Статьи журнала - tecHика
Все статьи: 68

Basic requirements for modern heat-insulating building materials
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This article explains the concepts of modern thermal insulation materials and the requirements for such building materials. The main and additional requirements of heat insulating materials are discussed.

Building materials based on ash-slig alkalines
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The article deals with the use of ash-slag mixtures in the production of building materials, presents the results of studies to determine the physical and mechanical characteristics of solutions prepared from various compositions.

Damage to productivity of fusariosis disease in maize
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As a result of the expansion of the areas and varieties of corn grown in our republic, the fungal diseases that occur in the corn vegetation seriously damage the productivity. Therefore, one of the urgent tasks facing the scientists of Uzbekistan is the development of comprehensive measures to combat fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. This article presents the impact of Fusarium disease on corn productivity.

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Cold-curing mixtures molds have been given a new boost in additive manufacturing due to their high curing rate at room temperature. These molds are made by applying a layer of a mixture, usually consisting of silica sand and a catalyst, to the work surface. Inkjet printing then uses a 3D printer to apply a binder to the layer, forming a solid pattern on the layer. Since inkjet printing technology for casting molds is widely used, many companies are developing more efficient binders. Changing the binder composition requires readjustment and calibration of the print heads. It is not feasible to carry out various studies directly on the equipment for direct digital production of foundry molds, so there is a need for specialized installations. This article describes the development of an installation for adjustment, calibration and test printing of print heads, which performs two basic functions: viewing and analysis of falling drops and test printing. The design solutions of the unit are discussed in detail, the important components of which are the observation station, the control system of the unit, and the cleaning station. A high-speed camera will be used for viewing and analyzing droplets. With the help of the developed setup it is possible to carry out adjustment of print heads of robotic 3D printing systems.

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The article is devoted to solving one of the problems of research and design of robotic complexes for production of foundry molds using 3D printing. The article describes the development of an experimental recoater unit for automated production of foundry molds using the technology of layer-by-layer application of sand mixture. Experimental studies of the quality of sand distribution using the developed unit are carried out. Methods of laying the sand mixture are described. The evaluation of the speed of pouring sand into the hopper, the evaluation of sand distribution depending on the time of pouring out of the hole area. The efficiency of the experimental recoater for sand mixture application, which consists of an auger conveyor and slide gate, was analyzed and the main technical characteristics of its work were evaluated. The conclusions drawn according to the results of the experiments pointed to the positive technical constructive solutions of the developed unit for the application of the sand mixture. Recommendations for its improvement are offered.

Ishlab chiqarishdagi baxtsiz xodisalar va kasb kasalliklarini hisobga olishning nazariy tahlili
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Ushbu maqolada ishlab chiqarishda sodir bo‘ladigan baxtsiz hodisalar va kasb kasalliklarini tekshirish, hisobga olishning huquqiy-me’yoriy hujjatlarining tahlili keltirilgan. Mehnat muhofazasini tashkil qilishda me’yorlariga muvofiq korxona hududida hamda uning chegarasidan tashqarida mehnat vazifalarini bajarish vaqtida, shuningdek, ishlab chiqarish manfaatlarini ko‘zlab qilingan harakatlar natijasida yuz bergan xodisalarning hisobga olishning yoritilgan.

Kasb kasalliklarining asosiy profilaktik tamoyillari
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Ushbu maqolada mehnat muhofazasi sohasida amalga oshirilayotgan ishlar natijasida kasb kasalliklarini kamaytirish, kasb kasalliklarining prafilaktikasi, kasbiy zararlanishining asosiy sabablarini aniqlash va ularni kamaytirish chora, kasb kasalliklarini erta aniqlash uchun davriy tibbiy ko‘riklarning o‘z vaqtida o‘tkazilishining huquqiy va me’yoriy hujjatlari haqida fikrlar berilgan.

O‘zbekistonda optik aloqa tarmoqlarining qo‘llanilishi haqida
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Maqolada optik aloqa tizimining qisqacha tarixi, so‘ngi yillar davomida jadal rivojlanishi, keng qo‘llanilish xususiyatlari va omillari ko‘rib chiqilgan.

Professional ta’lim muassasalarida texnika fanlarini o‘qitishda axborot texnologiyalarning o‘rni
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Ushbu maqolada professional ta’lim muassasalarida texnika fanlarini o‘qitishda axborot texnologiyalarning o‘rni, o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari, afzallikari, imtiyozlari, o‘qitishning umumiy va uslubiy yondashuvlar ko‘rib chiqilgan va bayon etilgan.

Prospects for the application of artificial intellectual technologies in education
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This article analyzes the use of artificial intelligence technology in the organization of educational processes, what opportunities it creates and how effective it is, and other important factors in it. There are also suggestions and recommendations for the creation of an Intelligent tutoring system (ITS).

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Now, in world practice, sulphide refractory gold-containing materials are subjected to oxidative roasting mainly with low productivity and subsequent cyanidation provides a high degree of metal recovery. Of particular importance is oxidative calcination to increase the extraction of valuable components (Au, Ag, Mo, W, Cu, Zn) from metal-containing intermediate products. Today, new technologies and technological schemes are being developed around the world in the field of processing gold-bearing ores to increase the degree of extraction and reduce processing costs in order to reduce the cost of the product, and special attention is paid to reducing the content of a valuable component in the tailings of processes, as well as special attention paid to reduce the content of a valuable component in the tailings of production processes. In this aspect, the development of new technologies and the improvement of existing technologies to increase the extraction of valuable components are urgent tasks of the science and practice of the mining and metallurgical industry. The aim of the research was to develop an effective technology for processing sulfide materials in suspension in a kiln to intensify the process and increase the yield of valuable components.

Seysmik xavfni kamaytirish uchun aholining bilim va imkoniyatlarini oshirish
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Ushbu maqolada seysmik xavf manbalari, tarixi voqiyalar ma’lumotlari keltirilgan. Aholini zilziladan ximoya qilish, er silkinish manbalari, omillari, oqibatlari, ta’lofatlarini bashorat qilish va xavf vujudga kelganda axolini ximoya qilishni amalga oshirish ko’zda tutilgan.

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Tarkibida pentoza tutuvchi mahalliy xom-ashyolardan: g’o’za-poyasi, paxta sheluxasi, kungaboqar poyasi, makka mardagi, somon, poxol, arra to’poni, g’azonlar, semichka poyasi tasnifi va ulardan turli usullarda furfurol olish jarayonlari keltirilgan.

Ta’lim jarayonidagi pedagogik metodlarning qo’llanilishi va tahlili
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Ushbu maqolada mehnat muhofazasi sohasida mutaxassislarni tayyorlashdagi pedagogik texnologiyalarning o’rni va ularning qo’llanilish samaradorligini oshirish usullari bilan bir qatorda ta’lim oluvchilar uchun qulay va oson etkaziladigan innovatsion pedagogik texnologiyalarning o‘ziga xos usullari yoritilgan. Mashg’ulotlarda qo‘llaniladigan samarali usullarni taqdiq qilish mexanizm bo‘yicha tasiyalar berilgan.

Ta’lim sifatini oshirishda pedagogik kreativlikning ahamiyati
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Maqolada hozirgi vaqtda ta’lim sifatini oshirishda pedagogik kreativlikning ahamiyati, kreativlik, pedagogik kreativlik, pedagogning kreativlik potensiali, umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktabida texnologiya fanini o’qitishda yangi pedagogik texnologiyalarning klaster usulida o’quv jarayonini tashkil qilishda uning samaradorli haqida materiallar keltirilgan.

The method of evaluating student knowledge based on behavior in an electronic learning environment
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Electronic learning, or e-learning environment, has become increasingly popular as a method of delivering education to students. One challenge with e-learning is how to assess student knowledge effectively. Unlike traditional classrooms, teachers are not physically present in the same room as students, which makes it difficult to evaluate their behavior and engagement. In this essay, we will explore the method of evaluating student knowledge based on behavior in an electronic learning environment.

Use of STEAM and SMART technologies in teaching mathematics in schools
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This article discusses how STEAM and SMART technologies can improve mathematics education in schools and how partnerships between schools, technology companies, and the education community can lead to innovative solutions and the integration of STEAM and SMART technologies in mathematics education.

Using the experiences of Japan, USA, and Germany in improving the quality of higher education
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The article briefly analyzes the structure, experience and modern educational programs of advanced foreign educational systems such as Japan, Germany, and the USA.

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Maqolada yuk avtomobi harakat tezliklarini o’zgartirilgan holda yuzaga keladigan tebranish toʼlqinlarining darajasini gruntda tarqalishi oʼrganilgan. Yuk avtomobilidan hosil boʼladigan yuklarni dinamik kuch koʼrinishida berilgan. Masala chekli elementlar usuli bilan yechilgan. Аvtomobil yoʼlidan 10 m, 15 m hamda 20 m masofadagi tugunlardagi koʼchishlari va tezlanishlari tekshirilgan.

Ёнғин ва ёнғиннинг хавфидан химояланиш усуллари
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Yшбу мақолада ёнғин ва ёнғинни хавфидан химояланиш усулли, ёнғин хавфи талофатларини, танжарохатларини ва ўлимни олдини олиш янги усуллаари курсатиб утилган бўлиб утган фожиялий ходисалар буни давир талаби деб билмоқда.