Статьи журнала - Интеграция образования

Все статьи: 2449

Project work management addressing the needs of BVI learners of EFL

Project work management addressing the needs of BVI learners of EFL

Makarova Tatiana S., Matveeva Eugenia E, Molchanova Maria A., Morozova Elena A., Burenina Natalia V.

Статья научная

Introduction: it is known that inclusive education that opens access to education and facilitates students with special educational needs to socialize successfully is concentrated in special schools whilst mainstream teachers generally lack the methodology of teaching disabled students inclusively. The aim of the article is searching the best ways of educating students with special needs and providing specific conditions of the educational process in mainstream schools. Materials and Methods: the research is based on the results of fulfillment of a number of projects that deal with teaching and educating blind and visually impaired learners and in which all the authors of the article were involved. The problematic approach, the logical method and observation were applied to the research; analysis, comparison, generalization being the most important components of the study. The quantitative data were collected, analyzed and resumed as well. Results: the impact of project work implementation on academic and social skills development of blind and visually impaired students is shown and various types of projects that can be made by visually impaired learners are presented. The authors give their comments when analyzing different ways of adapting research activities to the needs of BVI learners. When speaking in detail on the role of web tools as maximizers of students' potential the authors refer to their own experience in implementing web tools in project work with blind and visually impaired learners. Discussion and Conclusions: university teacher-training programs should be revised and improved by offering additional courses aimed at educating impaired students through doing research or project work. Special attention should be paid to developing the instructors' project management skills in terms of teaching English as a foreign language to learners with special needs. It should be noted that different methods and various technological tools are to be used in order to develop research and creative skills of blind and visually impaired learners in an EFL classroom. The article itself, its references and links can be used within the course of lectures and seminars on Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages, and can also be applied when developing a course of re-training of in-service teachers with particular focus on teaching foreign languages to students (pupils) with special educational needs.


Promoting creative professional behavior of future educators: the role of social capital, motivation and self-efficacy

Promoting creative professional behavior of future educators: the role of social capital, motivation and self-efficacy

Saputro I.N., Mahfud T., Sari A.I., Sukatiman

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Introduction. Creative teaching behaviour for vocational teacher candidates has increased students’ creative skills. So, it is natural for scholars to pay full attention to how to shape creative teaching behaviour for teachers and candidates. Therefore, this study aims to explore the role of social capital on the creative teaching behaviour of teachers by involving motivation and self-efficacy as mediators. Materials and Methods. This study involved university students who were involved in a teacher education program. Two hundred twenty-eight campus students in a teacher education program at a state university in Yogyakarta-Indonesia participated in this study. Structural equation modelling analysis is used to prove the hypothesis. Results. The study results reveal that teacher candidates’ creative teaching behaviour is influenced by social capital, motivation, and self-efficacy. In addition, teacher candidates’ strength of social capital also predicts motivation and beliefs related to their teaching abilities. This study also proves that motivation and self-efficacy act as mediators that significantly mediate the effects of social capital on creative teaching behaviour for teacher candidates. Discussion and Conclusion. The results of this study provide important implications for university lecturers involved in teacher education programs to strengthen social capital, motivation, and self-efficacy for teacher candidates through the teaching process.


Psychological and pedagogical components of the readiness of children with hearing impairments to learn in the context of updated content of education

Psychological and pedagogical components of the readiness of children with hearing impairments to learn in the context of updated content of education

Sivinskiy Alexey M., Sadykova Aigul K., Kulambayeva Kambat K., Zhamankarin Maxut M., Kukubayeva Assiya H., Kosherbayeva Aigerim N.

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Introduction. А new model of education introduced in general education schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is characterized by a criterion system for assessing the student’s knowledge (involving the student, his self-esteem), stimulating the student’s activity in obtaining knowledge and communication skills. These processes can be challenging for children with hearing impairment. The issue of the psychological and pedagogical readiness of students with hearing impairments to switch to new curricula is examined in this study using the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Materials and Methods. Pursuant to the objectives of the study, the sample of children with hearing impairments, was formed without exclusion of children with concomitant impairments similar to the structure of this group present in overall population. In the general sample, which includes 138 children and adolescents 10-15 years old who were divided into four experimental and four control groups in accordance with their educational level, the emotional-volitional, intellectual and cognitive characteristics of deaf and hard-of-hearing children and their success in performing tasks in classic and updated programs were studied. Results. In the children with hearing impairments, visual attention, hearing and speech memory, and conceptual thinking were reduced. The volitional regulation of complex actions and visual memory corresponded to the age norm. Children with hearing impairments performed the educational tasks less well, whereby they performed the tasks of the updated programs significantly more efficiently in comparison to classical tasks. Conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of the updated educational programs for teaching this group of children. Discussion and Conclusion. Our psychological and pedagogical study of this problem reveals that children with hearing impairments perform better at some tasks compiled in accordance with updated educational programs, indicating their effectiveness for this category of students. At the same time, a decrease in the number of cognitive processes of students in correctional schools with hearing impairments compared to their peers is also shown, namely in visual attention, auditory-speech memory, and thinking with the development of volitional processes corresponding to age. It is necessary to take into account the level of development of these processes in the formation and implementation of training programs.


Russian scholarly publications in anglophone academic discourse: the clash of tyrannosaurs

Russian scholarly publications in anglophone academic discourse: the clash of tyrannosaurs

Korotkina Irina B.

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The predominance of English in scholarly publications, recently defined as linguistic imperialism, is no longer considered a threat for multilingual scholars, but a shared linguistic code essential in creating and communicating knowledge. A more significant threat for Russian scholars is the Russian tradition of scholarly writing, which originates from the Soviet period and affects the quality of their national and international publications, especially in humanities and social sciences. The solution is seen in developing writing for academic and research publication purposes in both English and Russian within the umbrella framework of academic literacy. The pioneering role in overcoming the resistance of the deeply rooted tradition and promoting academic writing as a discipline, Russian university writing centers, recently united into the National Consortium, play the central role. Explicit bilingual programmes are especially effective in countries with low level of English, and can be applied to various cultural contexts. They can be further developed into trilingual programmes in post-Soviet states, who experience similar difficulties and for whom Russian remains the lingua franca of academic communication.


Schoolchildren's perceptions of STEM professions and careers in Russia: results of a pilot study

Schoolchildren's perceptions of STEM professions and careers in Russia: results of a pilot study

Kolesnikova Elena M., Kudenko Irina A.

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Introduction. The world of work is undergoing a global shift fuelled by technological innovation, demographic changes and environmental problems. This heightens the demand for STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) competencies which are seen as a catalyst for social and economic development. The purpose of this study was to investigate learner views on STEM professions, the learners' overall attitudes regarding STEM, as well as their aspirations and willingness to choose a career in STEM and identify factors which are crucial in forming young people's interests in studying STEM and pursuing STEM careers. Materials and Methods. This pilot study was conducted in May 2019 across three schools in the Moscow region. The authors used a slightly modified version of the learner questionnaire used by the European study “ECB-inGenious” to investigate perceptions of STEM careers among Russian learners in grades 8-9 and 10-11. Results. Overall, it was determined that a combination of intrinsic (cognitive and attitudinal) and extrinsic (social, cultural and economic) factors were responsible for learner engagement in STEM. Learners showed a strong awareness of STEM's significance to society and displayed positive perceptions of STEM careers, although jobs in industry appeared less popular than those in other areas of STEM. Some factors, such as a learner's personal experiences of STEM in and out of the classroom can even play a decisive role in shaping aspirations towards STEM careers. Younger learners expressed more enthusiasm for STEM careers than their older counterparts. Learners enrolled in classes specialising in STEM and learners whose parent(s) worked in STEM-related professions showed stronger positive attitudes to STEM careers. Discussion and Conclusion. To make an informed decision, learners require practical information and advice regarding STEM careers; schools can play an important role in this process. This guidance must begin early, ideally from primary school when learners are more enthused and interested in learning about STEM careers. It is also advisable for learners to be given more opportunities to join extracurricular STEM activities; consequently, a learner's understanding of STEM subjects is expanded outside the academic curriculum which can spark a long-lasting interest in the subject. Additionally, STEM subjects' curriculums require enriching with real-life examples and should be contextualised in terms of relevant careers. Finally, schools should be encouraged to organise regular engagements with STEM professionals.


Sci-Hub как зеркало комплектования научных и образовательных организаций онлайн-ресурсами

Sci-Hub как зеркало комплектования научных и образовательных организаций онлайн-ресурсами

Шварцман Михаил Ефремович, Лебедев Владимир Владимирович, Скалабан Алексей Витальевич

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Введение: для выбора оптимальной стратегии комплектования научных и образовательных учреждений онлайн-ресурсами необходимо использовать новые подходы. В качестве одного из них российские ученые могут выбрать сайт Sci-Hub как наиболее доступный в настоящее время ресурс для получения информации о зарубежных публикациях. Целью исследования является поиск дополнительных критериев оценки онлайн-ресурсов для принятия решения о необходимости подписки на них. Материалы и методы: для исследования использована статистика скачивания статей с сайта Sci-Hub, опубликованная в открытом доступе. Из нее были выделены данные, относящиеся к Российской Федерации. При помощи программного интерфейса API CrossRef получены данные о скачанных статьях, проведен анализ их распределения по тематикам, регионам, годам издания, издательствам. Результаты исследования: приведенные материалы характеризуют масштаб нелегального скачивания статей с сайта Sci-Hub. Выделены данные по таким научным центрам, как Дубна, Черноголовка, Саров, Пущино. Проведено сравнение статистических данных по легальному скачиванию, производящемуся из доступных по подписке ресурсов, и нелегальной загрузке статей с сайта Sci-Hub. На примере American Chemical Society выделены наиболее востребованные журналы, показана недостаточность комплектования научных центров и отсутствие взаимодействия институтов в получении информации. Обсуждение и заключения: официальные данные о применении онлайн-ресурсов далеко не полностью отражают использование научной информации учеными России. Для полноты картины необходимо привлекать данные статистики выгрузок из Sci-Hub. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в возможности использовать приведенную статистику для выявления пробелов в комплектовании и проблем в организации информационного обеспечения образования и науки. Предложены создание легального аналога Sci-Hub и методы обеспечения доступа пользователей к онлайн-ресурсам из любого места, где есть интернет.


Social Values of Students in Conditions of Digitalization of Education and COVID-19

Social Values of Students in Conditions of Digitalization of Education and COVID-19

Tatiana M. Rezer

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Introduction. During the COVID-19 pandemic variety of digital tools and technologies were demonstrated owing to the global digitalization of education and the total transition to online learning. The purpose of present research is to determine factors of digitalization of education and their effect on transformation of social values among high school students in conditions of the COVID-19. The results of research on social values of students were considered using comparative analysis. It was revealed that the paradigm of values among young people changed from an individual-personal one at the beginning of the XXI century to the social oriented paradigm – tolerance, openness, public recognition through social networks, self-development and contribution to the community. Materials and Methods. The analysis of pedagogical experience in the field of digitalization of education allowed to formulate the main factors of global digitalization of education and to highlight positive and negative aspects of online learning. According to M. Rokich’s method, an empirical study of instrumental values transformations was carried out among 137 students of Ural Federal University in the conditions of full-time online learning. A questionnaire method was implemented to determine studentsʼ attitude to online learning during COVID-19 pandemic and possibility for further development of this form of learning. Results. It was revealed that only 13.7% of respondents did not notice any decrease in the quality of learning and did not experience discomfort in obtaining knowledge in online form. According to the studentsʼ opinion the values that are subjected to transformation are the following: efficiency, self-control, responsibility, honesty. It can be concluded that the era of network personality and new scientific knowledge in pedagogy has begun. Online learning is a fait accompli which requires scientific substantiation of a new didactics and social values system development among students in a digital education environment. Discussion and Conclusion. Achieved results contribute to ecological system of new digital services that change life and educational activities of a human, as well as transform his personality and values system. Thus, for the purpose of health and emotional intelligence preservation in students the continuation of interdisciplinary study of various aspects of education digitalization is required.


Social and economic aspects of the EU's education policy

Social and economic aspects of the EU's education policy

Horvathova Zuzana, Cajkova Andrea

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Introduction. The issue of education policy is very topical throughout the entire spectrum of society and undoubtedly throughout the European space. At the same time, this policy must be taken into account in any period of a civilized human history. By investing in education, we invest in the human population and participate in the formation of future generations. This article aims to study and analyse the current state of implementation of innovative approaches to the development of education and EU education policy, to identify the key aspects of the EU Education Policy at the present time. We focus mainly on the analysis of the range of the process of implementation of the Strategy Europe 2020 in this field with the particular impact on incorporation of new approaches into the current education policy system as such in the modern 21st century education system based on determining the tools necessary to implement the key strategies. Materials and Methods. The authors address individual approaches of the EU Member States in the field of the education and education policy, which can be beneficial for later incorporation of improving innovations into national education systems using the traditional methods of empirical analysis as description and classification, induction and deduction, content analysis, comparison and syntheses. The empirical basis of this study includes the results of a secondary analysis of the research data covering the problems of education policies. Results. There is a pragmatic focus on the issue of education in society, which also results, in terms of the macroeconomic indicators, in raising the standard of living of the population. Based on our conclusions, where we identified the real need of in-depth analysis of the situation in the education sector and a strategy to achieve effective change in mainstream educational thinking, policy and practice. We should not only determine where the sector is at present, but also engage as many institutions as possible in the review process, making sure that it is driven by their needs and to set key determinants of the education policies of the individual Member States in order to achieve the EU's objectives in terms of education, competitiveness and social cohesion. The results of the study have practical significance: the mechanisms can be reproduced in the field of defining the instruments of the harmonization in the EU education policy with the competences of the Member States Discussion and Conclusions. The attention is drawn to the socio-economic context that affects the education policy, and despite the pursuit for a kind of harmonization in the EU, the education policy remains substantially within the competence of the Member States. Our results suggest that the use of integrative mechanisms allows to improve the efficiency of EU education policy and at the same time the Member States education policies. The main directions for further research in this field and questions for discussion and another positive move remain: what are the challenges facing education policies EU and Member States in the context of globalisation, the expansion of the European Union and the imperative of sustainable development.


Social aspects of education integration (based on survey findings on uniform state examination and education affordability)

Social aspects of education integration (based on survey findings on uniform state examination and education affordability)

Kolacheva Nataliya V., Kosheleva Nataliya N., Pardala Antoni Ya.

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Introduction: the purpose of this article is to study the opinion of interested and non-professional segment of society regarding the Uniform State Exam on mathematics and affordability of higher education in Russia. The authors checked the hypothesis of interconnection between social opinion and changes in the exam procedure, economic and socio-demographic situation, educational system reformation and integration of educational space in the RF and other countries. Materials and Methods: we studied the survey data of students in Togliatti State University, their parents or legal representatives between 2009-2016. We processed the results by methods of probability assessment with the help of complex features reflecting possibilities of the applicants admitted to higher educational institutions and social affordability of higher education. Results: we theoretically grounded and developed the method of social opinion study about the Uniform State Exam and affordability of higher education in the region. Dynamics of social opinion was studied with the help of adapted probability rates describing either quantitative or qualitative features of social processes. We studied and analyzed scientific papers devoted to the attitude of society to secondary school final exams, admission to higher education institutions, and social mobility of the applicants and determined theoretical background of education space integration with the education systems of other countries. Discussion and Conclusions: the research showed that even in the region with visible economic and so-cio-demographic problems the concerned part of society gradually understands that the Uniform State Exam serves to keep education quality in the country making it more affordable. The results of the study may be useful to specialists in the field of education, as well as interesting to the general public.


Socio-demographic factors and the level of teachers’ motivation in Slovak national schools in Hungary

Socio-demographic factors and the level of teachers’ motivation in Slovak national schools in Hungary

Heldkov Lucia, Urkovsk Mria

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Introduction. The research paper seeks to identify the level of motivation of Slovak educators teaching in Hungary in the context of a low level of teachers’ motivation in Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of the paper is to show the relationship between socio-demographic factors (age, gender, type of school) and the degree of teachers’ motivation at Slovak national schools in Hungary. The results of research on motivation in relation to gender, age and type of school are shown to be inconsistent and yield varying findings. Materials and Methods. This paper is based on the data collected in the survey conducted in 10 Hungarian counties between January and April 2019, using a sample of 139 teachers of ethnic schools (monolingual, bilingual and schools teaching the ethnic language as a separate subject). We processed the obtained research results using methods of descriptive statistics and methods of inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient; Mann-Whitney U test; Kruskal-Wallis H test). Results. The results showed that there was no correlation between the teacher’s age and teaching motivation (p > 0.05). No statistically significant differences were found between gender and teaching motivation when using the Mann-Whitney test. Using a non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test, the existence of significant differences in the level of motivation of teachers working at various types of schools was confirmed. The research showed that teachers of bilingual schools were the most positive in relation to motivation, and the lowest average scores were achieved by teachers in schools where Slovak is taught as a subject. The age and gender of teachers were not significant in relation to the evaluation of the degree of motivation for teaching Slovak. Discussion and Conclusion. The results presented in the article will be beneficial not only for pedagogical researchers, but especially for Slovak teachers in Hungary, as research of this kind was conducted for the first time.


Sociocultural and linguistic diversity in the Mid-European (Slovak) economic and technological space

Sociocultural and linguistic diversity in the Mid-European (Slovak) economic and technological space

Burcl Pavol, Kozarova Zuzana, Csalova Olga, Pavlova Renata, Zelenicka Elena

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Introduction. Social cultural aspect and linguistic diversity of educational background play an important role in teaching a foreign language. Although there are a lot of publications on this theme, it is hardly possible to find surveys which study the impact of globalization accompanied by the English language expansion, on transformation of cultural identity. The aim of this article is to analyse changes of social cultural phenomena and linguistic diversity in common life and foreign languages education in a Mid-European (mostly Slovak) economic and technological spheres. Materials and Methods. Within this research the content analysis method was employed together with critical comparison of relative scientific papers and other materials in the respect of the problem investigated. Questionnaires were developed and educators who run practice oriented professional programmes were interviewed. After the results of the interview being analysed and synthetized, some crucial points of the discussed problem were revealed. Results. The research revealed the main factors which determine diversity of linguistic communication in a Mid-European former socialist country (Slovakia as an example); reasons and types of social cultural transformations in the society under research were analysed; economic and technological conditions of the transformations discussed were defined; recommendations for educators who run practice oriented professional programmes were developed. Discussion and Conclusion. The results of the research done are considered to be some contribution to the development of bilingual practice oriented education under the condition of European economic and technological integration. However, the task of reserving peculiar cultural values of the nation which is subject to unavoidable social cultural transformations is the major one in this respect.


Sociocultural values and pragmatics of caste address form in multilingual Pakistani student and teacher discourse

Sociocultural values and pragmatics of caste address form in multilingual Pakistani student and teacher discourse

Soomro M.A.

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Introduction. Pakistani universities' multilingual and multicultural classrooms can create communication difficulties when trying to understand the attitude and meanings conveyed by caste address forms in student and teacher discourse. Address forms are influenced by sociocultural values, they reflect speakers' linguistic reality and convey the social structure of the society. Among the variety of address forms in Pakistani English speakers' caste as a category of address form represents their cultural identity and norms. This article aims to present the findings of the study regarding the use of caste as a category of forms of address among multilingual Pakistani English speakers in a university setting.


Strategic university management in the context of digitalization: the experience of the world's leading universities

Strategic university management in the context of digitalization: the experience of the world's leading universities

Strielkowski Wadim, Korneeva Elena N., Sherstobitova Anna A., Platitzyn Alexandr Yu.

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Introduction. The research paper's aim is to study the ongoing digitalization in all spheres of economy, which inevitably impacted on the strategic university management. It explains how universities and higher educational institutions strategically positioned themselves and searched for the novel pathways for innovation and development, which was further reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic and the digital surge it brought. Materials and Methods. The authors analyzed the strategic university management in the context of digitalization using the literature review and their own analysis. They focus on the experience of the world's best universities for inspiring the institutions of higher education in other countries and regions, helping them to improve information and communication technologies and digital skills. Results. Our results corroborate the ongoing digitalization in all spheres of economy and social life which was pushed further by the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the transformation of the higher educational institutions challenging them to embark upon the path of in-depth transition, restructuring, and re-thinking their role and their mission with regard to the new challenges and novel technologies that are available on the market. Discussion and Conclusion. The outcomes present interesting possibilities for their application in practice for some countries, most notably Russia. They can be of a special interest not only for the government officials responsible for fostering higher education and devising guidelines for the strategic management of universities and higher educational institutions, but also for the academic environment with its researchers and lecturers who seek to innovate based on the most recent and advanced trends in higher education (e.g. ministries and national authorities responsible for science, research, and education in different countries, such as the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Ministry for Research, as well as National Educational Authority or the World Bank, just to name a few).


Sustainable higher education via telecollaboration: improving plurilingual and pluricultural competence

Sustainable higher education via telecollaboration: improving plurilingual and pluricultural competence

Polyakova Oksana, Galstyan-Sargsyan Ruzana

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Introduction. Due to globalisation, the modern workforce is significantly diversified. Therefore, there is a need to modernise and embrace innovation in 21st-century education to prepare international professionals to work in cross-cultural teams via digital platforms. While research in the recent past has primarily focused on the refinement of future expert competences in tertiary education, only a handful of studies have been done to establish how plurilingual and pluricultural competence can be digitally developed at the inter-university level. In this light, this study sought to bridge this gap in the research on the sustainable cooperation model. Materials and Methods. The design for the methodological plan of integrating plurilingualism and pluriculturalism in university teaching was premised on the need to promote networking among students from different universities and countries. Its major stages based on the Collaborative Online International Learning approach included three stages: find a partner, prepare the project and carry out the project. A virtual exchange experiment across two institutions of higher learning in Spain and Finland helped analyse plurilingual and pluricultural competence achievement by means of questionnaires. Results. A special Collaborative Online International Learning approach used to explore plurilingual and pluricultural competence and the effectiveness of online-assisted language interaction, teamwork or intercultural cooperation. The study’s findings confirmed that plurilingual and pluricultural competence among students could also be developed using virtual cooperation, thus supporting cost-effective options of sustainable university training. Discussion and Conclusion. The project had a positive impact on reaching sustainable education goals by highlighting intercultural interaction prospects. Besides, it displays real challenges such as different schedules, grading systems, timing, motivation or virtual interaction among learners and ways of overcoming them. Regardless of the fundamental idea of formative exploration, our study presents some findings that lecturers, language training practitioners and policymakers willing to apply telecollaboration will be deserving of thought.


Teachers' Attitudes towards inclusive education in Kazakhstan

Teachers' Attitudes towards inclusive education in Kazakhstan

Agavelyan Ruben O., Aubakirova Saule D., Zhomartova Aisulu D., Burdina Elena I.

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Introduction. The inclusion of students with special educational needs in regular schools is currently one of the most important issues on the agenda of national and international education communities. A positive attitude of teachers to inclusive education is a factor of its effective implementation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude of teachers to inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan and to determine the factors influencing their positive attitude towards inclusion. Materials and Methods. The sample consisted of 416 teachers of general secondary schools in the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Sentiments, Attitudes, and Concerns about Inclusive Education Revised scale feedback form was used. For the processing of the results of the survey, nonparametric statistics (Spearman's correlation coefficient) and multiple regression analysis were used. Results. A general neutral attitude of teachers towards inclusion was revealed. The experience of interaction between teachers and people with special educational needs does not contribute to the formation of their positive attitude towards inclusion. Educators - people who work in rural schools and are confident in teaching children with special education needs - have the most positive attitude toward inclusion. Discussion and Conclusion. A more detailed analysis of the respondents' answers indicates the disinclination of teachers to implement inclusive education and the need for special training of teachers to work with children with special education needs that will increase their confidence in teaching children with special educational needs and create a positive attitude towards inclusion. Prospects for the study are to further explore attitudes of subject teachers, special education teachers, and providers of psychological and pedagogical support to inclusion in Kazakhstan and the impact of special training on the attitude of teachers to inclusion. The materials of the article will be useful to researchers interested in the problem of inclusive education, especially its condition in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Teaching foreign languages inclusively: standards for teacher competence

Teaching foreign languages inclusively: standards for teacher competence

Makarova Tatiana S., Matveeva Eugenia E., Molchanova Maria A., Morozova Elena A., Burenina Natalia V.

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Introduction. The adequate professional and psychological-methodology training of teachers is of major importance in teaching a foreign language to learners who have health impairment. In spite of the numeral works published in Russia and abroad which cover various aspects of this problem the given article is the first to do the detailed analysis of teachers' survey in order to reveal the knowledge, competences and skills necessary for their effective work in inclusive classes. The aim of the article is to develop a teacher training/retraining programme, which is based on the state professional educator standard and able to make teachers ready to work with learners who have health impairment. Materials and Methods. Methodology of the research represented is a combination of critical overview of works by Russian and foreign authors, other relative materials and detailed analysis of the results obtained through query of university and school teachers which was necessary for working out a relative teacher training programme that will make them ready to work in inclusive classes. 30 teachers took part in the survey. Results. As a final product of the research done on the basis of accurate analysis of theoretical resources and results of the survey a conceptual framework of teacher's knowledge and skills necessary for effective work in inclusive class was developed by the authors. They also produced a teacher training programme, criteria and forms for assessing teacher's acquisition of the programme being included. Discussion and Conclusion. The teacher training course developed by the authors is the relative contribution to the development of Psychology and Pedagogy of teaching foreign languages. It is essential that the programme is a model that can be adapted according to the interests of a potential target audience of educators. The course should help reshape the general competences as defined by the existing standard of teacher training so as to build up specific skills pertaining to teaching SEN learners inclusively. It should be an integral part of contemporary teacher pre-service preparation.


Technology of multilevel interuniversity indicators as a factor for increasing academic mobility. Experience based on Russian federal educational standards

Technology of multilevel interuniversity indicators as a factor for increasing academic mobility. Experience based on Russian federal educational standards

Snegurenko Alexander P., Zaydullin Sergey S., Novikova Svetlana V., Valitova Natalia L., Kremleva Elmira S.

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Introduction. At the present time, more and more students are changing either their field of study or the university in the process of studying. This raises the problem of how to determine whether a student's level of knowledge meets the host institution's criteria. A simple comparison of competencies is not enough. Therefore, the authors propose a new system of comparing existing and required knowledge (competencies) at the new place of study. The purpose of this article is to present the results of research on the development and practical application of specific “competency trees” that allow for the automatic comparison and re-crediting of disciplines. Materials and Methods. The research is based on the methods of system analysis for weakly formalized problems: the method of expert evaluations and the method of the goal tree. For direct development the method of construction of binary decision trees was used. To evaluate the effectiveness of the developed method, methods of observation and comparison were used. Results. This article describes the specific steps for creating checklists based on multilevel competency indicator trees. The tables describe the four levels of competency acquisition. Based on the experiments carried out on the use of such tables for retake disciplines when transferring a student from one specialty to another, the following recommendations are made: if it is necessary to obtain a mark of the “Test” type in the Host University, the comparison is made according to the second level indicators; if it is necessary to obtain a mark of the type “Graded test/Test with a grade” in the Host University, the comparison is made according to the third level indicators; if it is necessary to obtain a mark of the “Exam” type in the Host University, the comparison is made according to the indicators of the deepest level for this indicator of the first level. The technique has been successfully tested for moving of a student within Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev-KAI between the academic programs Aircraft Engineering and Applied Mathematics and Informatics. Discussion and Conclusion. The proposed multilevel system of interuniversity indicators will significantly simplify the procedure for transferring subjects for students who are moved from one study program to another at any level - whether within one university, or between different universities of the Russian Federation. The use of an automated system for comparing the level of knowledge of a student when moving from one university to another will not only reduce the time of a student and teachers, but also eliminate the human factor, bias and subjectivity in the process of making decisions about transferring, and increase the transparency of this process. All this together will contribute to the development of academic mobility of students, increasing their competitiveness in the labor market and strengthening academic interuniversity relationships both in Russia and abroad.


The autonomy-focused approach in higher education: theoretical grounds and practical implications

The autonomy-focused approach in higher education: theoretical grounds and practical implications

Gavrilyuk Oksana A.

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Introduction: based on the analysis of both the current practice and theory of autonomy in education, this paper is intended to determine the core principles, conditions and practical opportunities for implementation of the autonomy-focused approach in Russian universities. Materials and Methods: to substantiate the benefits and reveal the core characteristics of the autonomy-focused approach in higher education, we performed the content-analysis of both national and international higher educational documents. The practical aspects of the autonomy-focused approach have been examined through applying the ideas of autonomy-focused education to the introduction of the G-MedEx international networking educational programme (the G-Med Ex Programme) at Professor V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University in 2015-2016. Analysis of the educational process outcomes and open discussions with teachers and students-participants of the G-MedEx Programme have also become an important source of information. Results: it was revealed that the development of the university educational environment actors' autonomy is possible though the use of the autonomy-focused approach, which represents a critical tool for implementation of the personality-centred educational paradigm. Among the core characteristics of the autonomy-focused approach in higher education we suggested the principles of innovative self-change, personal involvement and self-fulfillment, critical awareness and self-reflection, readiness to face challenges, interdisciplinary character of training, and practical focus of education. Investigating the practical aspects of the autonomy-focused approach, we demonstrated its benefits using the example of an international networking educational programme. Discussion and Conclusions: the results of the implementation of the autonomy-focused approach within the G-MedEx Programme suggest that using this approach is beneficial for both medical university students' and teachers' autonomy development. Practical relevance of the study is ensured through specifying the core principles, conditions and opportunities for implementation of the autonomy-focused approach in higher education, therefore allowing for possible application of the described approach in various universities and providing a basis for investigating its potential in other educational contexts.


The effect of communication style on teaching motivation, work ethics, emotional intelligence, reading proficiency and knowledge sharing

The effect of communication style on teaching motivation, work ethics, emotional intelligence, reading proficiency and knowledge sharing

Mustofa, Indartono Setyabudi, Sukidjo

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Introduction. The reading proficiency of students across countries varies. Better teaching motivation, workplace ethics, Emotional Intelligence promote one to share their knowledge with others. Therefore this study seeks to investigate the role of communication style, the effect of teaching motivation, workplace ethics, emotional intelligence on reading proficiency and knowledge sharing. Materials and Methods. This study engaged 448 teachers/serviced teachers from various levels of secondary schools. Structural Equation Modeling is utilized in this study to analyze the model. The model reached a satisfactory compliance. Results. The results showed that teaching motivation, workplace ethics, emotional intelligence bear on reading proficiency and knowledge sharing positively. The communication style of teachers mediates the model significantly. Discussion and Conclusion. Teachers with better motivation prepare their class better by increasing their knowledge and insight into their field by the intensity of their effort to increase their reading experience and proficiency. Those sticking to work ethic try to increase their integrity, honesty, discipline, fairness and respect, responsibility, and accountability at work to reach better proficiency of reading and behaviors of sharing activities. Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence boosts their quality in reading by reaching a better quality of their ability on their understanding of reading passages and vocabulary knowledge as well as the level of proficiency in reading. Teachers with better communication styles increase their motivation onto the level of reading proficiency. Communication style strengthens the influence of motivation on reading skills.


The effect of teaching quality on student career choice: the mediating role of student goal orientation

The effect of teaching quality on student career choice: the mediating role of student goal orientation

Mahfud Tuatul, Indartono Setyabudi, Saputro Ida Nugroho, Utari Indah

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Introduction. Career choice is an essential stage for vocational students to identify suitability, readiness, and development of the capacity to work. However, until now, studies that discuss how vocational learning can shape students' career choices are still limited and not yet widely discussed. This study aims to develop structural models to shape the maturity of student career choices, which involves teaching quality, learning goal orientation, and performance goal orientation in collaboratively and interactively. Specifically, this study aims to investigate the effects of teaching quality, learning goal orientation, and performance goal orientation on career choice. Also, it will help to examine the role of mediation for the student's goal orientation under the influence of teaching quality. Materials and Methods. Data were collected randomly through an online questionnaire survey from 289 vocational students in the tourism field in Indonesia which included the culinary art and hospitality department. SEM analysis is used to test the path model and bootstrapping confidence interval estimate to test the mediation role. Results. This study revealed that teaching quality, learning goal orientation, and performance goal orientation are collaborative and interactive predictors of career choice of vocational students. Also, the learning goal orientation and performance goal orientation significantly mediate the effect of teaching quality on student career choices, and this mediation is partial. Discussion and Conclusion. This study also reinforces the theory that the success of achieving the learning outcome is significantly affected by external (e.g., teaching quality) and internal dimension (e.g., student goal orientation). Finally, it is recommended that vocational education practitioners should improve the quality of learning and teaching process by encouraging positive student goal orientation.

