Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

Language contacts between Pomors and Norwegians during expeditions to Svalbard in the second half of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries

Language contacts between Pomors and Norwegians during expeditions to Svalbard in the second half of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries

Minaeva Tatiana S., Karelin Vladimir A.

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Svalbard, despite its remoteness from the mainland and traditional routes of communication, is an Arctic territory that has been attracting the attention of various countries and peoples for several centuries. In the 18th - first half of the 19th century, the archipelago was actively developed by Pomors, engaged in mammal hunting there. In the 19th century, Norwegians revealed their economic interest in Svalbard. Historical studies have repeatedly examined the cases of contacts between Pomors and Norwegians during mammal hunting expeditions to Svalbard, but none of the authors have studied the language contacts between Pomors and Norwegians during the development of Svalbard. The authors used an interdisciplinary approach and analyzed documentary and literary sources to formulate a hypothesis about the practice of Pomor-Norwegian contacts, incl. those in Russenorsk. The study presents a new issue for scientific discussions by both historians and linguists, which can serve as a basis for the development of international cooperation between Norway and Russia.


Learning about the Arctic and the Russian North (Experience of Distance Schools)

Learning about the Arctic and the Russian North (Experience of Distance Schools)

Maryanchik V.A., Popova L.V.

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The article describes the experience of seasonal language and culture schools organized for foreign students at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. One of the factors that attract participants is the Arctic component in the program content, acquaintance with nature, culture, customs and modern life of the Russian North. The pandemic situation made only a distance format of such schools possible. At the same time, the task of preserving the cultural specificity realized in the activity component was solved. The authors described the main content components of the program of the School of Russian Language and Culture related to the topic of the North and the Arctic: video tours of Solovki, the Museum “Malye Korely”, city tours (videos about Arkhangelsk), texts about Arctic research and travelling to the Arctic, “Northern text” of Russian literature, video lectures and master classes. It is emphasized that the images of the Arctic and the Russian North are the conceptual core of the content of remote seasonal schools. The next distance school of Russian Language and Culture is announced.


Legal measures of protection of water bioresources of the Arctic region

Legal measures of protection of water bioresources of the Arctic region

Kulikova O.

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In article the questions connected with a general characteristic of the operating faunistic legislation regarding protection of water biological resources are considered. In connection with a wide circulation of environmental problems including in the Arctic region questions of protection of the given kind of natural resources are very actual. The author analyses existing system of sources in the field of rational use and protection of water bioresources, concrete norms of the right are resulted and characterized.


Legal regulation of the traditional (native) Pacific walrus harvest in Russia

Legal regulation of the traditional (native) Pacific walrus harvest in Russia

Natalia V. Kryukova

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The article briefly reviewed studies of the Pacific walrus. This information is necessary for the development of the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) since the native people of Chukotka annually harvest this subspecies of walrus. We have drawn attention to the long-term change in the habitat of the walrus, i.e., to the reduction of the ice period in the Bering and Chukchi Seas and possible consequences for the walrus (increased mortality and epizootics). Legal acts for the fisheries are regulating the traditional (native) walrus harvest on Chukotka, and the capture of walrus calves for educational and cultural purposes have been described. A scheme for the development of the TAC for walrus has been discussed as well. We have presented the latest data on allocated quotas and actual walrus harvest. The need for more detailed and versatile research of walrus in connection with climate change is discussed. The author suggests cooperation between the native people of Chukotka and various research institutions for the better-organized study of the walrus in relation to climate change, for conservation and rational use.


Logistic Basis for the Development of Arctic Tourism in Russia

Logistic Basis for the Development of Arctic Tourism in Russia

Tsvetkov A.Yu.

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In our article we analyzed the transport accessibility of the subjects of the Arctic zone of Russian Federation for potential tourists. To do this, we estimated in points the material and time costs of tourists, traveling from the main centers of the formation of tourist flows in Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg) to various Arctic destinations. For each administrative-territorial subject of the Arctic zone we have selected potential support logistic centers of the development of Arctic tourism, which will receive visiting tourists, provides them with basic services and redistributes them along tourist routes. These are mainly transport centers, connected with Moscow and St. Petersburg and with settlements on this territory. We referred to Murmansk, Apatity, Arkhangelsk, Naryan-Mar, Vorkuta, Salekhard, Norilsk, and Anadyr. As a result of the study, we have found that currently the most promising for the development of Arctic tourism is Murmansk region, its transport infrastructure is convenient for using by tourists and the development of Arctic tourist routes. Arkhangelsk Oblast and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomus Okrug are also promising, their support centers of the development of Arctic tourism are capable of receiving and redistributing tourist flows in Arctic directions. The least developed in terms of transport is the Arctic part of Yakutia, where there are no large transport hubs, capable of taking on the function of tourist distribution centers.


Logistic basis for organizing weekend recreation for the population of the Arkhangelsk urban agglomeration

Logistic basis for organizing weekend recreation for the population of the Arkhangelsk urban agglomeration

Aleksandr Yu. Tsvetkov

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Weekend rest is an important part of a person's recreational cycle. Northerners need a good rest to maintain their health. The choice of a place for vacation is associated with restrictions on the time of movement, since its period should not be longer than 2–3 days. The purpose of the research is to select the most suitable transport areas for residents of the Arkhangelsk urban agglomeration, taking into account the landscape and tourist resources. Based on the study of vehicles and the geographical location of tourist services, three sectors were identified, limited by five–hour transport accessibility from the cities of the Arkhangelsk agglomeration. The most promising for priority development is the southern sector, the centers of which can be the villages of Kholmogory and Emetsk. Excursion, relaxation, ecological and sports tourism can be offered there at any time of the year. The transit position of the main roads of the region gives this sector the advantages of attracting tourists from other regions. The western and eastern sectors have significant recreational potential, but their use is constrained by poor transport accessibility. The western sector with the center in the city of Onega is promising for the development of seaside relaxation tourism in summer and sports tourism in winter. The eastern sector with two centers in the villages of Pinega and Karpogory is promising for ecological, sports and excursion tourism throughout the year.


Long-term dynamics of economic development of the Russian Arctic

Long-term dynamics of economic development of the Russian Arctic

Natalya A. Serova

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About a quarter of the world's natural gas and oil reserves are concentrated in the Arctic, which has led to increased interest of the world powers in this region in recent years. The Russian Federation has the greatest resource potential in this macro-region. This article examines the transformation of economic processes in the Russian Arctic. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that in order to achieve the main goals and implement the tasks of the modern state Arctic policy of Russia, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the features and patterns of economic processes taking place in this region. The author has analyzed the indicators characterizing some aspects of the economic development of the territories of the Russian Arctic in 1950–2018. According to the results of the analysis, three fundamentally different periods of the development of this region were identified: 1950–1990 — an intensive stage of economic development of the Arctic territories; 1990–1999 — the stage of market relations formation; from 2000 to the present — the stage of “redevelopment” of the Arctic. The main features of the economic development of the Arctic territories at each stage are shown. Conclusions concerning the tasks of the current stage of development are made. The assumption about the contemporary tendencies and the need to find new effective approaches to the management of the region is put forward.


Main Theoretical Approaches in the Arctic Policy Studies

Main Theoretical Approaches in the Arctic Policy Studies

Nabok S.D.

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The article identifies and analyzes the main theoretical approaches used in the studies of international relations and politics in the Arctic. Contemporary studies of the Arctic use elements of several main approaches in the field of international relations: realism, liberalism, social constructivism and global governance, as well as some others. The theoretical alternative between realism and liberalism manifests itself primary in the issues of Arctic security. Liberalism and the concept of global governance play an important role in explaining the multilevel and multi-actor nature of political processes and governance in the region. Social constructivism contributes to the understanding and functioning of Arctic political narratives. However, in most cases, they exist in the form of implicit assumptions rather than as systematically developed and substantiated models. The theoretical differences are mainly related to the definition of units and levels of analysis, particularly the role of states and other types of actors, and the nature of the relationship between them. Despite the fact that realistic approaches considering Arctic politics as inevitable competition of states in the logic of “zero-sum games” remain quite common, the general tendency is to search for more complex theoretical models that recognize the diversity of actors involved in Arctic processes, as well as the possibility of cooperative relations.


Maneuvering between icebergs: ethnic policy models in Norway

Maneuvering between icebergs: ethnic policy models in Norway

Ekaterina S. Kotlova

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Norway is considered one of the countries with a successful ethnic policy towards both indigenous people and migrant groups. The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern ethnic policy model in Norway. Norwegian experience in moderating ethnic interaction seems to be interesting for Russia and its northern and Arctic areas. The author is convinced that modern Norwegian ethnic policy grounded on multiculturalism is in transition towards so-called “diversity model”. Such a transition is caused by the intensification of migration and a threat of radicalization of particular social groups and ideologies.


Mapping of the Solovetsky Islands in XVI−XVII centuries

Mapping of the Solovetsky Islands in XVI−XVII centuries

Bykova Marina

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The history of the geographic descriptions of Solovki closely related with the history of research of the Arctic Region by Russian and foreign seaman. The analysis of 34 ancient maps of the White Sea in XVI−XVII centuries led to the following conclusions. At first we meet the Solovetsky Islands in the map of Muscovy dated by 1537 year, compiled by A. Widom according to the boyar I.V. Lyatsky data. Most of maps of XVI−XVII centuries were made by Western Europe, British and Dutch cartographers. Both own observations of authors and maps of their predecessors and the Russian cartographic sources were used in compilation. But most of them didn’t survive. Most cartographers of XVI−XVII centuries like S. Herberstein, C. Munster, W. Borro, P. Bertius, G. Gerritsen, W. Blau, J. Tiriton, etc. denote Solovki in their studies. Solovetsky Islands are marked on 25 of the 34 reviewed maps of XVI−XVII centuries. Solovki on maps of XVI−XVII centuries have different toponyms: «Soloffki», «Solofki», «Solowka Insvla», «Solofka», «Soloffky», «Solffky», «Soulofki», «Solafka», «Senloski». Islands of the group of Solovetsky archipelago are marked only on a few maps. Anser («Angra» − 1614 H. Gerritsen, «Anger» − 1612 I. Massa, 1635 J. Blau, 1660 F. de Wit), Zayatsky («Satska» − 1612 I. Massa, 1635 J. Blau), Muksalma («Muksama» − 1635 J. Blau). Most of maps of XVI−XVII centuries give an incorrect location of Solovki in the White Sea basin.


Marine plastic debris pollution in the western sector of the Russian Arctic

Marine plastic debris pollution in the western sector of the Russian Arctic

Konstantin S. Zaikov, Nikita A. Sobolev

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The article discusses the pollution of marine environment with plastic waste, in particular, the accumulation of microplastics in the oceans, which is one of the most serious environmental problems both in the world and in the Russian Arctic. Alongside with other world oceans, the Arctic Ocean and the Barents Sea have become places of plastic accumulation, causing great harm to the fragile ecosystem of the Arctic region. Researchers have found microplastics not only in Arctic waters, but also in the ice of the Arctic seas. Plastic debris is carried by ocean currents from more densely populated areas of the planet. Local sources, such as fishing and other commercial activities, as well as waste water, are one more reason. Microplastics adversely affect living organisms in the ocean. In particular, plastic can cause physical harm and disrupt body formation of marine animals, as well as cause death by suffocation or ingestion of plastic. At the same time, plastics can accumulate persistent organic pollutants on their surface, which can poison marine animals, damaging the entire food chain.


Maritime shipping on the Northern Sea Route: need for greater emphasis on mutual cooperation and a non-negotiable safety culture. Part II

Maritime shipping on the Northern Sea Route: need for greater emphasis on mutual cooperation and a non-negotiable safety culture. Part II

Bhagwat Jawahar

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The opening of the Northern Sea route (NSR) due to the melting of the Arctic sea ice ushers in many opportunities. The International Maritime Organization has introduced several regulations for shipping and the training of seafarers. The Northern Sea Route has several challenges with respect to the infra-structure and the harsh weather conditions. The recent incident onboard the Viking Sky cruise liner was a reminder of such challenges. The Norwegian authorities responded admirably, and the Search and Rescue operation was conducted with the necessary coordinated effort in the shortest possible time. Other incidents along the NSR and increasing ship casualties in the Arctic region which have been analyzed with reference to the adequacy of existing regulations. The author’s opinion is that these incidents bring out a need to examine the adequacy of the Polar code, infrastructure along the NSR and the current state of Search and Rescue (SAR). From a practical point of view the Norwegian experience would be of interest to all Arctic states and the IMO. The evolution of the Polar Code and the challenges in implementation are discussed. The article puts forth several recommendations for improving cooperation and safety with the aim of making the NSR a viable alternative route. This article can be used for educational purposes at universities. It is relevant for civil servants, shipping authorities, search and rescue authorities and researchers involved in developing the Arctic sea routes and specifically the Northern Sea route.


Maritime shipping on the northern sea route: need for greater emphasis on mutual cooperation and a non-negotiable safety culture. Part I

Maritime shipping on the northern sea route: need for greater emphasis on mutual cooperation and a non-negotiable safety culture. Part I

Bhagwat Jawahar

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The opening of the Northern Sea route (NSR) due to the melting of the Arctic sea ice ushers in many opportunities. The International Maritime Organization has introduced several regulations for shipping and the training of seafarers. The Northern Sea Route has several challenges with respect to the infrastructure and the harsh weather conditions. The recent incident onboard the Viking Sky cruise liner was a reminder of such challenges. The Norwegian authorities responded admirably, and the Search and Rescue operation was conducted with the necessary coordinated effort in the shortest possible time. Other incidents along the NSR and increasing ship casualties in the Arctic region which have been analyzed with reference to the adequacy of existing regulations. The author’s opinion is that these incidents bring out a need to examine the adequacy of the Polar code, infrastructure along the NSR and the current state of Search and Rescue (SAR). From a practical point of view the Norwegian experience would be of interest to all Arctic states and the IMO. The evolution of the Polar Code and the challenges in implementation are discussed. The article puts forth several recommendations for improving cooperation and safety with the aim of making the NSR a viable alternative route. This article can be used for educational purposes at universities. It is relevant for civil servants, shipping authorities, search and rescue authorities and researchers involved in developing the Arctic sea routes and specifically the Northern Sea route.


Marketing approach in the research of the Northern territories

Marketing approach in the research of the Northern territories

Tsvetkov A.Y.

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In article the concept of strategic marketing of the northern territories and the possibility of its application for long-­term efficient development of the territory and its internal and external stakeholders, the specific requirements that must be met, is considered. The main parameters of the model development of the Northern Territory. Authors model of the ‘economic − social − ecological marketing’ territory.


Methodical issues of the ethnopolitical and ethnosocial processes’ empirical researches in the regions of the Russian Arctic

Methodical issues of the ethnopolitical and ethnosocial processes’ empirical researches in the regions of the Russian Arctic

Anton M. Maksimov, Ilya F. Vereschagin, Maksim Yu. Zadorin

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The article considers the methodic aspects of empirical ethnopolitical and ethno-social research in the regions of the modern Russia. It is demonstrated that the tools for quantitative sociological research of interethnic and interdenominational relations should be adapted for large-scale cultural-historical groups of the regions. E.g., in the case of the Russian Arctic, the indigenous small-numbered peoples are an important subject of the ethnic policy, which requires the use of additional indicators that represent their cultural development and participation in ethnopolitical relations. The toolkit of empirical cross-regional studies usually includes the measurement of individual variables. The article proposes a more complex and systematic methodology based on the idea of constructing integral indices, aggregating the values of a set of related indicators. To analyze the dynamics of the ethnic components of the region's social system, a set of categories is proposed, through which it is possible to describe the configuration of the main ethnic actors and the state of political and cultural institutions. The categories were operationalized for the political, societal and socio-cultural subsystems of the region, resulting in a system of indicators for monitoring ethnopolitical and ethno-social processes. The article shows an example of the procedure for constructing an integral index of the ethnic policy' quality (nationalities policy index) based on indicators proposed by the authors for measuring ethnopolitical processes in the region. In the end of the paper, the major issues for the measuring the data unification got with the use of different methods from qualitatively different sources is set.


Methodological and methodical aspects of studying the social well-being of the population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the context of its value orientation

Methodological and methodical aspects of studying the social well-being of the population of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the context of its value orientation

Anton M. Maximov, Kristina O. Malinina, Tatyana A. Blynskaya, Svetlana M. Balitskaya

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The article considers the methodology problems of studying the population social well-being in relation to its hierarchies of values and attitudes. Social well-being is interpreted as an integral indicator with two aspects. First, social well-being represents the objective parameters of the quality of life related to the state of the socio-economic system of a society, the level of infrastructure development, social security and the quantity of political rights. Secondly, an evaluation of subjective well-being, including the overall satisfaction with life and social optimism. The article gives a general description of the main international and Russian methods for measuring the quality of life. The necessity of modification of existing methods is shown. It's proposed to be implemented by incorporating indicators that represent the specifics of living conditions in the Arctic, along with the preservation of universal tools for measuring social well-being. The characteristic of the international measurement methods of quality of life in the Arctic is given as an example of such modification. The article offers the idea that the study of social well-being should be done out in the context of the value orientation studies, because the latter is an important part of the individuals' interpretation of socio-economic, political and legal situation. It's proposed to use the additional variables, affecting the state of social well-being, such as personal motivational and value characteristics (dominant terminal and instrumental values) and culturally determinated value-behavioral imperatives common in a society.


Migration and family-marriage relationships – are the challenges of modern time: gender aspect (according to the sociological researchers)

Migration and family-marriage relationships – are the challenges of modern time: gender aspect (according to the sociological researchers)

Vinokurova D.M.

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The article is based on the sociological studies, found a tendency of reducing family of the family values, changes in the distribution of the family duties of spouses, the role of women in the migration in industrialization.


Migration attitudes and mechanisms for attracting young people to the Russian Arctic

Migration attitudes and mechanisms for attracting young people to the Russian Arctic

Eduard Z. Galimullin

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In this article, the author considers the migration outflow of the population from the Russian Arctic, a significant part of which are representatives of the socially active youth. A study of young people's motivations to move to a permanent or temporary place of residence in the Arctic showed that the idea of a region dominates the consciousness of this social group, characterized more by negative associations, such as “ice”, “cold” and “snow”. Nevertheless, some specific material incentives that, according to respondents, would positively influence a possible decision to relocate revealed. We are talking about providing additional paid vacations and rental housing. It was also possible to establish approximate boundaries of the minimum wage enough to decide on moving. The author claims that the socio-economic conditions changed after the collapse of the USSR. The state labor policy in the Arctic requires clarification concerning the discussed development options. Also, it demands the coherence of all measures taken at the legislative level in the context of speedy adoption of the fundamental law on the Russian Arctic. It is necessary to continue the policy of supporting various volunteer organizations as the most active and mobile structures for informing young people about employment opportunities in the Arctic and involving their representatives in socially useful activities.

