Статьи журнала - International Journal of Education and Management Engineering

Все статьи: 625

Website Design and Maintenance of University PE Excellent Courses Based on Web Technique

Website Design and Maintenance of University PE Excellent Courses Based on Web Technique

Feng Bing

Статья научная

The university PE excellent courses set the model and are playing the radiative role in terms of sharing the excellent teaching resources, excellent teaching results, fostering the course construction and teaching reform among universities and enhancing the teaching quality. This article, through integration of multi-media and web technique, proper design of website modules and proper selection of web-creation software, exploits and employs the websites of university PE excellent courses, and suggestions are offered on their maintenance and renewal.


Wind Power Turbine and Its Aerodynamic Characteristics

Wind Power Turbine and Its Aerodynamic Characteristics

Xianyi Qian, Yiming He

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We have mainly studied wind power turbine’s aerodynamic characteristics in this paper. We first introduced the types of wind power turbines, and then analyzed the force on the vanes which caused by air flow. We also studied the geometry shape of vanes’ type and its aerodynamic characteristics. At last, we concluded the corresponding formulas about wind power turbine’s aerodynamic characteristics. All what we have studied have important role to design wind power turbine’s vanes.


Word Clustering as a Feature for Arabic Sentiment Classification

Word Clustering as a Feature for Arabic Sentiment Classification

Saud Alotaibi, Charles Anderson

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Rich morphology language, such as Arabic, requires more investigation and methods targeted toward improving the sentiment analysis task. An example of external knowledge that may provide some semantic relationships within the text is the word clustering technique. This article demonstrates the ongoing work that utilizes word clustering when conducting Arabic sentiment analysis. Our proposed method employs supervised sentiment classification by enriching the feature space model with word cluster information. In addition, the experiments and evaluations that were conducted in this study demonstrated that by combining the clustering feature with sentiment analysis for Arabic, this improved the performance of the classifier.


Work-Integrated Teaching Mode Based on An E-learning Platform

Work-Integrated Teaching Mode Based on An E-learning Platform

Lina Yu

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In work-integrated learning, students leave teachers to practice on work placement, but the teachers can still use e-learning to monitor student through an e-learning platform and it allows students to actively learn the theoretical knowledge. Work-integrated e-learning (WIEL) is a new research field, focusing on learning processes concerning both employees and organizations, using e-learning as a way of gaining new knowledge relevant for the work process. Learning at work is more multidimensional learning compared to educational institutions.


design and development of Real-Time E-Voting system with high security features

design and development of Real-Time E-Voting system with high security features

Amit Mishra, Abdullahi Ofujeh Ahmad

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In this day and age of developing cutting edge innovations, the traditional voting technique can be changed to a more up to date and powerful approach termed as electronic voting system. The electronic voting system gives a helpful, simple and proficient approach to cast a ballot eliminating the shortcomings of traditional approach. The point of this research work is to exhibit an electronic voting system (E-Voting) to be connected to organization constituent body. A software application was developed utilizing web API’s and the concept of Dynamic systems development method (DSDM) used with object-oriented methodology for the development of the application.

