Статьи журнала - International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science

Все статьи: 1211

Implementation of Fair-exchange and Anonymous Online E-cash Protocol for E-commerce

Implementation of Fair-exchange and Anonymous Online E-cash Protocol for E-commerce

Harshita, Sarvesh Tanwar

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In the world of internet, e-commerce is one of the most prominent sectors where user wants to shop and pay online for online products. E-cash is one of these payment methods. In e-cash, every time a unique string is generated for user so that user uses that string to pay for any online product. At the time of online purchasing a trust should be maintain between customers and merchant such that the product price which is going to pay by customer is fair or not, the merchant is indeed genuine to deliver the product after getting online payment or not. Trust issues are resolved by using fair exchange concept at the time of online purchasing. Anonymity is also a major concern; it means that true identity of users must be hidden from merchant. By keeping these issues in mind we proposed a protocol which ensures users anonymity by using e-cash payment method and fair exchange by using off-line TTP which invokes by customer when any dispute occur from merchant side. In this paper, we implement our proposed protocol and also analyze its performance and compare it with other protocol.


Implementation of Improved Cryptography Algorithm

Implementation of Improved Cryptography Algorithm

Rohit Verma, Jyoti Dhiman

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A network is an interconnected group of independent computing devices which uses a different set of protocols to communicate with each other independently and meaningfully. This communication should be carried out securely. Due to different attacks, this security sometimes gets compromised. So, to communicate securely different cryptography algorithms are used i.e., symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. Cryptography helps to achieve authentication, confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, and availability of data. Nowadays many algorithms provide security to data but these algorithms have various security flaws. To improve the strength of these algorithms, a new security protocol is designed using features of symmetric key and asymmetric key algorithms. The security principles can be achieved by AES and RSA algorithms. The main purpose of designing this algorithm is to provide better security to data in transit against passive as well as from active attacks. The new proposed hybrid algorithm is implemented in MATLAB R2019a. This algorithm will be analysed and compared on three parameters like avalanche effect, performance, and security against attacks. The proposed model will contribute towards improving the excellence of educators and academics, as well as increase competitiveness of educational programmes on cybersecurity among similar institutions in the EU countries.


Implementation of MIMO and AMC Techniques in WiMAX Network based VANET System

Implementation of MIMO and AMC Techniques in WiMAX Network based VANET System

Prabhakar D. Dorge, Sanjay S. Dorle, Megha B. Chakole

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Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are expected to implement wireless technologies such as Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) which is a category of Wi-Fi. Other candidates of long distance wireless technologies are cellular, satellite, and WiMAX. VANETs can be viewed as component of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). This paper presents the implementation of Multiple Inputs Multiple Outputs (MIMO) and Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) techniques in WiMAX based Vehicular Ad-hoc Network. This designed system provides multiple radio channels in between transmitter and receiver for transmission and reception of the data by using the concept of MIMO technology. Also AMC provides the selection of different modulation techniques depending on the signal to noise ratio of the channel. These two techniques provide the significant change in the throughput, delay, jitter, and packet delivery ratio and packet loss ratio than existing vehicular ad-hoc network. WiMAX based VANET provides high speed, low cost per bit and large coverage area.


Implementation of Palm Print Biometric Identification System Using Ordinal Measures

Implementation of Palm Print Biometric Identification System Using Ordinal Measures

V.K. Narendira Kumar, B. Srinivasan

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Personal identification is one of the most important requirements in all e-commerce and criminal detection applications. In this framework, a novel palm print representation method, namely orthogonal line ordinal features, is proposed. The palm print registration, feature extraction, palm print verification and palm print recognition modules are designed to manage the palm prints and the palm print database module is designed to store their palm prints and the person details in the database. The feature extraction module is proposed to extract the ordinal measurements for the palm prints. The verification module is designed to verify the palm print with the personal identification record. The recognition module is proposed to find out the relevant person associated with the palm print image. The proposed palm print recognition scheme uses the intensity and brightness to measure the ordinal measurement. The ordinal measures are estimated for the 4 x 4 regions of the palm print images.


Implementation of Python Interoperability in Java through TCP Socket Communication

Implementation of Python Interoperability in Java through TCP Socket Communication

Bala Dhandayuthapani V.

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Programming language interoperability is highly desirable for a variety of reasons, such as the fact that if a programmer implements specific functionality that has previously been implemented in another language, the software component can simply be reused. Because they are particularly well-suited and efficient at implementing features, certain languages regularly arise to handle issue areas. There are numerous third-party programs available for a variety of languages. When programmers have experience with and preferences for several programming languages, collaboration on complex projects is easier. A range of techniques and methods have been used to handle various cross-language communication challenges. The importance of interoperability and cross-language communication between Java and Python via socket programming is examined in this research article through an empirical model of different execution environment paradigms that can help guide the development of improved approaches for integrating Python libraries with Java without the need for extra libraries or third-party libraries. The interoperability strategy benefits from the quality and availability of Python libraries in Java by cutting down on development time, maintenance needs, general usability, upkeep, and system integration without incurring additional costs. It is versatile to use this interoperability strategy since identical scripts are run in Java client contexts in the same way that they were used in Python. There are different Python modules used in the research article to exemplify and evaluate the expressions, built-in functions, strings, collections, data exploration, statistical data analysis using NumPy, SciPy, and Pandas, and Scikit-Learn for machine learning with linear regression.


Implementing Delaunay Triangles and Bezier Curves to Identify Suitable Business Locations in the Presence of Obstacles

Implementing Delaunay Triangles and Bezier Curves to Identify Suitable Business Locations in the Presence of Obstacles

Tejas Pattabhi, Arti Arya, Pradyumna N, Swati Singh, Sukanya D

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Data mining plays an important role in collecting information to make businesses more competitive in present business world. It is seen that the location of any business outlet is a major factor of its success. Establishing different business enterprises include a detail study of localities, people's income status living in those areas, and many other non-spatial factors. This paper is one such idea to suggest those locations for entrepreneurs, based on which they can decide on the where they can setup their business outlet. The proposed algorithm makes use of Delaunay triangulation for capturing spatial proximity and Bezier curves are used to model obstacles. The algorithm is implemented as Web application, which accepts the name of a place and collects data, form clusters and show the feasible locations of the service specified, considering the geographic irregularities and man-made obstructions. In this algorithm, spatial and non-spatial data related to a location are collected and the spatial clustering algorithm is initiated which works based on the obtained data. Clusters are formed based on the unique characteristics of each location. The experimental results are conducted on many different locations of India and in this paper results are shown for three places namely, Mysuru, Patna and Mumbai. The results have shown expected and exciting results.


Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Tanzanian Higher Education Institutions: The Influence of Task-technology Fit on Staff Performance

Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Tanzanian Higher Education Institutions: The Influence of Task-technology Fit on Staff Performance

Mhina J. R. A., Lashayo D. M.

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Individual user performance over ERP systems in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is less researched. Furthermore, the simultaneous impacts of Task-Technology Fit (TTF) on individual user (staff) performance over ERP systems in the context of Tanzania is little known. This study aimed at investigating both the direct and indirect impacts of TTF on staff performance over ERP systems in HEIs in Tanzania. This study was quantitatively designed using the snowball sampling technique by modifying D & M IS success model. The modified framework was subjected to a sample of 163 staff who are using the ERP system to accomplish business processes. The data collected was analyzed using Structure Equation Modelling (SEM). The results show that TTF has considerable direct and indirect impacts towards the performance of staff who are using ERP systems. This implies that whenever an enterprise is implementing an ERP system to improve its business process outcomes then a deep analysis has to be taken on three key elements of TTF i.e. task, technology and individual characteristics. The discussion and implications of impacts were also reported.


Implementing SEReleC with EGG

Implementing SEReleC with EGG

Vishwas J Raval, Padam Kumar

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The World Wide Web has immense resources for all kind of people for their specific needs. Searching on the Web using search engines such as Google, Bing, Ask have become an extremely common way of locating information. Searches are factorized by using either term or keyword sequentially or through short sentences. The challenge for the user is to come up with a set of search terms/keywords/sentence which is neither too large (making the search too specific and resulting in many false negatives) nor too small (making the search too general and resulting in many false positives) to get the desired result. No matter, how the user specifies the search query, the results retrieved, organized and presented by the search engines are in terms of millions of linked pages of which many of them might not be useful to the user fully. In fact, the end user never knows that which pages are exactly matching the query and which are not, till one check the pages individually. This task is quite tedious and a kind of drudgery. This is because of lack of refinement and any meaningful classification of search result. Providing the accurate and precise result to the end users has become Holy Grail for the search engines like Google, Bing, Ask etc. There are number of implementations arrived on web in order to provide better result to the users in the form of DuckDuckGo, Yippy, Dogpile etc. This research proposes development of a Meta search engine, called SEReleC that will provide an interface for refining and classifying the search engines’ results so as to narrow down the search results in a sequentially linked manner resulting in drastic reduction of number of pages.


Improved Apriori Algorithm for Mining Association Rules

Improved Apriori Algorithm for Mining Association Rules

Darshan M. Tank

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Association rules are the main technique for data mining. Apriori algorithm is a classical algorithm of association rule mining. Lots of algorithms for mining association rules and their mutations are proposed on basis of Apriori algorithm, but traditional algorithms are not efficient. For the two bottlenecks of frequent itemsets mining: the large multitude of candidate 2- itemsets, the poor efficiency of counting their support. Proposed algorithm reduces one redundant pruning operations of C_2. If the number of frequent 1-itemsets is n, then the number of connected candidate 2-itemsets is C-n, while pruning operations C_n. The proposed algorithm decreases pruning operations of candidate 2-itemsets, thereby saving time and increasing efficiency. For the bottleneck: poor efficiency of counting support, proposed algorithm optimizes subset operation, through the transaction tag to speed up support calculations. Algorithm Apriori is one of the oldest and most versatile algorithms of Frequent Pattern Mining (FPM). Its advantages and its moderate traverse of the search space pay off when mining very large databases. Proposed algorithm improves Apriori algorithm by the way of a decrease of pruning operations, which generates the candidate 2-itemsets by the apriori-gen operation. Besides, it adopts the tag-counting method to calculate support quickly. So the bottleneck is overcome.


Improved Decomposition for a System of Completely Specified Boolean Functions

Improved Decomposition for a System of Completely Specified Boolean Functions

Saeid Taghavi Afshord, Yuri Pottosin

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Functional decomposition is an important and powerful technique in the logic synthesis. The ternary matrix cover approach is one of the existing methods of this type. This method is also used in decomposition of a system of completely specified Boolean functions. Before constructing the desired superposition, it needs to encode a table. There is a trivial encoding method. But to find a better solution, it is important to use a special approach, because the result of the encoding has a direct influence on the obtained functions. In this paper, an efficient algorithm to encode this table is presented. It uses the approach connected with the assembling Boolean hyper cube method. The proposed algorithm is explained in details with an example. The benefits and impacts of the suggested technique are also discussed.


Improved Image Retrieval with Color and Angle Representation

Improved Image Retrieval with Color and Angle Representation

Hadi A. Alnabriss, Ibrahim S. I. Abuhaiba

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In this research, new ideas are proposed to enhance content-based image retrieval applications by representing colored images in terms of its colors and angles as a histogram describing the number of pixels with particular color located in specific angle, then similarity is measured between the two represented histograms. The color quantization technique is a crucial stage in the CBIR system process, we made comparisons between the uniform and the non-uniform color quantization techniques, and then according to our results we used the non-uniform technique which showed higher efficiency. In our tests we used the Corel-1000 images database in addition to a Matlab code, we compared our results with other approaches like Fuzzy Club, IRM, Geometric Histogram, Signature Based CBIR and Modified ERBIR, and our proposed technique showed high retrieving precision ratios compared to the other techniques.


Improved Parallel Apriori Algorithm for Multi-cores

Improved Parallel Apriori Algorithm for Multi-cores

Swati Rustogi, Manisha Sharma, Sudha Morwal

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Apriori algorithm is one of the most popular data mining techniques, which is used for mining hidden relationship in large data. With parallelism, a large data set can be mined in less amount of time. Apart from the costly distributed systems, a computer supporting multi core environment can be used for applying parallelism. In this paper an improved Apriori algorithm for multi-core environment is proposed. The main contributions of this paper are: •An efficient Apriori algorithm that applies data parallelism in multi-core environment by reducing the time taken to count the frequency of candidate item sets. •The performance of proposed algorithm is evaluated for multiple cores on basis of speedup. •The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with the other such parallel algorithm and it shows an improvement by more than 15% preliminary experiment.


Improvement in Quality of Software Architecture via Enhanced-Pattern Driven Architecture (EPDA)

Improvement in Quality of Software Architecture via Enhanced-Pattern Driven Architecture (EPDA)

Muhammad Fahad Khan, Kanwal Yousaf, Anam Mustaqeem, Muazaam Maqsood

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No doubt software plays an important role in improvement of our lives. Great demand of software makes software architecture more complex. Flaws in any software have direct impact on diverse fields of life (such as business, science, engineering etc). The main reason of any software failure is due to poor software architecture or quality attributes. This paper focuses on factors that affect the quality of software architectures and highlighted the major reason of the defects through questionnaire and survey. In the light of this survey a technique is proposed to improve the quality of any software architecture. The proposed architecture is Enhanced-Pattern driven architecture (EPDA). This architecture focuses on the improvement of design phase in any architecture. This will also help in resolving lots of problems which arise due to usage of different traditional architectural styles.


Improvement of Component Integration Testing Technique

Improvement of Component Integration Testing Technique

Khulood Salem Albeladi, M. Rizwan Jameel Qureshi

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Component-based technology can increase reuse and productivity, but high-quality component-based systems are often difficult to implement. Component developers do not know the systems where the components will be used, while software engineers must develop new systems with limited knowledge on available components. We propose a new testing technique that generates, at the time of component development, integration test cases from the specification of the behavior expected from other components of the system. The technique presented in this paper supports both the component developer, who can early test the integration of the components with the system, and the software engineers, who can test concrete components at deployment time, simply re-using existing test cases. The technique presented in this paper supports both the component developer, who can early test the integration of the components with the system, and the software engineers, who can test components at deployment time. We used questionnaires to validate the proposed solution.


Improvement over the OLSR Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks by Eliminating the Unnecessary Loops

Improvement over the OLSR Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks by Eliminating the Unnecessary Loops

Shahram Behzad, Reza Fotohi, Shahram Jamali

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Mobile ad hoc networks are type of wireless networks in which any kind of infrastructure is not used, i.e. there are no infrastructures such as routers or switches or anything else on the network that can be used to support the network structure and the nodes has mobility. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better quality of the package delivery rate and the throughput, that is in need of powerful routing protocol standards, which can guarantee delivering of the packages to destinations, and the throughput on a network. For achieving this purpose, we use OLSR routing protocol that is a responsive protocol and is currently covered under the IETF standard (RFC 3626). At this paper, we improved the OLSR routing protocol by eliminating the unnecessary loops, and simulation results demonstrated a significant improvement in the criteria of package delivery rate and throughput.


Improving Energy Efficient Clustering Method for Wireless Sensor Network

Improving Energy Efficient Clustering Method for Wireless Sensor Network

Md. Imran Hossain, M. Mahbubur Rahman, Tapan Kumar Godder, Mst. Titasa Khatun

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Wireless sensor networks have recently emerged as important computing platform. These sensors are power-limited and have limited computing resources. Therefore the sensor energy has to be managed wisely in order to maximize the lifetime of the network. Simply speaking, LEACH requires the knowledge of energy for every node in the network topology used. In LEACHs threshold which selects the cluster head is fixed so this protocol does not consider network topology environments. We proposed IELP algorithm, which selects cluster heads using different thresholds. New cluster head selection probability consists of the initial energy and the number of neighbor nodes. On rotation basis, a head-set member receives data from the neighboring nodes and transmits the aggregated results to the distant base station. For a given number of data collecting sensor nodes, the number of control and management nodes can be systematically adjusted to reduce the energy consumption, which increases the network life. The simulation results show that the performance of IELP has an improvement of 39% over LEACH and 20% over SEP in the area of 100m*100m for m=0.1, α =2 where advanced nodes (m) and the additional energy factor between advanced and normal nodes (α).


Improving Matching Web Service Security Policy Based on Semantics

Improving Matching Web Service Security Policy Based on Semantics

Amira Abdelatey, Mohamed Elkawkagy, Ashraf Elsisi, Arabi Keshk

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Nowadays the trends of web is to become a collection of services that interoperate through the Internet. The first step towards this inter-operation is finding services that meet requester requirements; which is called a service discovery. Service discovery matches functional and non-functional properties of the requester with the provider. In this paper, an enhanced matching algorithm of Web Service Security Policy (WS-SP) is proposed to perform requirement-capability matchmaking of a consumer and a provider. Web service security policy specifies the security requirements or capabilities of a web service participant (a provider or a consumer). Security requirement or a capability of a participant is one of the non-functional properties of a web service. The security addressed through this paper is the integrity and the confidentiality of web service SOA message transmitted between participants. The enhanced matching algorithm states simple policy and complex policy cases of the web service security as a non-functional attribute. A generalization matching algorithm is introduced to get the best-matched web service provider from a list of available providers for serving the consumer.


Improving Performance of Dynamic Load Balancing among Web Servers by Using Number of Effective Parameters

Improving Performance of Dynamic Load Balancing among Web Servers by Using Number of Effective Parameters

Deepti Sharma, Vijay B. Aggarwal

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Web application is being challenged to develop methods and techniques for large data processing at optimum response time. There are technical challenges in dealing with the increasing demand to handle vast traffic on these websites. As number of users' increases, several problems are faced by web servers like bottleneck, delayed response time, load balancing and density of services. The whole traffic cannot reside on a single server and thus there is a fundamental requirement of allocating this huge traffic on multiple load balanced servers. Distributing requests among servers in the web server clusters is the most important means to address such challenge, especially under intense workloads. In this paper, we propose a new request distribution algorithm for load balancing among web server clusters. The Dynamic Load Balancing among web servers take place based on user's request and dynamically estimating server workload using multiple parameters like processing and memory requirement, expected execution time and various time intervals. Our simulation results show that, the proposed method dynamically and efficiently balance the load to scale up the services, calculate average response time, average waiting time and server's throughput on different web servers. At the end of the paper, we presented an experimentation of running proposed system which proves the proposed algorithm is efficient in terms of speed of processing, response time, server utilization and cost efficiency.


Improving Situational Awareness for Precursory Data Classification using Attribute Rough Set Reduction Approach

Improving Situational Awareness for Precursory Data Classification using Attribute Rough Set Reduction Approach

Pushan Kumar Dutta, O. P. Mishra, M.K.Naskar

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The task of modeling the distribution of a large number of earthquake events with frequent tremors detected prior to a main shock presents us unique challenges to model a robust classifier tool for rapid responses are needed in order to address victims. We have designed using a relational database for running a geophysical modeling application after connecting database record of all clusters of foreshock events from (1998-2010) for a complete catalog of seismicity analysis for the Himalayan basin. by Nath et al,2010. This paper develops a reduced rough set analysis method and implements this novel structure and reasoning process for foreshock cluster forecasting. In this study, we developed a reusable information technology infrastructure, called Efficient Machine Readable for Emergency Text Selection(EMRETS). The association and importance of precursory information in reference to earthquake rupture analysis is found out through attribute reduction based on rough set analysis. Secondly, find the importance of attributes through information entropy is a novel approach for high dimensional complex polynomial problems pre-dominant in geo-physical research and prospecting. Thirdly, we discuss the reducible indiscernible matrix and decision rule generation for a particular set of geographical co-ordinates leading to the spatial discovery of future earthquake having prior foreshock. This paper proposes a framework for extracting, classifying, analyzing, and presenting semi-structured catalog data sources through feature representation and selection.


Improving performance of association rule-based collaborative filtering recommendation systems using genetic algorithm

Improving performance of association rule-based collaborative filtering recommendation systems using genetic algorithm

Behzad Soleimani Neysiani, Nasim Soltani, Reza Mofidi, Mohammad Hossein Nadimi-Shahraki

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Recommender systems that possess adequate information about users and analyze their information, are capable of offering appropriate items to customers. Collaborative filtering method is one of the popular recommender system approaches that produces the best suggestions by identifying similar users or items based on their previous transactions. The low accuracy of suggestions is one of the major concerns in the collaborative filtering method. Several methods have been introduced to enhance the accuracy of this method through the discovering association rules and using evolutionary algorithms such as particle swarm optimization. However, their runtime performance does not satisfy this need, thus this article proposes an efficient method of producing cred associations rules with higher performances based on a genetic algorithm. Evaluations were performed on the data set of MovieLens. The parameters of the assessment are: run time, the average of quality rules, recall, precision, accuracy and F1-measurement. The experimental evaluation of a system based on our algorithm outperforms show than the performance of the multi-objective particle swarm optimization association rule mining algorithm, finally runtime has dropped by around 10%.

