Статьи журнала - Интеграция образования
Все статьи: 2476

"Руководствоваться законом и совестью": Hard Skills и Soft Skills в юридическом образовании
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Введение. Исследование посвящено изучению способов интеграции «жестких» и «мягких» навыков студентов юридических вузов. Такой подход необходим для обучения студентов принятию решений в ситуациях ценностно-нормативной неопределенности, при которых требуется интеграция права и морали, общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций. В качестве примера ценностно неоднозначной проблемы выбрано публичное использование риторики ненависти, предполагающей поиск определенного баланса публичных и частных интересов, права свободно выражать свое мнение и защиты от дискриминации, оскорбления, стигматизации, права на уважение частной и семейной жизни. Материалы и методы. В исследовании приняли участие 62 студента, обучающиеся по юридическим специальностям и направлениям подготовки. Использовался кейс-метод, материалы которого были структурированы по уровням образовательных целей в соответствии с классической таксономией Блума. Кейс посвящен анализу спорного комментария С. Терентьева. Результаты исследования. Применение кейс-метода для формирования навыков принятия решения в условиях ценностно-нормативной неопределенности (на примере противодействия риторике ненависти) позволило интегрировать общекультурные и профессиональные компетенции студентов-юристов, вовлечь в активную групповую работу студентов, которые обычно не включаются в обсуждение. Однако необходимо отметить, что использование кейс-метода в процессе обучения в целях интеграции «жестких» и «мягких» навыков имеет ряд ограничений: подготовка к занятию ресурсозатратна как для преподавателя, так и для студентов; материалы кейса быстро устаревают и предполагают постоянное обновление и переработку; выбор материала и подача его на занятии требуют особого педагогического такта и четкой расстановки аксиологических акцентов. Обсуждение и заключение. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы для разработки кейсов, при помощи которых в процессе обучения можно создать ситуации, способствующие интеграции общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций студентов-юристов, а также сформировать у студентов навыки принятия решений в условиях ценностно-нормативной неопределенности, способствовать личностному и профессиональному развитию.

"Университетский лицей" как интегративная модель довузовского образования в опорном университете
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Введение: приоритетом развития образовательных организаций, ориентированных на решение задач региональных экономик и на обеспечение местного рынка труда квалифицированными специалистами, становится создание условий для наиболее раннего осознания обучающимися своего предназначения и призвания, в том числе определения своей профессионально-образовательной траектории и опережающее освоение элементов будущих профессиональных компетенций. Цель статьи заключается в моделировании интегративного довузовского образовательного пространства на основе синтеза потенциалов формального, неформального и информального образования. Материалы и методы: в качестве теоретико-методологической стратегии исследования рассматривается интегративный подход, реализация которого во взаимосвязи с системным, личностно-деятельностным, компетентностным, синергетическим подходами обеспечивает объединение различных структур, звеньев, компонентов довузовского образования и его выход на более высокий качественный уровень. Решение исследовательских задач обеспечивалось комплексом взаимодополняющих теоретических (анализ научной, методической литературы по изучаемой проблеме, сравнительный анализ, сопоставление, обобщение, систематизация, моделирование) и эмпирических (изучение и обобщение нормативно-правовых документов, передового педагогического опыта, метод экспертных оценок) методов. Результаты исследования: представлена разработанная модель довузовского образования «Университетский лицей» как базовое, фундаментальное ядро в структуре непрерывного образования опорного университета, интегрирующая ресурсы и научно-образовательный потенциал общего, профессионального и дополнительного образования региона. Один из путей интеграционного взаимодействия - организация сетевого партнерства, направленная на включение в образовательный процесс различных субъектов непрерывного образования, в том числе представителей профессионального сообщества, что, по мнению автора, обеспечит ее действенность в целях осознанного профессионального самоопределения и саморазвития личности обучающегося. Обсуждение и заключения: ожидаемым эффектом реализации модели в условиях довузовского образовательного пространства университета выступает привлечение одаренной молодежи, мотивированной для продолжения образования в университете, что будет способствовать становлению вуза как системообразующего компонента непрерывного регионального образования. Предлагаемые положения и выводы создают предпосылки для дальнейшего изучения феномена довузовского образования в методологическом, содержательном, процессном и организационном планах, а представленный практический опыт реализации интегративной модели довузовского образования «Университетский лицей» может быть использован при проектировании образовательного пространства, обеспечивающего непрерывность и преемственность образования, в других образовательных организациях.

2004 г. - год мордовского национального просветительства
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Статья приурочена к отмечаемому в 2004 г. в Мордовии году мордовского национального просветительства. Автор дает определение понятия «национальное просветительство», характеризует основные направления этого общественно-педагогического явления и его значение в этнической истории, приводит страницы биографий мордовских просветителей А.Ф. Юртова и М.Е. Евсевьева

A Review of European Research on Content and Language Integrated Learning
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Introduction. Subjects’ integration in formal teaching can play an important role in addressing the issue of authentic and meaningful learning as opposed to rote memorisation. Content and language integrated learning has been the subject of educational studies for three decades. The scope of research is broad, and from the primary focus on foreign language performance, it has been slowly extended to the impact of Content and language integrated learning on content and mother tongue. The purpose of the research is to summarize selected research articles on Content and language integrated learning application and to estimate its summary average effect on content development in a group of students aged 10‒16. Materials and Methods. The article presents the systematic review of the studies published in the Web of Science database in the last decade (2010–2020) and surveys the selected empirical studies that focus on the impact of Content and language integrated learning implementation on the content subjects at primary and secondary schools. Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the analysis. Data from six studies were also statistically evaluated using Comprehensive meta analysis and RevMan software, and the synthesis is presented in the Results and Discussion parts. Results. Based on the 16 discussed studies’ results, Content and language integrated learning intervention produces positive added value; however, the statistical meta-analysis showed no statistically significant differences between the Content and language integrated learning and non-CLIL groups in their content knowledge and the results favouring non-CLIL groups. As the groups’ size differed in terms of absolute value, the pooled standard deviation was used to reflect the sample sizes and standard deviation were averaged with more weight given to the larger sample groups. Discussion and Conclusion The practical significance and prospects of the study lie in pointing out the benefits of Content and language integrated learning and stressing the importance of its inclusion in teacher training study programmes along with the development of pre-service teachers’ creativity, critical thinking and ability to create their materials.

A performance-centred competency-based approach to quality university teaching
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Introduction. In order to encourage more flexible working environments and establish generators of sustainable development for participating countries through an educated society, various international organisations that intervene in the quality dimension within the framework of a systemic approach to Higher Education, including the World Bank, have made multiple efforts to establish various recognitions, certifications and credits pertaining to competency-based education. Materials and Methods. The research, featuring a study of theoretical-interpretative design, was based around the qualitative paradigm. Information was obtained by means of semi-structured interviews with 14 lecturers from different universities in the city of Quito in Ecuador. The data obtained were triangulated with a review of the literature carried out by the researchers. Results. The informants considered cognitive competencies to be the most relevant within the context of teacher formation. Research, planning and organisation skills were not established in importance due to university professionalisation. Additionally, the need to establish curricular changes in the Ecuadorian university pedagogy was confirmed. Discussion and Conclusion. After contrasting the opinions of university professors and formation theories, a theoretical reflection is presented in which the importance of unifying professional formation and investigative competencies is emphasised. This unification allows the quality of higher education centred around the teacher as the main actor to be increased.

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Introduction. The aim of the study is to find ways to expand teacher efficacy by examining how the teacher's efficacy varies according to the school organisation culture and the level of the professional learning community. Materials and Methods. Survey methods were used to collect the data from 400 in-service teachers at elementary, middle, and high schools in South Korea, with five schools selected from each region, respectively. This study utilizes the data from 359 teachers. This study used a random sampling method, taking the location of the school into consideration. Descriptive statistics were used to examine the overall trends in school organisation culture. T-test was used to examine differences among research variables depending on the personal background of gender and teacher level, and the F-test and Scheffe tests were used for school level and teaching experience. Results. First, school's organization culture is transforming and evolving into a more ideal and model culture. As schools increasingly transform into innovative schools, innovative cultures and group cultures gradually form. Second, a school is a type of organization system that elicits responses elicits a variety of responses from the teachers depending on their personal background and characteristics. Third, professional learning communities have a positive effect on teacher efficacy. Therefore, school organisation culture can be seen as a better predictor of teacher efficacy than a professional learning community. Discussion and Conclusion. The article is of interest to the managers of the school education system.

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Introduction. This article deals with design and development of participatory learning. Three different perspectives: literature review, students' feedback and teachers' feedback were analyzed. The relevance of this study is determined by the apparent improvement of students' proficiency of English, deeper knowledge about their profession and higher self-confidence in and after classes. The purpose of this article is to use participatory learning methods to build a new and more effective educational process for professional English teaching. Materials and Methods. Our research implemented the principle of participatory learning to improve the students' communicative ability of English. Visual aids were applied to enrich teaching methods and open classroom setting was adopted to upgrade the learning atmosphere. Group learning mode was to cultivate students' ability of communication and cooperation. Theme-based teaching setting was carried out to encourage students' self-study ability, knowledge summary ability and creativity. Questionnaires, interview and peer observation were used. The objectives of the experiment were 50 third-year students majoring in radiation protection and nuclear safety at Chengdu University of Technology. Results. Survey results reflect different aspects of students' perception of the new settings, encountered difficulties in learning and new challenges for teachers. The positive feedbacks to the experiment were received from peer teachers. It is found that students of PLA group were more active, better performed in courses, and had an average increase of 8.18 points (total 100 points) in exams. Discussion and Conclusion. Our results and discussions lie in the smart connection between nuclear studies and English learning, and are based on varied qualitative research methods to verify the effectiveness of participatory learning. Through the analysis of the results, it can be seen that participatory learning has changed the traditional teaching mode to a certain extent and the nuclear major students were more effectively engaged in the professional English classes. It is, therefore, recommended to apply the research results to engineering related ESP practices at universities and colleges in China or in other culture.

Assessing the teaching quality of economics programme: instructor course evaluations
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Introduction. In recent years, measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of higher education has become a major issue. Most developed countries are using national surveys to measure teaching and assessment as key determinants of students' approaches to learning which have direct effect on the quality of their learning outcomes. In less developed countries, there does not exist a national survey. This paper aims to propose an original questionnaire assessing the teaching quality. The specifics of this questionnaire, termed as the Instructor Course Evaluation Survey, is that it addresses three main dimensions, such as: Learning Resources, Teaching Effectiveness, and Student Support. Materials and Methods. The paper opted for an analytic study using 3,776 completed questionnaires. This is a case study applied to the students enrolled in economics program in a private university in Albania. The Instructor Course Evaluation Survey design was supported by the literature review, identifying the three main dimensions included in the questionnaire. The reliability was tested with Cronbach's alpha and with Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The use of Confirmatory Factor Analysis helps in identifying issues of multi-dimensionality in scales. Results. The paper provides empirical insights into the assessing methodology and brings a new model of it. The finding suggests that Learning Resources, Teaching Effectiveness and Student Support increase the quality of teaching. Because of the chosen research target group, students from economics program, the research results may not be generalizable. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to test the proposed statements further. Discussion and Conclussion. The paper includes implications for the development of a simple and useful questionnaire assessing the quality of teaching. Although Instructor Course Evaluation Survey was applied specifically to economics program, the proposed questionnaire can be broadly applied. This paper fulfills an identified need to propose an original and simple questionnaire to be used from different universities and programs to measure the quality of teaching.

Assessment of student satisfaction with distance and blended learning
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Introduction. Blended learning has gained prominence due to increased technological inclusion in the wake of post-Covid era. It comprises hybrid learning strategies where in-campus and online learning mediums are used. However, the students’ satisfaction has become the most significant concern of the researchers in the context of the adoption of blended learning in the educational domain. The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study on the effectiveness of blended and distance learning in terms of student satisfaction. Materials and Methods. The study is quantitative in nature and purposively recruits 200 study participants who were either undergraduate students or diploma holders studying at a university. An online survey form was designed to collect data from the participants. The data collected was analyzed using Statistical Package of Social Sciences version 23.0. Descriptive Statistical Analysis using frequencies and percentages were used. Moreover, to find the association between students’ satisfaction and blended and distance learning, ANOVA test was conducted. Results. The study shows that students’ satisfaction had been greatly acknowledged as a significant factor in recognizing the courseʼs effectiveness, especially the blended learning course. In conclusion, this study provided positive feedback about hybrid learning methods and distance learning and their effect on studentsʼ satisfaction, leading to better learning and academic performance. Discussion and Conclusion. The findings of this study are significant for the teachers as they will be coordinating with the students and will be able to assist them in learning and management issues.

Attitude to labor among learners of industrial colleges in Russia, China and Iran
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Introduction. A contradiction which we are able to observe over a few recent decades between necessity to participate in innovative processes and their natural stressogenic character has underlined the importance of developing programs for proactive organizational socialization which will be capable of building up successful behavior competences in VUCA environment in Industry 4.0. When self-actualization in labor is being devalued, attitude to labor is now considered as a key competence. Purpose: to reveal features of attitude to labor as a basis of professional socialization of learners studying at industrial colleges in countries which are now entering the new technological reality with a different degree of success: Russia, China and Iran. Materials and Methods. The analysis draws on the data obtained with WorkBAT method developed by J. Spence and A. Robbins, and their correlation with the values of organizational cultures which are characteristic of industrial colleges. The data on organizational cultures were obtained with OCAI method developed by C. Cameron and R. Quinn. Results. Russian students do not feel the changed nature of labor, their attitude to it is substituted by a wish to strengthen clan-based and loosen hierarchical components of the organizational cultures. Iranian students have a negative attitude to labor in a real hierarchical environment and a positive attitude to it in an innovative market environment, which suggests that they would be engaged and emotionally satisfied. Chinese students, having experienced specific organizational cultures of innovative companies in real life, have a positive attitude to labor in a hierarchical environment of stability and certainty. Discussion and Conclusion. The findings contribute to the development of scientific understanding of the role of value-based work readiness in the turbulent environment of a modern enterprise and the psychological mechanisms of proactive organizational socialization, taking into account socio-cultural country specificity.

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Introduction. Recently, multilingualism and translanguaging have received considerable attention and are always a topic of interest and public debate in language education. However, to our knowledge, studies on pre-service EFL teachers’ beliefs about multilingualism with respect to translanguaging in the Indonesian context have not appeared in the literature. Therefore, to address this gap, this research investigated beliefs about multilingualism with respect to translanguaging, including language separation, language use/mixing, and language support, among pre-service EFL teachers in the Indonesian context. Materials and Methods. This study is quantitative in nature, adopting a survey research design. We collected data from 270 pre-service EFL teachers using an online Likert scale questionnaire that lacked any potentially sensitive questions. They were between the ages of 17 and 26, and were English teacher candidates majoring in English education at higher education institutions on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, and Kalimantan. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, which included the percentages and frequency distributions of the participants’ Likert scale responses. Results. The current study’s findings corroborate previous research indicating that teachers believe multilingualism and collaborative use of languages are potential assets that can benefit their students’ language learning. Discussion and Conclusion. Language separation in EFL classrooms appears to be a point of contention for the majority of pre-service EFL teachers surveyed, with a preference for and support for multilingualism and translanguaging over language separation in EFL classrooms. They agree on the importance of using or mixing other languages in their classes. On the one hand, they believe that it is critical to avoid other language support in classrooms; on the other hand, they believe that other language support can benefit students, offering a wave of optimism about future language education. Therefore, there is a need to gradually introduce and include pedagogical translanguaging to the existing curricula. The integration of new multilingual facts and the implementation of translanguaging pedagogies are part of a larger educational renewal. There is a need to intentionally create a multilingual space (translanguaging space) in EFL classrooms to fully utilise studentsʼ multilingual capabilities creatively and critically because today many teachers struggle to reconcile the disparities between monolingual educational policies and the realities of multilingual classrooms.

Chinese students’ beliefs about English language and their L2 motivation
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Introduction. This study adopts a Global Englishes perspective to examine dimensions within beliefs about English language held by Mainland Chinese university students. It also assesses whether and how these beliefs impact the students’ motivation to learn English (L2 motivation). Materials and Methods. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 460 students learning English as a Foreign Language at a large public university in Mainland China. The questionnaire contained 28 items to assess the students’ language beliefs and their L2 motivation. One section of the questionnaire gathered demographic information about the respondents. The research instrument was approved by the University’s Research Ethics Committee. Exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed to analyze the data. Results. The Exploratory factor analysis identified four distinct dimensions within the language learners’ beliefs, namely, Beliefs about Standard English, Beliefs about Global Englishes, Beliefs about English language education and Beliefs about China English. Three dimensions were identified within the students’ L2 motivation, namely, International posture, Integrative orientation and Instrumental orientation. The ensuing regression analysis detected positive and statistically significant relationships between some dimensions in the language beliefs and L2 motivation. Particularly, Beliefs about English language education were found to have the strongest impact on L2 motivation. Discussion and Conclusion. The findings from the exploratory factor analysis support the views that language-related beliefs have distinct dimensions. They also give empirical evidence to the validity of the Global Englishes notion. From a language teaching perspective, the findings highlight the need to adopt GE-oriented pedagogies.

Classification of networks in higher education: a marketing analysis of the club of ten (Russia)
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Introduction: the networking as a development practice in business has not yet become widespread. Moreover, there are very few studies of network interactions in the field of science and education. Advances in marketing evaluation of network entities are very rare. The goal of this article is to develop methodological criteria for such an assessment. These methods were tested on findings from the network partnership established by federal universities in Russia. Materials and Methods: to study and generalise real-world experience, a case study method was used, which the authors understand as an empirical research method aimed at studying phenomena in real time and in the context of real life. Results: the authors proposed a comprehensive methodology for estimation of networks. The application of this method of analysis enabled identification of the key problems and barriers to the implementation of the project. One of the main problems is the lack of marketing analysis, lack of understanding of its target audience, and, accordingly, the lack of a transparent vision of development. Besides, the authors have developed a classification of network partnerships. Т1Ю analysis empowers classification of the network of Russian universities as an inter-organisational polycentric partnership of a quasi-integration type, based on a neoclassical contract with relational elements. The analysis of the network development has revealed significant deviations of the results from the initially claimed ones. Discussion and Conclusions: the theoretical significance of the work consists in the application of the network theory to an atypical object for the economic theory, i.e. the analysis of the sphere of higher education. Practical significance lies in the possibility of application of results obtained through real projects in real-time mode. The results of the study are applicable to educational systems for practically all countries with a transition type of economic and educational systems.

Classroom management in EFL classes: perception in China and Russia
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Introduction. Classroom management has been one of the most vital fields of study of language teaching. It deals with establishing and maintaining a safe and positive learning environment, which is an essential condition for effective teaching. The rapid growth of the internationalization of education calls for comparing classroom management across countries. However, the comparative study of this aspect Chinese and Russian has long been delayed. The aim of this study is to examine the perception of classroom management in China and Russia regarding teaching English as a Foreign Language. Materials and Methods. In this research classroom management is defined by three fundamental aspects: instructional management in a traditional and online setting; behavioral management through discipline and timing; and behavioral management through communication and teacher-student relationships. A 5-point Likert scale questionnaire was implemented at both Chinese and Russian universities, three quartiles and Mann-Whitney U test were applied to the interval data. Results. By cross-culturally analyzing similarities and differences in perception of questionnaire items, it is found that generally, the perception of classroom management between Chinese and Russian respondents has more similarities than the distinctions. The authors also gave several practical recommendations to teaching staff for more adequate classroom management in China and Russia. Discussion and Conclusion. Understanding differences in perception of Chinese and Russian respondents at universities are helpful for teaching staff and students to understand each other's expectation, as well as stimulating new or modified strategies of classroom management. Potential areas of further research can cover the causes of differences and similarities in perception and practices of classroom management across Chinese and Russian culture.

Contribution of Indonesia Cahaya method to the improvement of early childhood teachers' skills
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Introduction. The article is devoted to the enhancement of quality of teachers' skills in Indonesia. Qualified teachers do not happen by themselves, it requires conscious, planned, continuous efforts to improve their knowledge and competencies. This research aims at examining the contribution of the Indonesia Cahaya Method to fostering teachers' skills, including motivation in teaching, learning management skills, presenting effective learning materials, preparing interesting and fun learning, developing teaching aids; creating a dynamic learning atmosphere. The Indonesia Cahaya Method is one of the most popular learning methods for early childhood education system in Indonesia. This method was developed through a longitudinal study conducted by Dr. Masnipal, M.Pd. and Onyas Rohayati, which aims at determining the contribution of the Indonesia Cahaya Method to improving teaching skills of early childhood teachers. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted as follows: giving a pre-test to teacher before the training began; carrying out training (treatment) for 8 hours (2 x 4 hours) with the help of the team, applying the method into learning in their respective schools in 6-8 weeks (minimum 30 and a maximum of 40 classes); and conducting a post-test by a colleague (one of the teachers at the primary/elementary school) with observations and interviews. Results. The research findings conclude that the Indonesia Cahaya Method has contributed to the improvement of early childhood teachers' teaching performance. The improvement of teachers' teaching skills can be seen in: teachers' motivation in teaching, skills in managing learning, skills in presenting effective learning materials, interesting and fun learning packaging skills, and ability in creating an atmosphere dynamic learning. In addition, the improvement of teachers' teaching skills was followed by an increase in students' participation in learning. Discussion and Conclusion. The training method is considered feasible to be followed, studied, developed and implemented in learning by early childhood education teachers. The results of this study add new references to various parties that the Indonesian Cahaya method can be an alternative in developing the competence of early childhood teachers and open up opportunities for further researchers to develop this method, especially at the elementary school level. The article targets primary school education managers and teachers.

Current research on inclusive education in Mexico
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Introduction. The study of access, participation and learning for people with disabilities in Mexico has been a recurring theme in the country's educational research, however, its treatment over the last three decades has been superficial and contradictory. Based on a systematised literature review, guided through the PRISMA-S checklist and by means of a qualitative content analysis we describe and analyse the most developed themes and approaches in Mexican research published in indexed journals on the education of people with disabilities over the last nine years.

Cтратегии заполнения лакун в клоуз-тесте учащимися с тяжелыми нарушениями речи
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Введение. Уровень сформированности текстовой компетенции в аспекте понимания фактуальной информации текста в основной школе обеспечивает успешность освоения предметного содержания обучения. Актуальность исследования стратегий работы с деформированным текстом учащихся ‒ подростков с общим недоразвитием речи обусловлена тем, что ее результаты способствуют определению механизмов недостаточного уровня понимания текстовой информации. Цель статьи – представить результаты исследования динамики реализации ведущих стратегий заполнения лакун в клоуз-тесте у школьников с общим недоразвитием речи, обучающихся в V–X классах. Материалы и методы. В качестве основного метода исследования на уровне констатирующего эксперимента использовался модифицированный метод клоуз-теста. Результаты выполнения клоуз-теста, в качестве которых служили ученические работы по заполнению лакун в тексте, подвергались количественно-качественному анализу. На аналитическом этапе исследования применялись методы выделения признаков и факторов, корреляционный анализ. Математическая обработка осуществлялась с использованием однофакторного дисперсионного анализа ANOVA. Результаты исследования. На основе качественно-количественного анализа работ учащихся выявлены три основные группы стратегий линейного развертывания и вероятностного прогнозирования: установление семантических связей на уровне лексического компонента, на уровне ассоциаций, отсутствие стратегии. Анализ субститутов в отношении их соответствия грамматическим требованиям позволил выявить следующую типологию проявлений аграмматизма: неверное использование частей речи, ошибки оформления грамматической связи в рамках словосочетания, несоответствие грамматической формы субститута требованиям к грамматическому оформлению предложения. С помощью корреляционного анализа обнаружены связи между различными видами стратегий заполнения лакун подростками с общим недоразвитием речи, а также их взаимосвязь с уровнями понимания фактуального содержания текста. Обсуждение и заключение. Выявленные характеристики функционирования механизмов линейного развертывания и вероятностного прогнозирования текста могут быть использованы в целях диагностической, коррекционной и образовательной работы со школьниками. Полученные результаты вносят вклад в развитие онтолингвистики, дизонтолингвистики, специальной педагогики, логопедии и школьной методики развития речи.

Статья научная
Introduction. The strategy for the development of international education ERASMUS 20.30 stimulates the study of how intellectual integration programmes are introduced into the system of further education of universities around the world. The research is relevant, for studying the integration of intellectual potential in a single space of higher and further education EHEA allows to determine the efficacy of application of world benchmarking technologies in the management of SMART/UNI-Q systems and the convergence of world universities. The EU Education Department conditioned the significance of the research content by the target request to investigate the change in the benchmarking mission at the international education market and to make a thorough informational review of its application in the international activities of universities in the EU, CIS and the Russian Federation for the dissemination of information by international partner universities of ERASMUS central office. The study aims at identifying general and specific indicators of sustainable international partnerships that affect consumer demand at the international education and labour markets by means of concretization of an extensive descriptive analysis of the intellectual integration benchmarking and the description of the processes of benchmarking technology application, its scientific identification and implementation in individual universities, university alliances and consortia. Researchers were looking for an answer to the question: why, with high interest and theoretical recognition of technology benchmarking in quality management, universities show low rates of benchmarking in assessing the quality of their international activities. Materials and Methods. It is the first time that the research of benchmarking intellectual integrations in the university international activities uses the method of descriptive analysis. The study identifies active sectors of the SMART / UNI-Q benchmarking for the entire set of data voluntarily submitted by the universities participating in the projects of the Austrian Institute for Intellectual Integrations in the pre-pandemic period of 2017-2020. The participating countries have analyzed the share of key participants and the share of published benchmarking studies. The study analyzes the changes in the benchmarking mission in the international education market in accordance with the needs of global consumers. The analysis uses the data of the bases of the EU Department of Education, the ETINED platform and open-access European dissertation reviews portals. The research uses the WERGELAND European Resource Center data as the comparison point indicators. The study presents an analysis of five segments of international benchmarking: transparency, diversity, “product line”, digital activity, and digital management tools. Modus infographics shows the real, improved and ideal models. The applied comparative analysis studies the asynchrony of academic mobility during the COVID crisis. Results. The research findings show low value of efficiency indicators for the use of intellectual integration benchmarking in the international cooperation of university alliances. The predominance and stable efficiency in the use of benchmarking takes place at certain universities in Europe during periods of activity in implementing new strategies of international education and only for a short time most often during the periods of university accreditation. The model for overcoming sustainable development asynchronies in the management of SMART/UNI-Q systems according to the criterion of guaranteeing the quality of higher education in international cooperation EHEA is not final and today it is possible to characterize it through descriptive indicators. Amid the economic crisis and turbulence associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, a decline in large-scale academic mobility is an inevitable trend. However, due to the growing difference in the responses of economies and management in the field of higher vocational education between developed and less developed countries, as well as with the strengthening of general trends in economic integration, the number of academic migrants is likely to increase. Asynchrony, that is, unevenness, of opportunities and adaptation to the new digital environment of university consortia and the possibility to implement the opportunities in practice has become a psychological problem of scientific migration. Discussion and Conclusion. The materials of this article will be useful to CEO-s of international universities, heads of departments of international activities, employees of ERASMUS national offices, coordinators of ERAS-MUS+ projects, departments of continuing professional education and academic mobility in the development of promising strategies for external and internal benchmarking of inter-university projects of intellectual integration and international activity quality management.