Review paper. Рубрика в журнале - Pravo - teorija i praksa

Публикации в рубрике (326): Review paper
все рубрики
The relationship between the private and public law

The relationship between the private and public law

Goran Milojević

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The analysis of the relationship between any two concepts, including the relationship between the public and private law, must certainly begin by defining them. The unique definition of the terms public law and private law has not been adopted in the modern legal theory. From the historical point of view, there is also no consensus on the meaning of these terms. The legal practice and a part of the legal theory even negate the need for such a division, pointing out that it is a delimitation of a purely academic nature. This paper will provide a brief historical analysis of the concepts of both the public and private law, as well as the theory of the criteria of their demarcation. Then, there will be present the interdependence of these two notions, according to many authors, considered to be the basic branches of law through several institutes where their scope is intertwined.


The significance of Directive 2019/1151 in the digitalization of European Union company law

The significance of Directive 2019/1151 in the digitalization of European Union company law

Nina Maksimović Sekulić

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With the rapid development of information and communication technologies in the EU, the establishment of the digital single market through the EU’s strategy has allowed for fair market competition using the internet by both individuals (natural persons) and legal entities. However, regulatory disparities among EU member states have posed challenges for businesses engaged in cross-border activities within the EU’s single market. There are big differences among member states in terms of the availability of internet tools that enable entrepreneurs and companies to communicate with competent bodies regarding issues related to their business. Furthermore, e-government services differ among member states. Some member states offer comprehensive userfriendly services entirely online, while others struggle to provide digital solutions at crucial stages of a company’s life cycle. In certain EU member states, the establishment of a company or the submission of document and information amendments to the register are only allowed in person, or in person or electronically, while in some member states this can only be done electronically. Digitalization was supposed to simplify the procedures for establishing business entities and enable free business establishment at the EU level. The aim of this paper is to analyze the legislative framework at the EU level, which should facilitate business operations in the digitalworld and provide security to participants in the European single market, with a special focus on EU Directive 2019/1151.


The supplementary protection certificate: the recent decisions of the court of justice of the European union

The supplementary protection certificate: the recent decisions of the court of justice of the European union

Sonja Lučić

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In recent years, public health systems in high-income countries have been heavily exposed to pressures due to high drug prices. High drug prices are affected by market monopolies that pharmaceutical companies have thanks to patents, i.e. the exclusive rights granted to them for drugs. An additional factor affecting high drug prices is the extended forms of intellectual property protection, including the extension of the exclusivity period after the expiration of a patent for medical devices. The supplementary protection certificate as a form of a supplementary protection for pharmaceutical products in the European Union is regulated by the Regulation 469/2009. This form of protection is also known in the national patent regulations. Since the entry into force of the Regulation 469/2009, there has been debated the question of whether the supplementary protection certificate should be available for new therapeutic uses of previously approved active ingredients. In addition, the subject of interpretation was also the Article 3(a) of the Regulation 469/2009 requiring that the “product” (i.e. the active ingredient or combination of active ingredients) being the subject matter of the SPC application, should be “protected by the basic patent”. The author analyzes several important decisions of the EU Court of Justice, with an emphasis put on the recent verdicts in both the “Santen” and “Royality Pharma” cases. In the grounds of these cases, there have widely been discussed the issue concerning the encouragements given to pharmaceutical companies being involved into medical researches in order to stimulate their investment into innovation treatments.


The types and conditions of the application of special evidentiary procedures and preventive security measures employed by security agencies

The types and conditions of the application of special evidentiary procedures and preventive security measures employed by security agencies

Jelena Matijašević , Sara Zarubica

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The modern society is facing an increasingly dangerous and serious manifestation of criminal activity, that utilizes the most modern technical achievements, especially in the field of communications. That is why the modern states resort to employing new procedural forms of gathering evidence at the cost of a certain infringement on the right to privacy and other human rights. The Criminal Procedure Code establishes six special evidentiary procedures. The most complex issue in special evidentiary procedures is the question of when their usage is justified, in other words, the type of criminal activity to which they can be applied, and the conditions under which they can be used. In addition to the special evidentiary actions established in the Criminal Procedure Code, the security agencies are, within their competences, authorized to secretly collect data by applying preventive and security measures provided by special laws (lex specialis). Having that in mind, this paper will deal with the questions concerning the types and conditions of the usage of special evidentiary procedures, as well as the types and conditions of the application of preventive and security measures in Republic of Serbia.


The use of a polygraph as the means of collecting evidence in the legislation of Republic of Serbia

The use of a polygraph as the means of collecting evidence in the legislation of Republic of Serbia

Lazić Dragana

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A polygraph usage represents a complex set of procedures which include the preparing specially selected questions, measuring psycho-physiological responses to these questions and their complex interpretation aiming indirectly to detect false answers. The device itself cannot detect false answers. It is a tactical forensic tool that is used in pretrial proceedings as a means of elimination or as a guideline for detecting and collecting the other evidence which may serve as a basis of a court decision. In this paper, besides the most important facts about a polygraph, it has been taken a quick look on the questions of a legal resolution of the new Criminal Procedure Code from 2011 and the Police Act from 2005. Basic questions regarding the polygraph test are not fully regulated. The crucial thing is the protection of human rights and freedoms, particularly in terms of ones consent and free will during the interrogation in preliminary investigation proceedings.


The “Belt and Road” initiative from the aspect of the new geostrategy and the impact on the safety factors in road traffic

The “Belt and Road” initiative from the aspect of the new geostrategy and the impact on the safety factors in road traffic

Miloš Grahovac

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The paper presents one of the activities at the global level and, there is partially analysed its impact on safety factors in the transport of passengers and goods, as well as in the provision of services in this area at the moment. The issue of road safety cannot be viewed isolated from the rapid economic and social development. Significant efforts have been made to improve safety factors, in particular the construction of the road infrastructure. Having all that in mind, it was necessary to pass appropriate regulations, which seems to be done through the adoption of legislation, the implementation of education, the adoption of the standards for vehicle safety, as well as through a technological development.


Theory and practice of flood prevention – A case study of the city of Kraljevo

Theory and practice of flood prevention – A case study of the city of Kraljevo

Predrag R. Terzić, Maksimović V. Zdravko

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Increasingly frequent floods, caused by altered climatic conditions, result significant material damage and loss of human life. The floods of May 2014 were the largest recorded in Serbia, affecting the territory of the city of Kraljevo, particularly the settlement of Grdica and the industrial zone of Šeovac. The damages from the floods impacted residential buildings, infrastructure, agriculture, business entities, and public facilities. Similar flood events, in terms of precipitation volumes and river water levels, also affected the Kraljevo area in 2023. Due to the frequent natural disasters impacting various parts of the territory, along with the extensive network of watercourses and intense climate changes, the city of Kraljevo has adopted an integrated approach to disaster risk reduction. The flood risk reduction system is governed by several legal regulations, primarily the Water Law and the Law on Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management. In compliance with these legal obligations, the city has adopted necessary planning documents, established institutional mechanisms, and properly equipped civil protection units. Additionally, continuous investments have been made in constructing new and reconstructing the existing infrastructure. A significant advancement in the city’s risk reduction system is the establishment of a civil protection system and inter-municipal cooperation among cities and municipalities in the West Morava River basin. It is important to measure the impact of investments in flood prevention to assess the justification and effectiveness of the resources used. The activities and measures implemented to reduce flood risk from 2014 to 2023 have shown positive results. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the effects of preventive activities and investments in the disaster risk reduction and emergency management system in the Kraljevo area during the specified period. The concluding considerations indicate that preventive investments in the flood risk reduction system and the construction of resilient and necessary protective infrastructure, lead to reduced damages and losses from floods.


Towards the Civic Code of Republic of Serbia: Whether the Article 178 of the Law of Contract from 1978 is a good solution?

Towards the Civic Code of Republic of Serbia: Whether the Article 178 of the Law of Contract from 1978 is a good solution?

Aleksandar Filipović K., Dušan Filipović A.

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The work outlines the problems in relation to the application of the Article 178 of the Law of Contract. Nowadays, there are countless examples of traffic accidents caused by motor vehicles. Major damage is inflicted to both legal and physical persons in these traffic accidents. In practice, there are certain problems arose in relation to the application of the Article 178 of the Law of Contract. In view of the upcoming Civil Code of Republic of Serbia, we have presented these problems and suggested certain amendments. We believe that the proposed article 193 of the Draft Civil Code of Republic of Serbia has not removed all objections to the Article 178 of the Law of Contract.


Tranzicija, transformacija ili revolucija?

Tranzicija, transformacija ili revolucija?

Bundalo Perica

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Promjene kojima su zahvaćene bivše socijalističke zemlje na istoku Evrope su teško čitljive sa stanovišta dosad poznatih teorija društvenih promjena. Činjenica je da postoji čitav niz promjena koje se međusobno prepliću, dopunjuju, čak i potiru, što sve ima za posljedicu još uvijek nejasan pravac kojim idu zemlje u tranziciji. Diskutabilna je i sama adekvatnost pojma tranzicije. Promjene na istoku Evrope su označile kraj socijalizma, ali nisu stvorile uslove za uspostavu stabilne ekonomije i višestranačke demokratije. Generalizujući stanje odnosa u političkoj i ekonomskoj sferi u skoro svim zemljama tranzicije mogla bi se postaviti dva pitanja: Nije li opšte osiromašenje svojevrsna socijalna bomba koja svakog trena može eksplodirati i ko će preuzeti kontrolu nad detonatorom te bombe - nova ljevica ili nova desnica.


Trends in traffic delinquency rates in the Republic of Serbia

Trends in traffic delinquency rates in the Republic of Serbia

Aleksandra Petrović

Статья научная

Enforcement of radical legislative measures in order to improve traffic safety in the Republic of Serbia, which are implemented for some time, should result in a reduction of the rate of the traffic delinquency. This paper analyses trends in traffic delinquency rates in the Republic of Serbia with the aim to show trends of traffic delinquency rates by looking at the total number of traffic accidents and traffic offenses, the structure of traffic delinquency rates, as well as the share of traffic offenses within the overall crime in Serbia for period 2014-2018. The aim of this paper is to analyse the statistics, to obtain the right picture about existing situation, trends and structure of traffic delinquency, as well as about the effectiveness of preventive and repressive measures implemented, as well as the possible need to take further steps towards combating the traffic delinquency.


Ugovor o 'Svojinskom zakupu' - svojina na nepokretnosti u anglosaksonskom pravu

Ugovor o 'Svojinskom zakupu' - svojina na nepokretnosti u anglosaksonskom pravu

Ljubović Katarina

Статья научная

U ovom seminarskom radu je analiziran Ugovor o svojinskom zakupu koji je zaključen 1995. godine u Londonu. Cilj ovog rada bio je uočavanje osnovnih specifičnosti anglosaksonskog, Common Law, prescedentnog ili angloameričkog pravnog sistema koji sačinjavaju tri celine: Statute Law - zakoni, Common Law - prescedentno pravo i Equity Law - pravo pravičnosti kao i njegovih karakterističnih instituta u okviru svojine na nepokretnosti: tenure kao sistem držanja zemlje i estate kao dužina trajanja prava u okviru predmetnog Ugovora o svojinskom zakupu.


Ugovor o alotmanu

Ugovor o alotmanu

Bajić Bojana

Статья научная

Turističko kretanje koje danas uključuje milione ljudi, pretpostavlja postojanje brojnih organizaciono-tehničkih uslova u cilju zadovoljenja potreba turista, usled čega dolazi do brojnih odnosa između turista kao nosilaca turističkog prometa i davaoca usluga, tako da je potreba za pravnim normiranjem tih odnosa očigledna. Ugovor o alotmanu je proizašao iz potreba turističkog prometa u poslovnim odnosima između agencije i hotela i on odražava sve karakteristike savremenog turizma, ulogu i položaj turističkih agencija i hotela u turističkom prometu, a dobrim delom i ekonomske karakteristike njihovog poslovanja. Ugovor o alotmanu je svojevrstan oblik duže poslovne saradnje između turističke agencije i ugostitelja i za turističke organizacije predstavlja znatno viši stepen poslovne stabilnosti i sigurnosti jer omogućuje duže planiranje poslovne delatnosti, kako za turističke agencije, tako i za ugostiteljske i hotelske organizacije, te je zbog toga veoma pogodan za masovan turizam i sve je češći u poslovnoj praksi.


Ugovor o organizovanju putovanja u srpskom pravu

Ugovor o organizovanju putovanja u srpskom pravu

Veselinović Janko, Ignjatijević Svetlana

Статья научная

Ugovor koji se tiče organizacije putovanja je predloženi ugovor koji reguliše srpsko zakonodavstvo, a posebno se to odnosi na Zakon o obligacijskim odnosima i Zakon o turizmu. Na internacionalnom nivou, ugovor koji se odnosi na organizaciju putovanja reguliše Međunarodna konvencija o sklapanju ugovora o putovanju. Pored zakona i poslovne prakse, za sklapanje ugovora o putovanju u Srbiji važni su i opšti uslovi poslovanja kao izvor pravne regulative. To se posebno odnosi na opšte uslove poslovanja koje je svojim članicama postavila YUTA (nacionalno udruženje turističkih agencija). Prema srpskom zakonodavstvu ugovor o organizaciji putovanja je neformalni ugovor. Sa novim zakonskim obavezama koje se tiču organizatora putovanja, a koje se odnose na utvrđivanje opštih uslova putovanja, kao i smišljen plan putovanja, ovaj ugovor sve više poprima oblik formalnog sporazuma. Činjenica da Zakon o turizmu propisuje sadržaj opštih uslova putovanja, kao i plan putovanja sa kojima putnik mora biti upoznat, jasno pokazuje nameru zakonodavca da zaštiti slabiju ugovornu stranu - a to je sam putnik.


Ugovor o osiguranju i raspisivanje javne nabavke za usluge osiguranja

Ugovor o osiguranju i raspisivanje javne nabavke za usluge osiguranja

Počuča Milan



Ugovor o prevozu putnika

Ugovor o prevozu putnika

Knežević Mirjana

Статья научная

Saobraćajno pravo, kao posebna grana prava koja ima određeno mesto u pravnom sistemu svake zemlje, reguliše odnose između subjekata u saobraćaju i predstavlja celinu različitih i specifičnih prava. Osnovni pravni posao subjekata saobraćajnog prava je ugovor o prevozu putnika. Opšti i zajednički izvor prava za sve vrste ugovora o prevozu putnika je Zakon o obligacionim odnosima. U domaćem pravu, opšte odredbe o prevozu putnika nalaze se u Zakonu o obligacionim odnosima, a ugovori o železničkom, drumskom, vazdušnom, pomorskom i rečnom prevozu putnika, regulisani su posebnim zakonima. Ugovorom o prevozu putnika prevozilac se obavezuje da preveze putnika od jednog do drugog ugovorenog mesta, a putnik se obavezuje da prevoziocu plati odgovarajuću prevozninu. Ugovorne strane su putnik, kao korisnik prevoza i prevozilac, kao izvršilac prevoza. U radu se razmatra pitanje pravne prirode, vrste i dejstvo ugovora o prevozu putnika.


Ugovorna kazna u ugovoru o građenju

Ugovorna kazna u ugovoru o građenju

Pištalo Sreten

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Ugovor o građenju jedan je od najsloženijih ugovora robnog prometa. Obavljanje građevinskih radova bilo je regulisano ugovorima građanskog prava, kasnije odredbama drugih ugovora, a u novije vreme, ugovor o građenju postaje samostalan ugovor trgovinskog prava. Kod ovog ugovora karakteristična je uloga upravnog prava. Prati ga i veoma obimna tehnička dokumentacija. Bitni elementi ugovora određeni su zakonom, mada voljom ugovornih strana i nebitni elementi mogu postati bitni. U realizaciji ovog ugovora učestvuje veliki broj učesnika, od kojih su neki na strani naručioca a neki na strani izvođača. Mnoštvo je i prava i obaveza koje su ugovorne strane dužne poštovati i ispunjavati i za koje su odgovorni. Najčešći način prestanka ugovora o građenju jeste ispunjenje ugovora. Ugovorna kazna je najznačajnije i najčešće sredstvo obezbeđenja ugovora o građenju. Nekada je naše zakonodavstvo predviđalo ugovornu kaznu kao bitan element ugovora o građenju, a predviđa se za slučaj neispunjenja ili neurednog ispunjenja ugovornih obaveza, a kod ugovora o građenju najčešće se predviđa zbog neurednog izvšenja. Visinu ugovorne kazne stranke slobodno ugovaraju i može se odrediti određeni iznos za svaki dan zakašnjenja ili u jednom ukupnom iznosu, a obračunava se od momenta padanja dužnika u docnju pa do ispunjenja glavne obaveze. Ako je šteta koju je pretrpio naručilac veća od ugovorne kazne, ima pravo da zahteva naknadu štete za iznos koji premašuje iznos kazne, a ako je šteta manja, naručilac ima pravo zahtevati ugovornu kaznu ali ne i štetu. Izvođač nije dužan platiti ni ugovornu kaznu ni štetu ako je do neispunjenja došlo zbog uzroka za koje nije odgovoran.


Uloga i značaj teorije kredibiliteta u aktuarskoj praksi

Uloga i značaj teorije kredibiliteta u aktuarskoj praksi

Papić Blagojević Nataša, Stefanović Nenad

Статья научная

Aktuarska nauka se zasniva na primeni finansijskih i statističkih modela i zavisna je od praktičnih okvira, počev od funkcionisanja tržišta osiguranja, preko računovodstvenog sistema, pa do raspoloživih podataka. Profesija aktuara je izuzetno cenjena u svetu, kako zbog mogućnosti ostvarenja značajne finansijske koristi, tako i zbog sve veće ekspanzije profesije u različitim sferama poslovanja. Da bi aktuar uspešno obavljao svoju profesiju, neophodno je da poseduje znanja iz oblasti statistike i matematike, kako bi na adekvatan način izvršio procenu rizika. Procena rizika je složen i odgovaran posao, koji od aktuara zahteva poznavanje i primenu statističke teorije kredibiliteta i njenih osnovnih metoda. U radu su prikazane neke od polaznih metoda na kojima je zasnovna i razvijena današnja metodologija u aktuarstvu.


Uloga ljudskih resursa u poslovanju

Uloga ljudskih resursa u poslovanju

Bejatović Milorad, Samardžić Mile, Stefanović Svetlana

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Strategijski menadžment označava dugoročno planiranje ljudskih resursa i izradu funkcionalne strategije ljudskih resursa u okviru procesa kreiranja organizacionih strategija. Označava novi pristup ulozi ljudskih resursa u strategijskom menadžmentu i njegovu bitnu strategijsku dimenziju. Oznaka strategijsko upućuje i na veliku važnost koja se pridaje ljudima u oblikovanju i primeni poslovnih strategija, ostvarivanja strategijskih ciljeva i opšte uspešnosti organizacije u savremenom poslovanju. Menadžerska funkcija je planiranje kojom se bira efikasan pravac akcija za pribavljanje, alokaciju, korišćenje i zamenu resursa u organizaciji. Planiranje ljudskih resursa je proces u kojem se na osnovu anticipiranih promena u internom i eksternom okruženju predviđaju potrebe za ljudskim resursima. Dugoročno, strateško planiranje omogućava blagovremenu pripremu kadrova za ostvarivanje strateških ciljeva organizacije.


Uloga znanja u savremenoj organizaciji

Uloga znanja u savremenoj organizaciji

Bejatović Gordana

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U savremenom društvu, znanje postaje osnovni privredni resurs, koji omogućava da ostala tri resursa, radna snaga, kapital i prirodni resursi budu produktivni. U savremenoj privredi znanje se primenjuje na znanje. U takvom društvu, obrazovanje postaje imperativ - društvo znanja zahteva obrazovanje pojedinaca, koji su odgovorni i koji znanjem doprinose razvoju društva. U savremenoj privredi nije moguće ostvariti značajnije poslovne uspehe kroz proizvodnju i distribuciju dobara i robe ili upravljanje novcem, već isključivo posedovanjem informacija i povećanje produktivnosti znanja. Marketing omogućava upravljanje znanjem, odnosno stvara mogućnost za povećanje produktivnosti znanja ostalih poslovnih funkcija privrednog društva. Marketing predstavlja ključni instrument koji čini znanje produktivnijim. Jedan od najznačajnijih problema domaće privrede jeste neadekvatna upotreba znanja ljudskog potencijala, pri čemu se ne misli samo na tehnološka znanja, već i na znanja koja su potrebna za efikasno upravljanje privrednim društvom. U tom smislu, domaćoj privredi je potreban inovativni menadžment i to mnogo više nego tehnička inventivnost. Savremena organizacija zahteva od zaposlenih efikasnost, produktivnost, kvalitetan rad i kreativnost a za ostvarivanje ovih ciljeva oni moraju posedovati niz sposobnosti, osobina ličnosti, znanja, veština i motivaciju.


Undercover investigator in specific countries of the European continental legal system

Undercover investigator in specific countries of the European continental legal system

Anja Koprivica, Nemanja Filipović

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Elaborate mechanisms of a criminal activity, a high level of secrecy, a hierarchical structure and diversification of tasks among the members of the organized criminal group, make it a complex phenomenon. Due to its specificity, uncovering the crimes and perpetrators of the organized crime requires the use of special methods and techniques. One of them is a special evidentiary action, the deployment of an undercover investigator, which is used to obtain evidence and information necessary for uncovering criminal acts, as well as the organized criminal groups. The purpose of this paper is to present the specific characteristics of this special evidentiary action in certain countries of the European continental legal system, where the covered questions are, when, in what way, and under what conditions a certain person can act as an undercover investigator.

