Статьи журнала - International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science

Все статьи: 1080

Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks

Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks

Sanjay Pahuja, Tarun Shrimali

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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are large scale integration in large topology deployed with thousands sensor nodes. Nodes sizes are very small, with low cost, low weight, and limited battery, primary storage, processing power. Sensor nodes have wireless communication capabilities with sensor to monitor physical or environmental conditions. This paper study and evaluate performance for localization and target tracking application with proposed hierarchical localization tracking scheme based on hierarchical binary tree structure. The target detected information is stored at multiple sensor nodes (e.g. node, parent node and grandparent node) which deployed using complete binary tree structure to improve fault tolerance. This drastically reduces number of messaging in the network. Performance of proposed scheme and some existing routing scheme is evaluated using NS2. Simulation result proof increased in network lifetime by 25%, target detection probability by 25%, and reduces error rate by 20%, increased energy efficiency by 20%, fault tolerance, and routing efficiency.


Performance Analysis of Schedulers to Handle Multi Jobs in Hadoop Cluster

Performance Analysis of Schedulers to Handle Multi Jobs in Hadoop Cluster

Guru Prasad M S, Nagesh H R, Swathi Prabhu

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MapReduce is programming model to process the large set of data. Apache Hadoop an implementation of MapReduce has been developed to process the Big Data. Hadoop Cluster sharing introduces few challenges such as scheduling the jobs, processing data locality, efficient resource usage, fair usage of resources, fault tolerance. Accordingly, we focused on a job scheduling system in Hadoop in order to achieve efficiency. Schedulers are responsible for doing task assignment. When a user submits a job, it will move to a job queue. From the job queue, the job will be divided into tasks and distributed to different nodes. By the proper assignment of tasks, job completion time will reduce. This can ensure better performance of the jobs. By default, Hadoop uses the FIFO scheduler. In our experiment, we are discussing and comparing FIFO scheduler with Fair scheduler and Capacity scheduler job execution time.


Performance Comparison of Routing protocols Using Different Mobility Models

Performance Comparison of Routing protocols Using Different Mobility Models

Shailender Gupta, Chirag Kumar, Seema Rani, Bharat Bhushan

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Communication in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is accomplished using routing protocols. These protocols provide an efficient and reliable path for data sharing. In static environment where the nodes are stationary these protocols performs exceptionally well but in an environment having mobile nodes the performance of these protocols degrade drastically. To investigate this factor various researchers developed mobility models using simulation tools such as QUALNET, NS-2 etc. These models represent the erratic movement of nodes and give us an idea regarding their location, velocity and acceleration change over time. This paper is an effort to study the effect of mobility models such as Random Way Point, File and Group Mobility Models on the performance of routing protocols using QUALNET simulator. The results show that the choice of mobility models affect the performance of routing protocol significantly.


Performance Comparison of the Optimized Ensemble Model with Existing Classifier Models

Performance Comparison of the Optimized Ensemble Model with Existing Classifier Models

Mukesh Kumar, Nidhi, Anas Quteishat, Ahmed Qtaishat

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The purpose of this study is to conduct an empirical investigation and comparison of the effectiveness of various classifiers and ensembles of classifiers in predicting academic performance. The study will evaluate the performance and efficiency of ensemble techniques that employ several classifiers against the performance and efficiency of a single classifier. Reducing student attrition is a serious concern for educational institutions worldwide. Educators are looking for strategies to boost student retention and graduation rates. This is only achievable if at-risk students are appropriately recognized early on. However, most commonly used predictive models are inefficient and inaccurate due to intrinsic classifier limitations and the usage of minor factors. The study contributes to the body of knowledge by proposing the development of optimized ensemble learning model that can be used for improving academic performance prediction. Overall, the findings demonstrate that the approach of employing optimized ensemble learning (OEL) model approaches is extremely efficient and accurate in terms of predicting student performance and aiding in the identification of students who are in the fear of attrition.


Performance Evaluation of DWT Compared to DCT for Compression Biomedical Image

Performance Evaluation of DWT Compared to DCT for Compression Biomedical Image

Beladgham Mohammed, Habchi Yassine, Moulay Lakhdar Abdelmouneim, Bassou Abdesselam, Taleb-Ahmed Abdelmalik

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The image compression has for objective to reduce the volume of data required by the encoding of image, for applications of transmission or saving. For this we use the redundancies which exists within an image (a pixel has a good chance of having a luminance close to those of its neighbors) or between successive images in a sequence. We limit ourselves to the exploitation of redundancies within an image and we will work on gray level images of size 512x512. For image coding we chose an encoder based on progressive coding of data, coder is EZW (EMBEDDED WAVELET ZeroTree ENCODING, Shapiro 1993), the basis of this encoder a comparison is made between two types of transforms DWT (DISCREET WAVELETS TRANSFORM) and DCT (DISCRETE COSINE TRANSFORM) just to have the type of transformation that allows us to have a better visual quality of the image after decomposition. . Visual quality image is judged by two important devaluation parameters PSNR and MSSIM.


Performance Evaluation of Evolutionary Algorithms on Solving the Influence Maximization Problem in Social Networks

Performance Evaluation of Evolutionary Algorithms on Solving the Influence Maximization Problem in Social Networks

Agash Uthayasuriyan, Hema Chandran G., Kavvin UV, Sabbineni Hema Mahitha, Jeyakumar G.

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Influence Maximization (IM) is an optimization problem that deals with identifying the most valuable individuals/ nodes present in the network to attain the maximal information spread when they are activated. Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) inspired from nature are one of the most powerful methods to solve an optimization problem. This paper attempts to solve the IM problem using few of the popular EAs such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Differential Evolution (DE). These algorithm’s performance is evaluated using four comparative metrics, that deal with assessing solution quality, computational efficiency, and scalability. The experimental results of these EAs when tested on several real-world networks reveal that the GE and PSO algorithms were found to produce relatively poorer quality of seed nodes and also with higher computational costs, making it less preferrable. DE was able to obtain the best seed sets (in terms of influence spread value) than other algorithms and ACO, the fastest among all the considered algorithms in terms of execution time, was found to obtain seed set with appreciable influence spread with a slightly higher computational cost than DE.


Performance Evaluation of MANET in Realistic Environment

Performance Evaluation of MANET in Realistic Environment

Shailender Gupta, Chirag Kumar, C. K. Nagpal, Bharat Bhushan

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In order to facilitate communication in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), routing protocols are developed. The performance of these protocols depends upon various factors such as: transmission range, number of nodes deployed and mobility of the nodes. Another factor which affects the performance of MANET routing protocols is the environment in which ad hoc network is deployed. The MANET environment may contain obstacles such as mountains lakes, buildings and river. These obstacles restrict nodes movement but may or may not obstruct the effective transmission range of nodes deployed. This paper is an effort to evaluate the performance of MANET routing protocols in presence of obstacles by designing a simulator in MATLAB-10. To make the situation more realistic obstacle of different shapes, size, number and type were introduced in the simulation region. We found significant impact of the same on the performance of routing protocols.


Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol with Selfish Users in Realistic Environment

Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol with Selfish Users in Realistic Environment

Mansi Dua, Shailender Gupta, Bharat Bhushan, C. K. Nagpal

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Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) consists of wireless mobile nodes that can be set up any time at any place without the requirement of pre-requisite infrastructure. The nodes in these networks have several constraints such as battery power, processing capability and bandwidth. Moreover each node in MANET has to act as a relay node for others for the successful network operations. In an ideal environment in spite of above mentioned limitations, the node performs this community task faithfully but as in real world there exists nodes with selfish attitude also. Therefore, this paper is an effort to evaluate the efficacy of network with nodes having such behavior prevailing in realistic environment. Various researchers have evaluated the network performance in idealistic conditions but none has made an effort to evaluate it in practical condition such as in presence of obstacles. To make the scenario realistic different number, type and shape of obstacles were taken. The work was accomplished by designing a simulator in MATLAB-11.


Performance Evaluation of TPA-HE Based Fine Grained Data Access for Cloud Computing

Performance Evaluation of TPA-HE Based Fine Grained Data Access for Cloud Computing

Pawan Kumar Parmar, Megha Patidar, Mayank Kumar Sharma

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As the software technology evolves the focus of users are shifting form devices for data or information. This transformation requires reliable and scalable computing paradigms which satisfy the users processing and storage requirements. Service based, distributed, grid and web 2.0 are some of the most famous computing technologies. Conversions are occurring towards less managements and maintenance issues and despite of that the usage experience should be increased. But there are some security concerns like security, access control, privacy & isolation based trusted service delivery raises due to the data in an outsourced environment. Thus, several policies are created to define its boundaries. Also the type of user accessing the data and the service provided by the cloud needs to be verified. Thus the uses trust over the system can go down if the interoperability and security of services are satisfactory. To providing confidentiality to users data encryption is the traditional options which require decryption for reading or retrieving the data. But in outsourced environment the user is frequently accessing its data which may increase the overhead of performing such frequent encryption and then decryptions. Also for performing any operations the data need to be decrypted. It is something treating as a complex usage boundary. Thus, Homomorphic encryption is used to deal with such situations. This paper proposes a novel Third Party and Homomorphic Encryption (TPA-HE) based mechanism for secure computing. In this third party auditor and service provider is used for authentication and authorization of services & user profiles. It has three basic entities TPA, Cloud Service Provider, Encryption & Monitoring service to regularly analyze the security breaches in access & data transfer mechanism. To prove the effectiveness of suggested approach some of the results are taken which are better than the existing mechanism.


Performance Evaluation on the Effect of Combining DCT and LBP on Face Recognition System

Performance Evaluation on the Effect of Combining DCT and LBP on Face Recognition System

Dasari Haritha, Kraleti Srinivasa Rao, Chittipotula Satyanarayana

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In this paper, we introduce a face recognition algorithm based on doubly truncated multivariate Gaussian mixture model with Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Local binary pattern (LBP). Here, the input face image is transformed to the local binary pattern domain. The obtained local binary pattern image is divided into non-overlapping blocks. Then from each block the DCT coefficients are computed and feature vector is extracted. Assigning that the feature vector follows a doubly truncated multivariate Gaussian mixture distribution, the face image is modelled. By using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm the model parameters are estimated. The initialization of the model parameters is done by using either K-means algorithm or hierarchical clustering algorithm and moment method of estimation. The face recognition system is developed with the likelihood function under Bayesian frame. The efficiency of the developed face recognition system is evaluated by conducting experimentation with JNTUK and Yale face image databases. The performance measures like half total error rate, recognition rates are computed along with plotting the ROC curves. A comparative study of the developed algorithm with some of the earlier existing algorithm revealed that this system perform better since, it utilizes local and global information of the face.


Performance enhancement of machine translation evaluation systems for English – Hindi language pair

Performance enhancement of machine translation evaluation systems for English – Hindi language pair

Pooja Malik, Anurag Singh Baghel

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Machine Translation (MT) is a programmed conversion in which computer software is utilized to convert manuscripts from one Natural Language (like English) to a different Language (such as Hindi). To process any such conversion, through human or through automatic means, the conversion must be established such that it reinstate the complete sense of a manuscript from its base (source) linguistic into the target language. In this paper, the study of prevailing evaluation systems along with assessing their performance is achieved through the similarity metrics. Moreover, the authors have also presented an improved technique of translation employing features of Natural Language Processing and consequently, to acquire an enhanced and more accurate assessing Machine Translation system, a corpus is selected and the outcomes are compared with the prevailing methods. Besides this, two well-known systems such as Google and Bing decoders are selected to inquire and to assess the study of metrics called similarity metrics through Assessment of Text Essential Characteristics score. This is found to provide more accuracy than prevailing methods. Furthermore, evaluations are tested under various metrics systems like Jaccard similarity metrics, cosine similarity metrics, and sine metrics to deliver enhanced accuracy than prevailing methods.


Performing Inquisitive Study of PM Traits Desirable for Project Progress

Performing Inquisitive Study of PM Traits Desirable for Project Progress

Sobia Zahra, Ambreen Nazir, Asra Khalid, Ayesha Raana, M. Nadeem Majeed

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The accountability of a project’s success/failure lies on shoulders of a PM (project manager). Undoubtedly, project management is tough task to bring about and this is the most challenging role within the project. The project manager role varies from project to project and may include communication & negotiation with stakeholders, along with leadership and management of the project. Therefore he must possess both hard and soft skills besides education and expertise to drive his team towards excellence. This scientific documentation presents an ideal blend of responsibilities and skills essential for a project manager to cope with the changing project environment. Technical skills necessary for an IT project manager, further elaborates this study.


Person Authentication using Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) for Face and Fingerprint

Person Authentication using Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) for Face and Fingerprint

Long B. Tran, Thai H. Le

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Multimodal biometric systems have proven more efficient in personal verification or identification than single biometric ones, so it is also a focus of this paper. Particularly, in the paper, the authors present a multimodal biometric system in which features from face and fingerprint images are extracted using Zernike Moment (ZM), the personal authentication is done using Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) and feature-level fusion technique. The proposed system has proven its remarkable ability to overcome the limitations of uni-modal biometric systems and to tolerate local variations in the face or fingerprint image of an individual. Also, the achieved experimental results have demonstrated that using RVM can assure a higher level of forge resistance and enables faster authentication than the state-of-the-art technique , namely the support vector machine (SVM).


Personalized recommendation systems (PRES): a comprehensive study and research issues

Personalized recommendation systems (PRES): a comprehensive study and research issues

Raghavendra C. K., Srikantaiah K.C., Venugopal K. R.

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The type of information systems used to recommend items to the users are called Recommendation systems. The concept of recommendations was seen among cavemen, ants and other creatures too. Users often rely on opinion of their peers when looking for selecting something, this usual behavior of the humans, led to the development of recommendation systems. There exist various recommender systems for various areas. The existing recommendation systems use different approaches. The applications of recommendation systems are increasing with increased use of web based search for users’ specific requirements. Recommendation techniques are employed by general purpose websites such as google and yahoo based on browsing history and other information like user’s geographical locations, interests, behavior in the web, history of purchase and the way they entered the website. Document recommendation systems recommend documents depending on the similar search done previously by other users. Clickstream data which provides information like user behavior and the path the users take are captured and given as input to document recommendation system. Movie recommendation systems and music recommendation systems are other areas in use and being researched to improve. Social recommendation is gaining the momentum because of huge volume of data generated and diverse requirements of the users. Current web usage trends are forcing companies to continuously research for best ways to provide the users with the suitable information as per the need depending on the search and preferences. This paper throws light on common strategies being followed for building recommendation systems. The study compares existing techniques and highlights the opportunities available for research in this area.


Perspective of Database Services for Managing Large-Scale Data on the Cloud: A Comparative Study

Perspective of Database Services for Managing Large-Scale Data on the Cloud: A Comparative Study

Narinder K. Seera, Vishal Jain

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The influx of Big Data on the Internet has become a question for many businesses of how they can benefit from big data and how to use cloud computing to make it happen. The magnitude at which data is getting generated day by day is hard to believe and is beyond the scope of a human's capability to view and analyze it and hence there is an imperative need for data management and analytical tools to leverage this big data. Companies require a fine blend of technologies to collect, analyze, visualize, and process large volume of data. Big Data initiatives are driving urgent demand for algorithms to process data, accentuating challenges around data security with minimal impact on existing systems. In this paper, we present many existing cloud storage systems and query processing techniques to process the large scale data on the cloud. The paper also explores the challenges of big data management on the cloud and related factors that encourage the research work in this field.


Plants Disease Segmentation using Image Processing

Plants Disease Segmentation using Image Processing

Rabia Masood, S.A. Khan, M.N.A. Khan

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The image segmentation performs a significant role in the field of image processing because of its wide range of applications in the agricultural fields to identify plants diseases by classifying the different diseases. Classification is a technique to classify the plants diseases on different morphological characteristics. Different classifiers are used to classify such as SVM (Support Vector Machine), K- nearest neighbor classifiers, Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, etc. This paper presents different image processing techniques used for the early detection of different Plants diseases by different authors with different techniques. The main focus of our work is on the critical analysis of different plants disease segmentation techniques. The strengths and limitations of different techniques are discussed in the comparative evaluation of current classification techniques. This study also presents several areas of future research in the domain of plants disease segmentation. Our focus is to analyze the best classification techniques and then fuse certain best techniques to overcome the flaws of different techniques, in the future.


Pragmatic evaluation of iscrum & scrum

Pragmatic evaluation of iscrum & scrum

Sara Ashraf, Shabib Aftab

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Scrum has emerged as a most adopted and most desired Agile approach that provides corporate strategic competency by laying a firm foundation for project management. Scrum, being more of a framework than a rigid methodology, offers maximum flexibility to its practitioners. However, there are several challenges confronted during its implementation for which certain researchers not only adapted, but also augmented Scrum with other Agile practices. One such effort is IScrum, an Improved Scrum process model. In this paper an empirical study has been conducted for analyzing the two models i.e. classical Agile Scrum model and IScrum process model. There are two goals of this study: first is to validate the IScrum and the second goal is to evaluate it in comparison with the traditional Scrum model. Subsequently, the study will describe and highlight which characteristics of Scrum are enhanced in IScrum. Furthermore, a survey is used to investigate the teams’ experience with both models. The results of survey and case-study have been examined and compared to find out if IScrum performs well than Scrum in software development. The outcomes advocate that the improvements were quite effective in resolving most of the problem areas. The IScrum can thus be adopted by industry practitioners as best choice.


Predicting College Students’ Placements Based on Academic Performance Using Machine Learning Approaches

Predicting College Students’ Placements Based on Academic Performance Using Machine Learning Approaches

Mukesh Kumar, Nidhi Walia, Sushil Bansal, Girish Kumar, Korhan Cengiz

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Predicting College placements based on academic performance is critical to supporting educational institutions and students in making informed decisions about future career paths. The present research investigates the use of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to predict college students' placements using academic performance data. The study makes use of a dataset that includes a variety of academic markers, such as grades, test scores, and extracurricular activities, obtained from a varied sample of college students. To create predictive models, the study analyses numerous ML algorithms, including Logistic Regression, Gaussian Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and K-Nearest Neighbour. The predictive models are evaluated using performance criteria such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The most effective machine learning method for forecasting students' placements based on academic achievement is identified through a comparative study. The findings show that Random Forest approaches have the potential to effectively forecast college student placements. The findings show that academic factors such as grades and test scores have a considerable impact on prediction accuracy. The findings of this study could be beneficial to educational institutions, students, and career counsellors.


Predicting Education Level of the Farmers‟ Children of a Developing Country during COVID 19 Using Machine Learning

Predicting Education Level of the Farmers‟ Children of a Developing Country during COVID 19 Using Machine Learning

Md. Mehedi Rahman Rana, Md. Nasim Adnan, Md. Moradul Siddique, Md. Tahadur Rahman, Ferdib-Al-Islam

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Education is one of the necessities of an individual’s life, as it enhances the self-morality and nobility that leads one towards the challenging pathways of the competitive world. In the agricultural based country, education is scarce among the children of the farmers as they suffer from poverty. After affecting with COVID-19, study dropout rate of farmers’ children is increased. We collected raw data from rural areas of different countries, and pre-processed this data before applying the machine learning algorithm to improve the performance. We used advanced machine learning models to predict whether farmer’s children will run or drop out of their education. Based on the outcomes it was viewed that, machine learning strategies substantiate to be suitable in this area. This research proposes preventive steps for dropping out of the farmers' children. It also shows that, the Random Forest being the highest reliable model for foreseeing dropout rate and education level.


Predicting Online Student Effort with Accelerometer, Heart Rate Sensors, and Camera Using Random Forest Regression Model

Predicting Online Student Effort with Accelerometer, Heart Rate Sensors, and Camera Using Random Forest Regression Model

Fumiko Harada, Rin Nagai, Hiromitsu Shimakawa

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In online education through web conference tools, teachers cannot grasp students' states by watching their behaviors like in an offline classroom. Each student also cannot be affected by others' good behavior. This paper proposes a prediction method of the student effort through acceleration sensors and a heart rate sensor worn on a student's body, and a local camera. The effort is expressed by the levels of concentration, excitation, and bodily action. A Random Forest regression model is used to predict each level from the sensor and camera data. Exhibiting the prediction result brings visibility of student states like offline. We verified the effectiveness of the prediction model through an experiment. We built the Random Forest regression prediction models from the sensors, camera, and student effort data obtained by actual lectures. In the case of building one prediction model for one lecture/one subject, the average R2 values were 0.953, 0.925, and 0.930 in the concentration, excitation, and bodily action, respectively. The R2 was -0.835 when one prediction model trained by one lecture's data is applied for another lecture's prediction. That was 0.285 when one model by 4 subjects' data is applied for prediction for the rest 1 subject. It means that the prediction model has high accuracy but is dependent on individual persons and lectures, which forces a burden to individual student to collect initial training data for individual lecture to build a prediction model. We also found that the acceleration data are the most important features. It implies the effectiveness of using acceleration sensors to predict student effort.

