Статьи журнала - International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science

Все статьи: 1080

An Ingenious Wireless Home Security System and Protocol based upon Multi-hop 802.15.4 standard, Magnetic contact and PIR sensor

An Ingenious Wireless Home Security System and Protocol based upon Multi-hop 802.15.4 standard, Magnetic contact and PIR sensor

Ulya Sabeel, Nidhi Chandra, Shivraj Dagadi

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Security is the major part of home automation systems for the people. With the development of network and automatic control technology, a home security monitoring and alarming system becomes more and more practicable today. In this paper we have proposed simple, low cost, low power consumption and a novel method for implementing the home security using Zigbee (802.15.4) standard and also a security protocol for detecting and localizing identity based attacks in the system. We have named our scheme as Wireless Home Security System (WHSS) and protocol as Wireless Home Security Protocol (WHSP). It consists of many sensor nodes deployed in the rooms as well as the doors/ windows of the house together with the zigbee modules which act as end devices that monitor continuously and send the security status of each room to the coordinator node connected to a PC which acts as the master. The communication in this case is multi-hop which provides unlimited range. Here we have used the XBEE Pro series1 (XBP24-AWI-001) radios for RF communication, DYP-ME003 PIR sensor, and Contact Door / window sensor based on magnetic reed switch (ORD221).The hardware implementation has been tested for validation successfully. The software has been implemented using C#. Also the performance of our proposed security protocol has been analysed using NS2 and is found to be satisfactory.


An Insight to Soft Computing based Defect Prediction Techniques in Software

An Insight to Soft Computing based Defect Prediction Techniques in Software

Kritika Verma, Pradeep Kumar Singh

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Nowadays, the complexity and size of software systems is proliferating. These factors have various pros and cons. On one side where they lead to better performance and satisfactory results, on the other side they lead to high testing cost , wacky results , poor quality and non-reliability of the product. These problems have one root cause which is referred to as defects in the software systems Predicting these defects can not only rule out the cons but can also boost up the pros. Various techniques are present for the same which are reviewed in depth in this paper. Moreover, a comparison of these techniques is also done to throw a lime light on those which provide the best results.


An Integrated Symmetric Key Cryptographic Method – Amalgamation of TTJSA Algorithm, Advanced Caesar Cipher Algorithm, Bit Rotation and Reversal Method: SJA Algorithm

An Integrated Symmetric Key Cryptographic Method – Amalgamation of TTJSA Algorithm, Advanced Caesar Cipher Algorithm, Bit Rotation and Reversal Method: SJA Algorithm

Somdip Dey, Joyshree Nath, Asoke Nath

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In this paper the authors present a new integrated symmetric-key cryptographic method, named SJA, which is the combination of advanced Caesar Cipher method, TTJSA method, Bit wise Rotation and Reversal method. The encryption method consists of three basic steps: 1) Encryption Technique using Advanced Caesar Cipher, 2) Encryption Technique using TTJSA Algorithm, and 3) Encryption Technique using Bit wise Rotation and Reversal. TTJSA Algorithm, used in this method, is again a combination of generalized modified Vernam Cipher method, MSA method and NJJSAA method. Nath et al. already developed some symmetric key encryption methods namely MSA, DJSA, DJJSA, modified DJJSA, NJJSA, TTJSA, TTSJA, DJMNA, UES-I, UES-II etc. The cryptanalysis shows that TTJSA is free from standard cryptographic attacks such as differential attack, plain text attack or any brute force attack. In the present method the authors have used advanced modified Caesar Cipher method where the authors have modified the standard Caesar Cipher method and then they applied TTJSA method to make the entire crypto system very hard to break. The present method has been tested on different plain text specially with repeated character and the spectral analysis of the plain text and the encrypted is also been shown. The spectral analysis shows that the present cryptography method, SJA can not be broken with any kind of standard cryptography attack. The authors propose that the present method will be most suitable for password, SMS or any kind of small message encryption.


An Intelligent System for Detecting Fake Materials on the Internet

An Intelligent System for Detecting Fake Materials on the Internet

Aya S. Noah, Naglaa E. Ghannam, Gaber A. Elsharawy, Abeer S. Desuky

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There has been a significant rise in internet usage in recent years, which has led to the presence of data theft and the diversity of counterfeit materials. This has resulted the proliferation of cybercrimes and the theft of personal data via social media, e-mail, and phishing websites that are similar to the websites commonly used to grab user data details like that of a credit card or login ID. Phishing, a prevalent form of cybercrime, poses a danger to online security through the theft of personal information, and with the emergence of the COVID-19 virus, which has led to people and organizations being drawn towards the Internet and many people and companies being forced to work remotely, it has led to an increase in the existing phishing threats. Previously, hackers took advantage of the situation to infiltrate the devices of people and companies in numerous ways, which caused huge financial losses and damage to organizations. Based on previous results and research, Machine Learning (ML) is selected by researchers as an efficient method for identifying malicious software web pages from original web pages. This paper presents 30 characteristics of websites, which are analyzed using a correlation matrix to determine the relationship between variables. Feature selection is performed through a wrapper method and Extra Tree Classifiers (ETC) to identify the top-ranked characteristics (Features) for website classification. To evaluate web pages, various machine learning techniques such as Random Forest Tree (RF), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Decision Tree (DT), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used. The results of monitoring indicate that MLP, a deep neural network, outperforms all other techniques in terms of performance.


An Interactive Teaching – Learning Tool for Underprivileged Children in Rural Schools

An Interactive Teaching – Learning Tool for Underprivileged Children in Rural Schools

H.Vignesh Ramamoorthy, P.J.Balakumaran, H.Karthikeyani

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In a country like India, there are children who starve for food, water and cannot spend time for studying and they have to work hard, to get one meal a day. The dropouts in schools are high because of various reasons. Education is not at affordable cost, government must bring some schemes. 80% schools suffer from shortage of teachers, infrastructural gaps and several habitations. There are also frequent allegations of government schools being riddled with absenteeism and mismanagement and appointments are based on political convenience. Despite the allure of free lunch-food in the government schools, many parents send their children to private schools. As a result, proponents of low cost private schools, critiqued government schools as being poor value for money. Furthermore, many international schools with most modern Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools are mushrooming even in remote villages because the rural elites who are able to afford school fees in a country where large number of families live in absolute poverty. The major objective of this paper is to develop an interactive teaching-learning tool with multimedia applications for underprivileged children in rural schools. This tool will help the rural school children to have quality education at an affordable cost.


An Investigation and Structure Model Study on College Students'Studying-interest

An Investigation and Structure Model Study on College Students'Studying-interest

Chuanmei Wang

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Nowadays college students’ studying-weariness is a common problem needs to be solved in China. Also, college students' studying-interest, studying-weariness psychology and misbehaviors have been the subject of considerable research in the last few years to educators and researchers all over the world. However, most of the existing studies in this field are qualitative theory analysis and short of actual investigation, survey and even less mathematical quantificational study. The investigation and study on studying-interest of college students from four universities in Wuhan demonstrates that college students show generally studying-weary mentality and correlative misbehaviors. With the designed college students' learning-interest questionnaire, college students in four universities of Wuhan were surveyed. And based on this survey, Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to analyze the date of our investigation of the factors affecting college students’ studying-interest and studying-weariness. Results of our quantitative statistical analysis with mathematical model show the degree of each factor influencing studying-interest and studying-weariness. School-related factor and society-related factor are the main influences on college students’ studying-interest and studying-weariness. The major objective of this paper is to provide an integrative review of the college students’ studying-interest and studying-weariness, in order to contribute to the development of high education. Countermeasures and Suggestions are also put forward to rectify the college students’ studying-weariness. This work will play an important role for education departments and educators to take corresponding measures to provide scientific guidance of high education.


An Investigation into Mobile Application Development Processes: Challenges and Best Practices

An Investigation into Mobile Application Development Processes: Challenges and Best Practices

Harleen K. Flora, Xiaofeng Wang, Swati V.Chande

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The mobile device market has witnessed swift industrial growth over the last decade. The quick expansion of this new computing platform has almost outpaced the software engineering processes customized to mobile application development. However, there is still lack of novel research initiatives around the mobile application development process. There remains a deficiency in development standards and best practices which expose the mobile device to potential attacks. This deficiency needs to be addressed promptly and requires further work. The objective of this research is to better understand the current methodologies adapted and to investigate challenges faced during the mobile application development processes that are different from traditional enterprise application. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted from the mobile research and development community. The survey questions covered the entire mobile application development lifecycle starting with requirements, and ending with bringing to life a complete mobile application. The study contributes towards a greater understanding of mobile application development process, examines real challenges confronted, and investigates the best practices that can be successfully implemented to enhance, evaluate, and improve the performance of the mobile application development process. These findings can also be considered as a possible research topic that indicates the breadth of research requirements and prospects in mobile computing.


An Investigation of Software Engineering Knowledge of Undergraduate Students

An Investigation of Software Engineering Knowledge of Undergraduate Students

Isong Bassey, Dominic Afuro, Mbodila Munienge

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Computer programming (CP) course offered in universities is difficult coupled with insufficient infrastructures and teaching staff. In spite of these, several undergraduate Computer Science (CS) students are increasingly acquiring programming skills and developing commercial applications even without attending formal programming classes. However, software intended for use other than by the developer requires teamwork, the use of software engineering methodologies and quality. What is not known about these undergraduate students is how their programming is learnt or applications developed. This is important in the light of software dependability and cost of failures today. Therefore, this paper investigates how undergraduate CS students learn programming and their software engineering knowledge. The purpose is to gain insights into how knowledge is gained and applied. To accomplish this, the paper conducted a survey utilizing questionnaire and interview on undergraduate students of CS in the University of Venda (UNIVEN). The data collected were analyzed and results quantitatively and qualitatively presented. The results showed that many CS students learned programming via the Internet reusable code, applied development methodology and are aware of software quality during development.


An Ontology Based Remote Patient Monitoring Framework for Nigerian Healthcare System

An Ontology Based Remote Patient Monitoring Framework for Nigerian Healthcare System

Iroju Olaronke, Ojerinde Oluwaseun

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There is a rapid increase in the demand of healthcare resources in Nigeria mainly healthcare personnel and healthcare facilities. This is due to the prevalence of chronic diseases such as endemic malaria, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes; an upsurge in the rate of avoidable deaths as well as an exponential increase in the population. However, healthcare resources in Nigeria are insufficient. For instance, in recent times, the ratio of doctors to the inhabitants is 1: 4,857. Moreover, more than 60% of the Nigerian populace resides in rural areas where there are extreme shortages of healthcare practitioners and healthcare facilities due to geographical isolation and lack of opportunities. Hence, the low ratio of healthcare practitioners to patients causes a heavy workload on the healthcare practitioners. This however leads to medical errors as healthcare providers work under intense pressure to attend to the medical needs of their patients. This in turns leads to considerable loss of lives. In order to ameliorate this situation, this paper proposes an ontology based framework that will enable healthcare providers in Nigeria to continuously monitor their patients' health remotely outside the settings of the hospital. This will reduce the workload of the healthcare providers, assist them in decision making process as well as reduce the long waiting hours of the patients within the hospital environment. This framework is also designed to tackle the challenge of semantic interoperability facing healthcare systems around the globe.


An Ontology-Based Approach for Multi-Agent Systems Engineering

An Ontology-Based Approach for Multi-Agent Systems Engineering

Souleymane Koussoube, Armel Ayimdji, Laure Pauline Fotso

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This paper presents OBAMAS (Ontology-Based Approach for Multi-Agent Systems engineering), an ontology-based contribution to Agent Oriented Software Engineering. We propose a formal process for agentification, starting with an analysis phase which consists of the construction of three formal ontologies (a domain ontology, an ontology of functionalities, and an ontology of multi-agents systems) and their alignment to merge in a single one. The second step, which is a design phase, consists of the operationalization of the single ontology in order to infer in a more formal way the agents of the system. A case study is introduced to illustrate OBAMAS and to show its use and effectiveness in a real application, a distance learning system.


An Optimized Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Parkinson's Disease

An Optimized Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Parkinson's Disease

Mousumy Kundu, Md Asif Nashiry, Atish Kumar Dipongkor, Shauli Sarmin Sumi, Md. Alam Hossain

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Parkinson's disease (PD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disorder affecting millions of elderly people world-wide. The early and accurate diagnosis of PD with available treatment might delay neurodegeneration and prevent disabilities. The existing diagnosis method such as brain scan is an expensive process. The use of speech recognition with machine learning technologies for the diagnosis of PD patients could be less expensive. In this work, we have worked with the voice recorded dataset from UCI machine learning repository. Several studies were performed to identify PD patients from the healthy individuals by using voice recorded data with machine learning algorithms. In this paper, we have proposed an optimized approach of data pre-processing that enhances prediction accuracy for diagnosing PD. We obtain 97.4% prediction accuracy with higher sensitivity, specificity, precision, F1 score and kappa value by using AdaBoost. These improved performance evaluation metrics indicate, the use of voice recording with our optimised machine learning approach is highly reliable in prediction of PD. This approach may have significant implications for early stage diagnosis of PD in a cost-effective manner.


An approach to determination of maximal cliques in undirected graphs

An approach to determination of maximal cliques in undirected graphs

S.V. Listrovoy, A.V. Sidorenko, E.S. Listrovaya

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The article proposes the implicit exhaustive search procedure based on the triangle decomposition of graphs for determining the maximal clique in the arbitrary undirected graph G in polynomial time; it has allowed developing an exact algorithm for solving the problem with time complexity not exceeding , where is the number of vertices in the graph G.


An approach to parallel sorting using ternary search

An approach to parallel sorting using ternary search

Monica Maurya, Alka Singh

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This paper describe a parallel sorting algorithm which is the combination of counting sort and ternary search. The proposed algorithm is based on split and concurrent selection strategy. First of all the data sequence is distributed among the different processors and are sorted in parallel using counting sort. Then it applies ternary search to find the index position of all elements globally to find the correct position of each elements in data sequence. This paper analyses the computational complexity of proposed parallel sorting algorithm and compares it with some of existing algorithms. The results of proposed algorithms shows that it is better than existing parallel sorting algorithm like parallel merge sort and binary search based sorting algorithm.


An approximate 4-2 compressor based on spintronic devices

An approximate 4-2 compressor based on spintronic devices

MohammadAli Shafieabadi, Fazel Sharifi, MohammadMehdi Faghih

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In many classes of applications, mainly in signal and image processing applications, decreasing the static power of computational circuits is a challenge. Multipliers are typically located on the critical path of such systems. A promising approach for energy-efficient design of digital systems is approximate or inexact computing. On the other hand, leakage power and limited scalability become serious obstacles that prevent the continuous miniaturization of the conventional CMOS-based logic circuits. Spin-based devices are considered as promising alternatives for CMOS technology due to their proper characteristics such as near-zero current leakage, sustainability, integrity, low standby power. In this paper a new low power approximate 4-2 compressor is presented which is implemented using spintronic devices. The proposed design is utilized in a multiplier tree for image processing applications. We have simulated and compared the proposed design with state-of-the-art designs in both quantitative and qualitative metrics. The simulation results show that the proposed design has 92% and 188% lower power consumption and PDP, respectively compared to the best state-of-the-art design.


An effective technique to decline energy expenditure in cloud platforms

An effective technique to decline energy expenditure in cloud platforms

Anureet A. Kaur, Bikrampal B. Kaur

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The cloud computing is the rapidly growing technology in the IT world. A vital aim of the cloud is to provide the services or resources where they are needed. From the user’s prospective convenient computing resources are limitless thatswhy the client does not worry that how many numbers of servers positioned at one site so it is the liability of the cloud service holder to have large number of resources. In cloud data-centers, huge bulk of power exhausted by different computing devices.Energy conservancy is a major concern in the cloud computing systems. From the last several years, the different number of techniques was implemented to minimize that problem but the expected results are not achieved. Now, in the proposed research work, a technique called Enhanced - ACO that is developed to achieve better offloading decisions among virtual machines when the reliability and proper utilization of resources will also be considered and will use ACO algorithm to balance load and energy consumption in cloud environment. The proposed technique also minimizes energy consumption and cost of computing resources that are used by different processes for execution in cloud. The earliest finish time and fault tolerance is evaluated to achieve the objectives of proposed work. The experimental outcomes show the better achievement of prospective model with comparison of existing one. Meanwhile, energy-awake scheduling approach with Ant colony optimization method is an assuring method to accomplish that objective.


An efficient adaptive based median technique to de-noise colour and greyscale images

An efficient adaptive based median technique to de-noise colour and greyscale images

Gourav, Tejpal Sharma

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The picture noise is an irregular variation of brightness and color information in pictures. It decreases picture quality and permeability of specific elements inside the picture. The most surely understood noise that corrupts the photo with impulse noise. In this work, an effective algorithm is intended to identify and remove noise from a picture. An improved de-noising calculation in view of the median filter is exhibited for greyscale and colored images. The algorithm incorporates two cases: I) if the chose window contains all pixel values "0" to "255" at that point center preparing pixel supplanted by the mean of qualities. II) If the chosen window does not contain all components "0" and "255" then eliminate "0" and "255" and central preparing pixel is replaced by the median of remaining pixels values. The performance is checked off the purposed algorithm by comparing it with corresponding filters. The experiment checked at various noise proportion 5% to 80% for greyscale and color pictures. Results are checked as far as MSE and PSNR and even at high noise proportion; it gives better outcomes over other existing techniques.


An efficient clustering algorithm for spatial datasets with noise

An efficient clustering algorithm for spatial datasets with noise

Akash Nag, Sunil Karforma

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Clustering is the technique of finding useful patterns in a dataset by effectively grouping similar data items. It is an intense research area with many algorithms currently available, but practically most algorithms do not deal very efficiently with noise. Most real-world data are prone to containing noise due to many factors, and most algorithms, even those which claim to deal with noise, are able to detect only large deviations as noise. In this paper, we present a data-clustering method named SIDNAC, which can efficiently detect clusters of arbitrary shapes, and is almost immune to noise – a much desired feature in clustering applications. Another important feature of this algorithm is that it does not require apriori knowledge of the number of clusters – something which is seldom available.


An environment aware learning-based self-adaptation technique with reusable components

An environment aware learning-based self-adaptation technique with reusable components

Kishan Kumar Ganguly, Md. Saeed Siddik, Rayhanul Islam, Kazi Sakib

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Self-adaptive systems appeared in order to reduce the effort of manual software maintenance. Apart from software attributes, for example, different alternative software modules, self-adaptation decisions depend on environmental attributes, for example, service rate, bandwidth etc. Current well-known self-adaptation approaches can be further improved by incorporating environmental attributes. Moreover, reducing maintenance effort includes minimizing both operational and development effort. To reduce the effort of developing self-adaptive software, the constituent components should be reusable. This paper proposes a technique to incorporate environmental attributes to learning-based self-adaptation and to increase the reuse potential of self-adaptive system components. The environmental attributes are provided as a constraint to an optimization problem which results in an optimal software attribute selection. Design patterns for self-adaptive system components are proposed to improve its reusability. The proposed technique was validated on a news serving website called Znn.com. According to renowned reusability metrics such as Lines of Code (LOC), Message Passing Coupling (MPC) and Lack of Cohesion of Methods 4 (LCOM4), the proposed technique improved reuse potential. The website was further tested for adaptation effectiveness under two scenarios – adaptation and without adaptation. According to our experiments, Adaptation gradually improved the main goal response time of the website where it performed poorly without adaptation.


An evolutionary model for selecting relevant textual features

An evolutionary model for selecting relevant textual features

Taher Zaki, Mohamed Salim EL Bazzi, Driss Mammass

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From a philosophical point of view, the words of a text or a speech are not held just for informational purposes, but they act and react; they have the power to react on their counterparts. Each word, evokes similar or different senses that can influence and interact with the following words, it has a vibratory property. It's not the words themselves that have the impact, but the semantic reaction behind the words. In this context, we propose a new textual data classification approach while trying to imitate human altruistic behavior in order to show the semantic altruistic stakes of natural language words through statistical, semantic and distributional analysis. We present the results of a word extraction method, which combines a distributional proximity index, a selection coefficient and a co-occurrence index with respect to the neighborhood.


An informal approach to identify bright graduate students by evaluating their classroom behavioral patterns by using kohonen self organizing feature map

An informal approach to identify bright graduate students by evaluating their classroom behavioral patterns by using kohonen self organizing feature map

C.Bhanuprakash, Y.S. Nijagunarya, M.A. Jayaram

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The intention of this paper is to analyze how a behavior of a student will influence us in gauging their performance level rather than considering their traditional examination scores. This approach is considered to be one of the informal approaches which guide many school managements to identify good, average and poor category of students. The main criteria used here is behavioral science which explores activities and interactions among the student community when they are inside the school campus. School-Wide Positive Behavior Support can assist in addressing the issues related to the prevention, educational identification and effective intervention implementation through its systemic logic, data-based decision making, and capacity building within and across schools. Clustering is the process of grouping a set of data objects into multiple groups or clusters with high similarities and dissimilarities. Dissimilarities and Similarities are assessed on the attribute values describing the objects and often involve distance measures. Clustering acts as a data mining tool by having its roots in many application areas such as biology, security, business intelligence, web search etc. In this survey, we have involved 200 + students who are currently studying engineering streams in various classes that includes first semester to final semester. Their age group was in the range of 18 to 22 years. Their behavioral survey has been conducted over a span of 4 to 6 months by closely observing their activities, mannerisms and then evaluated by entering in to this system by using the evaluation interface. This evaluation interface consists of 15 features with 4 optional choices. Each choice is rated with a specific numeric value. By taking one of the choices among all the 15 features for each of the student, at the end, he/she will get some score which will be stored in a database. With the help of this score, a manual grouping was done. Later, for the same dataset, a soft computing technique has been applied by working with self organizing feature map algorithm for grouping the students.

