of the Russian Arctic.


Internationalization of vocational education in the Arctic council member-states’ universities

Internationalization of vocational education in the Arctic council member-states’ universities

Pitukhina Maria A.

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Nowadays, the potential for international cooperation in the Arctic is concentrated within the framework of such an influential international structure as the Arctic Council, where Russia is presiding over soon in 2021-2023. The article is devoted to international cooperation evaluation of 15 Arctic universities from 7 Arctic Council member-states with a student contingent of at least 3,600 people (2 in the USA, 1 in Iceland, 5 in Russia, 2 in Finland, 2 in Sweden, 2 in Norway, 1 in Canada). It seems possible to evaluate international cooperation potential between Arctic universities through the prism of 10 quantitative indicators, including the number of international students admitted to the university; number of courses taught in English; number of educational programs for international students; a number of foreign scientists invited to the university, etc. We can evaluate both academic mobility within the Arctic universities and vocational education internationalization due to accumulated statistical data.


Introduction. From depictions of race to revitalizing a people: aspects of research on the Sámi in Finland and Norway

Introduction. From depictions of race to revitalizing a people: aspects of research on the Sámi in Finland and Norway

Jukka Nyyssönen, Veli-Pekka Lehtola

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In this special section of journal “Arctic and North” renowned and younger scholars from Finland and Norway take on the topic of research on the Sámi, from the era of “Lappology” to the era of “Sámi research”. The focus in the articles varies between research history, historiography and history of science. Thematically, the articles range from longer overviews of the historical evolution and transformation of “Lappology” in their national settings to more focused articles on individual scholars, as well as an article on Sámi historiography with a methodological approach. Two articles focus on the genesis of more culturally sensitive Sámi research.


Is the Extraction of Fossil Mammoth Bone a Form of Traditional Nature Management?

Is the Extraction of Fossil Mammoth Bone a Form of Traditional Nature Management?

Vasileva O.V.

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This article is devoted to solving the question of whether it is possible to consider the extraction of mammoth bone as one of the types of traditional nature management of the indigenous peoples of the North. The solution to the problem is considered on the part of three criteria — the formation of a tradition of economic activity within an ethnic group, the focus of economic activity on use for their own needs, a balanced approach ensuring sustainable environmental management. As a result, the author concludes that the extraction of mammoth bone is a type of activity that cannot be called fully consistent with the criteria for traditional nature management. At the same time, in the article, the author proposes to consider broader the concept of traditional nature management in the modern capitalist world, supplementing it with a view from the world-system analysis of the dichotomy of traditional and capitalist society.


Is the arctic on the brink of a hybrid war?

Is the arctic on the brink of a hybrid war?

Konyshev Valeriy N.

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The article examines the phenomenon of hybrid war in relation to Arctic politics. The goal of the study is to show how valid this concept is, who Western experts consider the main source of hybrid threats, and what they consider hybrid threats in the Arctic. The empirical grounds of the study are documents of international organizations and publications of Western authors. A critical analysis of documents and publications shows the concept of hybrid war was introduced into scientific circulation by the military, but it is also used in a broader meaning. Military experts have not yet come up with a clear definition of hybrid war. Representatives of political science use the concept of hybrid war in an even more amorphous meaning, which leads to its unlimited expansion. Based on specific examples, it is shown that any manifestations of Russian politics potentially fall under the concept of hybrid threats, which is conducive to the creation of political mythology that covers up the political goals of Western opponents. There is no consensus in Western publications regarding the productivity of the concepts of hybrid threats and hybrid wars, but a more common radical point of view, which limits down to the imposition of confrontational relations in the Arctic and in international politics in general.


Island communities’ viability in the Arkhangelsk oblast, Russian Arctic: the role of livelihoods and social capital

Island communities’ viability in the Arkhangelsk oblast, Russian Arctic: the role of livelihoods and social capital

Olsen Julia, Nenasheva Marina V., Hovelsrud Grete K., Wollan Gjermund

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Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, local communities have been adapting to new political and socioeconomic realities. These changes have prompted dramatic outmigration among rural populations, es-pecially in the Russian Arctic. Despite these changes, some communities remain viable, with some residents exploring new economic opportunities. This study uses findings from qualitative interviews to understand what factors shape community viability, interviewing residents and relevant regional stakeholders in two case areas in the Arkhangelsk oblast: the Solovetsky Archipelago in the White Sea and islands in the delta of the Northern Dvina River. The results indicate that community viability and the reluctance of community mem-bers to leave their traditional settlements are shaped by livelihoods, employment opportunities, and social capital. Social capital is characterized by such empirically identified factors as shared perceptions of change and a willingness to address changes, place attachment, and local values. We conclude that further develop-ment or enhancement of community viability and support for local livelihoods also depends on 1) bottom-up initiatives of engaged individuals and their access to economic support and 2) top-down investments that contribute to local value creation and employment opportunities.


Itelmeni - are of the most ancient population on the planet

Itelmeni - are of the most ancient population on the planet

Romanko J.I.

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Analyzed the following factors: 1) the time of the birth of the Itelmens, their ancestral home, belonging to a group of languages, 2) check the specified region 3) religious beliefs, customs and traditions, arts and crafts 4) the social organization of the society. Attention is paid to the process of assimilation itelmens in Russian culture, the perspectivs for its survival.


Key concepts for studying the migration issues in the Circumpolar region: mobility, stratification and globalization approaches

Key concepts for studying the migration issues in the Circumpolar region: mobility, stratification and globalization approaches

Gurvich Kirill L.

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Migration issues are considered through the stratification and globalization approaches. Emphasizing the importance of the classic theories, the author reviews the key studies of migration, as well as the empirical projects implemented by various research centers. Theoretical statements are supported by the analysis of statistics on migration in the Circumpolar region. The article is aimed to demonstrate the heuristic possibilities of solving the urgent problems of migration in the Arctic.


Key trends of investment development in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in 2008–2017

Key trends of investment development in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in 2008–2017

Natalia A. Serova, Sergey V. Gutov

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This article is devoted to the study of the investments and their transformation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the crisis of the last decade. Current studies indicate the occurred as a result of economic shocks aimed at the implementation of the state Arctic policy, as well as the need for financial and technological constraints that require a retrospective analysis of investment activity in the Arctic zone. The study of investments in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in 2008-2017 has four stages identified: 2008–2010; 2011–2012; 2013–2014; 2015–2017. One may see that investments in the Russian Federation are due to quite sharp fluctuations and their uneven distribution across regions. The most significant volumes of Russian investments in the first phase were typical for regions partially located in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, and now — for entirely Arctic areas. The same situation was until 2014 with foreign investments in the Arctic. However, after the start of the “sanctions war,” we observed a turning point. Foreign investments in the Arctic areas of the Russian Federation significantly decreased. The decline continues to this day. Predicted options for further investment development in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation have an adverse scenario for the national economy.


Labor Market Features in the Russian North: Employment, Wages and the Role of Northern Allowances

Labor Market Features in the Russian North: Employment, Wages and the Role of Northern Allowances

Terentyeva M.A.

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This article focuses on the labor market in the Russian northern regions. The labor market in the Russian North was formed due to the state policy of the no longer existing state, aimed at the active attraction of migrants from other territories for the industrial development of the country. This policy of attracting migrant labor in the state was implemented mainly through the creation of the institution of wages, which provided additional northern payments to the salary, designed to compensate for the discomfort of living and working conditions in the North. This led to an increase in employment in the North. The research goal is to study the formation and development of the wage institution, as well as to determine the impact of wages on employment in modern conditions. The article presents the history of formation of the institution of wages in the Russian North. The dynamics of labour market indicators is given, the change in the ratio of wages in the North is presented, based on official statistical data over the past 15 years. The results of the study show that the northern territories have problems of the labor market that have arisen in recent decades: high levels of unemployment, reduced employment, and wages, once being a significant factor, had a positive impact on employment, but today contribute to the decline in the economic attractiveness of life in the North.


Labor Potential of the Russian Arctic

Labor Potential of the Russian Arctic

Sushko O.P.

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Demographic and migratory processes are analyzed, as well as the effect of low life level on the development of labor potential of the regions of the Russian Arctic

