Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Advantages of the knowledge control system in the distance learning system

Advantages of the knowledge control system in the distance learning system

Ochilova N.S.

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This article is dedicated to the development of information educational technology based on learning management system Moodle. The article describes theoretical foundations of e-education and software platforms for the organization of e-learning, gives description of the developed technology and shows its practical use by creating a training course for foreign languages. Developed technology allows to create educational courses which combine real and electronic educational resources.


Advantages of the use of 3D printer in different areas and its application in architecture

Advantages of the use of 3D printer in different areas and its application in architecture

Kamalova F.

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The advantages of 3D printing printer in many areas and the methods of their use are described. The extensive and effective use of 3D printing printers in the field of architecture and design education is also discussed.


Advantages of wide use of new methods in art and cultural management

Advantages of wide use of new methods in art and cultural management

Mamatnazarov Sh.R.

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This article is about the benefits of using New Methods (SMART) in arts and culture management.


Adventage of using an interactive whiteboard for development of speech activities

Adventage of using an interactive whiteboard for development of speech activities

Nuritdinova Yo.A.

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Experience with interactive whiteboard shows increasing students motivation to study a foreign language and confirms the effectiveness positive impact combination of its capabilities and the implementation of teaching the principles of innovation, clarity, communication.


Advertising activities in the context of modern tourism development

Advertising activities in the context of modern tourism development

Azizova N.T., Abdullaeva Sh.E.

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The article looks at the concept of advertising acts on a person and the ways to improve its role, which makes research topic relevant. The scientific article gives scientific definitions to such categories as "advertising" and its types by various scholars and authors. In addition, the article groups advertising programs, summarizes and comprehensively, analyzes the theoretical and scientific approaches to improving their effectiveness. Having done an extensive analysis of the research materials, the author makes a conclusion about the urgency strengthening measures for social protection of the population in order to avoid furthereconomic recession.


Age-specific parameters of the heart in patients with combined mitral defect

Age-specific parameters of the heart in patients with combined mitral defect

Tashmatova G.A., Primkulova G.N.

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Using ultrasound examination with age-related features significantly expands the possibility of studying intimate mechanisms of functioning of the heart in normal and pathological cases. it would allow to establish many age-related patterns of disorders not only during systole, but also in diastole in various diseases of the cardiovascular system, indicate the initial signs of development of cardiac failure, objective estimating the role of several compensatory mechanisms, influencing different functional tests, which has invaluable importance for practical medicine.


Ageing of the population

Ageing of the population

Medvedev G.O.

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n several decades, aging of population has become an issue for the developed nations. While the process of population aging has been noticed in some European states in 19th century it had not become an issue until 1970s, when percentage of elders started to increase rapidly. States have to adapt new demographic reality. While discussing global population aging, it is important to understand the large demographic and social variability across regions and countries. In this paper, the process of population aging will be investigated on example of US and Japan.


Agile-трансформация: будущее банковской сферы

Agile-трансформация: будущее банковской сферы

Петросян С.Э.

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Трансформация - характерная черта современных тенденций всех секторов экономической жизни. А трансформация банковской сферы на сегодняшний день представляет собой наиболее динамичный объект и актуальный для пристальных исследований. Неудивительно, что трансформация начинается с ведущего банка Российской Федерации - Сбербанка. Однако сейчас к данному процессу подключаются и такие банки, как Альфа-банк, ВТБ24; в их концепциях развития прогнозируется применение agile-трансформации. В рамках представленной статьи проанализированы ключевые моменты, касаемо agile-трансформации как будущего банковской сферы.


Agriculture and tourism: history of development

Agriculture and tourism: history of development

Abduvalieva M.M., Sulaymonova D.M., Usmonov I., Turdiboyev Z.

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This article discusses agrotourism. Ways to create and use tourism maps are also analyzed.


Agroindustrial complex in the strategic development of the Russian Federation

Agroindustrial complex in the strategic development of the Russian Federation

Alkhasova Kh.A.

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The article refers to the agro-industrial complex in the development of the national economy in the Russian Federation. The paper outlines the prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex, reveals the strategic objectives of the state agri-food policy, as well as the main prerequisites.


Agrotechnics and seeds of maxar growing

Agrotechnics and seeds of maxar growing

Bostonova S.S.

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Maxsar is a representative of oilseeds. Maxsar seeds contain 25-35% of oil, which is mainly used in the food industry and in the production of margarine. Maxsar oil is used to make alif, dyes and soaps. Maxsar pistachios are a valuable food for poultry and are used as fodder and fertilizer. In recent years, in some farms of the republic, safflower is grown as a food crop.


Aholini ro’yxatga olishda geografik va demografik ma’lumotlarning o’rni

Aholini ro’yxatga olishda geografik va demografik ma’lumotlarning o’rni

Berdiqulova M.T.

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Ushbu maqolada aholini ro’yxatga olishning tarixiy jihatlari bilan birga ilmiy asoslari ham yoritib berilgan. O’zbekiston hududida olingan aholi ro’yxatlari haqida ilmiy ma’lumotlar keltirilgan. Davlat dasturi asosida Respublikada o’tkazilishi rejalashtirilgan aholi ro’yxati to’g’risida bayon qilingan.


Aholini xavfli hududdan xavfsiz hududga ko’chirish chora-tadbirlari

Aholini xavfli hududdan xavfsiz hududga ko’chirish chora-tadbirlari

Nabiyev A.B., Turdaliyev R.T.

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Aholini ko’chirish, ko’chirish turlari, aholini ko’chirishda yuzaga keladigan muammolar va ularning yechimlari haqida ma’lumot berilgan.


Akademik litseylarda malakali kadrlarni yetishtirib berishga bo‘lgan innovatsion yondashuvlar

Akademik litseylarda malakali kadrlarni yetishtirib berishga bo‘lgan innovatsion yondashuvlar

Yuldasheva G.D.

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Mazkur maqolada yoshlarni kelajakda malakali kadr bo‘lib yetishib chiqishida ularda axborot imunitetini shakllantirishning zamonaviy usullaridan foydalanib, dunyo miqiyosidagi o‘qitish tizimidan yuqori o‘rinlarga olib chiqish ahamiyati haqida so’z yuritilgan.


Aktyorlik mahoratida kechinma san`ati

Aktyorlik mahoratida kechinma san`ati

Ismailova M.X.

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Ushbu maqolada aktyorlik mahoratida kechinma san`atining o`rni, tasavvur qilish qobiliyati, fikr yuritishning muhimligi borasida so`z yuritiladi.


Al Farabi is a great philosopher

Al Farabi is a great philosopher

Alimova Sh.Q.

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This article describes the life and activities of Al Farabi


Al Xorazmiy is a great Uzbek mathematician

Al Xorazmiy is a great Uzbek mathematician

Tashbayeva G.Yu.

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This article tells about the life and work of Al-Хarazmi


Al-Farabi's views on human anthropology

Al-Farabi's views on human anthropology

Agzamova N.F.

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This article discusses a specific interpretation of the concept of a happy person in the philosophy of Abu Nasr al-Farabi. The purpose of man's coming into this world is considered in the context of the idea that he should live happily. In addition, what obstacles and difficulties must be overcome in order to achieve happiness, in general, Abu Nasr al-Farabi's views are based on a scientific and philosophical approach to the formula of happiness.


Alber Kamyu va Xurshid Do'stmuhammad sharq va g’arb mushtarakligi

Alber Kamyu va Xurshid Do'stmuhammad sharq va g’arb mushtarakligi

Sulaymonova N.

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Xurshid Do’stmuhammadning “Donishmand Sizif” romanida majoziy obrazlar zamiriga juda katta ma’no yuklatiladi. Noan’anaviy yo‘nalishida yaratilgan, badiiy va falsafiy tafakkur uyg‘unligi mujassamlashgan X.Do‘stmuhammadning “Donishmand Sizif” romani adabiyotimizga yangi uslubiy janr o‘zgarishlarini olib kirdi. Shu ma’noda, adib ijodidagi badiiy-psixologik tahlilning nozik bir jihatni qayd etish joiz. Xususan, keyingi paytda X.Do‘stmuhammad ijodiy izlanishlari insonning pinhon dunyosi-xayollari, fantaziyasini aks ettirishi bilan o‘ziga xos ahamiyat kasb etadi. Bunda birinchidan, olamni, odamni badiiy idrok va ifoda etishda bashariy qadriyatlar nuqtai nazaridan yondashish ustivor tamoyilga aylandi. Badiiy asarlarda hayot manzaralarini, jamiyat psixologiyasini shaxs erki, vijdon erkinligi kabi masalalarning ahamiyatini tushuntirish sari yuz burdi. Ikkinchidan, falsafiy psixologizm-ramzlar, timsollar asosiga qurilgan badiiy tafakkur mohiyatan realistik tasvir prinsiplarini boyituvchi hamda kengaytiruvchi ijodiy uslubiy yo‘nalish sifatida yorqin tajassum topib bormoqda. Ushbu hodisada psixologik tahlil fikrchan kechinmalar holatlarini, kayfiyatlar silsilasini yaratish hisobiga yangi sifat o‘zgarishlar voqe bo‘layotir.


Algae and their useful properties

Algae and their useful properties

Mahmudova Y.S.

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This article discusses algae and their beneficial properties.

