Original scientific work. Рубрика в журнале - Pravo - teorija i praksa

Публикации в рубрике (222): Original scientific work
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Endangering the public traffic – criminal law regulation and practical doubts

Endangering the public traffic – criminal law regulation and practical doubts

Mladen Milošević, Božidar Banović

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Due to their frequency and importance, traffic crimes are an important subject of theoretical study. Violation of traffic regulations is sanctioned by the norms of misdemeanor and criminal law, which makes this area complex, but also leads to certain difficulties in the interpretation and application of law. The authors thorougly analyze the legal description of the criminal offense of endangering the public transport and its qualified forms. A particular attention is paid to the the interpretation of certain subjective and objective elements of this criminal offense (consequence, mens rea and objective conditions of incrimination). The authors point out certain inconsistencies in the court practice and propose legislative changes to improve criminal protection and establish a more legitimate and pragmatic distinction between criminal and misdemeanor acts.


Etiology and phenomenology of violence against children

Etiology and phenomenology of violence against children

Maja Petrović

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The attitude of the society towards children is conditioned by its cultural, social, economic, and political aspects. However, violence against children is a historical phenomenon present in every society, regardless of its level of development. The responsibility lies with the state and society to enable and ensure the equality of children’s rights with other members of the community and to protect children from violence, considering the fact that children cannot do this by themselves. Destructiveness of the consequences of violence against children indicates the necessity of a systematic fight against this phenomenon. The subject of this paper is to present the etiology of violence against children, i.e., the causes influencing the influx of violence against children, as well as the phenomenological aspect of this occurrence. In this context, this paper aims to indicate the causes, characteristics, and manifestations of violence against children through the presentation of empirical knowledge. The forms of violence against children overlap, but it is necessary to distinguish them in order to create more effective measures of their prevention and suppression.


Evolucija prava konkurencije u Srbiji

Evolucija prava konkurencije u Srbiji

Spasić Ivanka

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Kada se govori o evoluciji prava konkurencije u Srbiji razmatranje se fokusira na nekoliko najvažnijih pitanja, tu spadaju, prvenstveno, pitanje oblika povređivanja konkurencije, mera za zaštitu konkurencije, kao i pitanje pozitivnih propisa kojima se zaštita konkurencije utvrđuje i sprovodi. Način koncipiranja pojedinih oblika i vrsta povreda kao i mera za njihovo eliminisanje evoluirao je kroz postojeće propise; stoga se ova analiza bavi najvažnijim pitanjima prava konkurencije u njihovom razvoju, počevši od rešenja datih Antimonopolskim zakonom, preko izmena utvrđenih u Zakonu o zaštiti konkurencije iz 2005, do trenutno aktuelnih, rešenja uspostavljenih novim Zakonom o zaštiti konkurencije, donetim 2009. god. Kratak vremenski razmak koji je prethodio usvajanju novog (istoimenog) zakona o zaštiti konkurencije je posledica postojanja većih anomalija u prethodnom. Najveće zamerke koje su upućivane propisu iz 2005. god. odnosile su se na njegov 'procesni' deo, odnosno pitanja koja se tiču sprovođenja zaštite konkurencije. Novodoneti zakon unosi značajne novine na tom polju, pa se osnovano može očekivati uspešnije funkcionisanje zaštite konkurencije u Srbiji.


Evolucija radnog prava u procesima evropskih integracija susednih zemalja - evropsko radno pravo, uporedni pregled

Evolucija radnog prava u procesima evropskih integracija susednih zemalja - evropsko radno pravo, uporedni pregled

Šoltes Igor, Počuča Milan

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Autori su pokušali da ukažu na važnost analize i uporednog razmatranja iskustava u reformi pravnih sistema u oblasti rada i radnih odnosa koji očekuju našu zemlju u procesu evropskih integracija u kojima se nalazimo u poziciji potencijalnog kandidata za članstvo. Razmena međusobnih iskustava može biti dragocen izvor podrške i razrešavanja mogućih nepoznanica, ali i osnov za uporedno razmatranje i razumevanje procesa kroz koje prolaze zemlje bliske, ne samo teritorijalno nego i iz aspekta sličnih istorijskih i društveno političkih okolnosti i susedskih povezanosti. U radu se razmatra izveštaj koji je sačinjen i poslat Evropskoj komisiji od strane dvanaest država koje su se poslednje pridružile EU i iznose se njihovi zaključci po pitanju evolucije koju je doživela oblast radnog prava i radnih odnosa.


Evolution of competition law in Serbia

Evolution of competition law in Serbia

Zdravković Marija

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Even though Competition Law began its outbreak in the Serbian legal arena less than a century ago, it was developing rapidly especially in the last decade maintaining the EU antitrust contours. One would say that it is only now on the right track with enforcement of the new Law on Protection of Competition, which makes our legal reality even closer to the EU role model. Thus, this law corrected all shortcomings of its predecessor, and only time will tell us more of his future application.


Evropska kompanija (SE)

Evropska kompanija (SE)

Milosavljević Miroslav

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U ovom radu autor se bavi pitanjem evropske kompanije, počev od prve ideje o njenom nastanku kao privrednog društva tipa akcionarskog društva, sa transnacionalnim i nadnacionalnim karakteristikama. Ovo praktično znači da evropska kompanija treba da postoji i posluje na teritoriji više država a da njena celokupna pravna regulativa bude izvan nacionalnih zakonodavstava i važi za sve delove evropske kompanije koji se nalaze u različitim državama Evropske Unije. Pošto se pokazalo da je nemoguće ustanoviti nadnacionalnu pravnu regulativu, autor se, dalje bavi pitanjem razgraničenja nadnacionalnog i nacionalnog putem sistema upućivanja i opcija. Posebno je, u ovom radu, iskazano dužno interesovanje za osnivanje evropske kompanije, za upravljanje istom, kao i za njen prestanak.


Evropska unija i njene institucije

Evropska unija i njene institucije

Marković Slobodan, Lazić Biljana

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Uvek kada spomenemo Evropsku uniju, pomislimo na moćnu i jaku međudržavnu integraciju koja je na prikladan način uspela da poveže različite zemlje i narode i objedini njihove interese. Veoma je interesantna činjenica da su se evropske zemlje u određenoj meri odrekle sopstvenih nacionalnih suvereniteta i priklonile se uzvišenom, zajedničkom cilju. Evropska unija je od momenta svog nastanka pa do danas pretrpela brojne promene i transformacije, prešla veoma dug i naporan period razvoja da bi postala moćna i jaka ekonomska sila kakvu trenutno poznajemo. U budućnosti joj predstoji dalje proširenje i prijem u članstvo novih evropskih zemalja koje prethodno ispune propisane kriterijume pristupanja. Evropska unija ne bi mogla adekvatno da funkcioniše bez svojih osnovnih institucija koje su temelj njenog postojanja i delovanja, a to su Savet Evropske unije, Evropski parlament i Evropska komisija. Pomenute institucije su konstituisane na odgovarajući način, profesionalno obavljaju svoje aktivnosti, efikasno doprinose kvalitetu rada unije, pospešuju međusobnu saradnju zemalja članica i brinu se o pravovremenom i adekvatnom sprovođenju zakonodavne, izvršne i sudske vlasti. U daljem toku rada ćemo se podsetiti samog osnivanja Evropske unije, njenih osnovnih obeležja, zemalja članica i faza proširivanja. Detaljno ćemo obraditi ključne institucije, način njihovog delovanja i funkcionisanja i naglasiti njihov doprinos radu i razvoju unije. Činjenica je da pomenute institucije predstavljaju bazu institucionalne strukture unije, ali nikako ne bi mogle uspešno da izvršavaju svoje zadatke i ostvaruju zajedničke ciljeve bez konstantne i kvalitetne podrške sporednih institucija, koje ćemo ukratko objasniti. Zaključnim razmatranjem ćemo naglasiti trenutni i budući značaj Evropske unije, sadašnju poziciju na svetskoj ekonomskoj sceni kao i perspektive njenog budućeg razvoja.


Fiskalna decentralizacija

Fiskalna decentralizacija

Počuča Milan, Golić Darko

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Sistem raspodele javnih prihoda između različitih nivoa organizovanosti jedne države je od presudnog značaja za njeno funkcionisanje. Ukoliko nije zasnovan na principima koji čine temelj uređenja te države, a ogledaju se u sistemu raspodele nadležnosti i načina njihovog ostvarivanja, biće stalni izvor sukoba, kočnica razvoja, te uzročnik veoma opasnog procesa dezintegracije. Svedoci smo intenzivnog procesa evropskih integracija. Evropska unija sve više dobija obeležja federalne države, sa brojnim nadležnostima i organima, koji zahtevaju određena, i to zamašna finansijska sredstva. Države članice ih u najvećoj meri obezbeđuju iz svojih budžeta, ali se radi i na uvođenju izvornih prihoda Unije. Dakle, problem raspodele prihoda se javlja i u odnosima među nezavisnim državama u različitim oblicima integracija. Svoju volju da prihvata proces decentralizacije, koja kao imperativ podrazumeva finansijsku decentralizaciju, najbolje je potvrdila novim Ustavom, iz 2006. god. kojim je predviđeno da lokalne samouprave i AP Vojvodina imaju svoje izvorne prihode, kojim finansiraju svoje nadležnosti, čija se vrsta i visina utvrđuju zakonom. Nedostajuća sredstva će nadomestiti Republika iz svog budžeta. Finansijski federalizam se u teoriji određuje kao sistem odnosa između federacije, federalnih jedinica i lokalnih zajednica u vezi sa ovlašćenjima za utvrđivanje, raspodelu i razgraničenje nadležnosti u oblasti javnih rashoda i javnih prihoda, u kome će svaki od navedenih subjekata raspolagati određenim obimom ovlašćenja. Raspodela funkcija, a time i rashoda, odlučujuće određuje raspodelu sredstava, tj. prihoda. Ekonomska teorija i praksa poznaju tri sistema vertikalne raspodele prihoda u decentralizovanim državama: - sistem separacije ili odvojenih prihoda; - sistem zajednice prihoda ili sistem participacije; - mešoviti sistem. Porezima se obezbeđuje čitav spektar ekstrafiskalnih ciljeva. Oni su rešenje za mnoge probleme ekonomskog, socijalnog pa i političkog karaktera. Zbog toga je neophodno pristupiti, tj. unaprediti sistem fiskalne decentralizacije. U zemljama čije su potrebe i osobenosti slične našim, sistem vezane separacije nad većim brojem prihoda, te participacije kod najizdašnijih izvora, a kao izuzetak slobodna separacija, pokazuje se kao najoptimalniji vid uređenja odnosa u pogledu fiskalnih ovlašćenja različitih nivoa državnog organizovanja.


Gender equality in the European labor law

Gender equality in the European labor law

Šoltes Igor

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The author gives an overview of the last European Commission report on equality between men and women, with the aim to draw attention to new trends in the development of labor law in the European Union to move towards the design of new types of strategies and policies that should contribute to the implementation of the new concept of work-life balance that allows you to have some sense of professional most of its capacity with full respect for the rights of women. Women are most often due to their biological role in raising families, forced to renounce a career because it is in the current system of labor market almost impossible to achieve balanced relationship between life and work, and that all rights guaranteed to be full.


Globalna ekonomska kriza i porast nezaposlenosti

Globalna ekonomska kriza i porast nezaposlenosti

Bjelajac Željko

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Globalna ekonomska kriza nije nastala odjednom. Njoj su prethodile okolnosti koje su svojim implikacijama na makroplanu uvećale broj nezaposlenih, siromašnih i gladnih ljudi u svetu. Krah globalnih privreda doprineo je istovremeno nekontrolisanoj globalnoj nesigurnosti, što su pojedini analitičari stidljivo najavljivali još od ulaska u novi milenijum, a što se ostvarilo objavljivanjem vesti da je 'svet upao u najdublju ekonomsku krizu još od drugog svetskog rata i da se nalazi u kandžama recesije'. Uzroci krize i njene manifestacije se razlikuju od zemlje do zemlje, ali svima je zajednička karakteristika da proizvode nesagledive posledice i ozbiljne probleme. Tamni oblaci su se nadvili nad svetskom privredom, a oni donose otpuštanje radnika, nezaposlenost i siromaštvo, što dalje vodi i rezultira talasima protesta i štrajkova širom sveta. Udar svetske ekonomske krize u Srbiji očekuje se intenzitetom koji je teško i nezahvalno predvideti.


Harmonizacija prava policije Republike Srbije sa evropskim standardima u oblasti zaštite ljudskih prava

Harmonizacija prava policije Republike Srbije sa evropskim standardima u oblasti zaštite ljudskih prava

Avramović Nenad, Marković Miloš

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Ljudska prava su segment univerzalnih, prirodnih i neotuđivih civilizacijskih vrednosti. Kao takva deo su međunarodnog prava, a posebno nacionalnih pravnih sistema kroz koje se realizuju. Posebnu ulogu u ostvarivanju, obezbeđenju i zaštiti ljudskih prava imaju policijski organi država. Posledica unifikacije ljudskih prava na međunarodnom nivou je stvaranje međunarodnih standarda policijskog delovanja. Reforma policije se u Republici Srbiji intenzivno vrši kroz harmonizaciju zakonodavnog okvira policijskog organizovanja, delovanja i postupanja od 2000. godine u skladu sa visokim standardima Saveta Evrope i Evropske unije, kao jedna od pretpostavki evropskih integracija. Načela zakonitosti, proporcionalnosti, profesionalnosti i postupanja u skladu sa policijskom etikom postaju kodeksi delovanja.


Haški tribunal - izveštaj obaveštajnog analitičara - forenzički nalaz ili analitička informacija

Haški tribunal - izveštaj obaveštajnog analitičara - forenzički nalaz ili analitička informacija

Manojlović Dragan

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Potreba da se izvede ovo istraživanje javila se nakon što je u procesu pred Međunarodnim krivičnim sudom za bivšu Jugoslaviju izveštaj obaveštajnog analitičara vojne obaveštajne službe označen i prihvaćen kao isprava koja u sebi sadrži nalaz i/ili mišljenje veštaka/forenzičara. Ovo stoga, što se, u krivično-procesnoj praksi Suda ne uočava jasna razlika između istražnog analitičara, forenzičkih radnji na osnovu forenzičkih znanja (legaliteta i legitimiteta) i forenzičkog nalaza i/ili mišljenja i obaveštajnog analitičara i obaveštajne analitičke informacije koja nastaje kao proizvod obaveštajnog analitičkog procesa. U radu se ukazuje da je obaveštajna analitička informacija samo nastavak obaveštajnog rada u njegovom kružnom procesu, odnosno da je zaključak obaveštajnog analitičara samo metod obaveštajnog rada, a ne forenzički nalaz i/ili mišljenje, kao i to da je obaveštajna analiza samo jedan segment u obaveštajnom ciklusu. Nije nezavisna delatnost veštaka u krivičnom postupku.


Human rights and the social position of citizens in ancient Rome

Human rights and the social position of citizens in ancient Rome

Nenad Stefanović

Статья научная

The paper analyzes the status aspects of human rights during the period of existence of the Roman state. Considering the fact that it was the empire lasted for several centuries, the position of a human in it and his/ her rights changed. The modern understanding of human rights originates from the period of the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, when The School of Natural Law laid the foundations of the understanding of human, natural rights, which did not exist in that form during the ancient period. The primary social differentiation of the population in ancient Rome was based on a simple division of people into free ones and slaves. From this premise, they built the foundations of their rights as well as their social, legal and political positions. In theory, Roman history is chronologically divided into four periods: The period of Kings, The period of the Republic, the Principate and the Dominate. In those periods, the social structure differed significantly. The aim of this paper is to show the position of the population in each of these periods, their rights and mutual relationships. The Roman law represents the cradle of contemporary continental law, and the germ of human rights was “sown” exactly in that period, which, for this reason, deserves to be the subject of a deeper professional analysis.


Human rights’ approach to environmental protection – practice of the Human Rights Committee

Human rights’ approach to environmental protection – practice of the Human Rights Committee

Marijana Mladenov, Igor Serotila

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The consequences of environmental degradation and pollution have raised the issue of the significance of the link between human rights and environmental protection. Since the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights does not explicitly recognize the right to a healthy environment, the Human Rights Committee has accepted the possibility that a State Party can violate a number of civil and political rights by its acts or failures in the field of environmental protection. The main purpose of the paper is to analyze the practice of the Committee in order to define the standards in the context of violation of human rights by environmental degradation. The paper will address regular reports submitted by State Parties, as well as general comments and concluding observations of the Committee. A special attention will be paid to the views of the Committee regarding the individual complaints received under the First Optional Protocol to the ICCPR. On the basis of the analytical discussion, the authors will provide a conceptual clarity to the interpretation of standards that might be useful in articulating the civil and political rights related to environmental protection.


Human vs. Artificial intelligence - EU's legal response

Human vs. Artificial intelligence - EU's legal response

Marijana Mladenov

Статья научная

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the capacity to improve not only the individual quality of life, but also economic and social welfare. Although the AI systems have many advantages, they also pose significant risks, creating a wide range of moral and legal dilemmas. The European Union has been creating a legal framework for developing, trading, and using AI-driven products, services, and systems to reduce the risks connected with the AI systems and to prevent any possible harm they may cause. The main focus of this paper refers to the analysis of the Proposal for the Artificial Intelligence Act submitted by the European Commission in April 2021. The goal of the article is to move toward a possible resolution to the dilemma of whether the AIA proposal is appropriate for the AI era by addressing the scope of its application, the prohibited AI practices, rules on high-risk AI systems, specific transparency obligations, as well as certain regulatory gaps. The article should be viewed as an initial analysis of the AIA proposal in order to provide a useful framework for the future discussion.


Imovina deteta - upravljanje, korišćenje i raspolaganje

Imovina deteta - upravljanje, korišćenje i raspolaganje

Vagner Ličenoski Sofija

Статья научная

The child is every minor who did not acquire full active legal capacity before the majority. Parents have the right and duty at the same time to be the lawful representatives of their child entering into all transactions of property acquisition. They can also represent their child on the base of contract in all the transactions that child can enter into on the ground of it's active legal capacity. The child who did not reach the age of fourteen is able to carry out by itself only the transactions for acquiring rights (donation, commodatum), not obligations. It may carry out the usual daily transactions too. The child who reached the age of fourteen can enter into all other transactions with the consent of it's parents. When the object of transaction is movable property of great value or real estate, the permission of the welfare committee is necessary for validity of such transaction. The 15-year-old child acquires the working capacity and capability of free managing and disposal of the property acquired by the work. The parents manage and dispose of the property not acquired by the child's work and of the property acquired by the work of the child who did not reach the age of fifteen. Adoptive parent has the same rights as parent on this matter. If a child is in guardianship, the custodian needs the consent of the welfare committee for the transactions beyond the ordinary managing of protégé's property and for the transactions of protégé's property disposal. Established fostering does not influence on the parent rights and duties to manage and dispose of the child's property.


Implementation of food safety policy in the Еuropean Union – guidance, variety, and resolution of challenges

Implementation of food safety policy in the Еuropean Union – guidance, variety, and resolution of challenges

Nikola Puvača, Bojan Vapa

Статья научная

The paper explores the intricate landscape of implementing food safety policies within the European Union (EU) context. Through an examination of key themes, including discretion and enforcement of policies, the EU’s problem-resolution strategies, and the concept of individualization that surpasses mere adherence to laws, the paper sheds light on the complexities and nuances inherent in ensuring food safety across the diverse member states. The paper scrutinizes the role of discretion in the enforcement of food safety policies within the EU. It delves into how regulatory bodies exercise judgment in interpreting and applying policies, taking into account the varying contexts and challenges faced by member states. The discussion highlights the need for a balanced approach that considers both uniformity in enforcement and flexibility to address specific regional or sectoral requirements. Further, the paper focuses on the EU’s problem-resolution strategies concerning food safety policies. It explores the mechanisms in place for identifying and addressing challenges that arise during the implementation phase. This includes an analysis of coordination among member states, collaboration with stakeholders, and the role of regulatory bodies in mitigating issues and fostering a harmonized approach to problem-solving. In the end, the paper introduces the concept of individualization, emphasizing how a diverse range of policies and practices exists beyond mere adherence to overarching laws. This section explores the unique approaches taken by member states in tailoring food safety policies to suit their specific circumstances. It investigates the benefits and potential challenges associated with such individualization, considering its impact on overall policy effectiveness and coherence.


Implikacije svetske ekonomske krize na osiguranje u Republici Srbiji

Implikacije svetske ekonomske krize na osiguranje u Republici Srbiji

Marčetić Marija, Krulj Mladenović Milica

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Nakon prvog talasa hipotekarne krize koji je najpre pogodio bankarski sektor bilo je jasno da osiguravajuća i reosiguravajuća društva neće ostati imuna. Iz ugla osiguravajućih društava kriza ima višeznačni efekat. Plasirana sredstva, iako u manje rizične finansijske instrumente, izložena su većem riziku na tržištu kapitala. Druga dimenzija krize koju će osetiti osiguravajuće kuće je recesija u koju je ušla privreda, kroz smanjenje potrošnje, povećane cene transfera rizika. Domaće tržište slabo je integrisano u svetsko tržište, pa samim tim i manje podložno tektonskim poremećajima uočenim na drugim finansijskim tržištima. Jedan od razloga zašto kriza ne ugrožava opstanak osiguravajućih društava jeste dosadašnja konzervativna investiciona politika i regulativa. Temeljna načela poslovnih politika osiguravajućih organizacija u danima koji dolaze trebala bi biti sigurnost, likvidnost, disperzija i tek na kraju profitabilnost.


Importance of reforms and internationalization of higher education in accordance with the Bologna process

Importance of reforms and internationalization of higher education in accordance with the Bologna process

Jelena Matijašević-Obradović, Maja Subotin

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Higher education reform process introduced many innovations in educational systems and caused the passing many new regulations in this area. European knowledge society rests on two pillars – European Resaerch Area – ERA and European Higher Education Area – EHEA. EHEA is being developed through international cooperation and academic exchange that is performed through government ministries, institutions of higher education, and students and teaching staff. It must be emphasized that economic and cultural globalization has imposed new challenges for the system of higher education. Internationalization of higher education is seen as one of the ways a country responds to the impact of globalization. Also, an important feature of the Bologna Process is the adoption of new approaches in higher education. One of them is concept Open Educational Resources. As can be seen in the paper, the Bologna Process represents a strategic transformation of higher education institutions, and the conclusion is that reform process in higher education leads to economic and social well-being of the country.


Influence of bio-climatic conditions of mount Zlatibor on health tourism

Influence of bio-climatic conditions of mount Zlatibor on health tourism

Goran Stojićević, Sunčica Ivanović

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Introduction: Bioclimatic conditions are of great importance for all forms of tourism, especially for health tourism, as they should encompass therapeutic and prophylactic characteristics. Over the last three decades, tourism in Zlatibor has been continuously growing in terms of tourist numbers and the development of tourist infrastructure. This paper presents the bioclimatic and climatic conditions on Mount Zlatibor from the perspective of their impact on tourism. More precisely, it examines their influence on tourist movements on this mountain and their significance for the development of health tourism. Materials and Methods: Research data were obtained through the analysis of temperature, air pressure, humidity, insolation, and precipitation levels. Based on these data, physiological equivalent temperature (PET) values and the universal thermal climate index (UTCI) were calculated. Results: The obtained results of bioclimatic indices (PET and UTCI) indicate potential stress due to extreme cold in the mornings and evenings from late October to the second decade of March. Pleasant warmth prevails during the summer months in the mornings and evenings. In terms of health, the climate of Zlatibor is suitable for maintaining health, as well as for treating various lung diseases, anemia, heart and blood vessel disorders, especially thyroid disorders. Bioclimatic conditions closely correlate with tourist movements on Zlatibor, as evidenced by climate data and the results obtained from PET and UTCI calculations. Conclusion: Comparing tourist numbers over a five-year period reveals that bioclimatic conditions significantly influence Zlatibor’s peak tourist season, which occurs during the summer months. This period offers the most favorable bioclimatic conditions, attracting the highest number of visitors to the mountain, especially those seeking health and recreational activities.

