Physics. Рубрика в журнале - Доклады независимых авторов

Alternative to the entropy increase principle
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The principle of entropy increase is discussed in the article from more general positions of thermokinetics as a theory generalizing non-equilibrium thermodynamics to reversible processes. Such an approach reveals the physical meaning of entropy as a thermoimpulse and proves its belonging to the same conserved quantities as the charge, the masses of the components, their impulses, and the quantities of motion. This reveals the inconsistency of the principle of entropy increase and the need to reformulate the 2nd law of thermodynamics without using the concept of entropy. The theory proposes non-entropic criteria of evolution and involution that can reflect the approach of a system to equilibrium or its distance from it for each degree of its freedom. It proves the inevitability of the occurrence of the circulation of matter and the entropy of the universe. The validity of these findings is confirmed by experimental and observational data.

Alternative to the theory of inversible processes
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We propose a thermodynamic theory that does not exclude from consideration any (reversible or irreversible) part of the real processes of energy transfer and conversion. This is achieved by the fact that the main quantities used by the thermodynamics of irreversible processes (TIP) - forces and flows - are found in it not on the basis of the principle of increasing entropy, but from the law of conservation of energy. This way of constructing TIP prevents the occurrence of thermodynamic inequalities and allows one to substantiate all its provisions without invoking the postulates and considerations of a molecular-kinetic and statisticalmechanical nature. This opens up the possibility of further reducing the number of empirical coefficients and expanding the scope of TIP applicability to nonlinear systems and states that are far from equilibrium, as well as to energy conversion processes which are primarily of interest to power engineers, technologists, biophysicists and astrophysicists. At the same time, the unity of the laws of transformation of all forms of energy and the difference between their equations, reciprocity relations and efficiency criteria from the generally accepted ones are proved. On this basis, a theory of similarity of power plants is proposed and their universal load characteristics are constructed, which make it possible to take the next step towards bringing the results of the thermodynamic analysis of their efficiency closer to reality.

Coriolis Force and centrifugal force in electrodynamics and mechanics
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The current understanding of the nature of the Coriolis force and centrifugal force raises many perplexing questions. The article proves that these forces can be justified as a consequence of Maxwell's equations for gravitomagnetism.

Equations of motion of a single charge in vacuum
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The motion of a single electric charge in a vacuum in the absence of any electromagnetic fields is considered. The system of Maxwell equations for this case is solved and it is shown that an electric charge with kinetic energy moves in a vacuum along a spiral path with a deceleration caused by the expenditure of energy on the magnetization reversal of the surrounding space.

Mathematical description of Euler disk and experiments with him
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It is pointed out that at present there is no complete theory of the Euler disk. A complete mathematical description of the Euler disk in statics is given. Some experiments are described.

Nonbarion matter as a medium of anomal radiations
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Specificity of anomalous radiation is explained from the point of view of the non-electromagnetic theory of light, according to which the luminiferous medium is unobservable (non-baryonic) matter, which is the main component of the universe. Proceeding from the possibility of studying its properties on the basis of observations of baryon (visible) matter as a product of its condensation, the most important properties of this matter and the expected relationships between the parameters characterizing these properties are revealed. It is shown that because of the instability of the stationary state of non-baryonic matter, spherical density waves arise in it, leading to the formation of elements of baryonic matter and to the appearance of traveling waves that make the latter visible. Proceeding from the principle of equivalence of mass and energy, an estimate of their energy is given and the unity of the laws of radiant energy exchange with other its forms is established. Some resemblance of non-baryonic matter with ether is noted and the possibility of a consistent explanation of the specificity of anomalous radiations with respect to the transfer of medicinal properties of medical preparations via communication lines is substantiated. Experimental evidence of the advanced non-electromagnetic concept of light is presented.

On the nature of electric charge and static electric field
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First, it is shown that in the capacitor, which is included in the DC circuit, there is there is a flow of electromagnetic energy, which continues to circulate even after disconnecting from the DC voltage source, and even when the metal plates are removed. Taking this fact into account, further, by analogy with the wave- AND-particle (WAP), the field-AND-particle (FAP) is described, which can be an electric charge or a holder of a static field.

On the nature of strong interactions
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The existing concept of the nature of nuclear forces has a number of disadvantages. The article proves that these forces can be substantiated as a consequence of Maxwell's equations. In this case, it is assumed that the nucleons rotate around their own axis with a certain angular velocity 𝜔𝜔. It is shown that the detected repulsive forces exceed the Coulomb forces of attraction by a factor of 𝜔𝜔. It is shown that, in spite of mutual attraction, rotating nucleons cannot touch.

Principle of processes discernibility
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The fundamental role of the principle of distinguishability of processes in the construction of fundamental disciplines is revealed. It establishes the correspondence of the number of degrees of freedom of a system to the number of processes occurring in it and prevents methodological errors in the mathematical apparatus of the systems studied. According to him, the study of nonequilibrium systems requires the introduction of additional parameters of heterogeneity. This leads to a generalization of the law of conservation of energy and allows you to abandon the idealization of processes, to avoid the occurrence of thermodynamic inequalities in the study of irreversible processes and to carry out the synthesis of fundamental disciplines.

Quantum mechanics: a particle is a volumetric standing wave
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It is indicated that a volume standing wave can exist in a vacuum, which retains its energy, and integrity, has mass and can change its shape. On this basis, it is shown that a particle can be such a wave and this allows us to abandon the principle of complementarity.

Quantum mechanics: a particle is a volumetric standing wave (the second part)
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mathematical model of the so-called wave-AND-particle (WAP), which constantly and simultaneously exhibits both the properties of a wave and the properties of a particle. WAP is a standing wave that exists in a limited space of vacuum. It does not have its own speed and can, like a particle, move with an arbitrarily low speed, it has energy, an internal flow of energy, momentum and mass. The quantitative characteristics of WAP, the shape and structure of WAP, the power, momentum and mass of WAP, areas consisting of many WAP are considered. Assumptions are made about the mechanical interactions of WAP, about the structure of elementary particles and vacuum.

Radiation of a uniformly moving charge
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It is generally accepted that a uniformly moving charge does not radiate. At the same time, Cherenkov-Vavilov radiation is known, which arises in a medium (but not in a vacuum), when a charge moves at a speed exceeding the speed of light in this medium. The energy for such radiation is extracted from the medium under the action of a particle moving in it. Below we will consider the rectilinear and uniform motion of a charge that moves in a vacuum and which has no other source of energy other than its own kinetic energy. It will be shown how from Maxwell's equations it follows that the flow of energy (its radiation) moves with the charge.

Real relativity theory. Kinematics
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There are considered theoretical and experimental evidences that bodies, moving relatively to physical vacuum, don’t experience Lorentz’s contraction in its movement direction, and expand in plane, perpendicular to this direction, moreover this expansion is not kinematic, but dynamic effect. Based on this and based on experimentally established «time dilatation» fact in the moving reference frames, differing from both Lorentz transformation and Eagl-Tangherlini (ETT-theory) transformations, space-time coordinates transformations are postulated. Based on these, new relativistic theory is built. Author called this theory as «real» theory. It clarifies most of the ETT theory achievements, satisfies correspondence principle and is free from paradoxes. Its relations, unlike similar ETT-theory relations, have a certain symmetry. According to this theory, light speed in moving reference frames is anisotropic, but its «bilateral» value is independent on direction.

Rehabilitation of Rutherford's Atom Model
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It is shown that in the planetary model of the Rutherford atom there are stable in height - stationary orbits of the electron, the reason for the stability and discreteness of stationary orbits is substantiated.

Solving Maxwell's Equations for AC Wire
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It is indicated that an electromagnetic wave propagates in an AC wire. The well-known solution of Maxwell's equations in the form of a wave equation is not acceptable, if only because in such a solution the law of conservation of energy is fulfilled only on average.

Solving Maxwell's Equations for a Cylindrical Wave in Vacuum
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It is proved, as a consequence of the solution of Maxwell's equations, that theoretically possible cylindrical waves of different radii and different frequencies, carrying a flux of electromagnetic energy of different magnitude. The question remains open whether there are natural processes that create such waves.

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The modes of dynamics of a graviton field medium and its possibilities for trans-mitting interactions between substance objects based on the principles of proximity and continuity are considered. It is shown that the equations describing these principles allow us to obtain all the formulas of classical and relativistic mechanics without using Lorentz transformations and special relativity theory (SRT). Differences in understanding the concepts of mass and energy in real physics based on the graviton field and mathematical physics based on SRT are given.

The spread of coronavirus in the air
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The question of how the coronavirus spreads in the air is being considered. It is shown that the existing ideas about the spread of the virus as particles are unconvincing. It is shown that the coronavirus can spread as an electromagnetic wave modulated by the natural frequency of the coronavirus. Numerous analogies are pointed out. Possible methods of dealing with the pandemic are proposed, which require studying the physics of the propagation of high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the air and the interaction of organic molecules through the exchange of electromagnetic radiation.

Theoretical substantiationof the Meissner effect
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It is shown on the basis of the analysis of the experiment [2] that the Meissner effect requires an explanation not only of the fact of repulsion but also of the attraction of a magnet and a superconductor. It is proved on the basis of resolving Maxwell's equations (without additional assumptions) that the field of a permanent magnet creates in a superconductor a direct current, the structure of which is a solenoid. This solenoid interacts with the magnet in such a way that the superconductor at a certain distance from the magnet finds a stable position in which the planes of the end face of the magnet and the superconductor coincide.

To substantiate Mach's principle
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The relationship between the inert and gravitational masses on Earth has been established. It is shown that Mach's principle and the principle of equivalence of inert and gravitational masses can be investigated experimentally.