Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Экономика и социум
Bino va inshootlar poydevorlarini korroziyadan himoyalash
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Respublikamiz ijtimoiy va transport, kommunal infratuzilma inshootlarini qurish va rekonstruksiya qilishda beton va temir beton konstruksiyalaridan keng miqyosda foydalanilmoqda. Ular bino va inshootlarda ishlash davrida tashqi agressiv muhit ta’sirida yemirilishi mumkin.
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The article provides information on the biochemical mechanisms of muscle contraction and relaxation, the importance of monovalent ions and calcium ions.
Bioecology and cultivation technology of calendula (Calendula officinalis)
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This article discusses the agrotechnology, bioecology, medicinal properties and cultivation of calendulla officinalis in the light gray soils of Andijan region and its use in folk medicine.
Biological properties of cucumbers and new varieties
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Cucumbers first appeared in the Himalayas more than 3,000 years ago. Cucumbers came to Russia from Byzantium. Its Russian name is derived from the Greek word for “uncooked, uncooked”. And all because the taste of fresh young cucumbers is better than ripe.
Biologik kimyo fanini o’qitishda dars samaradorligini oshirish
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Biologik kimyo fanini o'qitishning zamonaviy ta'lim texnologiyalarini o'rganib chiqadi. Tibbiy ta’limda tabiiy fanlarni o’qitish zamonaviy texnologiyalarini o’rganib chiqadi.
Biophysics as an interdisciplinary science
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In this article, biophysics is considered as an interdisciplinary field.
Bioremediation of desert lands using xylotermophyte plants
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The article is devoted to the study of cultivation of thermocerophyte (Capparis spinosa L.) - capers in the form of seedlings and seeds in order to find out the reasons for the widespread and habitability of this plant in the arid zones of Central Asia, as well as to study the characteristics of the soil microflora composition used for natural and artificial capers habitat.
Biotechnological aspects of plant disease control
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The most important place in biotechnology and bioengineering belongs to the modern selection of plants for sustainability and product quality, the creation of a new generation of varietal resources of the country and the world. The main research of biotechnologists is aimed at creating improved and fundamentally new genotypes of agricultural plants that have single, group or complex resistance to biotic or a biotic stressors of the environment while maintaining and improving their productivity and quality. The epiphytic nature of the spread of the most dangerous fungal, viral and bacterial diseases of cultivated plants, destroying up to 30% (and sometimes more) of the crop.
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The study of the structure and life cycles of reptile helminths is important in determining the circulation patterns of free-living helminths in different biogeocenoses. It also allows you to determine the laws of free, intermediate-reservoir master, defensive master systems. Because reptiles have close biocenotic relationships with various vertebrates and invertebrates that make up the biogeocenosis complex in their range, they spread various helminthic pathogens into the environment and among other animals. As a result, various helminths cause natural sources to be preserved.
Birinchi va ikkinchi tur egri chiziq integrallar (geometrik va fizik ma’nolari.) Grin formulasi
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Ushbu maqolada matematikaning eng qiziq mavzularidan biri bo’lgan I-va II-tur egri chiziq integrallar (geometrik va fizik ma’nolari.) Grin formulasi haqida ma’lumotlar berib o’tildi va mavjud muanmolarga ilmiy yondashildi hamda muanmolarni hal etish uchun tegishli tavsiyalar berib o’tildi.
Birinchi va ikkinchi tur sirt integrallari
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Ushbu maqolada matematikaning eng qiziq mavzularidan biri bo’lgan Birinchi va ikkinchi tur sirt integrallari haqida ma’lumotlar berib o’tildi va mavjud muanmolarga ilmiy yondashildi hamda muanmolarni hal etish uchun tegishli tavsiyalar berib o’tildi.
Bluetooth-маркетинг как перспективное направление в продвижении товаров и услуг компаний
Bo`yimadaron o`simligining kimyoviy tarkibi, xalq tabobati va tibbiyotdagi axamiyati
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Ushbu maqolada bo`yimadaron o`simligining Ozbekistonda o`suvchi turlari, tarqalishi, tabobatdagi ahamiyati, zamonaviy tibbiyotdagi o`rni, kimyoviy tarkibi, tarkibidagi organik va noorganik moddalar hamda vitaminlarning foydali xususiyatlari yoritilgan.
Bolalar dunyoqarashining shakllanishida badiiy adabiyotlarning ro’li
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Maqolada "Badiiy adabiyotni o'qish" ning mazmuni ochib berilgan. Adabiyot o'qishning maqsad va vazifalari bolalarning yoshiga qarab intellektini rivojlantirishning asosiy vositasi sifatida belgilanadi. O'qishning bolaga ta'sirining xarakteristikasi berilgan, ta'lim dasturida "Badiiy adabiyotni o'qish" ni amalga oshirishning amaliy asoslari tahlil qilingan.
Bolalar sport uslubidagi kiyimlari uchun gazlama tanlash tadqiqi
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Maqolada, bolalar sport liboslar to`plamini ishlab chiqarish uchun Namangan viloyatidagi mahalliy bozorlarda marketing tadqiqotlari o`tkazilib, iste`molchilar talablari o`rganildi.
Bolalarda jismoniy madaniyatni shakllantirishda sport musobaqalarining roli
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Maktabgacha ta’lim tashkilotlarida sport bayramlari va musobaqalarini o’tkazishda bolalar faol, mustaqil va tashabbuskor bo'lish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladilar. Ushbu maqolada bolalarda jismoniy madaniyatni shakllantirishda sport musobaqalarining roli haqida so`z yuritilgan.
Bolalarni jismoniy tayyorgarligini rivojlantirishda harakatli o‘yinlarning ahamiyati
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Maqolada bolalarni jismoniy tayyorgarligini rivojlantirishda harakatli o‘yinlarning axamiyati va jismoniy rivojlanishi taxlil kilindi.Ayniqsa, maktabgacha talim tashkilotlarida bolalarni jismoniy faolligini oshirish xamda barkamolligini taminlashda harakatli o‘yinlar asosiy vosita xisoblanadi.
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Ushbu maqolada bolalarning kundalik hayotini tashkil qilishda tabiatni sog`lomlashtirishchi vositalaridan oqilona foydalanish haqida so`z boradi.
Borrowings of English vocabulary and their distinctive features
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This article assays to estimate borrowing words from other languages and historical circumstances are discussed under which words borrowed from Latin, from Scandinavian dialects, from Norman and Parisian French and many other languages.