Статьи журнала - Ekonomski signali
Все статьи: 281

'Izokrenuta učionica' - pedagoški model koji menja koncept tradicionalne nastave
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Savremeno koncept Flipped Classroom ('izokrenuta učionica') je vrsta proaktivne nastave gde učenici nove nastavne sadržaje proučavaju kući kako bi spremni došli na čas i nastavili dubinsko proučavanje teme kroz primere, diskusije, oglede... Da li će koncept 'izokretanja' uspeti, zavisi od sadržaja i osmišljenih zadataka koje je nastavnik pripremio. 'Flipnuta učionica' je pedagoški model koji menja koncept tradicionalne nastave, predavanje nastavnika seli kući, a domaće zadatke vraća u učionicu. Na časovima, umesto predavanja, sprovode se aktivnosti, učenici su u centru zbivanja, a nastavnici, profesionalci, pomažu u realizaciji definisanih ciljeva. Veb alati koji tehnički podržavaju koncept 'izokretanja' i analiza mojih skromnih iskustava u primeni ovog modela su predmet interesovanja ovog rada.

(Ne) konkurentnost i uloga ljudskog kapitala u kreiranju konkurentske prednosti
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Nove privrede organizuju se oko svetskih mreža kapitala, upravljanja i informacija, čija je osnova tehnološka. Pri tome i sve veće dinamiziranje međunarodne trgovine i pojava agresivnije konkurencije na kompetitivnom i globalnom tržištu menjaju pravila igre i pozicije koje pojedini činioci imaju u kreiranju konkurentske prednosti na svetskom tržištu. Tehnološki razvoj, inovacije, znanje i veštine postaju faktori od krucijalnog značaja za razvoj jedne ekonomije i njenih preduzeća. Pravilno upravljanje ljudskim kapitalom je direktan izvor poboljšanja kvaliteta i produktivnosti rada, pa sa tim i konkurentnosti a najvažniji preduslov za ostvarivanje tog cilja jeste kvalitetno obrazovanje. Investiranje u ljude i veštine je neophodno, jer je to jedini način da se očuva i unapredi konkurentntska prednost. Potreba za stalnim obrazovanjem je uzrokovana velikom dinamizmom savremenog društva, brzim tehničko-tehnološkim razvojem, posebno IKT, što zahteva stvaranje novih znanja i veština, kao i stvaranje novih zanimanja, ali istovremeno taj resurs se mora kontinuirano razvijati i usavršavati.

(Ne)zaposlenost i socijalna prava u uslovima ekonomske krize u Srbiji
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U ovom radu autori najpre sagledavaju (ne)zaposlenost kao makroekonomski fenomen i njene pojavne oblike u Srbiji. U teoretskom kontekstu daje se kritički osvrt na povezanost ekonomije i socijalnih prava (ne)zaposlenih kod nas i ukazuje na ekonomsku (globalnu) krizu kao ozbiljan ograničavajući faktor za ostvarivanje socijalnih prava imajući u vidu pre svega, iskazivanje viška zaposlenih. Cilj rada je bio da se analiziraju mogućnosti da se održi postojeći nivo zaposlenosti. Posebno da se odrede aktivnosti za ostvarenje mera socijalne sigurnosti sinhronizovanom akcijom sindikata, poslodavaca i države, gde će svaki učesnik u dogovoru da podnese određeni teret, država da smanji javnu potrošnju, poslodavci da se uzdrže od olakog davanja otkaza i zaposleni da prihvate niže nadnice i odustanu od štrajka.

Accounting planning of expenses and revenues in the function of business decision-making
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A budget is a detailed plan that indicates the means of acquiring resources and their use in a certain period of time. The process by which prepared plans get their binding formal quantitative expression is bud-geting. The focus of the work is on the analysis of budgeting and strategic planning in the elementary school „Vitko i Sveta“ Gadžin Han, which represents the basis of business decision-making. Adequate financial mana-gement contributes to making the right decisions, as well as planning the school's operations in the future. Ultimately, effective financial manage-ment affects all aspects of the school's operations, i.e. employees involved in the educational process, students and the quality of education offered to them. The subject of the work is to review the budget savings planning strategy and analyze the implementation of the Elementary School budget in the first half of 2023. The goal of the research is to indicate the significant role of the budget execution report in providing information about the school's financial position and operations. By analyzing the execution of the budget in the first 6 months, the goal is to check the accuracy of financial planning. The contribution of the research is to enable management to ma-ke business decisions more easily. The research was conducted on the basis of secondary data (financial plan and execution of the school budget). In order to gain knowledge about new facts, the inductive method was used, then comparative analysis was used to compare similarities, common cha-racteristics and differences between events, the description method was used to describe facts and processes, while the deduction method was used to predict future events.

Analiza IS-PC-MR modela kao osnovnog instrumenta savremene makroekonomije
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U savremenoj ekonomskoj literaturi sve više se govori o 'novoj' neoklasičnoj sintezi koja se odnosi na konsenzus oko uloge monetarne politike u savremenim uslovima, uloge očekivanja, značaja novca kao i gledanja 'unapred' od strane ekonomskih subjekata. Više od pola veka IS-LM model predstavljao je osnovni instrument makroekonomske analize. Međutim, savremeni uslovi doveli su do toga da tradicionalna IS-LM analiza nije primenljiva. Stoga, razvijen je nov model, pod nazivom IS-PC-MR, a cilj istraživanja u ovom radu je analiza IS-PC-MR modela kao osnovnog instrumenta savremene makroekonomije, koji je u stanju da objasni savremene makroekonomske probleme, stavljanjem naglaska pre svega na ulogu monetarne politike prilikom šokova u privredi i targetiranju inflacije.

Analiza finansijskog položaja preduzeća u uslovima globalizacije
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Globalizacija je proces koji je značajno povećao stepen konkurencije, ali i međuzavisnost velikog broja učesnika u privredi. S tim u vezi, zadatak upravljačke strukture jeste redovna analiza i ocena finansijskog položaja. Na osnovu toga, moguće je blagovremeno sprovesti određene mere koje doprinose unapređenju finansijske pozicije, a samim tim daljem opstanku i razvoju preduzeća. Ovaj rad se bavi analizom finansijskog položaja preduzeća u uslovima globalizacije pomoću najznačajnijih pokazatelja: finansijske ravnoteže, zaduženosti, likvidnosti, solventnosti, reprodukcione sposobnosti i održavanja realne vrednosti kapitala. Osnovni cilj istraživanja jeste da apostrofira značaj analize finansijskog položaja preduzeća u uslovima globalizacije, kao i korisnosti informacija koje pruža sprovedena analiza.

Analiza razvojnih tendencija malih i srednjih preduzeća u Republici Srbiji
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Mala i srednja preduzeća su nosioci ekonomskog razvoja. Njihova uloga u privredi jedne zemlje je jako bitna, a posebno je važna u zemljama u razvoju. Ova preduzeća su značajan deo ekonomskih reformi, pokretači oporavka privrede i motor njenog daljeg razvoja i rasta. Zbog višestrukog značaja ovog sektora, cilj ovog rada jeste da utvrdi stanje i analizira razvojne tendencije malih i srednjih preduzeća u Republici Srbiji.

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Energija ima izuzetno mesto i značaj za celokupnu privredu savremenog sveta. U samoj strukturi ukupne potrošnje energije, zemni gas kao gorivo, beleži stalno povećanje svog učešća, pokazujući sve izraženiju i značajniju svoju ulogu danas na tržištu energenata. Procenjuje se da će njegova uloga i pozicija u narednim decenijama biti još izraženija i dominantnija. Procentualno učešće tečnog zemnog gasa (TZG) u ukupnoj međunarodnoj trgovini zemnim gasom ima stalnu tendenciju rasta.

Analysis of the velocities of escaped savings with that of financial liquidity
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This paper analyzes the impact factors of financial liquidity and of escaped savings of the economy. These two elements are important for the economy as determine its robustness. It has been compared for the purposes of this paper, the velocity of escaped savings with the velocity of the financial liquidity to be able to extract the appropriate conclusions, about their behavior to the economy, through the use of cycle of money. Then, we obtained about these velocities their impact on the economy. The form of the escaped saving with the financial liquidity determines the dynamic of the economy. In this scrutiny has been examined the case that the financial liquidity is higher than the case of the escaped savings. According to those conditions has concluded the behavior of the economy to this economic circumstances. In addition, the method which used is the Q.E. methodology.

Artificial intelligence and digital transformation in the function of business
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This paper will present the latest research from the current field of mass application of artificial intelligence and Industry 4.0, through the prism of the impact on digital transformation and digital competencies of key users in business. Based on the research of representative foreign and domestic scientific literature, the theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence, digital transformation, and defined digital competence necessary for the age of the information society will evolve. The paper will present concrete cases of the effects of artificial intelligence on application in business through the impact on certain areas of life and work with examples from neighboring countries. This research study defines the concept, highlights the evolution and development of artificial intelligence, digitization process, and digital transformation, through an overview of their key technologies that identifies the role of artificial intelligence as the backbone of digital transformation, explores the trends of the digitization process, highlights key challenges and explores its applications in business and industry 4.0 in European countries with the identification of the impact on everyday life, and the evolution of current trends and challenges.

Biographical method research in sport
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An increasing number of academic fields, including literature, history, sociology, anthropology, social policy, use biographical methods in their studies. These techniques can be labeled by various terms, including autobiography, autoethnography, personal history, oral history, and life story. Biographies help us identify trends as well as unique aspects of life. A key issue in biographical research is objectivity and how to balance the particular and the universal, the individual and the common. The biographical method in sport is an analytical approach used to uncover the history of athletes and their sports organizations and provides an in-depth look at the athlete's place in the world of sport, focusing in particular on the role their personal life and experiences played in their sporting achievements.

Brand and legal protection as a prerequisite for successful business
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Product labeling has been carried out since the market existed, and the two main functions from the very beginning were to show the origin of the product and guarantee quality. A trademark or symbol serves to protect manufacturers and consumers from possible false substitutions, as a sign of differentiation from the same or similar products, and is a guarantee of quality. Technologies undoubtedly bring us numerous improvements. However, numerous studies show that digital piracy and the damage it does to the economies of many countries is very great. It is estimated that almost a million victims are reported worldwide each year, or 12 victims per second, a figure that speaks to the seriousness of the problem and the need for perpetrators to be prosecuted. The abuses are massive, and the instruments are the Internet, global social and computer networks, piracy, counterfeiting brands, misuse of bank payment cards, and many others. There are many ways to fight high-tech crime and brand piracy, and top experts in the field of IT and computers, special teams and legislation are engaged in that fight.

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Cilj rada je da se na osnovu relevantnih teorijskih dostignuća i analize poslovanja hotelskog lanaca InterContinental Hotels Group anticipira značaj brige o zaposlenima kao faktora stvaranja kvaliteta i zadovoljavanja potreba gostiju hotela. Kvalitet je u savremenim konceptima biznisa postao alat za ostvarenje ciljeva poslovanja. U temelju takvog sistema upravljanja nalazi se sistem menadžmenta kvalitetom (QMS), koji je izgrađen na bazi osam principa. Kvalitet u današnjim uslovima poslovanja postaje značajan faktor konkurentnosti na međunarodnom tržištu i postaje osnovni zadatak i odgovornost svih zaposlenih u organizaciji. Najvažnija komponenta procesa upravljanja kvalitetom jeste uključivanje zaposlenih u poslovanje na svim nivoima i briga o njima. Predmet istraživanja ovog rada jeste program brige o zaposlenima hotelskog lanca InterContinental Hotels Group i njegov uticaj na ostvarivanje globalnog uspeha kompanije.

Budžet Republike Srbije - pregled prihoda i rashoda
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Budžet kao sistematski prikaz (šema) prihoda i rashoda neke države donosi se za određeno plansko razdoblje, najčešće za jednu budžetsku godinu. To je pravni akt koji donosi najviše zakonodavno telo u državi (parlament, skupština) u kome se za godinu dana detaljno predviđaju svi javni prihodi i rashodi, a zatim se prikazuju i namenski raspoređuju po tačno i unapred utvrđenoj budžetskoj strukturi. Budžet kao finansijska institucija obezbeđuje nesmetano funkcionisanje svake države. U prethodnom periodu, danas, a najverovatnije i u bliskoj budućnosti, veliki problem u budžetu Republike Srbije će biti hronična pojava budžetskog deficita koji predstavlja okidač kako unutrašnje tako i spoljne neravnoteže. Svrha i cilj navedenog rada jeste utvrditi teoretske osnove budžeta, kao i prikazati strukturu prihodne i rashodne strane budžeta.

Business English and intercultural communication
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Over the decades, English, more specifically Business English, has become a lingua franca in the business world. Intercultural communication is becoming more prevalent and essential with the ever-changing and ever-merging world economy. Adopting economic terminology is crucial in these conditions and improving communication skills for efficient and effective results is becoming imperative in the business world. English proficiency has become a matter of course, particularly in occupations such as banking, international trade, business informatics, marketing, economics, communications, business law, tourism and the like. Global business relations, now more than ever, necessitate contact between people from various socioeconomic classes, cultures and languages. This paper explores the nature and linkages of Business English and intercultural communication, as well as factors that influence intercultural competence.

Business entities and local self-government as important actors of environmental policy
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Within a society, not only citizens but also economic entities, social organizations and the state as a complex legal organization can play an important role in achieving common interests. Environmental policy cannot be implemented by just one ministry, one city, one company, environmental protection requires joint work. Today, Serbia is mature enough to take into account every aspect of the life of its citizens and establish harmony between the increase of people's living standards and the preservation of social peace with minimal environmental pollution. The paper analyzes the importance of both the private and public sectors in terms of implementing environmental policy and establishing a balance between economic progress and environmental protection. On the other hand, it is pointed out that the adoption and implementation of environmental legislation entails high costs and significant investments, which can be an insurmountable obstacle for countries with poor economic opportunities.

CRM koncept i potreba zaštite privatnosti potrošača
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Savremeni kupac, svojim ponašanjem i odlukama u procesu kupovine proizvoda i usluga, određuje sudbinu preduzeća. Zbog presudnog značaja kupca na opstanak i razvoj preduzeća, menadžment se sve više opredeljuje za primenu koncepta CRM (Customer Relationship Management). CRM podrazumeva usklađivanje poslovnih strategija, organizacione strukture, ljudskih resursa i informacija o kupcima sa ciljem da se u svim kontaktima sa kupcima zadovolje njihove potrebe i ostvari profit. Da bi se obezbedilo zadovoljenje potrošača neophodno je prikupljanje velikog broja informacija o njima, ali to može dovesti u pitanje njihovu privatnost i bezbednost.

Cena i ostvarivanje dominantnog položaja preduzeća na tržištu
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Tržište je izuzetno složen i uređen sistem odnosa i ono predstavlja sveukupnost odnosa ponude i tražnje. Istraživanje tržišta je veoma kompleksan i težak zadatak, ali efekti od konkretno dobijenih analiza su izuzetno važni kod donošenja strategijskih odluka. Politika cena je važan deo poslovne politike preduzeća kojom se može uticati na poboljšanje tržišne pozicije. Ovaj rad pružaosnovne smernice u politici cena i predlaže aktivnosti za ostvarivanje dominantnog položaja na tržištu.

Challenges and problems of food producers in the conditions of the COVID-19 virus pandemic
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The current pandemic of the COVID-19 virus will cause great consequences for the overall world economy. The global pandemic requires a global response and it is already clear that economic policy makers will need to implement significant targeted fiscal, monetary and social measures to help the affected population and economy. Within the framework of support measures for the economy, the focus should be on supporting the sectors most affected. The agri-food sector is one of the most endangered sectors of the economy, and for that very reason, the subject of this paper are the challenges and problems of food producers in the conditions of a pandemic.

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The business of modern companies and lives of individuals are linked inseparably with banks and their operations. A company is referred to a bank for financial transactions and it represents the most common source for financing the foundation and development of the company from the moment of creating a business idea and the endeavor to implement it. In the focus of the paper is comparative analysis of significant items of balance sheet and income statement, on the example of Raiffeisenbankin the Republic of Serbia and in the Republic of Croatia. The aim of this paper is to point out significant trends in the operations of these banks through a comparative overview of the important financial positions.