Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Alisher Navoi is a great Uzbek poet

Alisher Navoi is a great Uzbek poet

Egamberdiyeva G.

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This article discusses the creative activity of the great Uzbek poet and writer Alisher Navoi


Alisher Navoi is a great Uzbek poet

Alisher Navoi is a great Uzbek poet

Dadamirzayeva S.P.

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This article discusses the creative activity of the great Uzbek poet and writer Alisher Navoi


Alisher Navoi is great statesman and writer

Alisher Navoi is great statesman and writer

Toshpulatova S.M.

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This article discusses the life and creative work of Alisher Navoi


Alisher Navoi's mystical views on the relationship between the universe and man (on the example of "Sab`ayi sayyar")

Alisher Navoi's mystical views on the relationship between the universe and man (on the example of "Sab`ayi sayyar")

Ochilova M.Sh.

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This article deals with the philosophical analysis of the universe, the creation of being, man and the events related to it in the epic "Sabayi Sayyar", which is part of the epic "Khamsa".


Alisher Navoiy siymosiga chizgilar

Alisher Navoiy siymosiga chizgilar

Alijonova N.K.

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Ushbu maqolada Zahiriddin Muhammad Boburning “Boburnoma” asari inglizcha tarjimalarida Alisher Navoiy siymosiga bergan ta’riflari va adabiyotshunos olimlar ijodkorning g`azallari, asarlarini o`qib bildirgan qimmatli fikrlari haqidagi ma’lumotlar keltirilgan. Shoirning bizga qoldirgan adabiy me’rosi juda katta xazinani tashkil etishi haqida ham bayon qilinadi.


Alisher Navoiyning tilshunoslikka oid qarashlari

Alisher Navoiyning tilshunoslikka oid qarashlari

Mominova M.G.

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Mazkur maqolada adabiy til asoschisi Alisher Navoiyning tilshunoslikka oid qarashlari, “Muhokamat ul-lug‘atayn” asari xususidagi fikrlarimiz va lakuna hodisasi, ta’rifi, bu hodisaning ilk marotaba “Muhokamat ul-lug‘atayn” asarida yoritib o‘tilganligi haqida so‘z yuritildi.


Allomalarimizning merosida tarbiya masalalari

Allomalarimizning merosida tarbiya masalalari

Abduxamidov I.A.

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Yurtimiz zamirida jahоn sivilizatsiyasi taraqqiyotiga salmоqli hissa qo’shgan, umumjahоn miqyosida e’tirоf etilgan qanchadanqancha buyuk mutafakkirlar va qоmusiy allоmalar yеtishib chiqqan. Ajdоdlarimizdan qоlgan bоy mеrоs o’zining g’oyat muhimligi bilan haligacha dunyo хalqlarini lоl qоldirib kеlmоqda. Ajdodlarimiz tariхini o’rganish va ularning mеrоs na”munalaridan fоydalangan hоlda jamiyatimiz uchun kоmil insоnlarni shakllantirish bugungi kunning dоlzarb vazifalaridandir.


Almarai - приверженность Almarai качеству является основой доверия потребителей к продуктам компании

Almarai - приверженность Almarai качеству является основой доверия потребителей к продуктам компании

Альгамди Т.С.

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Резюме: Almarai - крупная саудовская компания, зарегистрированная на бирже Tadawul, которая специализируется на производстве и распределении продуктов питания и напитков в течение 42 лет. Основные офисы компании расположены в Эр-Рияде, который является частным партнерством с PepsiCo с 2009 года. В этой статье мы узнаем об Almarai с момента его создания до настоящего времени.


Alterations of testing system in the period of Z generation

Alterations of testing system in the period of Z generation

Malikova D.G., Qobilova N.S.

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This article deals with manifesting changes in testing system in the latest period. On the top of that problems occurred because of alterations have been implemented. Well-organized testing system is used to be merged by means of changes that declared by authorities.


Alternative choice of several methods in the process of teaching English language

Alternative choice of several methods in the process of teaching English language

Xudoyberganova M.A., Xudoyberganov G.R.

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In this article highlights of problems of alternative choice of several techniques inside the manner of coaching English.


Alternative education

Alternative education

Allanazarova M.A.

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This article discusses the terms and essence of alternative education, alternative schools and external studies.


Amaliy o‘yinlar va ularning didaktik imkoniyatlari

Amaliy o‘yinlar va ularning didaktik imkoniyatlari

Parpiyev O.T., Ahmedova G.I.

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Мақолада ўйинлар назарияси, унинг таълим бериш жараёнидаги ўрни ва ундан фойдаланиш йўллари, ўйинга берилган турли таърифлар ҳамда амалий ўйинларнинг дидактик имкониятлари кўриб ўтилган.


Amarant o'simligini ozuqa granulasi tarkibida qo’llashning ijobiy istiqbollari

Amarant o'simligini ozuqa granulasi tarkibida qo’llashning ijobiy istiqbollari

Norqulov I.O., Abdullayev M.Sh.

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Maqolada amarant o’simligining ozuqa granula sifatida qo’llash istiqbollari ko’rib chiqilgan. Respublika chorvachilik sohasi ozuqa bazasini yangi, to’yimliligi yuqori bo’lgan ozuqa granulalari bilan ta’minlash va bu tizimlarni zamonaviy axborot kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari asosida avtomatlashtirish dolzarb masala hisoblanadi.


American holidays and traditions

American holidays and traditions

Haknazarova Z.U.

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The article tells about holidays and traditions in the United States of America. The so-called legal holidays include Christmas, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving and others.


Amir Temur a great commander and statesman

Amir Temur a great commander and statesman

Tursunova S.U.

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In this scientific article, Amir Temur and his activities, virtues are considered


Amir Temur qabrining ochilishi

Amir Temur qabrining ochilishi

Sobitxonov J.Z.

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Ushbu maqolada Amir Temur qabrini ochilishi va o‘rganilishi haqida ma'lumot berilgan.


Amir Temur's constructions and the spiritual ideas advanced in it

Amir Temur's constructions and the spiritual ideas advanced in it

Jorayeva S.O.

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In this article, the content of the work "Temur's rules" written by Amir Temur, the ideas put forward in the game, such as humanity, honesty, moral norms, the categories that form the basis of the state in the play and the views of other scholars on “Temur’s rules” detailed information is given.


Amir Temur: source of power and development for the future

Amir Temur: source of power and development for the future

Tashbayeva G.Y., Yuldashev Otabek

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In this scientific article, Amir Temur and his activities, virtues are considered


Amu-buxoro mashina kanalining tabiiy sharoiti va loyihaviy parametrlari II

Amu-buxoro mashina kanalining tabiiy sharoiti va loyihaviy parametrlari II

Qayimova S., Homidova D.

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Ushbu maqolada Amu-Buxoro mashina kanalining asosiy qismi Buxoro viloyatida joylashganligi uning tabiiy geografik zonasi, qizilqum cho‘lida joylashganligi haqida malumot keltirilgan. Qiziltepa, quymazor, to’dako’l tashlama va ABK-I navbati kanalida Sapfer-2 suv o‘lchash qurilmasi o‘rnatilgan. Bu esa navbatchi dispetcherlarning ishini yanada yengillashtiradi. Sun’iy o‘zanlar ham mavsumiy ravishda Amudaryoni suv satxini o‘zgarishiga qarab ochib yopiladi.


An integrated approach to the improvement of primary school lessons and its importance

An integrated approach to the improvement of primary school lessons and its importance

Egamberdiyeva Yu.U.

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Primary teacher needs to adopt the many new techniques of teaching in a school. These contemporary techniques are designed with much research and analysis for the development and growth of children. Most of these techniques aim to construct effective learning which has been included in the syllabus of each and every primary school. Today students are taught with these specialized techniques so that the development of cognitive abilities in children takes place.

