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Taking the strict account of techne seriously: an interpretive direction in Plato’s "Republic"

Taking the strict account of techne seriously: an interpretive direction in Plato’s "Republic"

Knies Kenneth

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I argue that the strict account of techne agreed to by Socrates and Thrasymachus in Republic I provides a useful framework for addressing a central question of the dialogue as a whole: how philosophy might belong to the polis. This view depends upon three positions: 1) that Plato invites us to interpret the relationship between techne and polis outside the terms of the city-soul analogy, 2) that the strict account contributes to a compelling description of vocational work, and 3) that this description determines what Socrates means by a true polis, and thus frames the problem of philosophy’s political inclusion.


Teleology, causation and the atlas motif in Plato's Phaedo

Teleology, causation and the atlas motif in Plato's Phaedo

Vzquez Daniel

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In this paper, I propose a new reading of Phaedo 99b6-d2. My main thesis is that in 99c6-9, Socrates does not refer to the teleological aitia but to the aitia that will be provided by a stronger ‘Atlas’ (99c4-5). This means that the passage offers no evidence that Socrates abandons teleology or modifies his views about it. He acknowledges, instead, that he could not find or learn any aitia stronger than the teleological one. This, I suggest, allows an interpretation of the Phaedo in which Socrates offers a consistent account of the aitia of generation and destruction.


The Babylonian exile of the Judaeans and the formation of the doctrine of the bodily resurrection from the dead: from the naturalistic allegory of the collective revival of the Jews upon their expected return to Judaea through the personified image of the people's rising from the dead to the concept of an individual eschatological resurrection in the flesh

The Babylonian exile of the Judaeans and the formation of the doctrine of the bodily resurrection from the dead: from the naturalistic allegory of the collective revival of the Jews upon their expected return to Judaea through the personified image of the people's rising from the dead to the concept of an individual eschatological resurrection in the flesh

Tantlevskij Igor

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The author reveals the following sequence in the formation of the Jewish doctrine of the bodily resurrection of the dead: during the Babylonian captivity of the Judaeans, a naturalistic allegory of their revival upon their expected return to their Motherland arises (Ezek. 37:1-14, Isa. 26:19, 41:14); by the end of the period of exile / at the very beginning of the Persian period, the personified image of the people’s rising from the dead is developing (the allegory of the Servant of the Lord in Isa. 42:1-9, 49: 1-7, 50:4-9, 52:13-53:12; perhaps also the image of Job, cf. especially: Job 19:25-27a and 42:5, 7-17). In the time of another national catastrophe - the persecution of the faithful Jews under Antiochus IV Epiphanes - the concept of an individual eschatological resurrection in the flesh arises; at this receiving of the afterlife requital is assumed to be realized in the body (Dan. 12:1b-3, 13).


The Motif of “Secrecy” of Philosophical Message in the VII Letter of Plato. Mystical Experience of the Truth as an Element of Philosophical Cognition

The Motif of “Secrecy” of Philosophical Message in the VII Letter of Plato. Mystical Experience of the Truth as an Element of Philosophical Cognition

Kazimierz Pawłowski

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The paper deals with the topic of secrecy of the philosophical message in the VII Letter of Plato. The theme suggests spiritual contexts close to the Greek Mysteries, because the secrecy was one of the key elements of Greek Mysteries, especially Eleusinian and Orphic ones, which played a special role in the formation of Greek philosophy.


The Theological Ontology of Leontius of Byzantium and the Circumscribability Argument in the Iconophile Polemics

The Theological Ontology of Leontius of Byzantium and the Circumscribability Argument in the Iconophile Polemics

Vladimir Baranov

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The theological contribution of Leontius of Byzantium played a crucial role in adapting the notions of substance and hypostasis from their original Trinitarian to a Christological context. The Leontian concepts, such as enhypostasized substance, distinction between the principle of substance and mode of existence, as well as “relational” ontology of reversed unions and distinctions at the levels of substances and hypostases was adopted by Maximus the Confessor and John of Damascus in their polemical application of Neo-Chalcedonian Christology, as well as the by the Iconophiles of the Second Iconoclasm in support of the circumscribability of Christ.


The anthropological model in the Platonic dialogue Charmides

The anthropological model in the Platonic dialogue Charmides

Terezis Christos, Petridou Lydia

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In this study we investigate the extract 154b8-156c9 from the introductory chapters of the Platonic dialogue Charmides so that to examine how the terms of Aesthetics are formed, which focuses on the selfhood and makes it the core of dialectics. Specifically, we structure our study in two chapters each of which includes two subchapters. In the first subchapter we focus on the soul, which in the Platonic text appears to be the criterion for moral perfectness. In the second subchapter, which systematizes the former, we show how Socrates contrives to do the transition from subjective judgments to logical propositions and the terms of the authentic Aesthetics. In the third subchapter, paying attention to the first communication between Socrates and Charmides, we discuss how the Athenian philosopher sets beauty within its true boundaries and activates the logical part of the soul. In the fourth subchapter, we follow the introduction in dialectics, which will lead anyone involved in truth. The main contribution of our study is that we show how in this dialogue Plato succeeds to go from vulgar hedonism to the beauty of the soul, which is a requirement for the inner transformation of selfhood.


The argument about the river provided by Heraclitus of Ephesus and the need for a temporal dimension in its logical form

The argument about the river provided by Heraclitus of Ephesus and the need for a temporal dimension in its logical form

Lpez-Astorga Miguel

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The theories accounting for cognition based on formal schemata often claim that there is a logic in the human mind. From the thesis on the river given by Heraclitus of Ephesus, in this paper, it is argued that, if that logic exists, it cannot be simple, and that, at a minimum, it requires the assumption of some kind of temporal elements, which, in general, seem not to be considered in such theories. In particular, some reflections about possible ways those elements could be taken into account are presented.


The beauty of the world in Plato’s "Timaeus"

The beauty of the world in Plato’s "Timaeus"

Omeara Dominic

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In the Timaeus Plato describes the world as the ‘most beautiful’ ( kallistos, 29a5) of generated things. Perhaps indeed this is the first systematic description of the beauty of the world. It is, at any rate, one of the most influential statements of the theme. The Stoics were deeply convinced by it and later, in the third century A.D., at a time when contempt and hate for the world were propagated by Gnostic movements, Plotinus, interpreting the Timaeus, would write magnificent passages on the beauty and value of the world. But what does Plato mean by the ‘beauty’ of the world? What makes the world beautiful? In this paper these questions are approached first (1) by a brief discussion of the distinction which Plato appears to make in the Timaeus between beauty and the good. In one passage ( Tim. 87c) ‘measure’ seems to relate to this distinction. It is suitable then (2) to look at a section of another late work of Plato, the Philebus, where the themes of beauty, goodness and measure may be compared in more detail. The theme of measure then takes us back (3) to the Timaeus, in order to examine the role played by measure, in particular mathematical measure, in constituting the beauty of the world. I discuss in detail the way in which mathematical structures make for the beauty of soul and body in the living whole that is the world.


The dialogue on Aristotle categories by porphyry as a platonic dialogue

The dialogue on Aristotle categories by porphyry as a platonic dialogue

Goncharko Oksana, Goncharko Dmitry

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The paper focuses on interactive dialogue-form strategies in the framework of the late antique Greek and early Byzantine logical traditions. The dialogue by Porphyry On Aristotle Categories is a perfect example of the Neoplatonic approach to build logic in a Plato style. The main protagonistresses of the dialogue are The Question and The Answer, who act as collocutors do in traditional Platonic dialogues. It is proposed to consider the dialogue in the context of three perspectives: in accordance with the tradition of the Platonic dialogue; in the light of Aristotle's education system; in its relation to the late antique and medieval Greek logical dialogue experiments.


The houses of philosophical schools in Athens

The houses of philosophical schools in Athens

Afonasina Anna, Afonasin Eugene

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In the first and second parts of the article we look at two archaeological sites excavated in the center of Athens, a building, located on the Southern slope of the Acropolis and now buried under the Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, known as House Chi, or the “House of Proclus”, and Houses A, B and C at the slope of the Areopagus overlooking the Athenian Agora. We outline and illustrate the basic finds and reexamine the principal arguments in favor of identifying these constructions as the houses of philosophical schools and, in the third part of the paper, offer a remark on religious practice in the Neoplatonic school.


The ordinal numbers in Hesiod's myth of the races

The ordinal numbers in Hesiod's myth of the races

Lima Paulo Alexandre

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To understand the meaning and function of the ordinal numbers in the myth of the races it is essential to have a full grasp of how the myth is composed and its structure is supposed to be perceived by a listener or reader. There is a general silence among Hesiod scholars about the meaning and function of the ordinal numbers in the myth. A tacit agreement may be inferred from such a silence: the ordinal numbers are implicitly taken to merely express the chronological order of the races. In this article, we examine each and every one of the ordinal numbers that appear in Hesiod’s myth. We demonstrate that the ordinal numbers preserve their hierarchical dimension even in the cases in which this appears to be less convincing.


The philosophical initiation in Plato's Phaedrus

The philosophical initiation in Plato's Phaedrus

Pawlowski Kazimierz

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The article deals with the topic of "initiations" in Plato's Phaedrus. The idea of initiation was characteristic of Greek mysteries, especially the Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries, which played a large role in the formation of Greek philosophy. The essence of initiations was the experience of divinity. The motive of initiations in Plato's Phaedrus seems to have a similar meaning. This is also suggested by the allegory of human souls as chariots and the mystical “epopteia” motif woven into it, suggesting Eleusinian analogies.


The soul-parts as a cause of embryogenesis in Aristotle's De generatione animalium

The soul-parts as a cause of embryogenesis in Aristotle's De generatione animalium

Varlamova Maria

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In De generatione Animalium Aristotle proposes a theory of embryogenesis and indicates its causes. An account of embryo’s animation plays an important role in this theory. From the moment of conception foetus is generated as a living and animated being, and its actual soul appears as a principle of its development and growth. However, unless embryo comes to perfection its soul is also incomplete. The animation of the embryo is a process, which consists of successive actualization of its soul’s parts and powers. Parts of the soul are both the causes of generation and the actuality of yet non-perfected embryo. In this paper Aristotle’s conception of embryogenesis will be considered in the context of his doctrine of soul-parts and organic composition.


Theory and method: bridging the gap between history and archeology

Theory and method: bridging the gap between history and archeology

Van Wijngaarden Albert, Karali Lilian

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This article aims to bridge the gap between history and archaeology by linking the methodological and theoretical developments of both scientific disciplines. This is done by tracing general societal trends and developments within both disciplines, divided into five periods, from the professionalization of the sciences in the nineteenth century, up to the present day. The result will hopefully offer practitioners of both disciplines an insight into the others’ intellectual framework, and thereby foster better understanding and opportunities for future cooperation.


Time and eternity from plotinus and Boethius to Einstein

Time and eternity from plotinus and Boethius to Einstein

Chase Michael

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This article seeks to show that the views on time and eternity of Plotinus and Boethius are analogous to those implied by the block-time perspective in contemporary philosophy of time, as implied by the mathematical physics of Einstein and Minkowski. Both Einstein and Boethius utilized their theories of time and eternity with the practical goal of providing consolation to persons in distress; this practice of consolatio is compared to Pierre Hadot’s studies of the “Look from Above”, of the importance of concentrating on the present moment, and his emphasis on ancient philosophy as providing therapy for the soul, instead of mere abstract speculation for its own sake. In the first part of the article, Einstein’s views are compared with those of Plotinus, and with the elucidation of Plotinus’ views provided in the Arabic Theology of Aristotle. The second part of the article studies Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy, which, contrary to recent interpretations, is indeed a genuine consolation rather than a parody thereof. The Consolation shows how the study of the Neoplatonic philosophical curriculum can lead the student along the path to salvation, by awakening and elaborating his innate ideas. To illustrate this doctrine, a passage from the little-known Pseudo-Boethian treatise De diis et praesensionibus is studied. Finally, after a survey of Boethius’ view on fate and providence, and Aristotle’s theory of future contingents, I study Boethius’ three main arguments in favor of the reconcilability of divine omniscience and human free will: the distinction between absolute and conditional necessity, the principle that the nature of knowledge is determined by the knower, and finally the doctrine that God lives in an eternal present, seeing past, present, and future simultaneously. This last view, developed primarily from Plotinus, is once again argued to be analogous to that advocated by contemporary block-time theorists on the basis of Eisteinian relativity. God’s supratemporal vision introduces no necessity into contingent events. Ultimate, objective reality, for Boethius as for Plotinus and Einstein, is atemporal, and our idea that there is a conflict between human free will and divine omniscience derives from a kind of optical illusion, caused by the fact that we cannot help but think in terms of temporality.


Tritogeneia, Poseidon's trident and early sacred trinity

Tritogeneia, Poseidon's trident and early sacred trinity

Panchenko Dmitri

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The name Tritogeneia likely means ‘born of the Third’, this Third one being the supreme god, the Most High. Poseidon (at least Poseidon Helikonios) was once such a god. He was the lord of the water that descended from heaven and a deity closely associated with the celestial pole. His trident is the symbol that indicates his celestial nature, and this symbol developed from a previous one - a raised hand with three fingers. This number of fingers signified the similarity with the dwellers of the sky - the birds, with their three toes in front.


Ultimum dilemma Брута или возможно ли моральное оправдание убийства Цезаря?

Ultimum dilemma Брута или возможно ли моральное оправдание убийства Цезаря?

Держивицкий Евгений Викторович, Перов Вадим Юрьевич, Положенцев Андрей Михайлович

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Данная статья представляет собой исследование того, насколько может быть оправдано применение моральной и философской рефлексии при совершении преступления. Поступок - результат решения уравнения со многими переменными, преодоление противоречий правовых, нравственных, философских, эмоциональных. Однако современная правовая и этическая мысль абсолютизировала аргументы против убийства во всех его формах, закрыв тем самым путь для понимания его причин и мотивов. В качестве примера мы исследуем заговор и убийство Цезаря в Риме в 44 г. до н.э. В статье вскрываются объективные различия в понимании морали в античности и в современной этической науке. На основе сохранившихся документов той эпохи анализируются философские и этические основания, которые могли помочь в решение этой дилеммы. В первую очередь мы рассмотрели философско-политические работы и эпистолярное наследие Цицерона, размышления которого об обязанностях гражданина могли повлиять на решение Брута участвовать в заговоре против Цезаря и принять моральный выбор как свою судьбу. Брут действовал не как убийца, а как выразитель общественной цели и публичной пользы, для которого целью поступка было общественное благо, несовместимое с тиранией.


Veritative ontology: reinterpreting Ancient Greek philosophy

Veritative ontology: reinterpreting Ancient Greek philosophy

Piotr Świercz

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This article proposes a revision of the traditional interpretation of ancient Greek ontology and indicates what consequences this revision may have for political reflection. The basis for the interpretation laid out here lies in classicist Charles H. Kahn’s work on the meaning and function of the verb “to be” (einai) in ancient Greek. Kahn asserts that the original and fundamental meaning of einai was veritative (veridical) rather than existential – it was used to signify truth, not existence. Though the significance of Kahn’s research has been widely acknowledged, the influence of his analyses on interpretations of Greek ontology seems disproportionately small in comparison. The veritative interpretation remains on the margin of studies dominated by the existential interpretation. My article is meant as a contribution to the project of building a veritative interpretation of Greek ontology. I intend to show, using certain examples, the forms of this interpretation and possibilities it presents. For scholars of ancient Greek philosophy, it is often difficult to distinguish between its ontological and epistemological aspects. As I will try to show, this state of affairs results from a post factum imposition of the existential interpretation on Greek thought. The problem is greatly reduced when we use the veritative paradigm in place of the existential paradigm. It also becomes easier to grasp the unity of Greek philosophy, especially the unity of ontology and epistemology. A veritative interpretation of Greek ontology carries with it important consequences for our understanding of Greek political philosophy as well. One of the key consequences is a “formal” (as opposed to “material”) understanding of concepts fundamental to Greek political reflection, such as the “good” and “justice.” As a result, discussion on ancient Greek political and legal reflection can be conducted from a fruitful new perspective.


Virtues in iamblichus and the shift of paradigm: interpretation under the view of Platos Protagoras and symposium

Virtues in iamblichus and the shift of paradigm: interpretation under the view of Platos Protagoras and symposium

Magoulas Charalampos

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This paper aims at pointing out differences between the perception of virtues in Platos Protagoras and especially the Symposium and in Iamblichus. The argument is focused on the fact that, although both philosophers agree that virtues can be taught and they are therefore a social activity, in Plato there is a certain significance laid on the social role of virtues as well as on the cardinal importance of love as a sentiment that leads to temperance, in Iamblichus, what is more adequate for a philosopher to exercise is rather the hieratic values, while the temperance is the virtue that leads to the union with god. Based on that argument and in the fact that theurgy as a practice is more personal than social, we could possibly trace in representative philosophical thoughts of these eras the change of worldviews between classical and late antiquity, as, at any rate, the historical research shows.


Whitehead's organismic conception of god and its religious availability

Whitehead's organismic conception of god and its religious availability

Bargeliotes Leonidas

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In the article of the professor of the University of Athens, Leonidas Bargheliotis, the organismic conception of God in the works of Whitehead is examined and shows how, within the framework of his metaphysical scheme, the British philosopher justifies the necessity of the existence of the first principle and determines its essential characteristics. Whitehead's first principle is compared with Aristotle's Armsman, and it turns out that the main "corrections" of the Aristotelian scheme by Whitehead can be read in value-oriented terms.

