Статьи журнала - Овощи России
Все статьи: 1427

"Световая цена" урожая огурца в зимне-весенних оборотах теплиц
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Актуальность. Среди главных факторов, определяющих продуктивность овощных культур в защищенном грунте, основным является свет. Для образования 1 кг/м2 плодов огурца длиной 18-22 см в среднем требуется около 3500-4000 Дж/см2 солнечной радиации. В зимне-весеннем обороте, при отсутствии искусственного освещения в теплицах, существует неравномерность рассеянной солнечной радиации и общий дефицит приходящей световой энергии. При этом количество суммарной солнечной радиации, необходимое для формирования 1 кг плодов («световая цена») не одинаково у разных гибридов. Поэтому необходимо выбирать гибриды с наименьшей «световой ценой» урожая, то есть гибриды, использующие на формирование 1 кг плодов меньшее количество световой энергии. Цель исследования: оценка гибридов F1 огурца по признаку устойчивости к недостатку освещения при помощи сравнения их «световой цены» урожая: сколько энергии тратится на формирование 1 кг товарной продукции. Материалы и методы. Исследования проводили на участке сортоиспытания в Крымском селекционном центре Научно-исследовательского института селекции овощных культур «Гавриш», в условиях зимне-весеннего оборота, в теплицах, не оборудованных искусственным освещением. Испытали семь бугорчатых среднеплодных (18-22 см) гибридов огурца, рекомендованных для выращивания в зимне-весенних оборотах. Результаты. Проведенный анализ данных поступления солнечной радиации и формирования стандартного урожая показал, что существует прямая связь между количеством поступившего света и уровнем продуктивности. Период преобразования поступившей солнечной энергии в урожай плодов изменялся в течение вегетации от 14 до 8 суток в зависимости от степени развития растений. «Световая цена» урожая у разных гибридов была не одинакова: на 1 кг продукции гибриды, испытанные в опыте, затратили в среднем 2900 Дж/см2, что на 18% эффективнее, чем для стандартных тепличных огурцов.

18-й генеральный конгресс ЕUCARPIA
С 9 по 12 сентября 2008 года в Валенсии (Испания) проходил Генеральный Конгресс ЕUCARPIA, посвященный 50-летию этой европейской некоммерческой научной организации, целью которой является объединение и координация научных исследований, проводимых в различных научных центрах, по селекции и генетике сельскохозяйственных растений.

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В период с 23 по 25 марта 2014 года в городе Скерневица (Польша) проходила 3-я Международная конференция «Effects of Pre- and Post-harvest Factors on Health Promoting Components and Quality of Horticultural Commodities», посвященная проблемам хранения фруктов, ягод и овощей.

6-ой международный симпозиум по съедобным луковым культурам (Япония, Фукуока, 21-24 мая 2012 года)
21 по 24 мая 2012 года в г. Фукуока (Япония) проходила международная конференция VI th International Symposium on Edible Alliaceae, проводимая один раз в три года. Главной темой конференции стали последние исследования и инновационные разработки в области биологии, генетики, селекции, сельскохозяйственного производства и переработки съедобных луковых культур.

90 лет факультету садоводства и ландшафтной архитектуры РГАУ МСХА им. К.А. Тимирязева
9 декабря 2010 года в Центральной научной библиотеке имени Н.И. Железнова состоялось торжественное заседание факультета садоводства и ландшафтной архитектуры, посвященное 90-летию со дня основания факультета и кафедр плодоводства, овощеводства, селекции и семеноводства садовых культур.

Acidic soil-tolerant tree species identification
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Previously, surface soil acidity was amended by the application of lime, gypsum, and acidic soil-tolerant crop species. However, their effectiveness in subsurface soil acidity reduction is limited. Thus, this review paper aimed to screen the tree species that easily overcome such problems. Scopus, Science Direct, Google Scholar, African journals online, and Google search engine databases were used. A total of 60 acidic soil-tolerant tree species were identified. Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia crassi-carpa, Arbutus unedo L., Casuarina junghuhniana, and Erythrina abyssinica were among the extremely acidic soil-tolerant tree species. Whereas Acacia cincinnata, Acacia mangium, Pinus patula, Albizia saman, Citrus x paradisi, and Cassia reticulata were belongs to some of the strong acidic soil tolerant tree species. Generally, the species' acidic tolerance capacity and planting site compatibility should be considered for the success of amendment works. Scaling out these species and large-scale plantations should be done in addition to estimating their relative percent of acidic soil amendment roles. Producing stable food in line with reclaiming acidic soil is achieved through the integration of stress tolerant fruit trees. Research on large-scale plantations, domestication, skilling up and comparative evaluation of their levels of acidic soil amendment capacity should be performed in the future

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3 декабря 2015 года Российский государственный аграрный университет - МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева отметил знаменательный 150-летний юбилей. Это всемирно известный ведущий учебный, научный, методический и кон-сультационный центр системы аграрного образования России, это Alma mater научного и кадрового потенциала отечественного агропромышленного комплекса. В рамках празднования юбилея в Тимирязевке был проведен ряд торжественных мероприятий. Центральными событиями стали открытие памятника Н.И. Вавилову, памятной доски в честь образования академии, торжественное заседание Ученого совета, на котором были озвучены многочисленные поздравления, а также вручены дипломы и мантии Почетных докторов, грандиозный концерт на сцене Государственного Кремлевского дворца.

Applicability of ISAP, ISSR and SSR markers in tomato breeding programs
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Domesticated crops are characterized by narrow genetic base reflecting one or more bottlenecks during millennia-long selection. As a result, current breeding programs are limited in available germplasm and are forced to deal with incremental improvements of yield, resistance, nutritional value, etc. Since the establishment of modern genetics and biotechnology, several new approaches have emerged to extend the genetic base and germplasm improvement. Among these methods, induced mutagenesis appeared as most useful conventional breeding tool. Although, its successful application currently requires good knowledge of modern molecular tools. In this paper we will make an attempt to overview SSR, ISSR and ISAP techniques as well as to offer examples of their application in tomato breeding programs.

Assessment of different genotypes of table beet for productivity and storability
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The experiments were performed during the two successive seasons of 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 at the Kazakh Research Institute of Potato and Vegetable Growing, Almaty Region, Kazakhstan. The experiment was aimed to study the efficiency of 117 different beetroot accessions for productivity and storability. To study the storability, 20 beetroot roots without any external sings of diseases were taken in two replications from each variety accession and left to be stored. The wet fresh weight of beetroots placed into storage varied from 132 g to 320 g depending on the shape and the size of roots. Beetroots were stored in polypropylene bags, which were placed on barred shelves 30-35 cm high. The storing temperature in autumn and spring period of time fluctuated from 3-5o to 6-8°, but in winter period it was 1-2°. The observed results showed that the gross yield of beetroot accessions ranged from 25.0 to 105.4 t/ha, marketable yield - 16.7 to 74.9 t/ha, marketability - 33.8 to 97.2%. Storability of beet roots mostly depended on accession genotype with different natural decrease of weight and root rot diseases. Natural decrease of weight varied from 0.0 to 12.3%, total losses from root diseases were from 0.0 to 90.0%. The analysis carried out showed that the link between yield capacity and storage characteristics was weak, R= -0,042-0,144. The correlation between storability and root rot was R = -0,516-0,644, that was stronger than it was in natural decrease of weight, R = -0.115.

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Spinach is an economically important vegetable crop widely cultivated and consumed worldwide. This early ripening leafy vegetable is rich in bioactive components, fiber, micro and macro elements, vitamins, and has high antioxidant activity. Results of numerous studies on the effects of spinach on human health confirm its beneficial effect. The species S. oleracea L. is cultivated commercially. The ancestor of cultivated spinach is S. turkestanica Iljin, which has a breeding potential for different economically valuable traits. Its biochemical composition has been studied extremely little. The present article offers a comparative evaluation of the biochemical profile and antioxidant activity of cultivated and wild spinach species. The material for the study was a representative sample of 48 collection accessions of spinach from the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR). The accessions were grown in 2019 and 2020 in the open ground of the Pushkin and Pavlovsk Laboratories of VIR. The antioxidant activity was studied spectrophotometrically by the DPPH assay of free radical scavenging at a wavelength of 515 nm. A significant similarity of the two species in most biochemical parameters was revealed, which confirms their phylogenetic relationship. Significant differences were found in the content of phenolic elements, which determine the elevated values of antioxidant and antiradical activity of S. turkestanica. The article presents correlation matrices of species biochemical composition, describes general trends, negative relationships and conjugated factors. The identified promising accessions of both cultivated and wild spinach are recommended for breeding for increased content of phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity. The result of the study helps to reveal the potential of the crop as a valuable source of bioactive components and high antioxidant activity.

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Relevance. Contarinia nasturtii Keiffer is one of the most dangerous insect pests of Brassicaceae plants dramatically affecting plant yield and seed productivity. Material and Methods. The effect of single foliar application of sodium selenate, ionic form of silicon (Siliplant fertilizer) and garlic extract on the efficiency of Raphanus sativus lobo defense against Contarinia nasturtii infestation was evaluated in condition of greenhouse. Concentrations of the applied reagents were: sodium selenate 26.4 mM; Siliplant - 1 ml/l; garlic extract - 8 g/l. Seed productivity and C. nasturtii infestation levels under Se, Si and garlic extract administration under infestation were determined along with the analysis of plant antioxidant status and sugar content.

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Fruit peel/pulp distribution of biologically active compounds is an important characteristic of plant physiology and the basis of zero waste production in agriculture. Among C. ficifolia, C. maxima and C. moschata the former showed the lowest dry matter content, especially in peel, similar peel and pulp values of antioxidant activity (AOA) and polyphenol content (TP), with the highest levels in fruit placenta. Peel carbohydrate profile of C. ficifolia fruit was characterized by lower levels of disaccharides compared to C. maxima and C. moschata peel and an opposite pattern of monosaccharides accumulation. The analysis of 25 elements content in Cucurbita peel and pulp, using ICP-MS, indicated that C. ficifolia fruit are characterized by significantly high concentrations of Sr, Si and I in pulp compared to the values of C. maxima and C. moschata. On the contrary, C. maxima and C. moschata were characterized by low concentration of pulp Mn. Highly significant positive correlations were recorded between Cr-Sr, Cr-Ca and Ca-Sr (r=0.906; 0.939 and 0.974 respectively) and P-Cu (r=0.968). Despite C. ficifolia, does not contain carotenoids, it is highly valuable due to the high levels of Si, I, Cr and Ca in peel and pulp, which reveals new areas of its application.

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Increase in green vegetables popularity in nutrition and medicine promotes investigations of new cultivar and hybrid biochemical parameters. Nutritional value and antioxidant status of three Rumex representatives: Rumex acetosa L. (Krupnolistny cv.), Rumex sanguineus L. (prospect genotype) and Rumex confertus Willd. were studied. Antioxidant defense parameters (total antioxidant activity, polyphenol and ascorbic acid content) decreased in accordance to: Rumex sanguineus L. > Rumes confertus Willd. > Rumex acetosa L. Thus the ascorbic acid content in bloody dock (R. sanguineus) reached 129 mg/100 g which was 1.48 times higher than in Russian dock (R. confertus) and 3.17 times higher than in garden sorrel (R. acetosa). The total chlorophyll content was also the highest in bloody dock (17.74 mg/g d.w.) compared to 15.88 mg/g in R. confertus and 13.07 mg/g in R. acetosa leaves. The new R. sanguineus genotype was characterized by high decorative properties and demonstrated twice higher oxalic acid content compared to R. acetosa, Krupnolistny cv., and 1.5 times higher value than in R. confertus. High decorative and medicinal value of R. sanguineus was connected to a great extent with the intensive anthocyanin accumulation reaching 7.2% and high nitrate content. The results of the present study indicate high prospects of R. sanguineus genotype utilization in landscape design, food industry and medicine.

Effect of growth regulators on productivity and quality of tomato crop under Volga delta conditions
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Relevance. Tomato considered a significant vegetable crop that plays a prominent role in the field of human health. At present, there are large numbers of tomato cultivars with a wide range of morphological and sensorial characteristics which determine their use. Farmers often use some chemical substances which have similar structure and activity with endogenous plant hormone called (exogenous) as a low-cost alternative to regulate plant growth and increase yield. Thus, the use of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) has become an important component of the agro-technical procedures for most cultivated species. Methods. This study aims to evaluate the effect of four growth regulators (Krezacin, Chitosan, Zircon and Energene) on growth, productivity and quality of two Russian tomato varieties (Moriana and Superjol) under delta Volga conditions. Each type applied three times on both cultivars (Soaking tomato seeds before sowing, spraying on plants at vegetative phase, spraying on plants at flowering phase with three replications...

Effect of heat treatment and storage on anthocyanins levels in food plants
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Introduction: Anthocyanins, the polyphenolic plant pigments, have high antioxidant activity (AOA), reduce the risks of many pathological conditions in the human body. However, the wide medical and preventive use of anthocyanins is limited by their degradation during processing of plant raw materials. The objective of the work was to study the anthocyanins’ stability by spectrophotometric method during heat treatment and storage of vegetable and berry plants. Study objects and methods: Purple potatoes, eggplants, red cabbage, purple carrots, blue onions, red raspberries and blue honeysuckle were used in the study. Anthocyanins’ stability was determined by numerical values of extracts’ absorption spectra from the studied plants. Results and discussion: High stability indices of 0.623-0.986 were obtained for the anthocyanins of purple carrots, blue onion bulbs or red cabbage leaves whose main component is the antioxidant cyanidin with a relative AOA equal to 3.49. Low stability indices of 0.229-0.23 were obtained for anthocyanins of red raspberry berries and purple potato tubers containing pelargonidin or malvidin with 2.49-3.36 times lower relative AOA than for cyanidin. A regular correlation between stability and AOA of anthocyanins with a rank correlation coefficient of 0.91 (p function show_abstract() { $('#abstract1').hide(); $('#abstract2').show(); $('#abstract_expand').hide(); }

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Relevance. This study aimed to improve fruit set and plant performance to increase tomato productivity by studying the effect of plant growth regulators on tomato plants. Methods. A specific experiment has been carried out to study the effect of plant growth regulators Milagro (1% indol-3-butric acid) and Atlet active substances indol-3-butric acid and chloromequate chloride with applied doses (0.6 M/L, 1.0 M/L and 1.5 M/L) and (1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 M/L) on growth and physiological characteristics of plants (Big Beef F1). The experimental design was a Complete Randomized Blocks Design. Both Hemo bles was applied three times (spraying on plants at 30 DAP, spraying on plants at 60 DAP and spraying on plants 90 DAP). Results. The obtained results showed that, Applying Milagro (1% indol-3-butric acid) had the highest significant Plant height (80.13, 128.77 and 239 cm), number of leaves/plant (18.0, 34.67 and 44.3) and stem diameter (1.07, 1.5 and 2.03 cm), fruit weight (122.0 and 136 g), Flower Clusters number in the plant (4.64, 13.33 and 16.33) and Fruits Number (61.67, 62.0 and 67) Over the three years of study. The results were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s HSD test with а = 0.05 with the help of MINITAB (v. 19.0) program.

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Relevance. Pepper is sensitive to chilling temperatures in all growth stages and low temperatures are main factors affecting plant growth, fruit growth and development and productivity. Evaluation and identification low temperature (LT) tolerant pepper genotypes at different growth stages is actual in breeding program for developing new cultivars. In present study we investigated the effect of the leaf cold damage within 25% (LCD) after chilling treatment in seedling stage on vegetative and reproductive traits of pepper accessions with different cold tolerance. Material and methods. In this study two pepper accessions “PE-J-2” and “Neokgwang” selected as chilling tolerant and susceptible in juvenile stage (3-4 true leaf stage), were used respectively. The seedlings of the selected pepper accessions with 25% visual cold damages of leaf green part (become lightly yellowed-whited or desiccated-dried) and control non-treated (NT) were grown in a glasshouse condition (D/N 30-32/22-24°C) for 10 weeks to evaluate the effect of LCD on pepper accessions vegetative and reproductive parameters after chilling pre-treatment. In pepper plants the vegetative parameters such as plant height (PH), leaf length (Ll) and width (LW), number of internodes (NI), length of main axis (LMA), plants fresh weight (PFW) and roots fresh weight (RFW), and reproductive the number of flowers (NFL) and fruits (Nfr), fruit set ratio (FS), fruit length (FL) and diameter (FD), total yield per plant (TY) were measured. The experimental design of this study was completely randomized. Statistical analysis was performed using the SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA). Results. According to the research result several accessions were identified: the accessions screened in juvenile stage as cold tolerant cannot always manifest good some agronomical traits performance at growth stages and it may range depending on the genotype specific features. The seedlings with LCD within 25% may significantly affect the vegetative and reproductive parameters of pepper plants. The phenomenon was recorded more distinctive in the correlations between some vegetative and reproductive parameters among NT and LCD plants.

Effect of ripening on biochemical characteristics of tangerine tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
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Relevance. When creating tomato varieties and hybrids, much attention is paid not only to the commercial component (yield, appearance and uniform ripening), but also to the taste qualities of the products. Salad tomato varieties with yellow, tangerine, and pink fruits are increasingly in demand. As a rule, these fruits do not store for a long time, so it is necessary to increase their storability and transportability. Fruits of this group of tomatoes have high antioxidant activity, which is due not only to the significant content of water-soluble antioxidants (such as ascorbic acid), but also carotenoids. The preservation of fruit largely depends on the dry matter content. The aim of investigation is to study biochemical parameters of tangerine tomatoes fruits under different ripening conditions. Materials and methods. Plants were grown in the greenhouse of Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. Biochemical characteristics of tomato fruits were studied during harvesting and after laying for storage in the milky ripeness phase according to the following indicators: dry matter, ascorbic acid, total content of water-soluble antioxidants, titratable acidity, monosaccharides, polyphenols and carotenoids. Results. The percentage of dry matter in tangerine tomato fruits does not change during storage, even increases slightly. The dry matter content of fruits from the open field is slightly higher than that of fruits from the greenhouse. The content of sugars and ascorbic acid in fruits with tangerine fruits after laying for ripening decreases slightly. However, the content of these compounds is higher in mature fruits immediately after picking than in fruits after ripening. The total content of antioxidants during ripening decreases, though not significantly (in 1.1-1.7 times).

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Production of functional food with high levels of selenium and other antioxidants is very valuable for human protection against different forms of oxidant stress. Among leafy vegetables parsley demonstrate the highest levels of antioxidants. Biochemical analysis and fluorimetric determination of selenium revealed that foliar biofortification of 4 parsley (Petroselinum crispum) cultivars and Mitsuba (Cryptotaenia japonica) with sodium selenate (25 mg L-1) resulted in the highest biofortification level in curly parsley cultivar Krasotka (102.9) which showed the highest leaf surface area, antioxidant activity (65 mg GAE g-1 d.w.) and flavonoids content (25.9 mg quercetin equivalent g-1 d.w.), and the increase by 1.4 times in carotene content and 1,5 times in total chlorophyll content. ICP-MS method of mineral composition evaluation recorded extremely high levels of B and Si in Mustuba, which increased due to Se supplementation by 1.23 and 1.46 times respectively. In a two-year experiment with control and Se-fortified, leafy parsley, cultivar Moskvichka reached high values of seed yield and viability, and seed Se content (6170 pg kg-1 d.w.). The results of the present investigation demonstrate high prospects of parsley and Mitsuba selenium biofortification for production of functional food with elevated levels of microelement and high antioxidant activity.

Effect of sprinkler irrigation method and addition ratio urea fertilizer on wheat plant
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Originality/Value: Farmers must use sprinkler irrigation and avoid surface irrigation because it harms the soil and increases its salinity, also represents a waste of water resources. Research limitations: Limited availability of sufficient numbers of sprinkler irrigation devices in Iraq, their high prices, and the lack of experience of farmers to use them. The Purpose of the research is to evaluate the effect of the appropriate irrigation method and the amount of fertilizer specified for urea fertilizer that achieves the best growth for the plant and increase its productivity while avoiding a negative impact on soil properties. Research Method: Two types of irrigation: spraying and flooding, and four mineral fertilization treatments (0. 50.100. 150) kg.ha-1 were used in the work to study the apparent characteristics of wheat and the amount of productivity, using statistical analysis (Gen Stat) and simple correlation coefficient to find strength of association between variables. The experiment was carried out in 2023 at Al-Khatib Farm, located in Al-Numaniyah District, it is bordered to the south by Wasit Governorate, 50 km away, and to the north by Baghdad Governorate,160 km away (Iraq). Results and Discussion. Sprinkler irrigation showed significant differences with the surface irrigation in the length of the spike, number of seed per spike,1000 seed weight, number of spikes per square meter, grain yield kg .ha-1 and the harvest index, while the plant height was not significant. The study also showed that the correlation coefficient between the apparent characteristics of the plants was stronger in the case of using sprinkler irrigation compared to the surface irrigation.