Manufacturing technology for building materials and products. Рубрика в журнале - Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal

Study of thermal effect based on liquid crystal nanoparticles
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Introduction. Currently, the development of composite systems doped with nanoparticles and based on liquid crystal (LC) media is being actively pursued. The latter, having unique properties, can be used to improve various LC devices. For this purpose, it is very important to investigate the mechanism of change in the properties of liquid crystal systems from the size and concentration of nanoparticles. Recently, a sufficient number of methods have been applied to measure the flow of liquid or gas based on different physical principles. Information about the average mass flow rate of a liquid or gas can be obtained by a measurement method based on steady-state heat injection into the flow. The average flow velocity can be measured by electromagnetic and ultrasonic sensors, while the average volume flow rate can be measured by hydrodynamic (aerodynamic) as well as mechanical turbine methods. In heat transfer and mass transfer, convective motion in a fluid medium plays an important role in the vast majority of natural phenomena and technological processes. Many processes of convective mass transfer and heat transfer in chemical, petrochemical, construction, nuclear and other industries are carried out in heat pipes. Up to the present time the question about efficiency of heat pipes application with bodies from composite materials also remains open. In the presented work the following objectives were set: to assemble an experimental setup to study the thermal effect (flow), to conduct studies of temperature change on the surface of the conductor of the compound based on nanoparticles of liquid crystals and viscosity of liquid crystals from the concentration of nanoparticles. Methods and Materials. In this experimental work, a heat flux acts in the region of the outer boundary of the conductor. Note that the redistribution of the thermal field is influenced by such processes as heat conduction and heat transfer. To observe the thermal effect, compounds based on liquid crystal nanoparticles were used. Nanostructured liquid crystal systems have a unique property as fluidity inherent in ordinary liquids. For opaque conductor walls, a method for determining the direction of heat flow is proposed. Earlier experimental studies have shown that temperature measurement is possible only by pyrometric method. Therefore, the redistribution of temperature change on the conductor flow surface was recorded using an optical pyrometer that perceives thermal (infrared) radiation. In this work, a compound based on liquid crystal nanoparticles, namely with the addition of cholesteryloleate, was used as a base. Results and discussion. In the course of the study, temperature dependences in the heat flow zone of the conductor in the absence and in the presence of liquid motion were experimentally obtained. Dependences of temperature change on the surface of the conductor with compounds based on nanoparticles of liquid crystals have been measured. Inhomogeneous redistribution of the thermal field is shown. The results of the study of the dependence of the viscosity of nematic liquid crystals on the concentration of nanoparticles are presented. Conclusion. The above data show that the thermal effect on the surface is not uniformly distributed. For visualization of the thermal effect, compounds based on nanoparticles of liquid crystals turned out to be more effective. A technique has been developed to determine the direction and calculate mathematically the magnitude of the liquid heat flux in the opaque conductor flow. It should be noted that the viscosity of liquid crystals changes when nanoparticles are coupled.

Surface activity of concrete waste powders
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Introduction. One of the most large-tonnage wastes of the construction industry is a concrete scrap, obtained as a result of the dismantling of buildings and structures, the service life of which has reached its maximum or requires significant capital changes. In our opinion, works on the use of the resulting dust-like fraction are of particular interest. One of the promising methodological approaches in this direction is the observance of the principles of nanotechnology, which consists of obtaining finely dispersed components as active components of the created compositions. Materials and methods. Therefore, the objects of research in this work were fine powders obtained by mechanical grinding of lightweight (sample 1) and heavy (sample 2) concrete of a five-story residential panel house built in 1979. The elemental composition and specific surface area of the samples were determined, thermogravimetry of the studied powder systems was carried out, the surface tension of the experimental samples and the dispersion and polarization components of this indicator were determined by the OVRK method. A new methodological approach to the determination of the surface tension of powder systems is proposed, based on the determination of the functional dependence of the surface tension on the pressing force of the prototypes. The possibility of calculating macroenergy characteristics (atomization energy, specific mass atomization energy) of waste concrete samples is shown. These physicochemical indicators characterize the potential supply of internal energy of the system, which is capable of transforming into free surface energy during mechanical destruction of the material. Results and discussions. Thermogravimetric analysis of experimental concrete samples showed the presence of a residual amount of belite. Calculations of the surface activity of the samples showed that it is more preferable to use a powder obtained by crushing a sample of heavy concrete as an active additive in compositions capable of exhibiting the properties of a binding agent. Conclusions. To assess the activity of dusty fractions of concrete scrap as a component in binding compositions of the hydration type of hardening, it is proposed to use the value of the surface activity of powder systems as a criterion. The absolute numeric value of this criterion is equal to the ratio of the values of the free surface energy of the investigated powder and the specific mass energy of atomization of the initial waste concrete. It was found that for concrete waste the value of this criterion is determined by the polarization component of surface tension.

Technological equipment management for 3D additive printing of building nanocomposites
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Introduction. The development of innovative approaches to digital equipment control that ensure the production of 3D building structures with high operational and technical-economic characteristics remains an urgent task. The handling and maintenance of technological equipment during the process of 3D-printing of construction objects do not always meet the modern requirements of technical systems management. Methods and materials. 3D-printing is based on the method of extrusion: molding of a building structure layer-by-layer with the addition and fairly rapid subsequent solidification of nanocomposite building materials. The resulting optimized nanocomposition must have the required rheology, which set the comb-like polycarboxylate esters with nanosteric repulsion at a distance of ≈ 11 nm. In order to organize a stable 3D-printing technology, it is also necessary to select the appropriate optimal fillers that provide the necessary physical, mechanical and operational characteristics to the hardened nanocomposite. Results. The effectiveness of three-dimensional printing calls for the coordinated operation of a construction-grade 3D-printer. In this regard, it is necessary to have concrete pumping equipment that is able to pump the initial nanocomposition through flexible pipelines at a certain speed. It is necessary to consider the influence of pressure and volume to increase the power of the concrete pump motor by 14–17%, and at the same tine reduce the level of vibrations. Discussion. Digital 3D-technologies reveal unique opportunities for innovative production of three-dimensional construction objects and engineering structures. Technological quality management of 3D-printing depends on the correct alignment of the printer mechanisms, and the reduction of defective products can be achieved by adjusting the molding parameters of building nanocomposites. The structure-forming curing of Portland cement nanocomposites is based on the formation of fractal structures of calcium hydrosilicate clusters with dimensions of 47–51 nm, that form nanoaggregates (125–132 nm), which gradually cement the fillers due to adhesive interactions. The high demand for the corresponding equipment only strengthens the advantages of 3D-additive technologies: its practical waste-free operation, low power consumption of 3D-printers, time reduction of design-to-completion process by 8–11 times. Conclusions. Technological managing of concrete pump equipment for 3D-additive printing of building nanocomposites reduces energy costs by 26–29%, and at the same time reduces the level of vibration.

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Introduction. To restore and develop the Solovetsky Islands road network concrete slabs could be used. Currently, compositions with additives of industrial waste, including micro- and nanoscale, are being actively introduced to improve the performance characteristics of the road slabs. For the Arkhangelsk region, saponite-containing waste from the mining industry could be used as a material. At the same time, one of the ways to accelerate the process of gaining strength of composites is steaming. However, studies related to the effect of temperature and humidity treatment on the hardening process of a composite with a highly dispersed saponite-containing material (SCM) have not been previously studied. It is known that the process of moisture sorption with a finely dispersed additive allows controlling structure formation during concrete hardening, improving its operational characteristics. However, under conditions of high humidity, the quantitative content of tempering water, calculated based on the value of water absorption of the SСM, can significantly change and affect the process of gaining the strength of the composite. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to study the effect of temperature and humidity treatment on the strength gain of fine-grained concrete with the addition of SCM. It has been established that the accelerated method of concrete hardening has only a positive effect on the formation of a strong and dense structure. However, in the case of using highly dispersed saponite-containing material as an additive, the opposite effect (decrease in strength) associated with sorption properties and features of its structure can be observed. Methods and Materials. The SCM recovered from the recycled water was dried to constant weight and dispersed on a planetary ball mill. Particle size was determined by dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering, and specific surface area was determined by nitrogen sorption (BET theory). The strength of samples of fine-grained concrete of the control and experimental (with the addition of SCM) compositions was gained in two ways: under normal conditions and by an accelerated method using steaming. Strength tests of cube samples with dimensions of 70×70×70 mm were carried out on an automatic test press according to GOST 10180. The microstructure of the samples was examined by scanning electron microscopy. Results and Discussion. The separated, dried and ground saponite-containing material (powder) had an average particle size of 445±40 nm and a specific surface area of 50 670±10 m2/kg. In continuation of the studies, control (FGC) and test samples of fine-grained concrete (FGCscm) were made. The amount of a highly dispersed additive was introduced into the concrete mixture based on previously obtained results of kinetic studies of the water absorption process of saponite-containing material. The determination of the strength characteristics of 1-FGC and 1-FGCscm, hardening under normal conditions, was carried out on day 28. Samples of 2-FGC and 2-FGCscm, a day after sealing with water, were placed in a steaming chamber. After the expiration of the holding time, they were gradually cooled and their strength characteristics were determined. It has been established that the accelerated method of gaining strength of finegrained concrete, by steaming, has a positive effect only on control samples. For a composite with the addition of SCM, temperature and humidity treatment has the opposite effect. Thus, the dynamics of strength gain of 1-FGC and 1-FGCscm are of the same type. At the initial moment of time, an active site of strength gain is observed, but on day 7, the compressive strength of the samples of the experimental composition is 40% higher than that of the control one. At the accelerated curing method in the first two hours (isothermal heating stage), an active strength increase was observed in 2-FGC and 2-FGCscm. The subsequent curing of the control specimens has a linear dependence with a gradual increase in strength to the design strength in six hours. For 2-FGCscm, after two hours of steaming, the strength sharply begins to decrease, and after six hours – visible destruction of the concrete structure occurs. Consequently, prolonged temperature and humidity exposure of concrete with highly dispersed SSM admixture leads to a decrease in the strength characteristics of the specimens. Most likely, it is connected with moisture oversaturation of the composite structure. Therefore, in continuation of the research, electronic photographs were taken of the microstructure of concrete after three hours of holding in the steaming chamber. Thus, the microstructure of 2-FGCscm is mainly represented by spongy particles, and the number of formed needle-like (tobermorite crystals) – decreased significantly, compared to the control.

The use of geosynthetic materials to increase the bearing capacity of soil cushions
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Introduction. The development of Kazakhstan's megacities has led the construction sites to the territories with weak, macroporous soils. Construction on such soils requires a set of measures to strengthen and improve their mechanical properties. Methods and Materials. The article discusses the development of a method of surface hardening by replacing weak soil. This development is associated with the use of different types geosynthetics. The principles of operation of a soil foundation reinforced with various geosynthetic materials are considered. The mechanical properties of geotextiles, geogrids and geogrids used to harden embankment soils have been studied. A new test procedure for geosynthetic materials has been developed. This procedure differs from the traditional method specified in GOST 32491 with a constant deformation rate. Results and Discussion. Tests of geosynthetic materials in kinematic mode have shown that a decrease in tensile strength is observed for all materials. The reduction ranges from 28% to 42% for different types of geogrids. The elongation at break decreased for the hexagonal and biaxial geogrid by 8.6% and 30%, respectively. An increase in relative elongation was noted for a uniaxial geogrid. According to geotextile, the tensile strength decreased by 15.7%, and the elongation increased by 26.5%. Conclusion. Research results have shown the effectiveness of the recommended reinforcement methods to increase the bearing capacity of the bases and the possibility of their application in various regions of Kazakhstan.