Статьи журнала - International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications

Все статьи: 1173

Development of robust multiple face tracking algorithm and novel performance evaluation metrics for different background video sequences

Development of robust multiple face tracking algorithm and novel performance evaluation metrics for different background video sequences

Ranganatha S., Y. P. Gowramma

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In computer vision, face tracking is having wider opportunities for research activities using different background video sequences because of various factors and constraints. Due to the challenges that are increasing day by day, old/existing algorithms are becoming obsolete. There are many powerful algorithms that are limited to certain set of video sequences. In this paper, we are proposing an algorithm that detect and track multiple faces in different background video sequences. Viola-Jones face detection algorithm is used in such a way that, new face/first face need not to be in the starting frame of the selected video sequence. The proposed algorithm successfully detect new face(s) along with existing face(s) by keeping track of the facial data using BRISK feature points. The mean of the old points and new points are calculated based on the area of the facial data. The detected face(s) in further frames undergoes similarity check with existing facial data. If detected facial data and existing facial data mismatches, then the detected facial data is entered into face tracks structure. By using point tracker method, the proposed algorithm track those points that has been set for each of the facial data.


Difference of the Absolute Differences – A New Method for Motion Detection

Difference of the Absolute Differences – A New Method for Motion Detection

Khalid Youssef, Peng-Yung Woo

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This article presents a new method, which reduces costs and processing time for spatial object motion detection by focusing on the bare-hand motion that mimics computer mouse functions to allow the user to move the mouse pointer in real-time by the motion of his/her hand without any gloves worn, any object carried, or any key hit. In this article, the study of this topic is from the viewpoint of computer vision and image processing. The principals of the difference of the absolute differences (DAD) are investigated. A new method based on the DAD principles, which is conceptually different from all the existing approaches to spatial object motion detection, is developed and applied successfully to the bare-hand motion. The real-time implementation of the bare-hand motion detection demonstrates the accuracy and efficiency of the DAD method.


Differential Evolution Algorithm with Space Partitioning for Large-Scale Optimization Problems

Differential Evolution Algorithm with Space Partitioning for Large-Scale Optimization Problems

Ahmed Fouad Ali, Nashwa Nageh Ahmed

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Differential evolution algorithm (DE) constitutes one of the most applied meta-heuristics algorithm for solving global optimization problems. However, the contributions of applying DE for large-scale global optimization problems are still limited compared with those problems for low and middle dimensions. DE suffers from slow convergence and stagnation, specifically when it applies to solve global optimization problems with high dimensions. In this paper, we propose a new differential evolution algorithm to solve large-scale optimization problems. The proposed algorithm is called differential evolution with space partitioning (DESP). In DESP algorithm, the search variables are divided into small groups of partitions. Each partition contains a certain number of variables and this partition is manipulated as a subspace in the search process. Selecting different subspaces in consequent iterations maintains the search diversity. Moreover, searching a limited number of variables in each partition prevents the DESP algorithm from wandering in the search space especially in large-scale spaces. The proposed algorithm is tested on 15 large- scale benchmark functions and the obtained results are compared against the results of three variants DE algorithms. The results show that the proposed algorithm is a promising algorithm and can obtain the optimal or near optimal solutions in a reasonable time.


Differential evolution algorithm for optimizing virtual machine placement problem in cloud computing

Differential evolution algorithm for optimizing virtual machine placement problem in cloud computing

Amol C. Adamuthe, Jayshree T. Patil

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Primary concern of any cloud provider is to improve resource utilization and minimize cost of service. Different mapping relations among virtual machines and physical machines effect on resource utilization, load balancing and cost for cloud data center. Paper addresses the virtual machine placement as optimization problem with resource constraints on CPU, memory and bandwidth. In experimentations, datasets are formed using random data generator. Paper presents random fit algorithm, best fit algorithm based on resource wastage and an evolutionary algorithm- Differential Evolution. Paper presents results of Differential Evolution algorithm with three different mutation approaches. Results show that Differential Evolution algorithm with DE/best/2 mutation operator works efficient than basic DE, best fit and random fit algorithms.


Digital Control and Management of Water Supply Infrastructure Using Embedded Systems and Machine Learning

Digital Control and Management of Water Supply Infrastructure Using Embedded Systems and Machine Learning

Martin C. Peter, Steve Adeshina, Olabode Idowu-Bismark, Opeyemi Osanaiye, Oluseun Oyeleke

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Water supply infrastructure operational efficiency has a direct impact on the quantity of portable water available to end users. It is commonplace to find water supply infrastructure in a declining operational state in rural and some urban centers in developing countries. Maintenance issues result in unabated wastage and shortage of supply to users. This work proposes a cost-effective solution to the problem of water distribution losses using a Microcontroller-based digital control method and Machine Learning (ML) to forecast and manage portable water production and system maintenance. A fundamental concept of hydrostatic pressure equilibrium was used for the detection and control of leakages from pipeline segments. The results obtained from the analysis of collated data show a linear direct relationship between water distribution loss and production quantity; an inverse relationship between Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) and yearly failure rates, which are the key problem factors affecting water supply efficiency and availability. Results from the prototype system test show water supply efficiency of 99% as distribution loss was reduced to 1% due to Line Control Unit (LCU) installed on the prototype pipeline. Hydrostatic pressure equilibrium being used as the logic criteria for leak detection and control indeed proved potent for significant efficiency improvement in the water supply infrastructure.


Dimension reduction using orthogonal local preserving projection in big data

Dimension reduction using orthogonal local preserving projection in big data

Ummadi Sathish Kumar, E. Srinivasa Reddy

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Big Data is unstructured data that overcome the processing complexity of conventional database systems. The dimensionality reduction approach, which is a fundamental technique for the large-scale data-processing, try to maintain the performance of the classifier while reduce the number of required features. The pedestrian data includes a number of features compare to the other data, so pedestrian detection is the complex task. The accuracy of detection and location directly affect the performance of the entire system. Moreover, the pedestrian based approaches mainly suffer from huge training samples and increase the computation complexity. In this paper, an efficient dimensionality reduction model and pedestrian data classification approach has been proposed. The proposed model has three steps Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) descriptor used for feature extraction, Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projection (OLPP) approach for feature dimensionality reduction. Finally, the relevant features are forwarded to the Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify the pedestrian data and non-pedestrian data. The proposed HOG+OLPP+SVM model performance was measured using evaluation metrics such as precision, accuracy, recall and f-measure. The proposed model used the Penn-Fudan Database and compare to the existing research the proposed model improved approximately 6% of pedestrian data classification accuracy.


Dimensionality Reduction using Genetic Algorithm for Improving Accuracy in Medical Diagnosis

Dimensionality Reduction using Genetic Algorithm for Improving Accuracy in Medical Diagnosis

D. Asir Antony Gnana Singh, E. Jebamalar Leavline, R. Priyanka, P. Padma Priya

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The technological growth generates the massive data in all the fields. Classifying these high-dimensional data is a challenging task among the researchers. The high-dimensionality is reduced by a technique is known as attribute reduction or feature selection. This paper proposes a genetic algorithm (GA)-based features selection to improve the accuracy of medical data classification. The main purpose of the proposed method is to select the significant feature subset which gives the higher classification accuracy with the different classifiers. The proposed genetic algorithm-based feature selection removes the irrelevant features and selects the relevant features from original dataset in order to improve the performance of the classifiers in terms of time to build the model, reduced dimension and increased accuracy. The proposed method is implemented using MATLAB and tested using the medical dataset with various classifiers namely Naïve Bayes, J48, and k-NN and it is evident that the proposed method outperforms other methods compared.


Dimensionality reduction for classification and clustering

Dimensionality reduction for classification and clustering

D. Asir Antony Gnana Singh, E. Jebamalar Leavline

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Now-a-days, data are generated massively from various sectors such as medical, educational, commercial, etc. Processing these data is a challenging task since the massive data take more time to process and make decision. Therefore, reducing the size of data for processing is a pressing need. The size of the data can be reduced using dimensionality reduction methods. The dimensionality reduction is known as feature selection or variable selection. The dimensionality reduction reduces the number of features present in the dataset by removing the irrelevant and redundant variables to improve the accuracy of the classification and clustering tasks. The classification and clustering techniques play a significant role in decision making. Improving accuracy of classification and clustering is an essential task of the researchers to improve the quality of decision making. Therefore, this paper presents a dimensionality reduction method with wrapper approach to improve the accuracy of classification and clustering.


Discovering Hidden Networks in On-line Social Networks

Discovering Hidden Networks in On-line Social Networks

Pooja Wadhwa, M.P.S Bhatia

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Rapid developments in information technology and Web 2.0 have provided a platform for the evolution of terrorist organizations, extremists from a traditional pyramidal structure to a technology enabled networked structure. Growing presence of these subversive groups on social networking sites has emerged as one of the prominent threats to the society, governments and law enforcement agencies across the world. Identifying messages relevant to the domain of security can serve as a stepping stone in criminal network analysis. In this paper, we deploy a rule based approach for classifying messages in Twitter which can also successfully reveal overlapping clusters. The approach incorporates dictionaries of enriched themes where each theme is categorized by semantically related words. The message is vectorized according to the security dictionaries and is termed as ‘Security Vector’. The documents are classified in categories on the basis of security associations. Further, the approach can also be used along the temporal dimension for classifying messages into topics and rank the most prominent topics of conversation at a particular instance of time. We further employ social network analysis techniques to visualize the hidden network at a particular time. Some of the results of our approach obtained through experiment with information network of Twitter are also discussed.


Discrete Wavelet Transform and Cross Bilateral Filter based Image Fusion

Discrete Wavelet Transform and Cross Bilateral Filter based Image Fusion

Sonam, Manoj Kumar

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The main objective of image fusion is to obtain an enhanced image with more relevant information by integrating complimentary information from two source images. In this paper, a novel image fusion algorithm based on discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and cross bilateral filter (CBF) is proposed. In the proposed framework, source images are decomposed into low and high frequency subbands using DWT. The low frequency subbands of the transformed images are combined using pixel averaging method. Meanwhile, the high frequency subbands of the transformed images are fused with weighted average fusion rule where, the weights are computed using CBF on both the images. Finally, to reconstruct the fused image inverse DWT is performed over the fused coefficients. The proposed method has been extensively tested on several pairs of multi-focus and multisensor images. To compare the results of proposed method with different existing methods, a variety of image fusion quality metrics are employed for the qualitative measurement. The analysis of comparison results demonstrates that the proposed method exhibits better results than many other fusion methods, qualitatively as well as quantitatively..


Discussion on Damping Factor Value in PageRank Computation

Discussion on Damping Factor Value in PageRank Computation

Atul Kumar Srivastava, Rakhi Garg, P. K. Mishra

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Web search engines use various ranking methods to determine the order of web pages displayed on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP). PageRank is one of the popular and widely used ranking method. PageRank of any web page can be defined as a fraction of time a random web surfer spends on that web page on average. The PageRank method is a stationary distribution of a stochastic method whose states are web pages of the Web graph. This stochastic method is acquired by combining the hyperlink matrix of the web graph and a trivial uniform process. This combination is needed to make primitive so that stationary distribution is well defined. The combination depends on the value of damping factor α∈[0,1] in the computation of PageRank. The damping factor parameter state that how much time random web surfer follow hyperlink structure than teleporting. The value of α is exceptionally empirical and in current scenario α = 0.85 is considered as suggested by Brin and Page. If we take α =0.8 then we can say that out of total time, 80% of time is taken by the random web surfer to follow the hyperlink structure and 20% time they teleport to new web pages randomly. Today web surfer gets worn out too early on the web because of non-availability of relevant information and they can easily teleport to new web pages rather than following hyperlink structure. So we have to choose some value of damping factor other than 0.85. In this paper, we have given an experimental analysis of PageRank computation for different value of the damping factor. We have observed that for value of α=0.7, PageRank method takes fewer numbers of iterations to converge than α=0.85, and for these values of α the top 25 web pages returned by PageRank method in the SERP are almost same, only some of them exchange their positions. From the experimental results it is observed that value of damping factor α=0.7 takes approximate 25-30% fewer numbers of iterations than α=0.85 to get closely identical web pages in top 25 result pages for personalized web search, selective crawling, intra-web search engine.


Distance Protection Settings Based Artificial Neural Network in Presence of TCSR on Electrical Transmission Line

Distance Protection Settings Based Artificial Neural Network in Presence of TCSR on Electrical Transmission Line

Mohamed Zellagui, Abdelaziz Chaghi

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This research paper study the performance of distance relays setting based analytic (AM) and artificial neural network (ANN) method for a 400 kV high voltage transmission line in Eastern Algerian transmission networks at Sonelgaz Group compensated by series Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) i.e. Thyristor Controlled Series Reactor (TCSR) connected at midpoint of the electrical transmission line. The facts are used for controlling transmission voltage, power flow, reactive power, and damping of power system oscillations in high power transfer levels. This paper studies the effects of TCSR insertion on the total impedance of a transmission line protected by distance relay and the modified setting zone protection in capacitive and inductive boost mode for three zones. Two different techniques have been investigated in order to prevent circuit breaker nuisance tripping to improve the performances of the distance relay protection.


Distributed Computer System Resources Control Mechanism Based on Network-Centric Approach

Distributed Computer System Resources Control Mechanism Based on Network-Centric Approach

Zhenbing Hu, Vadym Mukhin, Yaroslav Kornaga, Yaroslav Lavrenko, Oksana Herasymenko

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In this paper, we present the development of a decentralized mechanism for the resources control in a distributed computer system based on a network-centric approach. Intially, the network-centric approach was proposed for the military purposes, and now its principles are successfully introduced in the other applications of the complex systems control. Due to the features of control systems based on the network-centric approach, namely adding the horizontal links between components of the same level, adding the general knowledge control in the system, etc., there are new properties and characteristics. The concept of implementing of resource control module for a distributed computer system based on a network-centric approach is proposed in this study. We, basing on this concept, realized the resource control module and perform the analysis of its operation parameters in compare with resource control modules implemented on the hierarchical approach and on the decentralized approach with the creation of the communities of the computing resources. The experiments showed the advantages of the proposed mechanism for resources control in compare with the control mechanisms based on the hierarchical and decentralized approaches.


Diversity Based on Entropy: A Novel Evaluation Criterion in Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm

Diversity Based on Entropy: A Novel Evaluation Criterion in Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm

Wang LinLin, Chen Yunfang

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Quality assessment of Multi-objective Optimization algorithms has been a major concern in the scientific field during the last decades. The entropy metric is introduced and highlighted in computing the diversity of Multi-objective Optimization Algorithms. In this paper, the definition of the entropy metric and the approach of diversity measurement based on entropy are presented. This measurement is adopted to not only Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm but also Multi-objective Immune Algorithm. Besides, the key techniques of entropy metric, such as the appropriate principle of grid method, the reasonable parameter selection and the simplification of density function, are discussed and analyzed. Moreover, experimental results prove the validity and efficiency of the entropy metric. The computational effort of entropy increases at a linear rate with the number of points in the solution set, which is indeed superior to other quality indicators. Compared with Generational Distance, it is proved that the entropy metric have the capability of describing the diversity performance on a quantitative basis. Therefore, the entropy criterion can serve as a high-efficient diversity criterion of Multi-objective optimization algorithms.


Document summarization using textrank and semantic network

Document summarization using textrank and semantic network

Ahmad Ashari, Mardhani Riasetiawan

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The research has implemented document summarizing system uses TextRank algorithms and Semantic Networks and Corpus Statistics. The use of TextRank allows extraction of the main phrases of a document that used as a sentence in the summary output. The TextRank consists of several processes, namely tokenization sentence, the establishment of a graph, the edge value calculation algorithms using Semantic Networks and Corpus Statistics, vertex value calculation, sorting vertex value, and the creation of a summary. Testing has done by calculating the recall, precision, and F-Score of the summary using methods ROUGE-N to measure the quality of the system output. The quality of the summaries influenced by the style of writing, the selection of words and symbols in the document, as well as the length of the summary output of the system. The largest value of the F-Score is 10% of the length ta of the document with the F-Score 0.1635 and 150 words with the F-Score 0.1623.


Doppler ultrasound based non-invasive heart rate telemonitoring system for wellbeing assessment

Doppler ultrasound based non-invasive heart rate telemonitoring system for wellbeing assessment

Abdullah Bin Queyam, Sharvan Kumar Pahuja, Dilbag Singh

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Telemonitoring in the field of healthcare has vastly improved the quality of clinical diagnosis and disease prevention by providing timely medical consultation to people living in rural and remote areas. To monitor the health state of a patient certain vital physiological parameter like electrocardiogram (ECG), respiration rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, etc. are acquired and analyzed. Listening to the heart sounds (auscultation) is also a quick method to monitor the health state of the patient’s heart. In this paper, we propose the use of a portable Doppler ultrasound sensor for measuring the heart sounds reliably and to transmit the data for further clinical telemonitoring. We have developed an ultrasound-based hardware prototype which is non-invasive in nature and easy to operate. Its portability, high accuracy, low cost, and wireless nature make this device suitable for home-based self-diagnostic applications. The developed prototype was successfully able to capture both fundamental heart sounds S1 and S2 reliably and transfer the signal wirelessly to the LabVIEW-based monitoring and data logging unit. This unit extracts clinically useful health information like heart rate (HR), R-R interval and heart rate variability (HRV) using signal processing algorithms. Health information is then transmitted via the Internet to a distant hospital for further improved clinical diagnosis and consultancy. The prototype was validated on 40 healthy males in the age group of 25-35 years, and the results show an overall accuracy of 96.74% in HR detection when compared with an ECG sensor, a photoplethysmograph (PPG) sensor, a pulse oximeter device and manual auscultation.


Dual Population Genetic Algorithm for Solving Constrained Optimization Problems

Dual Population Genetic Algorithm for Solving Constrained Optimization Problems

A. J. Umbarkar, M. S. Joshi, P. D. Sheth

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Dual Population Genetic Algorithm is an effective optimization algorithm that provides additional diversity to the main population. It addresses the premature convergence problem as well as the diversity problem associated with Genetic Algorithm. Thus it restricts their individuals to be trapped in the local optima. This paper proposes Dual Population Genetic Algorithm for solving Constrained Optimization Problems. A novel method based on maximum constrains satisfaction is applied as constrains handling technique and Dual Population Genetic Algorithm is used as meta-heuristic. This method is verified against 9 problems from Problem Definitions and Evaluation Criteria for the Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2006 Special Session on Constrained Real-Parameter Optimization problem set. The results are compared with existing algorithms such as Ant Bee Colony Algorithm, Differential Evolution Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm that have been used for solving same problem set. Analysis shows that this technique gives results close to optimum value but fails to obtain exact optimum solution. In future Dual Population Genetic Algorithm can produce more efficient solutions using alternative constrains handling technique.


Dynamic Load Balancing using Graphics Processors

Dynamic Load Balancing using Graphics Processors

R Mohan, N P Gopalan

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To get maximum performance on the many-core graphics processors, it is important to have an even balance of the workload so that all processing units contribute equally to the task at hand. This can be hard to achieve when the cost of a task is not known beforehand and when new sub-tasks are created dynamically during execution. Both the dynamic load balancing methods using Static task assignment and work stealing using deques are compared to see which one is more suited to the highly parallel world of graphics processors. They have been evaluated on the task of simulating a computer move against the human move, in the famous four in a row game. The experiments showed that synchronization can be very expensive, and those new methods which use graphics processor features wisely might be required.


Dynamic Programming and Genetic Algorithm for Business Processes Optimisation

Dynamic Programming and Genetic Algorithm for Business Processes Optimisation

Mateusz Wibig

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There are many business process modelling techniques, which allow to capture features of those processes, but graphical, diagrammatic models seems to be used most in companies and organizations. Although the modelling notations are more and more mature and can be used not only to visualise the process idea but also to implement it in the workflow solution and although modern software allows us to gather a lot of data for analysis purposes, there is still not much commercial used business process optimisation methods. In this paper the scheduling / optimisation method for automatic task scheduling in business processes models is described. The Petri Net model is used, but it can be easily applied to any other modelling notation, where the process is presented as a set of tasks, i.e. BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation). The method uses Petri Nets’, business processes’ scalability and dynamic programming concept to reduce the necessary computations, by revising only those parts of the model, to which the change was applied.


Dynamic Recurrent Wavelet Neural Network Observer Based Tracking Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonaffine Systems

Dynamic Recurrent Wavelet Neural Network Observer Based Tracking Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonaffine Systems

A. Kulkarni, A. Kumar

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In this paper, a dynamic recurrent wavelet neural network observer and tracking control strategy is presented for a class of uncertain, nonaffine systems. In proposed scheme a dynamic recurrent wavelet network is used to design a nonlinear observer .Adaptation laws are developed for the online tuning of wavelet parameters. Based on the estimated states, a state feedback control law is derived to achieve the desired tracking performance. The stability of closed loop system and ultimate upper boundedness all closed loop signals is proven in Lyapunov sense. Effectiveness of proposed scheme is demonstrated through numerical simulation.

