Статьи журнала - International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications
Все статьи: 1173

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In this paper, a simple and optimal form of fractional-order feedback approach assigned for the control and synchronization of a class of fractional-order chaotic systems is proposed. The proposed control law can be viewed as a distributed network of linear regulators wherein each node is modeled by a PI controller with moderate gains. The multiobjective genetic algorithm with chaotic mutation, adopted in this work, can be visualized as a combination of structural and parametric genes of a controller orchestrated in a hierarchical fashion. Then, it is applied to select an optimal knowledge base, which characterizes the developed controller, and satisfies various design specifications. The proposed design and optimization of the developed controller represents a simple powerful approach to provide a reasonable tradeoff between computational overhead, storage space, numerical accuracy and stability criterion in control and synchronization of a class of fractional-order chaotic systems. Simulation results show the satisfactory performance of the proposed approach.

Cooperative Medium Access Control Protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks using Spatial Diversity
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Enhancement the Performance of MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) using spatial diversity. Spatial diversity implemented using cooperative transmission technique in Medium access control (MAC) layer level protocol. In noisy environment limit the network performance like coverage area, limit number of node, degrade packet transmission rate, increase packet loss rate etc. In this paper enhance the source to destination transmission range, minimize the packet loss, improve packet transmission rate and appropriate end to end delay. When direct link is fail to transmit packet then Cooperative scheme help to transmit packet. Cooperative scheme is to help the packet transmission with five handshakes instead of four. This scheme implemented in MANET network on MAC layer protocol. Cooperative scheme improve the performance with help of intermediate node between sources to destination. We are performance analysis using discrete simulator NS-2 in MANET. Our performance based on MAC layer level with cooperative scheme in IEEE WLAN standard CSMA/CA protocol.

Cosine-Based Clustering Algorithm Approach
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Due to many applications need the management of spatial data; clustering large spatial databases is an important problem which tries to find the densely populated regions in the feature space to be used in data mining, knowledge discovery, or efficient information retrieval. A good clustering approach should be efficient and detect clusters of arbitrary shapes. It must be insensitive to the outliers (noise) and the order of input data. In this paper Cosine Cluster is proposed based on cosine transformation, which satisfies all the above requirements. Using multi-resolution property of cosine transforms, arbitrary shape clusters can be effectively identified at different degrees of accuracy. Cosine Cluster is also approved to be highly efficient in terms of time complexity. Experimental results on very large data sets are presented, which show the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach compared to other recent clustering methods.

Cost-effective Robotic Arm Simulation and System Verification
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In recent years, the utilization of virtual environments in industry 4.0 has witnessed significant growth, particularly in the design, implementation, and management of robotic systems. This paper addresses the need for enhanced control in robotic arms by presenting the design and implementation of a 5DoF robotic arm transformed into a digital platform through specialized software. The methods employed involve detailed direct and inverse kinematic modeling to replicate the physical arm in a digital environment. Our measurements indicate an impressive accuracy ranging from 97% to 100% in the movements of the digital model, closely mirroring its physical counterpart. This research not only contributes to the development of simulation systems but also holds promise for the broader adoption of digital twins. The paper discusses the background, outlines the methodology, highlights key findings, and concludes with the potential future impact of this work on the advancement of robotic systems and simulation technologies.