Статьи журнала - Pravo - teorija i praksa

Все статьи: 676

Glosa o regionalizmu

Glosa o regionalizmu

Ćorić Dragana

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Region se posmatra kao 'izvesno jedinstvo država u geografskom smislu, grupa državnih teritorija koje čine jedinstvenu teritoriju, a čiji stanovnici su posebni ili drugačiji u odnosu na druge stanovnike, zbog specifičnosti u bilo kom vidu koje oni žele da sačuvaju, bilo da su to nacionalne, kulturne ili druge specifičnosti'. Tako shvaćen region se suočava tokom svog postojanja sa brojnim izazovima, kao što su: neravnomeran ekonomski razvoj regiona unutar jedne države, koji nužno vodi do polarizacije i separacije regiona u nezavisne države; nedovoljno snažan državni aparat koji može da nadvlada sve globalizacijske procese posebno kad su 'države nacije' u pitanju, i problem da se ljudi teže navikavaju na misao o 'Evropi regiona', umesto dosadašnje prihvatljive 'Evrope država'. No i pored svih problema i izazova, region, regionalizam i regionalna država stoje kao 'treći put', kompromis između federacija i konfederacija.


Građansko-pravna odgovornost za štete prouzrokovane životnoj sredini

Građansko-pravna odgovornost za štete prouzrokovane životnoj sredini

Stojanović Nataša



Građansko-pravna zaštita prava intelektualne svojine

Građansko-pravna zaštita prava intelektualne svojine

Stanković Bratislav

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Predmet ovog rada je pravna zaštita prava intelektualne svojine, s posebnim osvrtom na građansko-pravnu zaštitu, koja je predviđena zakonima u oblasti intelektualne svojine, kao lex specialis, uz osvrt na sudsku praksu posle 2000. godine. Građansko-pravna zaštita obuhvata četiri vrste tužbi. Tužba zbog povrede prava se sastoji od šest tužbenih zahteva. Sud može doneti privremenu meru i naložiti sredstvo obezbeđenja.


Građanskopravni osnovi odgovornosti stečajnog upravnika i države u stečajnom postupku

Građanskopravni osnovi odgovornosti stečajnog upravnika i države u stečajnom postupku

Kozar Vladimir

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Stečajni upravnik odgovara ličnom imovinom za štetu prouzrokovanu učesnicima u postupku namerno ili krajnjom nepažnjom, a teret dokazivanja takvih kvalifikovanih oblika nevinosti je na oštećenom licu. Kada je šteta prouzrokovana običnom nepažnjom - nehatom postoji odgovornost države - Republike Srbije, kao pravnog lica za štetu koju prouzrokuje njegov organ. Za štetu prouzrokovanu učesnicima u postupku namerno ili krajnjom nepažnjom postoji solidarna odgovornost stečajnog upravnika i Republike Srbije. Prigovor u postupku prodaje imovine stečajnog dužnika, ne utiče na punovažnost izvršene prodaje, već predstavlja osnov za utvrđivanje odgovornosti stečajnog upravnika ako je šteta nastala radnjom stečajnog upravnika u postupku prodaje.


Harmonizacija prava policije Republike Srbije sa evropskim standardima u oblasti zaštite ljudskih prava

Harmonizacija prava policije Republike Srbije sa evropskim standardima u oblasti zaštite ljudskih prava

Avramović Nenad, Marković Miloš

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Ljudska prava su segment univerzalnih, prirodnih i neotuđivih civilizacijskih vrednosti. Kao takva deo su međunarodnog prava, a posebno nacionalnih pravnih sistema kroz koje se realizuju. Posebnu ulogu u ostvarivanju, obezbeđenju i zaštiti ljudskih prava imaju policijski organi država. Posledica unifikacije ljudskih prava na međunarodnom nivou je stvaranje međunarodnih standarda policijskog delovanja. Reforma policije se u Republici Srbiji intenzivno vrši kroz harmonizaciju zakonodavnog okvira policijskog organizovanja, delovanja i postupanja od 2000. godine u skladu sa visokim standardima Saveta Evrope i Evropske unije, kao jedna od pretpostavki evropskih integracija. Načela zakonitosti, proporcionalnosti, profesionalnosti i postupanja u skladu sa policijskom etikom postaju kodeksi delovanja.


Haški tribunal - izveštaj obaveštajnog analitičara - forenzički nalaz ili analitička informacija

Haški tribunal - izveštaj obaveštajnog analitičara - forenzički nalaz ili analitička informacija

Manojlović Dragan

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Potreba da se izvede ovo istraživanje javila se nakon što je u procesu pred Međunarodnim krivičnim sudom za bivšu Jugoslaviju izveštaj obaveštajnog analitičara vojne obaveštajne službe označen i prihvaćen kao isprava koja u sebi sadrži nalaz i/ili mišljenje veštaka/forenzičara. Ovo stoga, što se, u krivično-procesnoj praksi Suda ne uočava jasna razlika između istražnog analitičara, forenzičkih radnji na osnovu forenzičkih znanja (legaliteta i legitimiteta) i forenzičkog nalaza i/ili mišljenja i obaveštajnog analitičara i obaveštajne analitičke informacije koja nastaje kao proizvod obaveštajnog analitičkog procesa. U radu se ukazuje da je obaveštajna analitička informacija samo nastavak obaveštajnog rada u njegovom kružnom procesu, odnosno da je zaključak obaveštajnog analitičara samo metod obaveštajnog rada, a ne forenzički nalaz i/ili mišljenje, kao i to da je obaveštajna analiza samo jedan segment u obaveštajnom ciklusu. Nije nezavisna delatnost veštaka u krivičnom postupku.


Hibridni sud za Istočni Timor - pravna i politička dimenzija

Hibridni sud za Istočni Timor - pravna i politička dimenzija

Živkovski Igor

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Međunarodni krivični sud u Istočnom Timoru Ujedinjene nacije su ustanovile nezavisno od odluka nacionalnih vlasti. On je, kao i drugi sudovi tog tipa, bio plod političkih dogovora u okviru Ujedinjenih nacija. Osnivanje ovog suda u velikoj meri bilo je uzrokovano činjenicom da u toj državi nakon povlačenja Indonezije gotovo da nije bilo pravnika s iskustvom rada u pravosuđu. Sud za Istočni Timor prvi je hibridni sud koji je počeo sa radom. Iako mešovitog sastava, on je bio deo nacionalnog pravosudnog sistema. Do osnivanja ovog suda došlo je neposredno nakon što su Ujedinjene nacije uspostavile prelaznu upravu u toj državi. Iako je bilo predloga da se osnuje zaseban tribunal za suđenje osobama odgovornim za zločine, Savet bezbednosti nije postupio po tim preporukama. Umesto toga osnovana su Posebna veća za ozbiljne zločine sastavljena od domaćih i međunarodnih sudija za suđenje osobama osumnjičenim za zločine učinjene u Istočnom Timoru. Posebnim većima data je isključiva nadležnost nad zločinima genocida, ratnim zločinima, zločinima protiv čovečnosti, ubistvima, seksualnim zločinima i mučenjima koja su se dogodili u Istočnom Timoru u razdoblju od 1. januara do 25. oktobra 1999. godine, a pod određenim uslovima i za zločine učinjene pre toga datuma. Materijalna prava koje su primenjivala Posebna veća za zločine genocida, ratne zločine i zločine protiv čovečnosti gotovo je u potpunosti preuzeto iz Rimskog statuta Međunarodnog krivičnog suda.


Historical development of life insurance

Historical development of life insurance

Počuča Sara, Krstinić Dalibor

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The origins of certain forms of property and life security date back to a very distance past. The beginnings of commodity and monetary relations and class society mark the beginning of insurance activities as well. The basic function of insurance has not changed throughout its history and it amounts to the property and individual protection. Life insurance, as a special type of a personal insurance, occupies an important place in insurance activities today. Insurance premiums keep growing in the global market and so does the share of life insurance in the total premium structure. As early as in 1996, it constituted 57%, while the others, non-life insurances, constituted 43%. This paper treats the historical development of life insurance, from the very origins of this type of insurance to this very day.


Human rights and the social position of citizens in ancient Rome

Human rights and the social position of citizens in ancient Rome

Nenad Stefanović

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The paper analyzes the status aspects of human rights during the period of existence of the Roman state. Considering the fact that it was the empire lasted for several centuries, the position of a human in it and his/ her rights changed. The modern understanding of human rights originates from the period of the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, when The School of Natural Law laid the foundations of the understanding of human, natural rights, which did not exist in that form during the ancient period. The primary social differentiation of the population in ancient Rome was based on a simple division of people into free ones and slaves. From this premise, they built the foundations of their rights as well as their social, legal and political positions. In theory, Roman history is chronologically divided into four periods: The period of Kings, The period of the Republic, the Principate and the Dominate. In those periods, the social structure differed significantly. The aim of this paper is to show the position of the population in each of these periods, their rights and mutual relationships. The Roman law represents the cradle of contemporary continental law, and the germ of human rights was “sown” exactly in that period, which, for this reason, deserves to be the subject of a deeper professional analysis.


Human rights’ approach to environmental protection – practice of the Human Rights Committee

Human rights’ approach to environmental protection – practice of the Human Rights Committee

Marijana Mladenov, Igor Serotila

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The consequences of environmental degradation and pollution have raised the issue of the significance of the link between human rights and environmental protection. Since the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights does not explicitly recognize the right to a healthy environment, the Human Rights Committee has accepted the possibility that a State Party can violate a number of civil and political rights by its acts or failures in the field of environmental protection. The main purpose of the paper is to analyze the practice of the Committee in order to define the standards in the context of violation of human rights by environmental degradation. The paper will address regular reports submitted by State Parties, as well as general comments and concluding observations of the Committee. A special attention will be paid to the views of the Committee regarding the individual complaints received under the First Optional Protocol to the ICCPR. On the basis of the analytical discussion, the authors will provide a conceptual clarity to the interpretation of standards that might be useful in articulating the civil and political rights related to environmental protection.


Human vs. Artificial intelligence - EU's legal response

Human vs. Artificial intelligence - EU's legal response

Marijana Mladenov

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has the capacity to improve not only the individual quality of life, but also economic and social welfare. Although the AI systems have many advantages, they also pose significant risks, creating a wide range of moral and legal dilemmas. The European Union has been creating a legal framework for developing, trading, and using AI-driven products, services, and systems to reduce the risks connected with the AI systems and to prevent any possible harm they may cause. The main focus of this paper refers to the analysis of the Proposal for the Artificial Intelligence Act submitted by the European Commission in April 2021. The goal of the article is to move toward a possible resolution to the dilemma of whether the AIA proposal is appropriate for the AI era by addressing the scope of its application, the prohibited AI practices, rules on high-risk AI systems, specific transparency obligations, as well as certain regulatory gaps. The article should be viewed as an initial analysis of the AIA proposal in order to provide a useful framework for the future discussion.


Ilegalne migracije stanovništva u Libiji

Ilegalne migracije stanovništva u Libiji

Arabi Ibn Abdusalam Fathija

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Migracije sežu daleko u istoriju, sve do nastanka samog čoveka. Izražavaju se njegovim stalnim kretanjem iz mesta u mesto, bez ograničenja i ometanja u potrazi za bezbednošću ili begom od prirode i vremenskih prilika. Motivacija i pokretač za to su volja za opstankom, očuvanjem života i produženjem vrste ili želja da se otkriju okruženja koja su podobnija i više odgovaraju njegovim potrebama i ambicijama. Libija spada u red zemalja koje su ozbiljno zahvaćene procesom ilegalnih migracija. Oni su uzrokovani dejstvom dva osnovna faktora od kojih prvi predstavlja geografski položaj a drugi zavidan nivo životnog standarda građana Libije u odnosu na zemlje u njenom okruženju. Shodno tome, u radu će biti prikazani, kako teorijski okviri, tako i praktična iskustva koja je autorka imala tokom svog života i rada u Libiji.


Illegal trade in criminal law

Illegal trade in criminal law

Zoran Matić, Mladen Ćeranić

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Trade, as a form of commodity-money relations, has a long history. It begins with the first forms of exchange of goods for money and other valuables. Given that the purpose of trade is the acquisition of profit based on the sale and purchase of goods and services, this activity undoubtedly enabled the commercial class of society to accumulate significant wealth. This is why merchants are considered to be among the wealthiest people in the society, from the beginning of the first states, up to the present day. However, trading often represents an ‘ideal’ way of acquiring illegal gains, which can rapidly increase if it is carried out over a long period of time. The suppression of various forms of illegal trade is carried out at the legal and institutional level. Hence, regulations in this field can be classified into basic ones (governing trading activities), criminal ones (specifying particular criminal offenses), and misdemeanor ones (prescribing penalties for legal entities and individuals). The legal peculiarity in regulating trade, including its legal forms, lies in the extensive catalog of different procedures. In the field of criminal law, there is an independent criminal offense of the same name with multiple forms. In our country, judicial practice is full of various cases in which the criminal ingenuity of the actors of illegal trade is especially manifested. The inspection authorities are the society’s first line of defense against various forms of illicit trade. In the process of carrying out regular and extraordinary supervision, they observe and initiate investigation into the responsibility for offenses in the domain of illegal trade. In the field of criminal law, there is an independent criminal offense of the same name, which has several forms. Consequently, this paper gives an overview of the legal mechanisms for suppressing illegal trade in our country.


Imovina AP Vojvodine

Imovina AP Vojvodine

Šušnjar Stanko



Imovina deteta - upravljanje, korišćenje i raspolaganje

Imovina deteta - upravljanje, korišćenje i raspolaganje

Vagner Ličenoski Sofija

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The child is every minor who did not acquire full active legal capacity before the majority. Parents have the right and duty at the same time to be the lawful representatives of their child entering into all transactions of property acquisition. They can also represent their child on the base of contract in all the transactions that child can enter into on the ground of it's active legal capacity. The child who did not reach the age of fourteen is able to carry out by itself only the transactions for acquiring rights (donation, commodatum), not obligations. It may carry out the usual daily transactions too. The child who reached the age of fourteen can enter into all other transactions with the consent of it's parents. When the object of transaction is movable property of great value or real estate, the permission of the welfare committee is necessary for validity of such transaction. The 15-year-old child acquires the working capacity and capability of free managing and disposal of the property acquired by the work. The parents manage and dispose of the property not acquired by the child's work and of the property acquired by the work of the child who did not reach the age of fifteen. Adoptive parent has the same rights as parent on this matter. If a child is in guardianship, the custodian needs the consent of the welfare committee for the transactions beyond the ordinary managing of protégé's property and for the transactions of protégé's property disposal. Established fostering does not influence on the parent rights and duties to manage and dispose of the child's property.


Implementation of food safety policy in the Еuropean Union – guidance, variety, and resolution of challenges

Implementation of food safety policy in the Еuropean Union – guidance, variety, and resolution of challenges

Nikola Puvača, Bojan Vapa

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The paper explores the intricate landscape of implementing food safety policies within the European Union (EU) context. Through an examination of key themes, including discretion and enforcement of policies, the EU’s problem-resolution strategies, and the concept of individualization that surpasses mere adherence to laws, the paper sheds light on the complexities and nuances inherent in ensuring food safety across the diverse member states. The paper scrutinizes the role of discretion in the enforcement of food safety policies within the EU. It delves into how regulatory bodies exercise judgment in interpreting and applying policies, taking into account the varying contexts and challenges faced by member states. The discussion highlights the need for a balanced approach that considers both uniformity in enforcement and flexibility to address specific regional or sectoral requirements. Further, the paper focuses on the EU’s problem-resolution strategies concerning food safety policies. It explores the mechanisms in place for identifying and addressing challenges that arise during the implementation phase. This includes an analysis of coordination among member states, collaboration with stakeholders, and the role of regulatory bodies in mitigating issues and fostering a harmonized approach to problem-solving. In the end, the paper introduces the concept of individualization, emphasizing how a diverse range of policies and practices exists beyond mere adherence to overarching laws. This section explores the unique approaches taken by member states in tailoring food safety policies to suit their specific circumstances. It investigates the benefits and potential challenges associated with such individualization, considering its impact on overall policy effectiveness and coherence.


Implikacije svetske ekonomske krize na osiguranje u Republici Srbiji

Implikacije svetske ekonomske krize na osiguranje u Republici Srbiji

Marčetić Marija, Krulj Mladenović Milica

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Nakon prvog talasa hipotekarne krize koji je najpre pogodio bankarski sektor bilo je jasno da osiguravajuća i reosiguravajuća društva neće ostati imuna. Iz ugla osiguravajućih društava kriza ima višeznačni efekat. Plasirana sredstva, iako u manje rizične finansijske instrumente, izložena su većem riziku na tržištu kapitala. Druga dimenzija krize koju će osetiti osiguravajuće kuće je recesija u koju je ušla privreda, kroz smanjenje potrošnje, povećane cene transfera rizika. Domaće tržište slabo je integrisano u svetsko tržište, pa samim tim i manje podložno tektonskim poremećajima uočenim na drugim finansijskim tržištima. Jedan od razloga zašto kriza ne ugrožava opstanak osiguravajućih društava jeste dosadašnja konzervativna investiciona politika i regulativa. Temeljna načela poslovnih politika osiguravajućih organizacija u danima koji dolaze trebala bi biti sigurnost, likvidnost, disperzija i tek na kraju profitabilnost.


Importance of reforms and internationalization of higher education in accordance with the Bologna process

Importance of reforms and internationalization of higher education in accordance with the Bologna process

Jelena Matijašević-Obradović, Maja Subotin

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Higher education reform process introduced many innovations in educational systems and caused the passing many new regulations in this area. European knowledge society rests on two pillars – European Resaerch Area – ERA and European Higher Education Area – EHEA. EHEA is being developed through international cooperation and academic exchange that is performed through government ministries, institutions of higher education, and students and teaching staff. It must be emphasized that economic and cultural globalization has imposed new challenges for the system of higher education. Internationalization of higher education is seen as one of the ways a country responds to the impact of globalization. Also, an important feature of the Bologna Process is the adoption of new approaches in higher education. One of them is concept Open Educational Resources. As can be seen in the paper, the Bologna Process represents a strategic transformation of higher education institutions, and the conclusion is that reform process in higher education leads to economic and social well-being of the country.


In memoriam

In memoriam



Infiltration into the criminal milieu

Infiltration into the criminal milieu

Aleksandar Jevremović

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The characteristics of the modern organized crime have demanded the properly organized competent authorities in order to be able to oppose it successfully. It cannot be achieved without the infiltration into the criminal milieu as a complex criminal-operating activity. It is also a postulation for the competent authorities being engaged in a prevention and combating crime to strive to provide reliable sources of information in the criminal structures, with the aim of detecting the intended or committed criminal acts as well as collecting the evidence of their perpetrators’ guilt. Nowadays, it`s almost impossible without an “insider“ to reveal the structure of the criminal organization, the committed and planned crimes, having in mind extensive protection measures taken by its members. The changes themselves in the manifestation of the organized crime have gone beyond the mere use of informants and made a need for developing the new investigating techniques, aimed at the infiltration into the criminal milieu, which includes the usage of the undercover investigators in order the conspiratory investigations to be conducted and the simulated activities to be realized.

