Статьи журнала - Мировая литература в контексте культуры

Все статьи: 793

Controversy of spirit and body: the image of Brian de Bois-Guilbert in Walter Scott's ''Ivanhoe''

Controversy of spirit and body: the image of Brian de Bois-Guilbert in Walter Scott's ''Ivanhoe''

Proskurnin Boris M.

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Walter Scott's novel "Ivanhoe" in under analysis. It is analyzed as the example of peculiar to the writer blending of romanticism, sentimentalism, and realism with quite obvious prevailing of the first. There is the image of Brian de Bois-Guilbert in the centre of the analysis; the image is constructed on the basis of the contrast of spiritual and corporeal. When picturing the image of Bois as a person of strong but vicious passions, Scott is close to Shakespearean power of character, his image is in a typological line with the images of Hugo's Claude Frollo, Corsair by Byron or Frankestein by Mary Shelley. The author of the essay shows artistic means with which the image is depicted.


Costumes and creation in the novels of Hilary Mantel about Thomas Cromwell

Costumes and creation in the novels of Hilary Mantel about Thomas Cromwell

Proskurnin Boris M.

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The author of the essay shows that costumes in Mantel's novels perform general anthropological role to characterize personages, to stress some peculiarities of their inner worlds, mood and social backgrounds. Costumes in the novels often carry out symbolical and many-leveled functions. Much rarer, than traditionally is thought of costumes in a historical novel, they mark definite material world of a definite historical period. Though costumes do not play prevailing role in Mantel's narratives, along with some other material realias they act as historical and cultural guideways which direct readers' imagination of the historical past which Mantel reconstructs. The author of the essay shows that it is more important for the writer to construct psychological, spiritual and emotional atmosphere of the past times, 'to settle' the readers inside the mind, system of values, priorities, world understanding of her protagonist - Thomas Cromwell. The author asserts that Mantel succeeds in it: readers take Cromwell for a hero who deserves their interest, sympathy and empathy, whose views worth thinking and analyzing as the ones which are the most relevant to the perspective of the history of England. The essay demonstrates Mantel's contribution into the development of English historical novel.


Feminization of the woods in Tana French’s In the woods and Dolores Redondo’s El guardi'an invisible

Feminization of the woods in Tana French’s In the woods and Dolores Redondo’s El guardi'an invisible

Lapina E.V.

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The article studies the narrative means of feminizing the image of the woods in two novels, In the Woods by Tana French and El Guardián Invisible by Dolores Redondo. The main approach employed is feminist literary criticism. One of the key concepts is Michel Foucault´s heterotopia. The methodology of analysis involves comparing plot building devices, important motifs, and spatial poetics of the woods in the novels under study. It was revealed that these novels manifest important similarities from the point of view of depicting the woods as femininityrelated heterotopia and link its symbolism with the national mythologies of the two cultures, Irish and Basque-Navarran.


Fin de siecle и "век джаза": интермедиальные параллели (графический лист "Похороны Саломеи" О. Бердсли и сон Ника Каррауэя в романе "Великий Гэтсби" Ф. С. Фицджеральда)

Fin de siecle и "век джаза": интермедиальные параллели (графический лист "Похороны Саломеи" О. Бердсли и сон Ника Каррауэя в романе "Великий Гэтсби" Ф. С. Фицджеральда)

Бочкарева Нина Станиславна

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В статье рассматривается связь декаданса и «стиля модерн» с «веком джаза» на примере рецепции графики Обри Бердсли в творчестве Ф. С. Фитцджеральда. Исследуется скрытая реминисценция в романе «Великий Гэтсби» к рисунку Бердсли «Похороны Саломеи». Отмечается специфика гротескной образности в интермедиальных взаимодействиях пьесы Уайльда, рисунка Бердсли и романа Фицджеральда.


Is French revolution a catastrophy? Charles Dickens and Hilary Mantel in a dialogue through ages

Is French revolution a catastrophy? Charles Dickens and Hilary Mantel in a dialogue through ages

Proskurnin Boris M.

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A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens and A Place of Greater Safety by Hilary Mantel are in the centre of the essay's author's reflection. The two novels have the same topic - the French Revolution of 1789-1794; they have the same issue - the fate of humanity under very much complex revolution circumstances. While analyzing psycho- and socio-analytical approaches to depicting the Revolution and the issues it raises, its genesis, its progress, its participants, winners and victims, the essay demonstrates some obvious similarity of artistic reconstruction of a human being's fate, despite this human being's various degree of involvement into revolution process. It is the similarity of tragic coverage of such humanity phenomena as love, friendship, dignity, trust, etc. that the essay stresses. On the other hand, some fundamental peculiarities of both novelists in their depicting of the Revolution are demonstrated4 they are based on the differences of writers' understanding of historical novel message and, what is more, on the writers' different paradigms of reconstruction of the past: predominantly sensitive, romantic, didactic in Dickens's narrative, and realistic, sometimes deliberately impassive and documentary tone in Mantel's work. The writers' share psychological dominant is differently realized: in Dickens's novel the auth or voice determines the narrative development; in Mantel's - narrative polyphony dominates where the voices of the personages, documents, other cultural artifacts are equal.


Multilinguicism and literary sources in medieval inscriptions on objects

Multilinguicism and literary sources in medieval inscriptions on objects

Alsinger Lea Friis

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The theme is multilingualism and literary sources in medieval inscriptions on objects from examples of a thesis study of inscriptions beared on objects from Girona museums, in northern Spain. Even if there's no many medieval objects with inscriptions (around 50) we can find 8 languages and of some inscriptions refer to literature, more or less famous references.


Mythologizing of V. Nabokov in the media space and American cultural consciousness

Mythologizing of V. Nabokov in the media space and American cultural consciousness

Kiselev Pavel A.

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The article touches upon the personality of Nabokov, as it is portrayed in the mass consciousness of American readers mainly. The researcher elaborately analyzes the factors that contributed to the imprint of the writer's mythologized image in the media and popular culture after Nabokov's success in the literary field. The paper examines how Nabokov himself contributed to the formation of his popular media image and to what extent the mythmaking of the author's biography influenced the journalists and readers' perception of his figure. In conclusion, it is resumed how the image of Nabokov the mythical character relates to Nabokov the human.


New deciphered and undeciphered medieval inscriptions on objects from Girona city museums

New deciphered and undeciphered medieval inscriptions on objects from Girona city museums

Alsinger Lea Friis

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My thesis [Friis Alsinger 2014] purpose was to constitute a corpus of epigraphic objects from Girona museums and dating from Middle Ages. All along my PhD work I've discovered some new inscriptions, obvious or not to see on the displayed pieces, and in several languages. Many of them had not be studied before, that's why this paper propounds a recompilation of these inscriptions, deciphered recently or still to be deciphered.


Publicity and advertising topics applied to medieval objects: examples from Girona

Publicity and advertising topics applied to medieval objects: examples from Girona

Alsinger Lea Friis

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A collection of medieval objects bearing inscriptions, exhibited in sev-eral museums of the city of Girona, is under analysis. A prevailing of Biblequotes is observed, linked with repetition of types of pictures, but we canalso find on objects references of persons, like sponsors and craftspeople.The theme of Communication is not far from the one of advertising when itcomes to promote an idea of action. The question is to show here how wecan recognize publicity strategies in these objects, seeing how as etymologyof the word publicity as some famous current theories or models of advertis-ing may apply to our medieval framework through examples of museumsobjects


Schoeneys daughters Эзры Паунда

Schoeneys daughters Эзры Паунда

Братухин А.Ю.



Victorian social problem novel tradition in the XXI century: A week in December by Sebastian Faulks and Capital by John Lanchester

Victorian social problem novel tradition in the XXI century: A week in December by Sebastian Faulks and Capital by John Lanchester

Proskurnin Boris M., Filipieva Maria I.

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The article is focused on the two contemporary novels "A Week In December" by Sebastian Faulks and "Capital" by John Lanchecter and their connections with British social problem novel of the XVIII -XIX centuries. The novels under study continue the classical tradition of social novel genre and enrich the classical formula of the genre. The article analyses the traditional genre elements and poetics of social problem novel in the national literature and attributes the novels under study as a new stage in the genre development.


«Подлинная» история картины в романе Ф.Умбраля «Авиньонские барышни»

«Подлинная» история картины в романе Ф.Умбраля «Авиньонские барышни»

Суслова И.В.

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В статье анализируется альтернативная история создания картины, представленная в романе испанского писателя Ф. Умбраля «Авиньонские барышни» (1995). Отмечается наличие элементов пародии и бурлеска в поэтике произведения, произвольное сочетание исторических, биографических сведений с вымыслом. Герой-повествователь в романе, претендуя на исключительную достоверность, пишет «сагу о XX веке». Особое место в этом «эпосе» занимает история испанского авангарда, воплощением которого является Пабло Пикассо и его картина «Авиньонские барышни». В контексте анализа темы истории картины делается вывод о том, что герой-романист вступает в творческое противоборство с художником, пытается романными средствами преодолеть «плоскостное» видение и разрушительный эффект кубизма, вернуть моделям («настоящим авиньонским барышням») эпическую перспективу и глубину.


А.М.Ремизов и Дж.Джойс: к постановке вопроса

А.М.Ремизов и Дж.Джойс: к постановке вопроса

Турта Екатерина Ивановна

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Многие и отечественные, и зарубежные исследователи отмечают сходство творческого метода Дж. Джойса и А.М. Ремизова. Сами писатели также не раз лестно отзывались о творчестве друг друга. В данной статье ставится вопрос о том, когда и каким образом эти два известных писателя-модерниста впервые услышали друг о друге, встречались ли они и кто мог их познакомить. Материалом исследования стали рецензии, критические статьи, монографии, опубликованные в России и за рубежом, а также архивные материалы (письма, статьи, личные документы А.М. Ремизова и В. Диксона).


А.Фет - переводчик немецких романтиков

А.Фет - переводчик немецких романтиков

Бурова Е.Г.



Абстракция и иллюстрация: "Враг звезд" Уиндема Льюиса

Абстракция и иллюстрация: "Враг звезд" Уиндема Льюиса

Туляков Дмитрий Сергеевич

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В статье исследуются отношения живописной абстракции и литературного произведения на материале пьесы Уиндема Льюиса «Враг звезд» и одноименной иллюстрации. Предлагается интерпретация иллюстрации в контексте системы образов пьесы и взглядов Льюиса на абстрактное искусство, изложенных в журнале «БЛАСТ». Определяется значение абстракции и абстрактной иллюстрации в раннем творчестве художника и в пьесе «Враг звезд».

