Статьи журнала - Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Техника и технологии

Все статьи: 1447

Effect of the carburizing layer on the morphology of chromium carbides

Effect of the carburizing layer on the morphology of chromium carbides

Boubaaya Rabah, Allaoui Omar, Benarioua Younes, Driss Zied

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Low carbon steel substrates were face-hardened by cementing, after which thin layers of chromium were deposited electrolytically on these substrates. After deposition, the samples were exposed to isothermal annealing at a temperature of 950°C. The characterization of the thin layers was carried out by means of optical microscopy and interferometry using the Vickers micro- hardness test. The obtained results allowed establishing the phase shift kinetics (under the effect of the cementing layer) in thin layers of chromium, which are transformed into chromium carbide when passing through metastable transition phases. These transformations were due to diffusion of the carbon atoms coming from the layer of cementing, germination and growth in solid phase. This fact has been examined taking into account the annealing temperature, the lattice parameter evolution and the deposited chromium layer morphology. As to mechanical properties, it was established that the micro-hardness depends on the phase shift evolution.


Efficiency improvement for platinum concentrates production from electrolytic slimes at polar division of OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel

Efficiency improvement for platinum concentrates production from electrolytic slimes at polar division of OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel

Lapshin Dmitry A., Grabchak Eduard F., Kuzmina Irina S., Goryacheva Yuliya A., Kozhanov Aleksandr L.

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Slime processing at PD OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel involves oxidizing-sulphatizing roasting, calcine leaching with sulphate solution, calcine cake smelting into anodes followed by electrolytic dissolution, and a number of processes designed for accompanying elements recovery. Resulting final products are platinum-palladium (60-65 % Σ Pt+Pd) and rhodium-ruthenium (2.0-3.5 % Rh) concentrates (KP-1 and KP-2, respectively), refined silver, selenium of technical grade and tellurium. Process cycle duration, considerable work-in-process amount, a great number of operations and low efficiency of individual operations are considered to be disadvantages of the slimes processing method. We determined optimal process conditions for copper slimes calcine cake repulping with sulphate (reagents, consumption and sodium hypochlorite feed rate) offering 6-7 fold increase of Pt recovery into solution and 1,5-2,0 fold that of Pd. PGMs precipitation from resulting solutions was fount to yield precipitate with Pt and Pd content amounting up to 55 %; this makes it possible to produce it as final product. The product is then sent to a final product (KP-1 concentrate) packaging section bypassing smelting and electrolysis stages with inherent high PGMs losses, resource intensity and long duration time.


Electrochemical method of discharged waters cleaning with of alternating current

Electrochemical method of discharged waters cleaning with of alternating current

Raeva Olesya V., Shestakov Ivan Ya.

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High power consumption, equipment unhandiness, and need for consumable materials prevent wide introduction of electrochemical methods of water and water solutions cleaning. This article presents the results of tests of industrial discharged water cleaning applying electrochemical method and shows the mechanism of this process.


Electronic structure of SnO 2 when doped with Sb and V

Electronic structure of SnO 2 when doped with Sb and V

Dobrosmislov Sergei S., Kirko Vladimir I., Nagibin Genadiy E., Popov Zahar I.

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There was carried out theoretical and experimental investigation of the influence of Sb and V dopes on the electrophysical properties of the SnO2-based ceramic materials. Modeling was done with the help of the program package VASP within the density functional formalism. The SnO2-based ceramics was synthesized according to the standard technology at the sintering temperature 1300 ºС with different Sb dope concentrations (1 to 5 %). The material made with V dopes had a low electrical conductivity. The structure investigation showed Sb being completely dissolved in the SnO2. The calculations showed that the activation energies are Egap(SbSn47O96)= 1.19 eV and Egap(VSn47O96)= 1.33 eV. The experimental investigation showed that the increase of the stibium oxide concentration leads to the decrease of the band-gap energy from 1.33 eV to 0.75 eV. The difference between the calculated activation energy value of the Sb-doped SnO2 and that obtained from the experiments is 19 %.


Energy and ecological aspects of coal-water slurry utilization

Energy and ecological aspects of coal-water slurry utilization

Baranova Marina P., Kulagin Vladimir A.

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The opportunity of technological and modified lignosulphonate wastes, process water, oxygenized brown coal with high content huminic acid (to 60 %) with alkali usage as plasticizer agent in the coal-water slurry (CWS) production technological process was checked. The CWS stability scheme in alkali additives interaction was suggested. The bituminous and brown coal mixture (10: 90) CWS was investigated. The anthracite and brown coal relation is from 5 to 95. The discovered regularities demonstrated the slurry properties optimization opportunity in industrial conditions by combined changing of additive quantity and coal physical-chemical composition. The suggested CWS production technology allows solving some questions of ecological safety and resource-saving at the expense of the sources of raw materials assortment expansion. The CWS production industrial scheme on production run equipment without its modernization is developed. The combustion parameters of this fuel are shown. It is established that CW fuel combustion allows reducing the harmful emissions in atmosphere several times.


Energy efficient dynamic bid learning model for future wireless network

Energy efficient dynamic bid learning model for future wireless network

Oloyede Abdulkarim, Faruk Nasir, Olawoyin Lukman, Bello Olayiwola W.

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In this paper, an energy efficient learning model for spectrum auction based on dynamic spectrum auction process is proposed. The proposed learning model is based on artificial intelligence. This paper examines and establishes the need for the users to learn their bid price based on information about the previous bids of the other users in the system. The paper shows that using Q reinforcement learning to learn about the bids of the users during the auction process helps to reduce the amount of energy consumed per file sent for the learning users. The paper went further to modify the traditional Q reinforcement learning process and combined it with Bayesian learning because of the deficiencies associated with Q reinforcement learning. This helps the exploration process to converge faster thereby, further reducing the energy consumption by the system.


Energy efficient modular block diagram of an air heat pump heat supply system

Energy efficient modular block diagram of an air heat pump heat supply system

Loginova Svetlana A., Fedoseev Vadim N.

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The use of air source heat pumps, together with other renewable energy devices and high efficiency heating equipment, together with digital control systems, is a promising European trend that continues to grow in the face of rising costs of traditional energy carriers. The article presents a number of technical energy-saving solutions, such as a mixing chamber for HHP, built into the heat supply system and the use of a supply and exhaust ventilation system, which is based on the principle of recuperation. A digital modular-functional-structural diagram of heat generation of a coolant from the environment is proposed. Based on the energy efficiency of the circuit solution with an electric boiler, a buffer tank and a patented mixing chamber, the authors achieve a rationally controlled heat and air exchange of a combined heat pump space heating system. Automation of the joint work of rationally selected elements of the heat pump air system is one of the Smart Home technologies that improve the efficiency of heat supply, create comfortable living conditions and security due to the digitalization of the control algorithm for this system.


Ensuring the required accuracy of initial alignment of GNSS attitude navigation receivers on user equipment

Ensuring the required accuracy of initial alignment of GNSS attitude navigation receivers on user equipment

Frolov Anatoly A.

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The research represents the method of initial alignment of attitude navigation receivers that allows ensuring the required accuracy of initial alignment of attitude navigation receivers (ANR) on the customer’s objects.


Estimation of chlorophyll content of barley and oats crops based on reflectance spectra obtained by ground-based remote measurements

Estimation of chlorophyll content of barley and oats crops based on reflectance spectra obtained by ground-based remote measurements

Sidko Alexander F., Pisman Tamara I., Botvich Irina Yu., Shevyrnogov Anatoly P.

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The purpose of this study is analysis of relationship between chlorophyll content and chlorophyll photosynthetic potential of oats and barley cultivars. For this aim we used ground remote sensing and laboratory data. Ground data were obtained at the experimental fields, located in the Krasnoyarsk region. Experiments were carried out in different seasons, under various lighting conditions with the control of plants state. Spectral measurements were done by double-beam spectroradiometer. It is installed on the mobile work platform at heights of 5 to 18 m. The study showed good correlation between chlorophyll photosynthetic potential and chlorophyll content for different oats and barley cultivars. The value of chlorophyll photosynthetic potentials is different for barley and oats cultivars during the growing season.


Evolution of nanostructured materials produced by separate electrochemical oxidation of copper and aluminum

Evolution of nanostructured materials produced by separate electrochemical oxidation of copper and aluminum

Usoltseva N.V., An V.V., Damdinov B.B.

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This paper covers the results of the composition and structure evolution of nanostructured materials produced by separate electrochemical oxidation of metals (copper and aluminum). The electrolysis products after short-term and long-term aging were characterized by XRD (X-ray diffraction) and DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) analysis. There is the difference in aging of nanostructures of copper- and aluminum-compounds. Short-term aging results in the phase transformation of copper(I) oxide and the stability of aluminum oxyhydroxide (boehmite). Copper (I) oxide is oxidized to copper (II) oxide and copper carbonate hydroxide. At long-term aging the oxidation of copper (I) oxide does not completed because the Pilling-Bedworth ratio for copper (II) oxide, copper carbonate hydroxide is greater than one. The structure of all copper-containing compounds (copper (I) oxide, copper (II) oxide, copper carbonate hydroxide) is changed. It results in the increases of both the interplanar spacing and the temperature of the phase transformations. Coherent scattering region (CSR) of boehmite and copper (I) oxide are 3-4 nm and 20-30 nm, respectively, and does not change at short-term and long-term aging.


Evolution of phase composition of composite materials at contact of titanium-aluminium obtained by welding explosion

Evolution of phase composition of composite materials at contact of titanium-aluminium obtained by welding explosion

Zakharova Yelena V., Alekseeva Ksenya V., Zhmak Yelena G.

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In this work, welding explosion of multiple sample with its further annealing to 300 degrees is used as the method of receiving layered materials. Using this technology allows heating in the air; herewith possibility of oxygen penetration into internal material layers is eliminated. Using this technology allows heating in the air. Furthermore, pressures developed in the process of welding exposure ensure quality contact between the surfaces of plates [1].


Exotic grains in a core from Cornwall, NY - do they have an impact source?

Exotic grains in a core from Cornwall, NY - do they have an impact source?

Abbott Dallas H., Gerard-Little Perri, Coste Sarah, Coste Stephanie, Breger Dee, Haslett Simon K.

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We have found seven discrete layers in a bog core from Cornwall, NY about 80 km away from the Atlantic Ocean. All but two layers contain material that is unlikely to be locally derived. In most cases, the material in the layers has been transported thousands of kilometers from its source area. Six out of the seven layers are difficult to explain except through impact processes. If all of these layers are derived from impacts that produced craters, the data imply a very high impact rate during late Holocene time. In addition, we have been able to associate two of the impact ejecta layers with dated tsunami events that span the Atlantic Ocean. If this discovery is validated by further research, it implies a much larger tsunami hazard in the Atlantic Ocean than previously reported.


Experience of using and application prospects of rolling-extruding process for obtaining semi-finished products from aluminum alloys

Experience of using and application prospects of rolling-extruding process for obtaining semi-finished products from aluminum alloys

Sidelnikov Sergey B., Dovzhenko Nikolai N., Konstantinov Igor L., Galiev Roman I., Kiselev Andrey L., Samchuk Anton P.

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Presented the experience of the application method of combined rolling-extruding of metals for obtaining semi-finished products from deformed and secondary aluminum alloys on combined treatment installations. Research the structure and properties, and the possibility of obtaining hot-extruded semi-fi nished products from recycled aluminum alloy AV93.


Experimental and numerical simulation frequency characteristics of L-shaped waveguide-slot membranes bandpass filters

Experimental and numerical simulation frequency characteristics of L-shaped waveguide-slot membranes bandpass filters

Kopylova Natalia A., Kopylov Alexei F., Ogorodnikov Dmitri K., Nesterov Denis A.

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The article presents the results of experimental research and numerical simulation of the amplitude-frequency characteristics (AFC) of the voltage transmission ratio (voltage gain) |Ku| and frequency characteristics of the voltage standing wave ratio from the input (input VSWR) to three bandpass filters on the waveguide-slot membranes (WSM) with L-shaped resonance slot: to the single stage, to the three stages and to the four stages. The filter designs are given in article. The results of numerical simulation and experimental study show that in the frequency range 5,0...8,5 GHz filters provide attenuation behind the pass band up to 30 dB at the level of the introduced losses in the pass-band from 0,2 to 1,0 dB. The values of the calculated and experimental input VSWR in the filter bandwidth of pass-band are from 1,1 to 1,74 relative units (r. u.) and in the stop bands from 2 to 300 r. u. The authors believe that using of waveguide-slot membranes will significantly reduce the overall dimensions of microwave bandpass and bandstop filters in the middle of the centimeter wavelength range.


Experimental study of temperature distribution in a cyclone-vortex furnace

Experimental study of temperature distribution in a cyclone-vortex furnace

Kulik Aleksandr V., Dorogov Evgenij Iu., Soloveva Tatyana A., Shtym Konstantin A.

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This article describes the experience and results of experimental study of the temperature distribution in the refractory lining of the gas and liquid fuel cyclone-vortex furnace (CVF). Temperatures were measured with type K thermocouples. Most of the thermocouples are located a depth of 25 mm from the surface combustion chamber. With increasing boiler load observed decrease in temperature and increase of plating unevenness of the temperature distribution in the combustion chamber. This is due to the redistribution of heat generated between the combustion chamber and the firebox as the load increases. The results of heat transfer studies in CVF will lead to a reduction in the thickness of the lining, modernization of the CVF structure. In the future, abandon the use of refractory lining in CVF.


Experimental study of the effective insulation of building envelopes

Experimental study of the effective insulation of building envelopes

Petrov Pavel V., Vedruchenko Viktor R., Rezanov Evgeny V., Kadtsin Ivan I., Kulagin Vladimir A.

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The relevance of research is caused by the fact that at present, modern standards for saving thermal energy and thermal protection of buildings are focused on the use of a very limited set of solutions to reduce energy consumption, which do not always meet the specific conditions of construction and are often very expensive. A method for studying the effective insulation of building envelopes is proposed, taking into account the relationship between structural, heating, regime parameters and economic indicators. The goal is to determine the optimal value of the insulation thickness of the heat-insulating material, taking into account the thermal energy supplied to the object. The study used methods of mathematical modeling of heat transfer, optimization problem. An experimental study is presented, showing the possibility of applying the method of technical and economic optimization of thermal insulation of building envelopes. It was determined on the basis of the mathematical model of the thermal insulation of building envelopes developed by the authors, taking into account the regulation of the supplied thermal energy. The result of the study is to reduce the cost of heat losses through building envelopes and electrical energy for the regulation of the “heating, ventilation and air conditioning” system. The conducted studies testify to the expediency of using the proposed developments, which contribute to determining the optimal thickness of wall insulation with heat-insulating material, finding the minimum reduced costs, and an advantageous choice of a method for regulating the supplied thermal energy.


Extended role access control model for web applications based on path hierarchy

Extended role access control model for web applications based on path hierarchy

Kononov Dmitry D., Isaev Sergey V.

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Web applications security is a complex problem with several aspects. One aspect is access control according to specified security policy. Access control is accomplished by security model restrictions. This research is dedicated to developing security access control model for web applications. This work describes path-based RBAC model, which improves RBAC and allows flexible access control using request path (URI). Authors created guidelines to apply model’s elements for real-world web applications. Developing web applications with model described allows reducing security risks.


Extraction of brown coals from Kansk-Achinsk and Lena basins with toluene and water containing fluids

Extraction of brown coals from Kansk-Achinsk and Lena basins with toluene and water containing fluids

Kuznetsov Peter N., Kolesnikova Svetlana M., Kuznetsova Ludmila I., Kamensky Evgeny S., Kashirtsev Vladimir A.

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The conversion of different brown coals from the Kansk-Achinsk and Lena Basins in an aqueous medium and in toluene containing mixtures with water and tetralin additives was studied under supercritical conditions over the temperature range of 375-550 °C and at pressures from 7 to 40 MPa. It was found that the liquefaction of brown coals in the medium of toluene solvent with small amount of hydrogen-donor tetralin co-solvent effectively occurred at low temperature 400 °C. On the other hand, coal methanation, hydrolysis, and oxidation reactions with the predominant generation of methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen prevailed in the water containing mediums. In a supercritical toluene at 440 °C, the addition of a small amount of water (15 %) stimulated destruction of coals with the predominant production of liquid products and moderate gas yields. The use of calcium oxide, sodium hydroxide and hematite as the catalysts increased the yields of liquid products.


Extreme value theory and peaks over threshold model in the Russian stock market

Extreme value theory and peaks over threshold model in the Russian stock market

Andreev Vladimir O., Tinykov Sergey E., Ovchinnikova Oksana P., Parahin Gennady P.

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Traditional research methods adopts normal distributions as a pattern of the stock market behavior. This paper utilized POT model of extreme value theory, and GPD distribution which can give more accurate description on tail distribution of financial returns/losses. EVT and POT techniques are applied to a series of daily losses of the RTS index (RTSI) over a 15-year period (1995-2009), RTSI is total index of 50 largest Russian stocks. The focus is on the use of proposed methods to asses tail related risk providing a modeling tool for modern risk management.


Flow past various types of vane mechanisms by a two-phase compressible flow

Flow past various types of vane mechanisms by a two-phase compressible flow

Kulagina Ludmila V., Shtym Konstantin A.

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The statement of boundary value problems for the flow around real wing-shaped profiles of supercavitation mechanisms near the separation boundary is stated. The problem under consideration is extremely important for the numerical study of the processes occurring in heating equipment, supercavitation devices, and heat and mass transfer technologies. The discussed algorithms have been implemented as computational programs for algebraic (ALFA) and integral (OMEGA) equations, ordinary (SIMP) and improper (SECOB) integrals, including the Cauchy integral (DSECOB) as well as summation programs for sequences and series (SHENKS, AYTKEN), including divergent ones (EULER).

