Статьи журнала - Pravo - teorija i praksa

Все статьи: 676

Bolesti zavisnosti kao oblik društvene devijantnosti

Bolesti zavisnosti kao oblik društvene devijantnosti

Ilić Anita

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Svakodnevna istraživanja i štampa pokazuju da je današnje društvo u krizi, tako da su droga i alkohol sve zastupljeniji, dok se starosne granice konzumenata ovih supstanci sve više snižavaju. Poseban doprinos društvenoj devijaciji predstavlja razvoj bolesti zavisnosti koji doprinosi poremećaju ponašanja pojedinca, koje, između ostalog, može rezultirati izvršenju krivičnih dela. Bolesti zavisnosti u pravom smislu te reči, prema brojnim pokazateljima predstavljaju epidemiju 21. veka, zbog čega je neophodno sprovoditi programe prevencije kao i razvijati i unaprediti dijagnostiku, lečenje, rehabilitaciju kao i istraživanje u ovoj oblasti.


Borba protiv diskriminacije žena u savremenom svetu

Borba protiv diskriminacije žena u savremenom svetu

Grahovac Momir M.

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Položaj žene tokom celokupnog istorijskog razvoja bio je okarakterisan neravnopravnim položajem u odnosu na muškarca, kršenjem osnovnih ljudskih prava, nemogućnošću potpunog izražavanja sopstvenih sloboda i ugnjetavanjem unutar porodice tako i na širokom društvenom planu. Prošli su mnogi vekovi, koji su sobom donosili promene vlasničkih, političkih, socijalnih i društvenih odnosa. Ponekad se to izražavalo veoma burno i tragično kroz revolucije i ratove, nastajanje i krah društveno političkih sistema, uzlete i sumrak čovečanstva i ljudske ideje. Međutim, za svo to vreme položaj žena se veoma sporo menjao. Čini se da se istorija, kroz svu apsurdnost svojih događaja i onoga što je donosila ljudskom rodu, najgrublje poigrala sa pravima žena. Tek pre stotinak godina, u pojedinim evropskim državama, demokratskog pravnog uređenja, ženama su priznata osnovna politička, pa samim tim i ljudska prava, ostvarena preko uličnih borbi, zlostavljanja i sukoba sa predstavnicima tadašnje vlasti. Žene su još jednom u istoriji svog roda skupo platile svoje osnovno ljudsko pravo koje im pripada imanentno samim činom njihovog rođenja. Permanentnom borbom za svoja prava, žene i u savremenom svetu, potvrđuju svoj nejednak pravni, ekonomski, politički i socijalni položaj u odnosu na muškarca.


Brak sa elementom inostranosti

Brak sa elementom inostranosti

Šipovac Radica, Prelević Snežana

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Porodično-pravni odnosi sa stranim elementom predstavljaju jednu od najučestalijih i najvažnijih oblasti međunarodnog privatnog prava. Razvoj međunarodnog saobraćaja, korišćenje Interneta, engleskog kao svetskog jezika, izjednačavanje stranih i domaćih državljana u sticanju većine prava, samo su neki od faktora koji su uticali na intenzitet kretanja ljudi preko granica ne samo u susedne zemlje već i u geografski udaljene krajeve u kojima važe različite norme i shvatanja. U regulisanju porodično-pravnih odnosa kulturno nasleđe i verska shvatanja u pojedinim zemljama imaju snažan uticaj, što ima za posledicu značajne razlike u porodično-pravnim normama. Međutim, iako ne postoji snažan interes za unifikacijom pravila ponašanja u oblasti porodičnih odnosa sa elementom inostranosti, kao na primer u oblasti kupoprodaje i drugih ugovora na koje se oslanja međunarodni promet dobara, ima pokušaja da se, makar u određenom regionu ujednače porodično-pravna pravila. Do približavanja normi dolazi u Povelji OUN, Univerzalnoj deklaraciji o pravima čoveka, Međunarodnom paktu o građanskim i političkim pravima, Evropskoj konvenciji za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda sa tendencijom smanjenja neravnopravnosti polova, diskriminacije dece rođene van braka, omogućavanja i olakšavanja razvoda braka i sl. Ljudski razvoj prati i smanjenje kulturnih i psiholoških inhibicija da se stupi u brak sa osobom drugačije nacionalnosti, vere ili rase. Sve to doprinosi učestalom nastajanju porodično-pravnih odnosa koji se vezuju za više država i broja pravnih pitanja koja nastaju iz takvih odnosa, jer i pored određenih približavanja, ostaje konstatacija da su razlike među porodično-pravnim propisima pojedinih zemalja i dalje značajne, te da neće brzo nestati.


Burning questions about the reform in the system of execution of criminal sanctions and the protection of persons deprived of their liberty

Burning questions about the reform in the system of execution of criminal sanctions and the protection of persons deprived of their liberty

Ignjatović Aleksandar, Golić Darko

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However in the science, regulations and practice of working on the implementation of some of the achievements that are the universal values of civilization, and concerning the rights of sentenced persons, and have many problems of their gross violations. The situation in our country does not deviate from 'standard' in most European countries. It is not disputed the existence of a clear determination to be in this area fully implement the 'European' standards. Priorities for the improvement of the protection of the rights of persons deprived of their liberty and the prevention against torture in prisons, in the same document, which is the analysis of the basic themes of this paper, the normative framework of harmonization with European standards and the implementation of new legal solutions; Education of prison staff, reform of internal supervision of the Institute, support the establishment of new forms of independent control and cooperation with the patron of citizens and organizations for the protection of human rights; Troubleshooting overpopulation and improve the material conditions in prisons. Any change for the better requires financial allocations, and numerous social problems and are more vulnerable categories population number, and with the right question of what are the priorities. Since the obvious lack of funds, and the best reform is doomed to fall success in the best case.


Carinski postupak sa robom kojom se povređuju prava intelektualne svojine

Carinski postupak sa robom kojom se povređuju prava intelektualne svojine

Miladinović Zoran

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U radu se razmatra carinski postupak sa robom kojom se povređuju prava intelektualne svojine (krivotvorenom i piratskom robom). Autor ukazuje da su zbog toga što su krivotvorenje i piraterija dobile razmere epidemije sa štetnim posledicama po svetsku i nacionalnu privredu, na međunarodnom nivou i u okviru EU, usvojene mere za sprečavanje ovih negativnih pojava. U skladu sa odredbama Sporazuma o trgovinskim aspektima prava intelektualne svojine i regulativom EU, kao i nadležnostima Republika članica Državne zajednice SCG Republika Srbija je, u cilju sprečavanja uvoza i izvoza krivotvorene i piratske robe, odredbama Carinskog zakona propisala carinski postupak sa robom kojom se povređuju prava intelektualne svojine U tom smislu odredbe naših carinskih propisa u potpunosti su usaglašene sa međunarodnim i evropskim standardima u pogledu carinskog tretmana prava intelektualne svojine.


Centralna banka i finansijsko tržište

Centralna banka i finansijsko tržište

Bejatović Milorad

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Da bi se uspešno izvršila tranzicija jednog privrednog sistema neophodno je postojanje razvijenog sistema institucija koje bi bile kontrolisane od strane centralne banke, što se na primeru SCG ne može reći, što se javlja kao posledica nepostojanja domaćih snažnih banaka koje bi apsorbovale veću količinu novca od potrebne koja se pojavljuje u privrednom sistemu kao posledica velikih stranih direktnih investicija koje su veće od potrebnih, što za posledicu ima negativan uticaj na opšti nivo cena u stvari na inflaciju. Finansijska tržišta su posrednici na kojima se vrši vlasnička transformacija koja je jedan od osnovnih preduslova uspešnog procesa tranzicije. Nerazvijenost finansijskih instrumenata na tržištu SCG dovodi do nemogućnosti uspešnog rada finansijskih institucija a time i do onemogućavanja tranzicionog procesa putem finansijskog sistema koji je jedino ispravan i realno moguć.


Certain aspects of the position and rights of children as victims of criminal offenses

Certain aspects of the position and rights of children as victims of criminal offenses

Anja Koprivica

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Children, as well as minors in general, represent one of the most sensitive social groups, and consequently, criminal acts hit children particularly hard. For this reason, the domestic legislator, like the majority of other legislators, incriminates when the crime is committed against a child as a serious or heaviest form of a specific criminal offense, that is, as a special qualifying circumstance. However, in addition to the fact that, within the framework of criminal material legislation, it prescribes qualified forms of criminal acts when children are the victims, legislator, within the framework of juvenile criminal legislation and other special regulations, also prescribes other measures aimed at improving and protecting the position of the child in criminal proceedings. This is because the protection of children as victims of crime is not only a legal issue, but also a social and moral imperative, which must be taken seriously to ensure that all children receive the protection and support they need to grow and develop. In terms of what has been stated, this paper points to the regulation of the position of the child as a victim of a criminal offense, primarily at a national level, starting from general protection standards, to individual solutions in some of the specific forms of criminality where children often appear as victims – family and sexual violence.


Characteristic phenomena of economic crime in legal theory – fraud in the field of industry and production

Characteristic phenomena of economic crime in legal theory – fraud in the field of industry and production

Jelena Matijašević, Marija Jakovljević

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Economic crime is a constant and rather dynamic negative social phenomena which skillfully adapts to the social-economic and political situation in society. Fraud in the field of industry and production is a characteristic and a conspicuous form of economic crime in the legal doctrine. The motive behind committing fraud is typically personal gain, with perpetrators utilizing their positions in business or official authority within a state or public institution to obtain an illegal advantage in the form of money or goods. This paper, focusing on the subject, begins with defining the term and describing the characteristics and main classifications of economic crime. This part is followed by an in-depth analysis of a characteristic form of economic crime in legal theory, specifically fraud in the field of industry and production. Despite adequate legislation at both the European and national levels, current control systems in the field of industry and production may be perceived as insufficient to prevent fraud in a timely manner. Besides, the modalities of committing fraud in this sphere have continuously evolved and adapted to current business circumstances and the legal framework, which is why the perpetrators very often succeed in evading detection and sanctioning of the committed fraud. Considering the transnational nature of fraud in the field of industry and production, it has become evident that security procedures need to extend beyond national frameworks and include international measures.


ChatGPT – another step towards the digital era or a threat to fundamental rights and freedoms?

ChatGPT – another step towards the digital era or a threat to fundamental rights and freedoms?

Kouroupis Konstantinos, Evie Lambrou

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) constitutes one of the most fundamental pillars for the implementation of the EU Digital Agenda. It corresponds to the tremendous ongoing technological evolution which is marked by the spread of the digitalization in both private and public sector. AI tools provide numerous services, such as faster decisionmaking, performance of multiple tasks and repetitive jobs on our behalf and diagnosis of risky situations. This paper puts a special emphasis on the ChatGPT which is considered the most illustrative representative of the current AI technology. Within a minimal time of its existence this innovative viral chatbot has started to dominate the world of AI. However, its use raises serious legal and ethical risks for our privacy and protection of fundamental rights and freedoms, born by the lack of a binding regulatory framework governing AI. Therefore, at first level, this study focuses on the legal regime which governs the use of ChatGPT, by interpreting the legal status, after giving a short demonstration of its function and services (Section I). Secondly, a critical approach will be pursued focusing on special issues regarding this new AI tool on the basis of its application in practice at the area of journalism (Section II). Following that intense analysis, the paper aims to lead to fruitful and original conclusions with the ultimate goal to enhance the establishment of a powerful, safe and trustful digital environment.


Child rights – international standards and their implementation in the legal system of Republic of Serbia

Child rights – international standards and their implementation in the legal system of Republic of Serbia

Darko Golić, Dejan Logarušić

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As a necessary consequence of the strengthening of human rights, there appears the idea and movement of the existence of the child rights separated from the human rights. These are the rights which will pull out the child from the grip of the powers not only of the state, but also of the parents, and will allow the child to be viewed as a separate human being, with his/her own rights, his/her own identity, integrity and dignity. This idea will be spread so much by the end of the twentieth century that it will lead to significant phenomena and changes at the international level. Normative activity within the United Nations has never produced such a result as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. An almost universally accepted legally binding document has, in an extremely short period of time, set fairly high uniform standards of children’s rights at the global level. We will see that the domestic legislator did not follow the tendencies of the international community to a sufficient extent, so it was only in 2019 he took certain political steps to correct the given situation, but without sincere desire or strong will enough to complete the procedure. In contrast to the universal level where the child rights de facto codified in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, at the national level they remain fragmented, with many gaps recognized by the domestic public authorities.


Ciljevi novog sistema finansiranja lokalne samouprave u Republici Srbiji

Ciljevi novog sistema finansiranja lokalne samouprave u Republici Srbiji

Aleksić Vesna

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Donošenjem Zakona o finansiranju lokalne samouprave 2006. god. u RS, izvršena su usklađivanja sa Evropskom poveljom o lokalnoj samoupravi i preporukama Komiteta ministara Saveta Evrope koja se odnose na finansiranje lokalne samouprave. Zakon je dobio i pozitivnu ocenu eksperata Saveta Evrope i Svetske banke. Na osnovu ocene o postojanju prevelikih razlika u visini raspoloživih sredstava između jedinica lokalne samouprave, glavni akcenat promene u novom sistemu finansiranja, koji je stupio na snagu 2007. godine, je upravo svođenje ovih razlika na prihvatljiviji nivo, kroz dizajniranje efikasnijeg sistema horizontalnog ujednačavanja. Pored navedenog cilja, zajedno sa svim drugim zainteresovanim učesnicima, koncipirani su i drugi ciljevi novog sistema finansiranja, koji se pre svega odnose na poboljšanje transparentnosti, stabilnosti i predvidljivosti sistema finansiranja, jačanje autonomije lokalne samouprave i institucionalizaciju saradnje između centralne i lokalnih vlasti. Kada je finansiranje lokalnih zajednica u Srbiji u pitanju, osnovno pitanje je kako na racionalan način obezbediti dovoljne prihode opštinama i gradovima za nadležnosti koje im pripadaju. A sve to da bi se potrebe građana zadovoljile u skladu sa mogućnostima koje im pruža lokalna zajednica i zemlja, a i da bi se izbeglo preterano zaduživanje lokalnih zajednica.


Citiranost radova prof. dr Slavka Carića u citatnoj bazi SCIndeks

Citiranost radova prof. dr Slavka Carića u citatnoj bazi SCIndeks

Despotov Mara, Ferizović Silva

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U ovom istraživanju bibliometrijskim metodama urađena je citiranost radova prof. dr Slavka Carića (1936-2006) u citatnoj bazi SCIndeks. Prilikom analize nije uključeno mišljenje niti ocena recenzenata jer su svi neophodni podaci dostupni u pomenutoj bazi (SCIndeks). Polazeći od činjenice da je citiranost jedan od najvažnijih kriterijuma za vrednovanje naučnog rada određenog naučnika, i u ovom istraživanju citiranost je bila relevantan pokazatelj naučnog rada prof. dr Slavka Carića, koji je veoma cenjen naučni radnik iz oblasti privrednog prava i međunarodnog privrednog prava kako u našoj zemlji, tako i u inostranstvu. Autor je brojnih udžbenika i članaka iz ovih oblasti. Analiza citiranosti urađena je za vremenski period od 1991. do aprila 2012. godine.


Climate changes in the practice of the UN Committee on the rights of a child

Climate changes in the practice of the UN Committee on the rights of a child

Tamara Staparski

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Environmental degradation and climate changes have been the focus of the international community for decades. The impossibility of full and effective enjoyment of human rights caused by climate changes has been a constant reminder of the fact that an urgent reaction is required. However, what about the rights of those who depend on us and whose voices we have avoided hearing? What about the youngest among us, about whose future we selfishly and without any right decide? The latest research shows that children suffer more than adults from the consequences of climate changes. In the paper, the author highlights the lack of the child’s rights protection by the UNCRC, violated by side effects of climate changes, and the dedication of the CRC to provide the protection of these rights through the General comment no. 26. Analyzing the process of creating the General comment no. 26 and its content, it was shown how the joint participation of both children and adults can lead to results giving hope for the future. Nonetheless, in concluding remarks the author expresses her doubt regarding the abidance of stipulated obligations for the States, because of the non-committal nature of the CRC’s General comments, calling into question the significance of the General comment no. 26 itself.


Co-ownership rights on the "Slatina" water supply

Co-ownership rights on the "Slatina" water supply

Borivoje Mirosavić R.

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The paper provides and analyzes the example, the primary source of the legal property law, the “Slatina” Water Supply Resolution. There are presented general remarks on the institute of co-ownership including solving the issues of regular and particularly extraordinary management of the subject of co-existence, i.e. the water supply. The co-owners requested the adoption of rules, order and legality, on the basis of which the interests of everyone would be protected in the matter of the water supply usage. Finally, the conclusion emphasizes the importance of the co-ownership institute in the development of an individualized system of the market economy and suggests a future solution overcoming the situation of an absent co-owner whom, at that moment, it is impossible to be found.


Combatting late payments in commercial transactions in the European Union

Combatting late payments in commercial transactions in the European Union

Dukić Mijatović Marijana, Gongeta Sanja

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The lack of financial discipline in payments in commercial transactions between entrepreneurs and persons of public law is a perennial problem of the European economy. Late payments cause insolvency and complicate financial management of undertakings, which greatly reduces their competitiveness and profitability in the market. The risk of these adverse effects significantly increased in the period of the economic crisis. This article conducts a juridical and economic analysis of European legislation on combatting late payments in commercial transactions with a special accent being put on Croatian legislation, as the youngest European Member State.


Command responsibility

Command responsibility

Slavica Dinić S., Emil Turković M.

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As a part of the presentation in this paper, we will deal with one of a number of specifc characteristics arisen while determining the criminal responsibility of perpetrators of international crimes, the one related to the institute of command responsibility, which are familiar with the statutes of both ad hoc tribunals (the Statute of the Tribunal in the Hague of 1993 and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda of 1994), as well as the so - called the Rome Statute from 1998. In these statutes, it is set in such a way that, in one of its parts, it contradicts the basic criminal law institutes (the principle of individual subjective responsibility, the principle of justice). However, in accordance with the assumed international obligations, this institute was introduced to the criminal law system of Republic of Serbia on January 1st 2006, by prescribing, within Article 384 of the Criminal Code of Republic of Serbia, a real criminal offense of omission, which is also the subject of this paper.


Commercial contracts and their form

Commercial contracts and their form

Marija Jakovljevic

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Business entities, in their everyday operations, make a great number of contracts, without which their business would not be possible. However, not all contracts concluded by business entities are, at the same time, the so-called commercial contracts. As far as contracts in economy are concerned, there is a large number of specific characteristics in relation to civil law contracts, so it is very important to first determine their particularities and then identify them as commercial contracts. One of these specificities is, of course, also the rules concerning their form, or the form of making commercial contracts, where there are special types of conclusions not known in the civil law and civil law contracts, regardless the fact that they have been regulated by the same law - the Law of Contract being in force, with certain amendments, since 1978.


Comparative analysis of public agencies in Croatia and Sweden

Comparative analysis of public agencies in Croatia and Sweden

Milica Škorić

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Although public agencies have existed for several decades, in Serbia, they are new forms of government bodies. The aspiration to modernize the public administration and harmonize it with modern trends can be an opportunity to see the stages of development and models of control and autonomy of the agency from the decades-long development of Swedish public agencies. The example of Croatia will show the potential of the former socialist state for such reforms and how important reforms are on the road to the European Union in the XXI century. Through the analysis of relevant literature and a comparative method, there are presented the reforms of public agencies being implemented in selected countries since their first appearance till nowadays. This paper focuses on the process of creation and development of public agencies in Sweden and Croatia, as members of the European Union, whose development of a public administration differs significantly, all in order to answer the questions: How much do public agencies contribute to decentralization? Are these bodies necessary for the approach and accession to the EU?

