Статьи журнала - Строительство уникальных зданий и сооружений

Все статьи: 780

Protective properties of anticorrosive coatings of steel thin-walled profiles for walling

Protective properties of anticorrosive coatings of steel thin-walled profiles for walling

Barabanshchikov Yuriy, Kuznetsova Valeria, Khakimova Viktoria

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Light steel thin-walled structures (LSTS), in particular with thermoprofiles, are widely used in construction of buildings and structures of various applications. These structures possess high heat-saving parameters, at the same time, durability of these structures may be limited by low corrosion resistance of steel. According to the latest amendments in the documentary standards, zinc coated thermoprofiles without additional paint coating may be used as load-bearing structures only in non-aggressive conditions. In this investigation we have established that the use of zinc coated steel with additional paint coating is much more effective measure of protection of steel articles against corrosion than separate zinc and paint coating. As a result of methods for corrosion testing, it was established, that the most effective measure of protection of steel articles against corrosion in aggressive conditions is the use of zinc coated steel with additional paint coating. These samples have been just slightly corroded during the test period (230 days)


Quadrilateral finite element for thin and thick plates

Quadrilateral finite element for thin and thick plates

Tyukalov Yury Yakovlevich

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The object of research is quadrilateral finite element based on linear approximations of moments for calculations thin and thick plates. Method. The additional energy functional, the virtual displacements principle and the moments approximations allows us to get analytically all necessary expressions of matrices elements. Using the virtual displacements principle, it is constructed the equilibrium equations, which are added to the additional energy functional. Results. The proposed method gives satisfactory results converging towards the reference solution as for the thin as thick plates. The locking effect for the thin plates is absent. It had been demonstrated the proposed finite element isn’t sensitive to the form distortions. The proposed method allows to calculate stiffness matrix of the finite element and to use it in the finite element method softs based on displacements approximations.


Radiant heating and cooling systems based on capillary micro tubes

Radiant heating and cooling systems based on capillary micro tubes

Khrestianovskaia M.V., Rodionova M.A., Gabitova G.A.

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Radiant heating and cooling systems based on capillary micro tubes have been gaining much popularity due to large operational area, space saving, small difference between temperatures of flowing water and air inside the room and consequently improved energy efficiency. The objective of this review is to find out fields of applying capillary micro tubes, to discover advantages and limitations and analysis of future development. Based on research results it can be concluded that heating system based on capillary mats is an effective and promising solution for residential and public buildings.


Reconstruction of urban areas: sustainable strategy of obsolete building conversion to residential uses

Reconstruction of urban areas: sustainable strategy of obsolete building conversion to residential uses

Zivkovic Milica, Oliynyk Olena, Murgul Vera Andreevna

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Changes in the existing urban structures that result in obsolescence and abandonment of buildings open up the opportunities for an alternative use of the existing building fund that would be in line with the current needs and aspirations of today. Conversion of obsolete buildings to residential buildings might be an optimal solution for the social and demographic changes that continuously influence and intensify the demands for new housing. The paper points out the quality of this approach and explores the extent to which conversion of obsolete buildings for residential uses may be a valid tool in sustainable development strategy.


Recreation of the historical site ornamental ponds “figurnye prudki”

Recreation of the historical site ornamental ponds “figurnye prudki”

Grodnik Semen Sergeevich, Pavlov Sergey Yakovlevich, Malyshevskiy Dmirty Yurievich, Rakova Xenia Mikhailovna, Tarasevskiy Philipp Georgievich


The objective of this paper is reconstruction of a part of the Oranienbaum Palace-and-Park Ensemble, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, the conventional name of the part is ‘Figurnye Prudki’. At present Russian Federation have quite a few palace-and-park estates, landscape architecture monuments, which today are in a bad repair or breakdown state. The Figurnye Prudki site is one of such monuments, therefore recommendations containing in this article for the recreation of the property seem to be relevant.


Reducing utility bills through the introduction of energy efficient systems

Reducing utility bills through the introduction of energy efficient systems

Kondrashov Aleksey Vladimirovich, Trinchenko Aleksey Alexandrovich

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The object of the study is an improved system for the partial recovery of the condensation heat of refrigeration machines, its development, implementation and study of operational performance, which increases the share of waste heat in the air heating system in order to increase their energy efficiency and optimize operating costs. The purpose of this work is to analyze the costs of using heat to heat the coolant in the air heating system from the heat supply organization, with the costs in case of heating the coolant in the condensation heat recovery system. Method. To analyze the calculated and actual values, the development and implementation of a research stand based on an ultrasonic flow switch and a heat meter was carried out, which made it possible to evaluate the economic effect of the implementation of the proposed solutions. Results. With regard to the air heating system of buildings with artificial freezing of the ice surface, the economic effect in the form of a reduction in utility bills for heating is 2.46 million rubles per year, while reducing the thermal pollution of the environment by at least 1.4 GW.


Renovation of apartment buildings in Russia

Renovation of apartment buildings in Russia

Korniyenko S.V.

Статья научная

The existing housing stock of the Russian Federation makes 3.6 billion m2 (2016). The area of apartments is about 25 m2 per one person. About 50% of houses in Russia need renovation. The considerable part of housing stock was constructed during an era of industrial housing construction. Many buildings of the first mass series have high strength characteristics. However, thermal comfort of these buildings in most cases unsatisfactory. Taking into account that the heating season in Russia on average lasts from October until April, the specific heat consumption for heating and ventilation during the cold period is 150—200 kWh/m2 per year for non-modernized buildings. This paper demonstrates the results of the investigations based on the field study and calculations of the thermal performance indicators of the standard residential building made of many box units (HDD = 3925 K*day/year). According to calculations, after thermal modernization of buildings the level of specific heat consumption for heating and ventilation will decrease twice...


Seismic shear design of twenty-story RC building with ductile wall system

Seismic shear design of twenty-story RC building with ductile wall system

Pejovic Jelena, Jankovic Srdjan

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This paper presents analysis of seismic shear design of twenty-story RC building designed in accordance with EN 1998-1. For this analysis, uncoupled ductile wall system is selected as structural system of building. Preliminary seismic analysis of structure is carried out using modal response spectrum analysis. The nonlinear time-history analysis is performed on the spatial model of the structure where the structure is exposed to seven real earthquake records selected in accordance with the rules defined in EN 1998-1. The subject of performed nonlinear time-history analysis is seismic shear design of DCH ductile walls in accordance with EN 1998-1. The analysis of determining design shear forces using magnification factor and analyses of diagonal compression and diagonal tension failure of the web due to shear for DCH ductile walls are performed. Based on the derived results, corrections for the magnification factor and for shear resistance of ductile walls are proposed. The analysis leads to conclusions regarding the design procedure for "large" ductile walls (L=6.0m), walls that accept the dominant part of seismic force, in relation to the "small" walls (L=3.0m), walls in which minimum reinforcement is relevant.


Self-healing concrete using fly ash, macro synthetic fibres and recycled aggregates

Self-healing concrete using fly ash, macro synthetic fibres and recycled aggregates

Sabri Mohanad Muayad Sabri, Javed Muhammad Faisal, Muhammad Arslan

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The development of cracks in concrete can reduce its durability and service life, causing its steel rebar to be exposed to harmful substances from the external environment, eventually leading to strength loss of concrete and high repair costs. Self-healing technique can eradicate the crack spontaneously, likely replacing or decreasing maintenance and repair costs. Self-healing concrete using low calcium Fly Ash with recycled Aggregate (RCA) and macro synthetic fibers is a novel approach to increase durability and serviceability, decreasing repair and maintenance costs. This research intends to create self-healing concrete using different volumes of Fly Ash with partially replaced RCA and macro synthetic fibers and to study the autogenous behavior of Fly Ash. Various volumes of Fly Ash 35%,45%, and 60%, respectively, were used. In addition, the coarse Aggregate was partially replaced with RCA. The results show that replacing RCA with natural Aggregate and using Fly Ash significantly decreased the strength of concrete. Thus, to increase the mechanical properties of concrete macro synthetic fibers were used at two percentages 5% and 1%, respectively. After that, concrete samples were cracked after 28 days of curing, and after 5 weeks, they were cured for autogenous self-healing. The results showed that using Fly Ash from 45-50% gave the optimum healing to cracks in 5 weeks and the use of macro synthetic fibers at 0.5% caused the best improvement in mechanical properties of concrete with good workability.


Simulation of concrete plate perforation by coupled finite element and smooth particle hydrodynamics methods

Simulation of concrete plate perforation by coupled finite element and smooth particle hydrodynamics methods

Dmitriev Andrei Nikolaevich, Lalin Vladimir Vladimirovich, Novozhilov Iurii Vladislavovich, Mikhaliuk Dmitrii Sergeevich

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The object of research is a concrete plate subjected to high-velocity projectile impact. The finite element method (FEM) is commonly used to obtain the nonlinear dynamic response of concrete structures. However, extreme loads such as projectile impact cause large strains, damages, material fragmentations. The mesh-based FEM cannot solve this task accurately. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is the meshless method that allows us to solve perforation and fragmentation problems but is characterized by higher computational costs. Methods. In this paper, we use the coupled FEM-SPH method to simulate the high-velocity concrete plate perforation. This method derives from switching from FEM to SPH by specific triggering criterion.Shear strain is the triggering criterion for the concrete plate perforation problem. The elastoplastic-damage Continuous Cap Surface Model (CSCM) describes nonlinear stress-strain relationships with strain-rate dependency for concrete. Results. Validation of CSCM on quasi-static cube compression gives good agreement with Eurocode-2 data: difference does not exceed 7% in FEM and 3.8% in the SPH method, respectively. For concrete plate perforation, the best match with the experiment is for the numerical model with spacings between FE nodes, and between SPH particles are equal to 2 mm. In this case, the ratio between the projectile diameter and the spatial discretization of approximately 6:1. The triggering value of shear strain for switching from FEM to SPH seems not to influence modeling results and computing time, independently of spatial discretization.


Stability analysis of individual blocks during excavation of the rock massif for a hydrotechnical facility

Stability analysis of individual blocks during excavation of the rock massif for a hydrotechnical facility

Zafirovski Zlatko, Papikj Jovan, Peshevski Igor

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Purpose of the present article is to introduce an unused analyze methodology for excavation of surge tank enlargement of HEC MATKA1. Paper exposes the explanation of the way which combines the analyzing methods of non-continual and continual media. The information about existing geological and geotechnical properties presents for the numerical and analytical analyses as a basis. Several results from the stability analyses of structural controlled instabilities during the excavation of water tank are also given. The newly secondary stress- deformation state as a result from enlargement (excavation) is analyzed with program Z-SOIL. The analyze of newly secondary stress-deformation state, which is the result from enlargement (excavation), was performed with Z-SOIL program.


Static shading devices in the architecture of buildings

Static shading devices in the architecture of buildings

Komatina Dragan, Paunovic Zaric Sanja, Alihodzic Jasarevic Ema, Sokolovskiy Nikita Dmitrievich, Riabuhina Svetlana Andreevna

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The paper shows that the daylight is a tool of energy efficiency of the buildings, if it is intelligently controlled. In order to reduce electricity consumptions and organize more natural illumination architects make bigger glazing area in their projects. However, shading devices are required to prevent overheating of inner premises. In the case classification of shading devices is given, as well as the European standarts in the field of shading devices. Also, the article includes guidelines for their designing, implementation and possibilities in using of building repairing. In the case study, the building of Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services in Podgorica, Montenegro is analyzed with the help of software tools, which present impact on distribution of daily illumination analysis, also designing of exterior static shading devices is considered.


Strategies for redevelopment of gray belt objects on the basis of neural networks

Strategies for redevelopment of gray belt objects on the basis of neural networks

Kosyakov E.D., Talipova L.V., Romanovich M.A., Roshkovanova A.I., Simankina T.L., Braila N.V.

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The article considers the approaches for objects redevelopment in the gray belt. Information was collected about 45 objects located in different administrative districts of the city. As the criteria for clustering objects, general factors (year of construction of the building, сost of building restoration in prices of 1969, actual сost of building in prices of 1969, height, volume, number of stores, total building area, fundamental group, function) and factors on physical deterioration (wear of roof, floors, walls, foundation, finishing, MEP, total wear) were chosen. As a result of the study, SOMs with different learning parameters were created. As a result of the research, it was established how to change and select the desired redevelopment strategy for the zones of the gray belt, depending on the leaning parameters of the SOM and the individual characteristics of objects entering the gray belt.


Strategy for energy efficient reconstruction of residential low-rise buildings o

Strategy for energy efficient reconstruction of residential low-rise buildings o

Oliynyk Olena, Murgul Vera Andreevna

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Significant percent of population live in low-rise residential buildings. Energy efficiency of new houses is embodied in national regulations; proves on adequate energy performance represent the prerequisite for construction permit obtaining. Achieving energy efficiency in existing low-rise residential building, on the other hand, is more complex and problematic. By reviewing existing legal framework and taking into account the state on field, this paper aims to propose new methodology for energy performance improvement in existing low-rise residential sector (on the example of Montenegro and Serbia). Proposed problem solution is oriented towards both the additional legal actions and deeper understanding of social and economic impacts as barriers to energy efficiency achievement.


Strength and deformability of compressed-bent masonry structures during and after fire

Strength and deformability of compressed-bent masonry structures during and after fire

Mohireva Arina Olegovna, Proskurovskis Arturs, Glebova Ekaterina Alekseevna, Nazinyan Levon Gaikovic, Belousov Nikita Dmitrievich

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Monitoring of structures in conditions of beyond design basis impacts, including fire and similar impacts associated with exposure to elevated temperatures, which is relevant for both civil and industrial buildings, is especially important. The least studied area is the behavior of compressed-bent masonry structures in such conditions. Based on experimental data, a numerical analysis of compressed-bent masonry structures was carried out. Elevated temperatures from 500 to 1200 degrees were taken. Moreover, we took into account the change in the deformation-strength properties of the masonry depending on temperature, as well as the uneven heating of the structures and the stage of their cooling. The analysis results showed that at the stage of heating and maintaining a high temperature, the behavior of structure changes slightly, with the exception of temperatures of 1000-1200 degrees, when the material becomes ultra-brittle. It was also revealed that the most dangerous stage of cooling at the initial temperature rise above 800 degrees. This circumstance can be taken into account when developing monitoring systems for industrial facilities.


Subsoil stabilized by polyurethane resin injection: fem calculation

Subsoil stabilized by polyurethane resin injection: fem calculation

Sabri Mohanad Muayad Sabri, Shashkin Konstantin Georgievich

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The soil injection technology using an expandable polyurethane resin is one of the most efficient modern techniques that have been actively used in recent years for soil stabilization and foundations lifting. There are many advantages of using this technology, such as the rapid and strictly controlled process of lifting foundations, ease of use, high mobility and the lightweight of injectable foaming resin in addition to the independence of the physical and mechanical properties of resin from groundwater level, which allow the application of the proposed technology in a variety of geotechnical conditions and projects of various specificities. As part of the study of this technology in the world, very few theoretical and practical studies have been conducted. Most of these studies are focused mainly on the process of raising the foundations and monitoring of this technology. Thus, various monitoring methods have been developed around the world to control the injection process and to provide adequate tracking and a sufficient degree of visualization of the foundations lifting process in various geotechnical situations. Nevertheless, the application of this technology in the field of the soil stabilization and foundation strengthening has so far had certain limitations due to the lack of sufficient scientific theoretical and experimental justifications for the combined behavior of the composite (soil-resin) and the absence of an advanced calculation method, that allows predicting the altered characteristics of the treated soil massive after its injection by the expandable resin. The article demonstrates the results of a developed calculation method for predicting the averaged characteristics of the strengthened massive of a soil base after its injection by an expandable resin, based on theoretical and practical evidence obtained as a result of field and laboratory experiments, utilizing different approaches of the finite element method. The obtained by the developed calculation method results have been compared to the results of in-situ plate load tests obtained from field experiments without the injection of the resin and after its inclusion into the massive of the investigated soil to verify its accuracy.


Substantiation of efficient use of land plots situated in the historical center of Saint Petersburg

Substantiation of efficient use of land plots situated in the historical center of Saint Petersburg

Kuzmina D.v, Romanovich M.A., Akimova P.A., Kareeva D.S., Mostovsky N.N., Solovyev K.V.

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The aim of the article is to find and substantiate an efficient use of unoccupied land plots in the central districts of Saint Petersburg. Three sectors of the city center were investigated and the most appropriate type of functional building assignment was chosen for the land. For this purpose in the research there was an analysis of the location of the chosen sectors, the experience of using the land of demolished buildings, the real estate market of the districts on which the land plots are located, also there was an interview of citizens for evaluating the potential exploitation of the sectors on certain criteria. According to the results, an art-development center got maximum rating but because of the economic reason – little space payback, building of the center is beside the purpose. The second place was given to a sports center but as one is currently situated not far from the investigated territories building of this structure is unprofitable. The third rating was for an overground parking which is very essential in the center of the city. As the social and economic significance of the parking are very high this object is the most favorable for building on the unoccupied territory. Efficient use of the land plot by choosing this object to be built in the central part of Saint Petersburg is confirmed by analyzed factors and results of the interview.


Technical problems in churches in different climatic conditions

Technical problems in churches in different climatic conditions

Sovetnikov D.O., Baranova D.V., Borodinecs A., Korniyenko S.V.

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In buildings of cultural heritage, such as churches, it is quite difficult to ensure and to maintain the constant values of the indoor climate. Keeping a comfortable indoor environment throughout the year is a challenge due to special requirements for the preservation of the integrity of the interior decoration (frescoes, icons, stucco molding), strict canons to the exterior appearance, the presence of sharp peaks in the increase of hygrothermal parameters due to a peculiarly different number of visitors during church holidays compared to the rest of the year. Three churches described in this paper are situated in Russia and Latvia and despite different geographical position have similar problems: violation of the thermal insulation layer, problems with the provision of heat and humidity mode of condensation. The paper suggests possible ways of monitoring the state of the indoor climate of churches and possible solutions for its maintenance.


Tekla Structures – инновация для создания конструкций

Tekla Structures – инновация для создания конструкций

Барановский Михаил Юрьевич, Тарасов Владимир Александрович, Зарубин Петр Евгеньевич

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В статье рассказывается о программном комплексе Tekla Structures, предоставляющем большие возможности для проектирования любых видов зданий и сооружений.Он позволяет создавать детальные BIM модели, помогая инженерам принимать более обоснованные решения о конструкции и интегрировать процессы с раннего этапа разработки концепции и дизайна, до изготовления и монтажа.


Tensile strength prediction method through compressive concrete cube test

Tensile strength prediction method through compressive concrete cube test

Hematibahar M., Kharun M., Vatin N.I.

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The tensile strength of concrete is a crucial factor in civil engineering design of buildings and structures. Engineers are trying to find a new way to calculate tensile strength by using different characteristics in terms of the mechanical properties of concrete. This work aims to find the tensile strength through the apparent failure of cubic compression samples. In this way, the fracture angle, the diameter of the cubic sample, and the compressive strength were the factors most important in the tensile strength.

