Статьи журнала - Интеграция образования

Все статьи: 2449

The implementation of academic responsibility in higher education: a case study

The implementation of academic responsibility in higher education: a case study

Rokhmani T., Sujanto B., Luddin M.R.

Статья научная

Introduction. Academic responsibility consists in the duty of higher education providers to their students. By implementing academic responsibility, these providers respond to the demands of their society. The purpose of this article is to explore and analyse: implementation of education and teaching; mentoring; service to the university; research, publication; community service and changes. Materials and Methods. A qualitative research approach, employing the case study method, was used. Data were obtained from in-depth interviews from lecturers and students, field observations, as well as collating and reviewing documents. Results. The results of the study show that, in the implementation of education and teaching, the planning stage refers to the process of drafting the semester lesson plan. Student-centred active and participatory learning models are maintained; in mentoring, the guiding process simultaneously combines academic guidance, career guidance and personal-social guidance. While service provision is prioritised as one of the important educational aspects, in the implementation of research, it improves the ability of lecturers to research; in publications, to meet writing standards, peer assessment standards and documentation standards; in community service, it consists at the level of how to devote the knowledge possessed by the academic community to the progress of society; in change leadership, it involves technology, structure and human resources. Discussion and Conclusion. There is a commitment to support the implementation of academic responsibility of higher education through engagement in teaching, mentoring, serving the university, discovering, publishing, truth-telling, serving the community and leading change. This academic process shows the value of commitment to a better quality of higher education.


The influence of student stress on collaborative efforts of international publications: the mediating role of student reward and psychological capital

The influence of student stress on collaborative efforts of international publications: the mediating role of student reward and psychological capital

Indartono Setyabudi, Mahfud Tuatul, Sukidjo, Sutirman, Susilawati

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Introduction. The international publication is now a requirement for graduate students. It is part of the strategy of higher education institutions to improve their quality and compete at the global level. Hence, their intention to develop academic networks and their level of acceptance at the international level. Accordingly, this study seeks to investigate the mediation role of reward and psychological capital on stress relations and student effort for international joint publications. Materials and Methods. There are 421 master and doctoral students employed in this research. The data collected by questionnaire. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to analyze the data. Results. The results show that the reward and psychological capital mediate the effect of stress on the student effort for international joint publication. The overall analysis shows that stress does not affect the student effort for international joint publication. Hence the mediation analysis is necessary for explaining the evidence of the stress-effort relationship. The reward is found significantly mediated by the stress-effort relationship and stresspsychological relationship, and the psychological shows a significant effect on the reward-effort relationship. The model of this study represents the joint mediation effect of rewards and psychological capital on the stress-effort relationship in the satisfactorily model of compliance. Discussion and Conclusion. This finding makes researchers develop the integrated behavioral model of stresseffort relationship by using various behavioral mechanisms in order to extend student achievement on international publication.


The influence of teaching quality, social support, and career self-efficacy on the career adaptability skills: evidence from a polytechnic in Indonesia

The influence of teaching quality, social support, and career self-efficacy on the career adaptability skills: evidence from a polytechnic in Indonesia

Mahfud Tuatul, Mulyani Yogiana, Setyawati Ria, Kholifah Nur

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Introduction. Changes in the industry impact the stable condition of working in a company or industry and it is not something that can be guaranteed again in the future. The proof is that there are many phenomena of job transfers or even layoffs in various business sectors due to COVID-19 pandemic. Many studies have examined the importance of developing career adaptability skills to face the changing needs of the industry. However, studies that discuss the mechanism of forming career adaptability skills involving important antecedent factors such as teaching quality, social support, and career self-efficacy of polytechnic students are still limited. Therefore, this study aims at examining the effect of teaching quality, social support, and career self-efficacy factors on the career adaptability skills of polytechnic students. Materials and Methods. This study involved 265 students at a polytechnic in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The students expressed their perceptions of the quality of their internship learning, social support, and career self-efficacy - data analysis used Structural Equation Modeling by Amos 18 software. Results. This study reveals that teaching quality and social support does not have a direct effect on career adaptability skills. Meanwhile, career self-efficacy has a direct effect on the career adaptability skills of polytechnic students. Other findings, teaching quality and social support have a direct effect on the career self-efficacy of polytechnic students. Finally, career self-efficacy mediates the effect of teaching quality and social support on the career adaptability skills of polytechnic students. Discussion and Conclusion. This study provides important implications for the development of learning in vocational education so that students have a good mastery of career adaptability skills. Vocational education practitioners must design a vocational teaching model that combines vocational teaching, social support, and career self-efficacy to form mastery of career adaptability skills for pop-polytechnic students. In addition, the development of a vocational education curriculum needs to include mastery of career adaptability skills for students in vocational education, be it vocational high schools or polytechnics. In further research, it is necessary to develop a vocational learning model that aims to inculcate career adaptability skills for vocational students.


The mediating effect of peer communication between social withdrawal and life satisfaction of college students

The mediating effect of peer communication between social withdrawal and life satisfaction of college students

Jun Soo-Koung

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Introduction. In this study, an examination as to whether social withdrawal on the part of college students has an effect on satisfaction with college life is presented along with an analysis of the possible mediating effect of peer communication on social withdrawal and dissatisfaction with college life. Material and Methods. A total of 1,220 college students were analysed using the 7th year data of the Korea Child and Youth Panel Survey conducted by Korea Youth Policy Institute in 2016. Analysis using SPSS 23 and AMOS 23 software programs was carried out, along with t-test, ANOVA and structural equation analysis. Results. A significant variation in satisfaction with college life according to demographic factors was noted. It was also found that social withdrawal has a direct impact on satisfaction with college life: the higher the degree of social withdrawal, the higher the satisfaction with college life. Moreover, social withdrawal increases satisfaction with college life as a function of peer communication. In other words, peer communication indirectly affects both social withdrawal and satisfaction with college life. Discussion and Conclusion. Based on the results of this study, practical suggestions are proposed for improving the life satisfaction of college students. Programs for improving peer communication and increasing social interaction should be developed for college students.


The problems of linguistic and academic adaptation of international students in Russia

The problems of linguistic and academic adaptation of international students in Russia

Beregovaya Oksana A., Kudashov Viacheslav I.

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Introduction. In the context of internationalization of higher education, attracting students from abroad is considered a tool for strengthening the country's positions in the world's educational space. The paper addresses the issue of linguistic and academic adaptation of international students in Russia. International students tend to experience difficulties when adapting to a new/different socio-cultural environment. The relevance of the article is determined by strengthening of integration processes, international relations, competing trends between higher education systems in the world. Materials and Methods. The quantitative research into barriers to the linguistic and academic adaptation of international students in Novosibirsk universities, conducted by the authors in April 2018, is presented. The survey of international students (N = 310) in Novosibirsk universities identified the main barriers to linguistic and academic adaptation. The survey had been created online through an Internet-based survey application Google Forms. The authors employed general scientific methods and the sociological method while conducting research. Results. We studied two groups of students. Group 1 included students from post-Soviet countries (N1 = 256) and group 2 included students from other countries (beyond post-Soviet countries) (N2 = 54). International students are experiencing difficulties. There are common problems for all international students in academic adaptation: low general educational level; weak training in core disciplines and special subjects; the difference between forms and methods of teaching in a Russian university from the forms and methods of instruction in domestic the higher education institution. The main barrier to the successful adaptation of international students is the language barrier which affects the academic barrier. Most international students who do not speak Russian are not able to fully comprehend lectures and understand other educational materials. International students need to quickly master the language, adapt to a learning system and fit into another culture in order to successfully learn. Local and regional programs should be developed to support international students to effectively involve them in a new environment. The research results demonstrate a positive impact of socialization on adaptation. Discussion and Conclusion. Analysis of Russian and international studies of linguistic and academic adaptation shows that the most effective ways to overcome the adaptation difficulties include orientation programs as domestic supplementary educational programs, refresher courses for teaching staff involved in training international students, and a set of socializing services for international students. The goals are to study psychological, intercultural, social problems of adaptation of international students in Russia. The results of the research presented in the article will aid in the organization of training of international students at the university. The article can be useful for teaching staff and managers of Russian universities and international researchers. The obtained results contribute to the development of theoretical and methodological base for studying the problems of international students adaptation.


The role of organizational culture in the emergence of teachers’ professional ethics

The role of organizational culture in the emergence of teachers’ professional ethics

Asgari Ali, Bahmani Sajjad

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Introduction. Paying attention to the improvement of teachers’ professional ethics is of special importance in educational organizations, especially secondary schools. Accordingly, the present study seeks to investigate the role of organizational culture in the emergence of teachers’ professional ethics. Materials and Methods. This research is descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection method. The statistical population of the study includes all teachers in Khosf, 180 people, of which according to Cochran’s formula, 123 people were selected as sample members by simple random sampling. Respondents included a majority of female. Denison’s Organizational Culture Questionnaire and Cadozier Professional Ethics Questionnaire were used to collect data. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed using content validity and their reliability was obtained by Cronbachʼs alpha of 0.97 and 0.94, respectively. Data analysis was performed in SmartPLS 3 software environment using structural equation modeling method. Results. The results of testing the main hypothesis of the research showed that organizational culture plays a role in the development of teachers “professional ethics and about 94% of changes in teachers” professional ethics in schools are explained by organizational culture. Also, the results of testing the sub-hypotheses of the research based on examining the role of each component of organizational culture in the emergence of teachers’ professional ethics showed that each of the components of work engagement, integration, adaptation and mission explain the changes in the professional ethics of teachers in schools, among which, the mission component has the most and compatibility has the least impact. Discussion and Conclusion. The conclusions contribute to the development of the concept of organizational culture, provided that organizational culture and its components play a critical role in the development of teachers’ professional ethics. Accordingly, it can be concluded that a good organizational culture in schools can strengthen the professional ethics of teachers and create a good environment for the emergence of professional ethics among them.


The role of the tutor in the choice of pedagogical management tools for autonomous work in foreign languages

The role of the tutor in the choice of pedagogical management tools for autonomous work in foreign languages

Chikileva Lyudmila S.

Статья научная

Introduction. The paper presents the results a study of the implementation of individual educational routes in students' autonomous foreign language study at a non-linguistic university. Factors determining student motivation and satisfaction with the autonomous study using the Rosetta Stone Advantage platform were considered. The purpose of the study was to find out how tutors manage autonomous work and what ICT tools are used in this process. The relevance of this study is determined by the importance of the implementation of electronic platforms in the process of teaching foreign languages, as well as the need to investigate new forms of management used by tutors in the process of monitoring individual learning activities in electronic educational environment. Materials and Methods. The following methods have been used in this research: a survey with Likert scale, data analysis, semantic interpretation of data and graphical representation of data. The empirical basis of this study includes the results of the survey of students of the Institute of Distance Learning and Open Education at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow). Results. In the present article it is shown that students can benefit from the integration of electronic platforms in foreign language learning since it provides them with excellent opportunities to choose their own educational content that takes both their professional interests and their present level of foreign language proficiency into account. However, although most students are motivated to use electronic educational platforms in their autonomous work, they need assistance. Tutors play an important role in the organisation of this type of educational activity in terms of explaining how to work with the platform, helping students to choose individual learning routes and providing motivation. Using various ICT tools of pedagogical management, tutors monitor the process of autonomous work and control its results; thus, the individual work of students becomes more efficient. Discussion and Conclusion. The results of the research and the discussion of these results with colleagues at scientific conferences and methodological seminars help to determine future perspectives for the successful use of pedagogical management tools in the process of autonomous study on electronic educational platforms. The results of the research have practical value for teachers of foreign languages working in the electronic educational environment.


The specific aspects of designing computer-based tutors for future engineers in numerical methods studying

The specific aspects of designing computer-based tutors for future engineers in numerical methods studying

Novikova Svetlana V., Sosnovsky Sergey A., Yakhina Rouzilya R., Valitova Natalia L., Kremleva Elmira Sh.

Статья научная

Introduction: the paper considers the topical problem of teaching students - future engineers - by computational methods of mathematics. The focus is on developing students necessary professional competencies. Competencies are described in accordance with the Russian Federal State Educational Standard and the international standard by the European Association for Engineering Education SEFI. In order for students to thoroughly study the subject and have a strong professional competence, it is proposed to use a computer-based tutor. The aim of this research is to develop the special methodology of creating the computer-based tutors for teaching mathematical and engineering disciplines to students of technical specialties within the framework of a competence-oriented approach, to compare the effectiveness of classical teaching computational methods by using manual calculations, and training with the involvement of computer-based tutors. The advantages of computer-based tutors were proved in this paper. Materials and Methods: the basis of the research was methods of system analysis and descriptive and analytical methods, primarily experimental. To identify advantages of the proposed approach the methods of empirical research were used (observation and comparison). To prove the efficiency, classical methods of measurement were used. Results: based on the competence approach, a methodology of creating a computer tutor has been developed. It covers most the professional competencies that need to be studied. Also, students are guaranteed to receive the necessary competencies in the right sequence. The research showed that the use of specially designed software, such as Computer-based tutors, in the process of mathematical methods studying connected with the computational procedures allows us to achieve: on the one hand, deep digestion by students (as in using manual calculations), on the other hand to accelerate learning process and increase students motivation. As a result of pedagogical experiment on the use the computer-based tutors the progress in studies has been recorded: the percentage of positive ratings increased from 65 to 88 %. Also, the motivation of students to study mathematics was increased by 12 percent on average. Discussion and Conclusions: the methodology of creation and use of computer-based tutors has high practical significance and allows increasing the effectiveness of teaching mathematics within the competence approach for students of technical specialties. The use of the interactive computer-based tutors focused on mastering professional competencies, is effective for studying mathematical and engineering disciplines by students of technical universities. In particular, a positive effect has been achieved with the introduction of computer-based tutors in the educational process of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev-KAI, Kazan, Russia (the University is aimed at training engineers-designers for aerospace industry), Saarland Technical University, Saarbrucken, Germany (the University is focused on training IT engineers), and a number of other Russian and foreign technical universities.


The structural model of future employees'' Personal and professional self-development

The structural model of future employees'' Personal and professional self-development

Garanina Zhanna G., Andronova Natalia V., Lashmaykina Lyudmila I., Maltseva Olga E., Polyakov Osip Е.

Статья научная

Introduction: the main purpose of this paper is to present the theoretical and practical aspects of professional and personal self-development of future professionals, the construction of the structural model and the determination of levels of self-development. The study of personal and professional self-development attributes of future professionals is of special interest to modern researchers, as well as for practicing psychologists studying the problem of self-realization and self-improvement in their professional fields. This article discusses the theoretical approaches to the study of the model and structure of personal and professional self-development. It analyses the results of the comparative empirical study of the features of students self-development with various levels of formation of motivational-semantic sphere. The authors carried out the detailed theoretical analysis of the problem of personal and professional self-development. They offer the structural model of the process, including the set of interrelated value-semantic, reflexive and regulatory components. The study revealed that the personal and professional self-development is a comprehensive system based on the active personal transformation being carried out in the course of behavior and activities self-regulation of their behavior, designed to achieve personal and professional goals. Materials and Methods: diagnostic methods were used to identify the level of self-development and personal qualities of students. Processing of the data was carried out by means of correlation, factor and cluster analysis. Results: this article considers the results of the empirical study conducted with the help of psycho-diagnostic methods aimed at identifying the level of self-development of future professionals, its structure and features. The scientifically valid results are obtained, allowing to identify the levels of self-development of students as well as to identify factors affecting the process of self-development of future social sphere specialists. Discussion and Conclusions: the structural model of the personal-professional self-development includes a set of interconnected components: value-semantic, reflexive and regulative. The main factor influencing the process of personal and professional self-development of future professionals is the indicator of the meaningfulness of life, which is significantly associated with readiness to self-knowledge and self-development and affect the level of self-development. The desire for self-development can be considered as one of the personal and professional values, which give future professionals the opportunity to feel the meaningfulness of life, satisfaction with the process and its results, and achieve their personal and professional goals. The results of this study have several important implication for practicing psychologists who can broaden the scope of research of self-development and self-identity processes and determine the basic ways of self-realization of the young people potential in their professional career.


Topical issues of bachelor-translator's basic linguistic training in higher school: the introduction of communicative-functional approach to translation teaching

Topical issues of bachelor-translator's basic linguistic training in higher school: the introduction of communicative-functional approach to translation teaching

Ivleva Alina Yu., Lapteva Irina V., Sonyem Alain В.

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Introduction. The paper is focused on translators training system reconsideration in connection with new approaches to translation. The central question is linguist-translator's language training specificity through the new communicative-functional approach. The purpose of the work is to reveal translators' training in higher school within the frameworks of communicative-functional approach to translation. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted with the basic scientific methods: supervision, comparative analysis within which the interrelation and differences in the language training of students-interpreters in various aspects were revealed. Pedagogical experience of teachers of Speech theory and Translation Chair of the Foreign Languages Faculty at Ogarev National Research Mordovia State University and results of translators' training problem analysis in scientific articles were the basic materials for our study. Results. The research hypothesis was confirmed through a comparative analysis of classes on the discipline "Practical course of a foreign language" for two training courses: "Translation and Interpretation" and "Methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures". Their peculiarities, general points and drawbacks were identified; the preferences about the most important aspects of language training by different students' profiles, at Mordovia State University and University of Yaounde I were found out. The method of translators' language training improvement was offered. Discussion and the Conclusions. Training of students' professional translation involves the formation of special translational thinking for future translators. The theoretical value of the work is the revision of priorities, the systematisation and construction of a holistic interdisciplinary content of language education. The practical relevance consists in using the results in system of education of any country to provide quality translation training. The results achieved reveal the situation of global instability in politics, contributing to its improvement.


Using e-learning tools to enhance students-mathematicians' competences in the context of international academic mobility programmes

Using e-learning tools to enhance students-mathematicians' competences in the context of international academic mobility programmes

Snegurenko Alexander P., Sosnovsky Sergey A., Novikova Svetlana V., Yakhina Rouzilya R., Valitova Natalia L. valitova, Kremleva Elmira Sh.

Статья научная

Introduction. The article is concerned with the use of special electronic teaching tools to increase the students' understanding of the subject and adaptation to the professional language environment of the host country, taking into account the mathematical education. Our purpose is to develop a methodology of multilingual support of mathematical courses in the host country to improve the effectiveness of students' academic mobility using e-learning tools. Materials and Methods. The basis of the research was methods of system analysis and descriptive and analytical methods, primarily experimental. To identify advantages of the proposed approach the methods of empirical research were used (observation and comparison). To prove the efficiency, classical methods of measurement were used. Results: We analyzed the existing electronic learning environments and defined an e-learning environment Math-Bridge that allows for creating mathematical courses in several languages in parallel. For example, the e-training course "Optimization Methods" was developed in three languages for training Russian-speaking Master programme students. The comparative analysis of the target and control student's groups showed that 100 % of the students in the target group achieved an excellent level of mastering competencies, while the control group has only 75 %. For the control group, the degree of motivation to mathematical studying has not virtually changed (increase by 0,86 %). In the target group the level of student interest to the mathematics increased from 0,9 % to 8,9 % (mean 2.21 %). Discussion and Conclusion. The results described in the article will be useful for the staff of international departments, administrations and deans, as well as teachers of those universities that participate in the students' international academic mobility programmes.


Utilization of Moodle in teaching undergraduate students in West Africa

Utilization of Moodle in teaching undergraduate students in West Africa

Sahoo Kalyan Kumar, Mishra Padma Charan, Reddy Rayalacheruvu Venkatamuni

Статья научная

Introduction. Teaching pedagogy has become more advanced and techno friendly. The goal of this study is to inspect effectiveness of e-LMS (learning management system) prevalent for students of West African University, mainly at Private University Colleges. Materials and Methods. The samples were collected from Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Togo and Benin. The research design is based on a survey method. Data were collected from 435-undergraduate students using questionnaires out of which 410-were found useful. Results. The result hints towards enhancing infrastructure for technology, more seminars and encouraging students to use the same. Discussion and Conclusion. Efficient use of LMS ought to be on obligatory institutional objectives and policies. The study recommends integration of LMS in curricula of undergraduate students of West African countries. The study further recommends efficient and useful information technology education to be made mandatory institutional policy for students and criteria for getting accreditation for organization.


Video conferencing solutions for students - future teachers’ professional socialization

Video conferencing solutions for students - future teachers’ professional socialization

Nagovitsyn Roman S., Valeeva Roza A., Latypova Liliya A.

Статья научная

Introduction. Despite the numerous publications on the implementation of distance technologies, there are practically no studies on the systematic analysis of various forms of video conferencing that support educational technologies and serve as a practical guide for teachers in teacher training. The purpose of the study is to analyze the experience of implementing video conferencing in various forms of interaction, to identify and experimentally test the effectiveness of their implementation in the process of professional socialization of student teachers. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the method of reflexive-system analysis of the implementation of video conferencing in the professional training of student teachers. Based on the questionnaire and the method of expert assessments, testing of the level of social and psychological adaptability, professional and behavioral skills, social and emotional comfort of students was implemented. The experiment involved 209 students of the Glazov State Pedagogical Institute and Kazan Federal University. Results. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the implementation of the group form of video conferencing significantly increases the involvement of almost all students in active communication activities in the classroom. Communication activity in the implementation of social and educational interaction between small and large groups made it possible to most effectively form professional socialization among students. Statistical analysis showed that it was classes in a remote format using video conferencing in subgroups of 4-5 students that had the greatest positive effect. Discussion and Conclusion. The conclusions made by the authors contribute to the development of new forms of effective communication through social and educational interaction in the implementation of video conferencing. The materials of the article can be useful in the implementation of teacher education to increase the level of studentsʼ involvement in professional training in the context of distance education.


Visual basic for application как система объектно-ориентированного программирования

Visual basic for application как система объектно-ориентированного программирования

Гордина C.В.

Статья научная

В статье рассматриваются основные понятия объектно-ориентированного программирования. Обосновывается необходимость изучения студентами экономических специальностей в курсе информатики системы объектно-ориентированного программирования Visual Basic for Application


XV Международная бахтинская конференция (Стокгольм, 23-27 июля 2014 г.)

XV Международная бахтинская конференция (Стокгольм, 23-27 июля 2014 г.)

Васильев Николай Леонидович

Статья научная

Статья представляет собой обзор последней по времени международной научной конференции, посвященной комплексному изучению биографии, творчества М. М. Бахтина и ученых «бахтинского круга» (В. Н. Волошинов, П. Н. Медведев и др.). В стокгольмской конференции приняли участие около 200 ученых (литературоведов, лингвистов, философов, искусствоведов, культурологов, педагогов, психологов, переводчиков) из России, Белоруссии, Украины, Польши, Словении, Германии, Италии, Финляндии, Великобритании, Израиля, Канады, США, Мексики, Бразилии, Китая, Индии, Японии и других стран. В течение 5 дней были заслушаны пленарные доклады (К. Эмерсон, А. Понцио, Г. Тиханов и др.); прошли заседания нескольких секций, круглых столов; состоялись яркие художественные презентации «сюжетов», связанных с бахтиноведением и современным искусством. Наибольший интерес интернациональной аудитории вызвало обсуждение завершенного многотомного «Собрания сочинений» М. М. Бахтина и осмысление интеллектуального феномена «Круга Бахтина» в работах недавно скончавшегося исследователя Ю. П. Медведева. Конференция проходила в стенах Королевской школы искусств.


XVIII век: текст, написанный женщиной (к вопросу о включении женской литературы в образовательные программы школы и вуза)

XVIII век: текст, написанный женщиной (к вопросу о включении женской литературы в образовательные программы школы и вуза)

Николаева Е.А.

Статья обзорная

Статья посвящена уникальному явлению отечественной культуры - женской литературе. Рассматривается проблема ее значимости для современного гуманитарного образования. Обращение к этому пласту литературно-художественного творчества способствует созданию более полной картины исторического развития общества, что приводит к повышению общекультурного уровня человека, оказывает благотворное влияние на гармоничное становление личности. Автором исследуется женская литература XVIII в., отражающая социокультурные особенности женской ментальности данного периода


«Бесполезность» и необходимость философского знания

«Бесполезность» и необходимость философского знания

Куликова Т.В.

Статья научная

Статья посвящена проблеме специфики и места философского знания в системе образования в соотношении с гуманитарным и естественно-научным знанием. Философское знание рассмотрено в новом аспекте: как знание границы. Сделан акцент на значимости метафизических вопросов в определении человеком собственной мировоззренческой позиции. Дано обоснование необходимости формирования философской культуры чтения (интерпретации) текста, философской культуры мышления и воспитания личности с высокой степенью мыслительной свободы. Творчество, свобода, критичность и независимость мышления представлены как основные смыслы философского образования.

