Social development. Рубрика в журнале - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

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The article considers the methodological approaches to the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the region’s labour potential. The comparative analysis of labour potential dynamics of the regions of the Northwestern Federal District of Russia for 2002-2010, the Komi Republic by the level of labour potential development among the district’s regions has been carried out. The main reasons for the favourable dynamics of labour potential development index are revealed.

Criteria and resources for social adaptation of Russia's population
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The stress caused by social changes that Russia's population experienced due to the change of the socio-economic order forced them to choose adaptation behavior strategies: from active influence on the environment to avoiding problems. In these conditions, the developing branch of knowledge - the sociology of adaptation - was interested in the socio-economic aspects of the issue associated with changes in living standards, social status and economic behavior strategies of members of different stratification groups and the impact of different types of capital. However, studying adaptation as a component of social health is equally important. The goal of the present paper is to study social adaptation of Russia's population and identify its groups with different adaptation potential. We focus on adaptation in terms of resource and subject-activity approaches. European Social Survey data (Russia, sample size is 2,484 people) serve as an empirical base of our research. We consider social adaptation through the indicators of its result: adaptation level and through resources. We identify four latent variables using latent structural analysis of the observed variables that reflect different aspects of adaptation. Two of them characterize the result of adaptation: positive mental health and subjective activity (active behavioral practices in a changing environment). The other two are adaptation resources: internal (high adequate self-assessment, subjectivity, internal locus of control) and external (social support). Using latent-structural analysis we determine the grounds for stratification of Russian society according to the “social adaptation” criterion. We identify groups that are problematic in terms of the dynamics of adaptation processes in the case of the changes in the initial data such as an increase in the external load or a decrease in external resources. We reveal that from the standpoint of the subject-activity approach the maladjustment of an individual is connected with their alienation in professional activity. The novelty of our work lies in the fact that it implements an interdisciplinary approach to the study of social adaptation.

Critical issues of alcohol safety in the region
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The paper presents results of the research into the economic and socio-demographic indicators associated with the production and consumption of alcoholic beverages. It discloses the analysis of the alcoholic beverage market structure in the Vologda Oblast. The authors have identified the threshold of the safe alcohol production volume in the region taking into account the World Health Organization standards of alcohol consumption and the share of illegally produced goods. The article states that the increased alcohol production contributes to the rise in tax revenues, but the state fiscal policy to regulate the alcoholic beverage market leads to an increase in the share of shadow turnover. The authors have calculated the economic loss connected with the illegal production of alcoholic beverages in the Vologda Oblast. The alcohol consumption is a destructive socio-demographic process and one of the threats to the health of the nation. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to alcohol dependence, regression of the society and increases the threat to national and economic security...

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The article deals with the targeted form of social welfare benefits-subsidies for rent and utility services in the Republic of Komi. The article analyzes the programmes on the payment of housing and utility services: benefits, rent subsidies. It reveals the reasons for territorial differences in average monthly rates of rent subsidies per one family and significant variations of these indicators among the region’s municipal entities.

Current state and prospects of family policy in Russia: socio-demographic analysis
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The goal of the work is to analyze the measures and expected results of the state family policy, including the activities of the national project “Demography” (2018), affecting the interests of the family, which allows us to determine the prospects of family policy. The article is based on the analysis of state documents on the strategy of demographic and family policy, official statistics, population censuses and sample surveys of Rosstat. We identify the effectiveness of family policy measures taking into account the differentiation of socio-demographic development of regions. To do this, we use methods of descriptive statistics and multidimensional data analysis - dispersion and cluster analysis. The cluster analysis makes it possible to form typological groups of regions depending on the dynamics of fertility, poverty level and the development of the preschool care system - the most important indicators characterizing the implementation of family policy strategy. Economic support measures, the effectiveness of which has been proven in a number of studies conducted in countries around the world, are very important for Russian families. However, the impact of these measures has its own specific features in connection with the differentiation of economic development of regions, opportunities for the development of social infrastructure, and maintenance of a decent standard of living for families with children; it is important to take all this into account in the development of family policy. The analysis of the effectiveness of family policy suggests the need to change the structure of implemented measures. Family policy should be long-term and systemic; it should be aimed at creating conditions that increase the independence of the family in modern society and economic relations. Often, in the course of formation of a strategy for activities in the field of family policy, there is no clear link between the goals of activities and indicators of its achievement. Complex issues that need to be addressed in the interests of the family (for example, providing opportunities for parents to combine family and professional roles) and that need to unite the efforts of various actors, including employers, remain outside the focus of family policy. The intersection of activities and expected results does not allow us to assess the effectiveness of individual strategic documents in the field of family policy.

Demographic evolution trends and prospects in Russia and the Vologda oblast
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The article deals with the analysis of demographic situation in the Vologda Oblast against the background of the global and Russian tendencies. It has been revealed that depopulation is observed in most developed countries, and depopulation growth rates are reduced in developing countries. Depopulation processes are retained in Russia, which can hinder social and economic development and contradict the country’s geopolitical goals. The Vologda Oblast is one of the “typical” Russian regions, where demographics are close to average ones. The demographic prospects of Russia and the Vologda Oblast indicate negative trends in the medium term. It is possible to reverse the situation by increasing the number of children in families, that is by changing the model of population’s fertility.

Demographic problems of the republic of Belarus and their solutions
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Last year the realization term of the National Program of demographic security of the Republic of Belarus for 2007-2010 was over. The author of the article analyzes the implementation of the program paper from the angle of some certain indices. Some current demographic problems of the country are also considered, short-term and long-term perspectives are estimated. The author suggests some ways for further protection of demographic security of the Republic of Belarus.

Demographic theories and the regional aspect of population ageing
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Population ageing is a major demographic trend of our time. The increase in the proportion and number of elderly people requires that the governments of “ageing” countries develop measures to mitigate the effects of demographic ageing reflected in two interrelated aspects: maintaining sustainable socio-economic development and ensuring a decent quality of life for the elderly. At the same time, as the experience of developed and developing countries shows, in order to ensure effective implementation of the measures it is necessary to take into consideration regularities and territorial features of the age structure transformation. The relevance of our research is determined by the need for scientific understanding of the process of demographic ageing taking into account the system nature of its characteristics (global nature and inevitability in terms of the narrowed reproduction of the population) and the multiplicity of implications for socio-economic development. The aim of our research is to identify the regularities and regional features of population ageing...

Demographic transformations of the Russian regional space
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The paper considers the transformations of the quantitative components of human capital, which is the main driver of economic growth in the material, institutional and mental space. According to the author's concept of stratified space, the processes of self-reproduction and self-renewal of a system are carried out in the material space. This can be determined by the indicators of fertility, mortality and migration in the demographic subsystem. The process of self-regulation of a system on the basis of legislative acts and behavior patterns is carried out in the institutional space. Institutional transformations are also manifested in the implementation of federal target programs for socio-economic development, affecting the state of the demographic subsystem. The processes of self-reflection, self-determination and self-development are carried out in the mental space. Mental transformations in the demographic subsystem are manifested in the change of value orientations...

Demographic trends of the Pskov oblast
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The article deals with the dynamics of demographic processes in the Pskov Oblast that has been holding leading positions in Russia in terms of natural population decline for many years. It shows the connection between a high mortality rate and health situation and suggests the ways to improve the demographic indices.

Determinants of active longevity: results of a survey of Vologda long-livers
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Population ageing is a major demographic challenge for the majority of developed and developing countries. The implications of population ageing are not reduced to purely economic aspects (increasing the burden on the working population, growing deficit of pension funds) and they lead to a change in people's attitude toward the elderly as a social group, the resource potential of which should be disclosed, the task being of major importance for any “ageing” country. At the same time, a priority of population policy in any country is to increase life expectancy of its citizens. Thus, given the forecast reduction in demand on the labor market and possible raise of the retirement age in Russia, authorities at all levels focus not just on the increase in life expectancy, but on active longevity of its citizens, which is reflected in the maintenance of physical and moral health of man for as long as possible. The paper investigates determinants of active longevity. The first part of the paper provides statistical analysis of prevalence of this phenomenon in various regions of the world and Russia...

Development of marriage and family relationships in the northern regions of Russia
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The article deals with the mechanism of modern demographic development in Russia’s northern regions. The article studies the dynamics of marriage processes in the North in the post-war period, and reveals the current specifics of marriage and family relations. The authors analyze in more detail the situation in the two big northern republics: the Komi Republic and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). They identify factors that determined a significant decrease of marriage rate in the 1990s and the relative normalization of marital and family processes in recent years. The article outlines the main directions of demographic policies in the northern regions.

Dynamics and structure of the Russia's population in the future
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In the article the author is giving probable variants of Russia’s demographic development on the basis of the analysis of the statistical and sociological researches’ data.

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The goal of the paper is to study the dynamics of competitiveness of the population in one of the large Siberian regions (on the materials of Krasnoyarsk Krai). We use the socio-cultural approach (RAS Corresponding Member N.I. Lapin) and appropriate methodological tools in the research. Traditional and market motivation of people and their labor preferences are analyzed for the first time as socio-cultural indicators of competitiveness. Labor preferences act in the form of orientation toward working at enterprises (organizations) belonging to various forms of ownership. We show that in the majority of foreign economic studies, competitiveness is considered as the quality and ability to achieve one’s own goals at the international level with one’s own products and services. Many publications are devoted to comparative studies of competitiveness at the level of enterprises (firms). Interdisciplinary phenomena such as human capital and education are also studied in this context...

Economic behavior: analysis and prospects
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Efficient social policy should be based on the understanding of strategies which Russian families use for adaptation to a difficult economic situation in the country. This understanding is promoted by regular research into people’s consumer behaviour and by sociological surveys of savings strategies. Scientists are studying the investment behaviour of population. Consumer behaviour, savings behaviour and investment behaviour are the elements of economic behaviour of population. The integrated research into these components gives the greatest effect for enhancing the efficiency of social policy. The “Taganrog” Project is one of such integrated studies. This project has been implemented within forty years; its main purpose is to study various aspects of life of households in this southern city that used to be an industrial city.

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The article presents some research data concerning the economic situation and social state of population in the North-West federal district regions of the RF and in the Republic of Belarus, the research conducted by ITSED RAS and Institute of Sociology NAS RB in 2009. The article contains a comparative analysis of the following: the population attitude towards political situation and economic situation in the country and in the regions, some urgent social problems, the financial and economic crisis effects on family welfare and the level of protest public mood.

Education opportunities for the population in the changing socio-economic context
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Opportunities for the people in the field of education are not just an indicator of achieved social progress, but also a factor that determines the path of future development. That is why the information about the accessibility of quality education for residents of Russia, which is on the difficult way from socialism to capitalism, is so important. Reforms in education were implemented during the whole post- Soviet period, but the most fundamental changes have occurred in recent years. The paper is based on the analysis of evolution of educational legislation in relation to each of the stages of education system, and it also uses the results of sociological research. The article shows the process of further exacerbating and institutionalization of inequality of educational opportunities for families with different incomes and places of residence. It proves that in the emerging socio-economic and institutional context the access to the full value education for a significant share of households is being increasingly restricted...

Education options for young people from indigenous minorities of the North: regional aspect
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The relevance of the problem considered in this article is due to the need to provide qualified personnel for investment megaprojects in the Arctic region, while preserving the traditional culture, language, and life values of indigenous peoples of the North. We use qualitative and quantitative methods of the sociological research we conducted in 2016-2017 on the territory of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Tyumen region of Russia: mass surveys of northerners, highlighting among them the indigenous peoples of the North, in-depth interviews of experts and so on. The analysis of scientific domestic and foreign literature on the subject of the study, including the study of Russian and foreign educational practices of different levels in the Arctic regions, allows us to assess the current level of training of qualified personnel for the Arctic. We substantiate possible ways to improve the system of ethno-regional education, assess the satisfaction of representatives of aboriginal ethnic groups with the system of general and professional education and its compliance with the desired future for their children. According to the results of the study, we make the following conclusions. General and professional ethno-regional education for different levels of the Arctic Zone of Russia needs long-term state and non-state support, including corporate and non-governmental support associated with the prospective modernization of its entire system. It is necessary to strengthen the interaction of universities and other educational organizations with companies that participate in neo-industrial development of the Arctic with the aim of expanding the training of specialists in the industries related to the traditional life of indigenous Northern ethnic groups. Ethno-regional education in the Arctic region should be considered on the basis of the standards adopted by UNESCO for minority groups as an inclusive education having a status different from other educational organizations, taking into account the smallness of the majority of schools in Arctic settlements and nomad camps. At the same time, it is necessary to expand the range of educational opportunities for young people who belong to the indigenous peoples of the North.

Effectiveness of labor market regulation in the region (case study of crisis response measures)
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The paper analyzes public administration efficiency in the social and labor sphere. It examines main theoretical and methodological approaches to the concept of “administration effectiveness” depending on different criteria such as the status of the managed object, internal effectiveness of management, social effectiveness, achievement of the target values of indicators, the “cost-result” ratio. The author attempts to analyze a relative effectiveness of labor market management in Russia in each of the federal districts and in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District with special attention paid to the situation in the Vologda Oblast. The article gives a general description of the main crisis response measures that Russia's regions apply in an effort to reduce tensions at their labor markets: proactive training of the workers who are at risk of being dismissed; promotion of self-employment; organization of public works; promotion of employment of persons with disabilities...

Electronic education and innovative economy development in Russia
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Demand for education for human potential development in the innovation economy, demographic problems of Russian society and reforming the education system force to think about the development and introduction of new forms of learning. One of them is E-Learning. The concept of e-learning meets the new paradigm of “education through life”, and also it is the most effective tool for the development of information society and innovation-based economy.