Social development. Рубрика в журнале - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

Modern Russian demographic policy in the field of fertility: results and areas for improvement
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In recent years, Russia has been pursuing the demographic policy focused on the support of the birth of the second and more children. The paper discusses the development of this policy, assesses its effectiveness and suggests areas for improvement. It has been established that the expansion of demographic policy measures by introducing in 2011 the regional maternal capital for the birth of the third child in addition to the federal capital for the second child gave positive results. It helped extend the positive trend in the birth rate as the situation concerning the women of childbearing age began to worsen; it also helped older generations to decide in favor of having children rather than wait for better times; in addition, this policy helped extend the families through additional births, strengthen the family component of fertility, and promote reproductive attitudes of the population. In spite of the fears, the growth in the number of decisions to have children took place not only in older age cohorts...

Modern forms and methods to motivate the population to engage in creative labor activity
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Socio-economic changes are accompanied by the growing complexity of labor and transformation of its content in the direction of innovative and creative aspects. The spread of such labor makes it necessary to search for new approaches to motivate employees to use their labor and creative potential effectively. Our study considers new forms of non-financial incentives such as taking part in participatory governance, creating management systems designed to ensure the involvement of talented and creative employees in innovation projects and promotion of their career advancement. The goal of our research is to study the impact of traditional (fair pay, good working conditions, etc.) and modern (creative approach, participation of employees in corporate management, etc.) motivation factors on the quality of labor potential and parameters of its implementation (in particular, productivity and wages). The novelty of our study consists in the fact that it tests methodological aspects that characterize the quality of labor potential and individual parameters of its implementation in the population groups that differ in their degree of satisfaction with motivation factors, taking into account the degree of their relevance. The difference between the approach we apply and the existing ones is that in our case it is not only possible to overcome the problem of judgment motives as objectified social facts, but also to justify a thesis according to which the role of modern motivation factors in the work of the population is underestimated. In particular, the latter is due to the fact that the results of the analysis have shown that the low importance of modern motivation factors is associated with a higher quality of labor potential, productivity and wages, while the high importance of traditional motivation factors can often lead to opposite results. Methodological provisions regarding the assessment of specific aspects of labor activity and daily life of the population concerning their satisfaction with them and their importance can be used as a tool to analyze the existing or emerging motivation systems at the organizational level.

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The paper considers the trends in fertility in recent years and the factors causing them. The authors identify the changes in the standards of the population’s reproductive behavior, especially reproductive attitudes of different age cohorts and the impact of family income upon the modern reproductive expectations. The conclusion about the urgent need for enhancing the state pro-family population policy is justified.

Modernization as social becoming (ten theses on modernization)
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The paper presents thesis characteristic of modernization in keeping with the key ideas of the social establishment theory. Modernization is a specific way of social establishment that provides the population with wide-open access to the expanding capabilities of human potential implementation. The important task for the pro-modernization authorities is creating the structural and institutional grounds on which people can implement their human potential completely. The era of globalization incorporates numerous types of modernization. Mutual adaptation of that types as well as preservation of local traditions and conditions within the frames of transformation is of crucial importance for the era of globalization and modernization. The composition of innovations with social memory and traditions is the optimal course of modernization. It is important to understand that, besides creation of the new, modernization involves destruction of the old. That is why the ambivalent balance is significant.

Monitoring of economic and social processes (the case of inter-ethnic relations)
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The article highlights the importance of inter-ethnic relations monitoring in connection with the changes in the ethnic composition of population, caused by labour migration. It also points out that the study and adoption of competent managerial decisions in the sphere of inter-ethnic relations will promote peace among different nationalities living on the same territory, since ethnic conflicts pose a serious threat to the integrity of the state. The article analyzes the results of three monitorings carried out in the Komi Republic in 2008 - 2010, and it defines several topical blocks: the assessment of the residence of different ethnic groups on the same territory, the likelihood of ethnic conflicts occurrence, their causes, the attitude of the local population towards migrants (migrant workers).

Monitoring of opportunities for development of self-employment in the Novosibirsk oblast
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The article, based on data of three sociological researches held in the Novosibirsk Oblast, considers development problems of self-employment among the unemployed population as one of the directions of the active policy promoting population's employment and reducing unemployment. The dynamics of recovery from unemployment is studied, namely the unemployed population's willingness and readiness for self-employment, the focus on its specific types, as well as on the necessary forms of support. The research has revealed favorable changes and trends in life and consciousness of unemployed citizens and their attitude to self-employment: the decreasing amount of citizens compelled to as little money as possible on most necessary things and living in poverty, growing incomes from self-employment in personal subsidiary plots, the increasing amount of people ready for self-employment, social mobility and self-reliance. But paternalistic moods of half of the respondents and the dominance of passive and compelled strategies raise concerns...

Monitoring study of the quality of work with gifted schoolchildren in the Russian Federation regions
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The article presents the results of research into the quality of work with talented schoolchildren in the Russian Federation subjects. It shows that it is the regional and municipal levels that should be most actively involved in the identification and development of such children. The author suggests his methodology of calculating the integral index of the quality of work with gifted schoolchildren in the regional educational systems. The article shows that Russia’s territories differ considerably according to this indicator. The highest value of the index is registered in the Volga Federal District (average rating is0.499) and the Central (0.480) Federal District. The constituent entities of the North Caucasian (0.303)and Far Eastern (0.358) federal districts have the lowest average rating. The regions were divided into five groups by the index of quality of work with gifted schoolchildren. The Vologda Oblast joined the group in which the level of quality of work with gifted schoolchildren was above average; the Oblast ranked 22nd in the country and 5th in the Northwestern Federal District...

Moral aspect of young people's subjective competitiveness
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The issues of competitiveness and competitive relationships are usually considered from an economic point of view, bypassing socio-cultural aspects. The paper presents a sociological analysis of young people’s competitive and moral orientations. The consideration of the emphasized problem field allows us to determine the connotation of competitive relationships, from positive (“ethical” competition) to negative (“aggressive”, “predatory” competition). The authors assess the format of competitive relationships set up by the younger generation considering themselves competitive, and those young people who reject their own involvement in competition in any form. A new scientific result, the understanding of competitiveness as a subjective phenomenon is obtained. The author’s system of empirical indicators for evaluating subjective competitiveness is also an element of scientific novelty. The presented material is aimed at achieving a specific goal to determine the relationship between the young people’s subjective competitiveness and their desire to adhere to stable value standards and high moral principles in behavior. The following tasks are solved within the framework of the research: the key characteristics of competition as a socio-cultural phenomenon are identified; young people’s attitude to competitiveness is studied; the relationship between competitive orientations, individual responsibility for their own actions, locus of control, trust and respect for others, readiness to help others is revealed. The empirical basis of the sociological research was the data from a questionnaire survey of young people in the Tyumen Oblast (2017, 3403 people, including 1087 high school students; 1360 students; 956 working young people under 30). It is found that the respondents not considering themselves competitive characterize competitive interaction with more negative ratings than young people who are actually involved in competition. Young people with low competitive orientations demonstrate a lack of active life position, they are not ready to create their own business and take responsibility for their lives. The highest percentage of competitive respondents is found among working youth. The author analyzes the world outlook, the general culture of high school students, students and working youth, the relationship between their competencies and competitiveness. Worldview attitudes, values, and moral guidelines are identified as the key determinants shaping young people’s competitiveness. It is concluded that competitive youth tend to adhere to high moral principles.

Municipal-private partnership in education: infrastructural aspect
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The article considers the specifics of implementation of municipal-private partnership projects in the education system of the Russian Federation. The authors use the following research methods: document analysis, expert interviews (heads of local authorities, entrepreneurs from the Moscow Oblast). The goal of this article is to study specific features of public-private partnership in education, to carry out comparative analysis of the estimates that the heads of local authorities and the business community have with regard to these issues, to define the conditions for their effective interaction and its limiting factors. Attracting private investment in the development of the education system is limited by a narrow pragmatic focus of the government on the use of financial resources of business in municipal administration practice. Judging by the results of studies, the heads of local authorities understand the social partnership of business and government as gratuitous help from socially responsible companies who are willing to invest funds in the development of a municipality...

Non-formal institutional environment of social entrepreneurship
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Social entrepreneurship as an alternative way to solve social problems is rapidly becoming popular. The efficiency of this type of activity largely depends on the formal institutions operating in the territory under consideration, as well as on the prevailing values, habits, customs peculiar to social groups which do not live on it and form an informal institutional environment. The purpose of the study is to simulate the impact of informal institutional environment on social entrepreneurship in the global space. The article analyzes the approaches to analysis of informal institutions; it is shown that this problem is raised in works of both foreign and domestic researchers. The Inglehart-Welzel concept of modernization, cultural change and democracy was used in analysis of informal institutional environment. The information framework of the research consists of international reports of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, the World Values Survey, the World Bank for 2015 in 30 countries...

Non-state preschool education: current practices of territorial development
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The paper is concerned with the problem of preschool education in Russia and the Vologda region. It shows that in the current context of shortage of places in state nurseries it is necessary to develop private care service providers. Day-care is in great demand among parents having children aged 1-3. The article analyses the main characteristics of preschool educational organizations. It shows that in the Vologda Oblast, particularly in Vologda, private demand for preschool education service is unsatisfied to a wide extent. In Vologda more than ten thousand children are on waiting lists for preschool educational organizations. In total, in the Vologda Oblast about 28.9 thousand children are in line for admitting to a kindergarten, 34% of them are registered in Vologda. The paper provides the results of the study into Vologda private nurseries and day-care carried out in May-June 2015 by method of involved observation. It reveals the key factors hampering growth of private nurseries...

On the issue of economic cost of disability
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The goal of our paper is to determine the extent of economic damage caused by the extent and rate of disability in Russia. The study is based on the analysis of the works of domestic and foreign authors, official documents of international organizations, and state statistics data. We propose a conceptual scheme revealing the system links between disabled population and other socio-economic problems. We prove that one of the crucial factors in reducing economic losses from disability is appropriate social policy that would stimulate the implementation of labor potential of disabled people. We give recommendations concerning the choice of priority indicators to be used in the implementation of programs to promote employment of disabled people and their professional rehabilitation. We consider the consequences of disability associated with declining public health and the economic losses it causes. We divide economic losses into two groups: the first one includes the expenditures on social support that is provided to the disabled and their families, the second one includes the expenditures associated with unemployment of the disabled...

On the normative model of a healthy lifestyle
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The formation of a healthy lifestyle among the educational process subjects is one of the main functions of health-saving educational space. This function can be implemented effectively only if the executive bodies in the sphere of education, other agencies, the public and the subjects of the educational process take active part in this process. Such cooperation requires a common understanding in the issues to promote health of all pedagogical process participants, but to date the concept “healthy lifestyle” has not been clearly defined and the effective and optimized pedagogical models for its formation, according to the cross-cutting principle, have not been elaborated. The article analyzes different points of view on this issue. A healthy lifestyle is considered as a complex pedagogical technology to create health culture. Taking into account the scholars' attitudes to the concept “healthy lifestyle” the author identifies three main components of a healthy lifestyle: health culture, health-saving activity and conditions that ensure a healthy lifestyle...

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The concept of social capital has gained considerable popularity in the social sciences, as well as in practical politics on a national and international scale. Its heuristic potential is confirmed by numerous studies demonstrating the positive impact of the level and types of social capital on a wide range of economic, social and political phenomena, and especially the use of the concept of social capital to study economic growth and development issues. However, there is no universally accepted definition of social capital, and there is no unanimous opinion concerning the ways of measuring it. The paper contains a review of the current status of the theoretical field of the concept; it shows that researchers from different countries are interested in the impact of social capital on economic growth and development at the regional level. Specific comparative studies in different countries and regions strongly support the presence of a correlation that proves social capital is one of the powerful driving forces of development...

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The article describes the transformation processes that form the models of information interaction between the authorities, mass media and society in modern Russia. During the Soviet period, the activities of the media in the USSR were determined by the state, which shaped public consciousness in the country with the help of canonical ideological attitudes. By the early 1990s, the model of state domination over society was transformed into a new socio-political state - the domination of society over the state. The transformations also affected the activities of Russian mass media, which made a full turn by the beginning of the 21st century and returned to their original information and communication position. Genetic (state) nature again prevailed in the work of Russian mass media, which determined the formation of a hierarchical model of interaction between the authorities, mass media and society. These processes prove the need for active participation of power structures in the communication and information space of the country, which needs regulation and self-regulation with the help of evidence-based state information policy...

Overcoming social disintegration as a factor in promoting social health
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The article dwells on the key indicators, reflecting the state of social health. The data is presented geographically among different demographic groups. The results of the public opinion monitoring, held by ISEDT RAS, with regard to public mental health in the Vologda Oblast are revealed. The article considers the process of social disintegration as a factor, negatively affecting the state of social health. The effect of a victim behaviour on the prevalence rate of social pathologies is analysed.

Patterns of birth rate and reproductive behavior of Russian female population: current trends
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The article analyzes changes in the patterns of birth rate and female reproductive behavior in the period from 2000 to 2018. The object of the research is reproductive behavior, which is a system of actions and relationships aimed at giving birth to a certain number of children or refusing to give birth. The subject of the research is demographic and socio-economic aspects of the relationship between the need for children and the conditions of realization. The purpose of this paper is to consider current trends of birth rate and reproductive behavior, taking into account demographic, economic, and social factors that affect birth rate. The novelty of the study is the usage of an interdisciplinary approach based on the synthesis of demographic and economic theories that explain changes in reproductive behavior. The article analyzes the dynamics of demographic and socio-economic indicators, highlights the characteristic features inherent in certain patterns of Russian female population reproductive behavior for the period from 2000 to 2018. The results obtained in the course of the study demonstrate fundamental restructuring of the system of values associated with the birth and upbringing of a child. The decline of crude and total birth rates, shifts in the age structure of birth rate, the focus on one- or two-child family pattern, the increase of an average maternal age at birth indicate a prevalence of economic and social benefits over the birth of more children. In practical terms, the results presented in the article can serve as a basis for future interdisciplinary research in birth rate area and be used as a methodological and informational base for developing demographic policy measures aimed at stimulating birth rate.

Patterns of population's self-preservation behavior: research approaches and building experience
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As countries make their epidemiological transition, the contribution of behavioral risk factors to population’s health is increased; they include challenges of low physical and medical activity, diet and sleep violations, imbalance of work and rest, tobacco and alcohol consumption, and high stress loads. In Russia, the situation is complicated by incomplete epidemiological transition, as well as increased morbidity and mortality from endogenous and quasi-endogenous causes. The purpose for the article is to analyze methodological approaches to studying the self-preservation behavior and build models describing it for the population of the Vologda Oblast. Russian scholars A.I. Antonov, V.A. Borisov, I.V. Zhuravleva, L.S. Shilova, G.I., Ivakhnenko, T.V. Shushunova, and A.E. Lugovoy attempt to highlight the patterns of self-preservation behavior taking into account all or some of its elements (needs, attitudes, motives and actions), but not considering them in a single system...

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The article presents an experience of a structured study of a special socio-economic phenomenon-corruption - in the aspect of its perception by different groups of population of a region. The study was conducted by Kostroma regional branch of the Russian Society of Sociologists in several stages: civil servants of the Kostroma Oblast Administration were interviewed in 2015, an online survey of university graduates of the city of Kostroma was conducted in November 2016, and finally, surveys of representatives of the business community1 of the Kostroma Oblast were conducted in 2017. The goal of the survey was to assess the perception of corruption as a socio-economic phenomenon; the assessment was carried out through analyzing and interpreting the data obtained in the course of the surveys on the following topics: assessment of the level of corruption in general, perception of the level and dynamics of corruption, and possible ways to overcome corruption, according to respondents. Having interpreted the results of the survey we reveal the attitude of different target audiences toward the understanding of the phenomenon of corruption, its causes, and ways to combat it. In the context of the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin “On the national anti-corruption plan for 2018-2020” signed June 29, 2018, the data we have obtained become particularly relevant for the development of sociological research techniques to assess the level of corruption in constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Section I, Paragraph 1, Letter “a”) and to conduct scientific interdisciplinary studies, the results of which can be used to prepare proposals aimed to enhance anti-corruption measures and increase the efficiency of such measures in the business sector (Section V, Paragraph 21, Letter “b”).

Policy priorities in the health protection sector of a northern region
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The article is devoted to the modernization of the health of a northern region (the example of the Murmansk Oblast) and the promising directions of implementing its own policies in the health protection sector at a regional level. The article gives the analysis of the medical and demographic situation in the Murmansk Oblast, as well as the main priorities of the modern regional policy in the health protection sector. It identifies the priority directions of the policy in this sector, requiring implementation at federal, regional and local levels.