Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

High North scenarios and subnational realities: policies and practices in the Norwegian/Russian border zone

High North scenarios and subnational realities: policies and practices in the Norwegian/Russian border zone

Peter Haugseth

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As the world was becoming more interdependent, with increased global awareness of the northernmost parts of the world, both the Norwegian and Russian governments showed more political commitment to and interest in new forms of region-building and development in the High North from 2006 and onwards. Today, more than ten years later, many regional changes are evident in the Norwegian-Russian border zone, as a consequence of expanded people-to-people contacts in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region (BEAR). In this peripheral border area between two national states, villages and cities have become more open, both sociologically and legally for increased cross border cooperation (CBC) and networking. In this article I will take stock of some of these borderland openings following on from the consequence of the two nations’ rising levels of interest in the High North. It explores the ways in which (inter-)national policy-making and state-substate interactions ultimately altered centre-periphery dynamics. This article has based its approach to understanding the interplay of domestic and foreign policy instruments on the ‘substate diplomacy’ literature, which argues that increased state-substate interactions constitute an efficient in-strument for extending cooperation beyond national state borders. The efficiency of regionally driven sub-state interactions is discussed from an empirical perspective. The present study analyses various High North development contexts and discourses (effective from 2008) in the Arctic borderland between Norway and Russia. The new political commitments presented in state-level official documents (the branding of the High North) envisioned a transference of new industrial-economic high tech scenarios from state to local level. These scenarios included new borderland visa regimes, co-existing with cross-border forums invest-ments in improvements of roads, infrastructure, and transport rationalisations. The present article briefly assesses these policy rationales and their outcomes, revealing the region’s contemporary geopolitical and economical potential, as well as local and regional realities. The findings show that substate governments and stakeholders are able to operate in demanding trans-border contexts, contribute to ongoing contem-porary CBC discussions, and complement national and state-level efforts by using their regional expertise to solve problems.


History and activities of the Arctic Public Academy of Sciences

History and activities of the Arctic Public Academy of Sciences

Mitko Valery B., Minina Marina V., Mitko Arseny V.

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The founding of the St. Petersburg Scientific Public Organization “The Arctic Public Academy of Sciences”, created at the beginning of the 21st century, is briefly described in the article. The Academy is based on the Arctic direction of the Geopolitics and Security Section of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Three stages of its development are designated and commented on, as well as the main directions of the Academy's activities, and examples of projects. The Academy actively participates in international forums, conferences, summits, committees, and festivals. Being an expert scientific organization, APAS plays a vital role in civil society and consolidates domestic intellectual potential.


Human Security in the Arctic: Threats through the Prism of the "Northern Mentality"

Human Security in the Arctic: Threats through the Prism of the "Northern Mentality"

Konyshev V.N., Lagutina M.L.

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The article is devoted to the analysis of threats to human security in the Russian Arctic, taking into account the peculiarities of the “northern mentality”. The authors note that the concept of “human security” is relatively new for the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF), as until recently security in the northern regions of Russia was defined mainly from the state-centric positions. The universalist approach is hardly applicable in practical policy: it is impossible to build a policy of “human security in general” and transfer it to the conditions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The concept of human security and corresponding policies must be adapted to the specific conditions of the Russian Arctic. Today, however, the AZRF faces a set of new threats to human security that require a response. The authors examine several groups of threats to human security that are relevant to the AZRF, the reasons for their emergence and the extent to which they affect the further development of the region. In conclusion, the authors conclude that the transition of the AZRF to sustainable development is only possible if the threats to human security discussed in the article are neutralised. The key directions of human security policy, which is based on the principle of enhancing the viability and self-development of the peoples permanently living in the Arctic, are highlighted.


Human capital — a key factor of the Arctic economic development

Human capital — a key factor of the Arctic economic development

Natalia V. Govorova

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The article deals with the demographic, social and economic situation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Its demographic trends, main indicators of the economic and social development, the situation in the labor market, as well as providing the population with the necessary training and healthcare are studied. The central role in solving the complex problems of the Russian Arctic revival belongs to the workforce as it is the main factor of the current economic growth.


Humanization of the regional science»: Social Health of the European North

Humanization of the regional science»: Social Health of the European North

Shraga M.H., Kudrja L.I.

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Given clause (article) is a projection of the social - ecological methodology to studying of the social health of the city communities in the Russian North. Regional science the North by the author is understood as a science of the studying of the city communities of the Arctic regions. Noospheres are that scientific approach which can positively solve questions of the development of the North.


I would like to wish to the journal...

I would like to wish to the journal...

Glazichev V.L.



Identification of the Optimal Conditions for Functioning of the Arctic Marine Services Market

Identification of the Optimal Conditions for Functioning of the Arctic Marine Services Market

Balova M.B., Shilova N.A.

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The article analyzes the prerequisites for the development of the Arctic sea-­‐ market service, the main stages in the modernization of infrastructure of the Arctic transport sys-­‐ tem, as well as barriers to the exploitation of the Northern Sea Route.


Images of the Russian Arctic in the official dispute: the research for the explanation for the macro regional identity

Images of the Russian Arctic in the official dispute: the research for the explanation for the macro regional identity

Nazukina M.V.

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This article analyzes the external view of the problem of the socio-cultural community of the Arctic territories of Russia and macro perspectives of forming a single regional identity of the Arctic. Analyzes the key meanings of the Arctic identities in the official discourse.


Implications of the use of liquefied natural gas for marine transportation in the Arctic

Implications of the use of liquefied natural gas for marine transportation in the Arctic

Alеksei I. Patonia

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The transition from the use of bunker fuel to the use of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) for the Arctic marine transportation has various consequences. The author is interested to present the issue in the political, economic, environmental, marine legal perspectives. Implementing the regime efficiency and niche selection approach as well as the Environmental Kuznets Curve, the paper demonstrates potential benign interdependence of the Arctic countries after they have transferred their vessels to LNG. In such circumstances, Norway, Canada and the US are shown as the most benefiting nations. The second part of the article is devoted to the significant environmental improvement after the transition with a particular attention to the dramatic decrease of black carbon (soot) which leads to increase of albedo. Finally, the paper examines the existing legal provisions regulating the transition to LNG and modulates a further development scenario based on the theory of the lifecycle of a norm.


In the ice of the 40th meridian (the research of the death in the arctic expe-dition of G. L. Brusilov)

In the ice of the 40th meridian (the research of the death in the arctic expe-dition of G. L. Brusilov)

Zobnin A.N.

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In the article gives a refutation of the generally accepted versions of the fate of the thirteen members of the expedition Brusilov, remaining on board the schooner “St. Anna” after the departure of the navigator Albanov V. A., in April 1914. For the first time, gathered together on the basis of available historical and geographical sources of currents, winds and drifting ice in the Arctic in a particular area, showing the most probable direction of the drift of the schooner, the reasons for its demise and the subsequent path of G. Brusilov expedition to the eastern coast of Svalbard.


Increasing the Multiplier Effect of the Agro-Industrial Complex in the Northern Region: New Guidelines for Strategic Development

Increasing the Multiplier Effect of the Agro-Industrial Complex in the Northern Region: New Guidelines for Strategic Development

Mustafaev A.A., Naydenov N.D., Novokshonova E.N.

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The article discusses the problems of increasing the multiplier effect of the agro-industrial complex of the Komi Republic as a result of investment, as well as ways to accelerate the economic growth of its spheres and individual enterprises. The problems of motivation to increase capital investments in order to increase production and competitiveness of marketable products remain without due attention. The aim of the study is to substantiate the transition of the agro-industrial complex of the Komi Republic to an innovative and investment path of development, to more active methods of using advanced technologies and resource provision of investments, increasing the share of the intellectual component in their composition. The subject of the study is to determine the level of the multiplier effect of the agro-industrial complex of the Komi Republic as a method for assessing its effectiveness and competitiveness. Research methods — quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of total costs, scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, systems approach, historical and logical method, statistical observations. The article reveals the main trends of the multiplier effect in the agro-industrial complex of the Komi Republic. It is proposed to increase the multiplier effect of the agro-industrial complex for business entities to focus on the tasks of coordinating the flows of available investment resources.


Indefinitely on the Ice: Indigenous-explorer relations in Robert Abram Bartlett’s Accounts of the Karluk Disaster

Indefinitely on the Ice: Indigenous-explorer relations in Robert Abram Bartlett’s Accounts of the Karluk Disaster

Hanrahan Maura

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In 1914, the Canadian Arctic Expedition (CAE) attempted to advance Canadian sove-reignty in the Arctic as part of the colonial project, itself propelled by imperialist impulses rooted in complex imperialist ideology. The CAE came to an abrupt end with the sinking of one of its ships, the Karluk, with survivors setting up camp on Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean. With the Alaskan Inupiaq Claude Katаktovick1, Robert Abram Bartlett, captain of the Karluk, trekked hundreds of miles over rough ice to and then through Chukchi territory in Siberia. From there, Bartlett was able to mount a rescue of the remaining Karluk survivors. Bartlett’s accounts of his weeks with Kataktovick and the Chukchi serve as a case study of explorer-Indigenous relations in the era of exploration. The Indigenous people of the Arctic were subject to explorers in a hierarchical relationship built around supporting exploration. Despite their often central and sometimes life-saving roles, as actors, Indigenous people are generally invisible in polar narratives. Yet the story of the Karluk demonstrates that, even within the constraints of this context, Indigenous people could emerge as central agents and explorers could move towards more egalitarian relations with Indigenous people.


India and the Arctic: environment, economy and politics

India and the Arctic: environment, economy and politics

Tatyana L. Shaumyan, Valeriy P. Zhuravel

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The article analyzes the main trends in the development of India and the development of the Arctic: the participation in the study of global warming and the state of the Arctic ice; the use of the Northern Sea Route for transportation; expansion of international cooperation in the Arctic direction, including with Russia.


Indigenous people of the Arctic: concept, the current status of culture

Indigenous people of the Arctic: concept, the current status of culture

Sokolova F.H.

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Disclosed the etymological roots and essence of the concepts of ‛indigenous man’, ‛indigenous people’, displays the evolution of the content of the definitions of ‛indigenous people’ in the Russian and international legal practice, the ratio found in the evolutionary tradition and culture of the indigenous people of the Arctic.


Indigenous people of the North in the Arctic area of Yakutia: geoinformational research of the settlement in the ХХ century

Indigenous people of the North in the Arctic area of Yakutia: geoinformational research of the settlement in the ХХ century

Fillipova V.V.

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It is showed the dynamics of the number of the indigenous people of the North of Yakutia, according to the lists of the Population of the twentieth century and it was constructed the maps of the settlements with GIS technologies.


Indigenous people of the arctic and north: bibliographical list

Indigenous people of the arctic and north: bibliographical list

Guseva S.E.

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Published bibliographical references and sources on ‛Indigenous people of the Arctic and the North’.


Indigenous tourism and the Barents Euro-Arctic Region (BEAR)

Indigenous tourism and the Barents Euro-Arctic Region (BEAR)

Kjell Olsen

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In this article, it is argued that indigenous tourism must be understood as shaped by European ideas of the Other, as well as a more recent development in global politics. Such broad and increasingly global structures frame those heterogeneous populations that are labeled and label themselves indigenous. Furthermore, the current situation of these peoples is also shaped by their relationships to surrounding majorities and nation states. Therefore, definitions of indigenous tourism should rather be built on minorities’ degree of control of tourism activities than by ideas of emblematic cultural features. The growth in the tourism industry in many parts of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region also represents an opportunity for representing and maintaining cultural features among minorities. Nevertheless, minorities might also face challenges by being relegated to a position in the tourism industry where other more powerful actors define a rather narrow field of what indigenous tourism is. This article is based on literary studies of contemporary research on indigeneity, tourism, and Sámi tourism and draws upon the author’s extensive previous research on Sámi tourism in Norway.


Influence of building of the Kankun hydropower on the environment: as-sessment by the aboriginals of South Yakutia

Influence of building of the Kankun hydropower on the environment: as-sessment by the aboriginals of South Yakutia

Baisheva S.

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South Yakutia is the territory of residence of the native population (Evenki) and intensive industrial development. Sector studies have shown the presence of permanent factors that substantially affect the process of adaptation to the realities of life. Rapid changes of socio-economic structure of modern society have led to the emergence of new social and socio-political factors that have an intense impact on the Aboriginal community Evenki. The system of belief, constant communion with nature help to survive in the harsh environment of Evensk taiga, uncomfortable conditions of the national settlement with one hand. On the other, the invasion of industry on the territory of traditional nature compels Aboriginal community to increase their civic position, be able to assert their rights.


Influence of polar time record on the oxygen transportation function of blood of northerners of various age

Influence of polar time record on the oxygen transportation function of blood of northerners of various age

Lena B. Kim

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The work shows the results of studying the oxygen transportation function of blood of northerners of working age. It shows the dynamics of hematological variables depending on the length of living in the North (northern time record), which is important for human ecology.


Infrastructure projects — general resource for increasing the economic potential of the Arctic

Infrastructure projects — general resource for increasing the economic potential of the Arctic

Sergey S. Vopilovskiy

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The study examines modern challenges affecting the development of the Arctic marine transport system and the economic situation of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF). The basic normative legal acts that determine the activities of economic organizations in the Arctic are presented. It was determined that in the context of the world economy regression caused by geopolitical, economic, natural and other reasons, increasing the AZRF economic potential is a priority goal, and the implementation of tasks for the Arctic zone development and ensuring national security corresponds to the implementation of the Fundamentals of State Policy of Russia. The tendency of competitive struggle by the Arctic countries on the issues of economics and geopolitics is noted. The Northern Sea Route (NSR) is presented as the basis of the Arctic sea transport system, its economic potential, international importance, international integration with the People's Republic of China is shown. The main infrastructural projects of the Arctic for the development of the oil and gas complex, the construction of an icebreaker fleet, the construction of new and modernization of the existing ports of the NSR, etc. are presented to solve the problems of increasing cargo traffic along the Northern Sea Corridor. New projects for modernization of port infrastructure, transport development, etc. are considered. The purpose of the study is to assess the ongoing and planned infrastructure projects carried out by the state and business to increase the economic potential of the Arctic. Many of them are unique, which expresses firm confidence in the modern development of the Arctic zone, in ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation.

