Статьи журнала - Sport Mediji i Biznis

Все статьи: 108

Impact of sports астivities on the social skills with pupils from the secondary school

Impact of sports астivities on the social skills with pupils from the secondary school

Ivanka Toševa

Статья научная

The aim of the present study is to establish the impact of sports activities on forming social skills with adolescents. The object of the research is 81 students from schools in Sofia - Bulgaria, from the fifth to the seventh grade. The results show that sports activities stimulate the development of collaboration skill.


Infrastructure characteristics as an important factor of sustainable development of sports tourism

Infrastructure characteristics as an important factor of sustainable development of sports tourism

Damir Ahmić, Ismet Bašinac, Binesa Novalić

Статья научная

This paper analyzes the area of the municipality of Travnik and its position as an important factor for sustainable development of sports tourism. The analysis was done on the entire territory of the municipality of Travnik when it comes to resources related to sports tourism. These analyses are: description method, analysis method, synthesis method, compilation method and comparative method. Municipality of Travnik is primarily reflected in its favorable geographical position, natural characteristics and attractions, and a rich tangible and intangible heritage. It is exactly the central location within Bosnia and Herzegovina that has conditioned Travnik to always be an important part of the interests of all civilizations and peoples who have inhabited the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, from prehistoric times to the present day. Thus, today in the Travnik area we have significant tangible remains from the time of the earliest cultures that inhabited these areas: the Neolithic period, ancient period, mediaeval Bosnia, Turkish and Austro-Hungarian period and recent history. Geographical characteristics, size and distribution of the municipality, and specific configuration of the terrain provide a comparative advantage for the municipality of Travnik in tourism through the possibility of developing a large number of specific types of tourism, such as: mountain tourism, cultural tourism, recreational tourism, hunting tourism, gastronomic tourism, and extreme tourism. Therefore, we can say that the shown characteristics are an important factor for a positive impact on the sustainable development of sports tourism. These results can be a guide for a planned sports tourism program, which in addition to sports tourism also includes a recreational type of tourism.


Initial steps in preparing a scientific concept outline – formulating the problem and determining the research subject

Initial steps in preparing a scientific concept outline – formulating the problem and determining the research subject

Vuković M., Dašić D., Vuković A.

Статья научная

This paper focuses on the initial steps in preparing a scientific concept out-line, with a particular emphasis on the process of formulating the problem and de-termining the research subject. The aim of the research is to analyze the key steps and strategies that researchers need to apply in this early stage of the research process to ensure clarity, relevance, and feasibility of their research plans. Basic con-cepts and definitions related to problem formulation are explored, emphasizing the importance of accurately identifying the research problem to be investigated. Vari-ous methods and techniques that researchers can use in the process of formulating the problem and determining the research subject are analyzed. Examples of best practices and case studies are presented to illustrate the application of these met-hods in different scientific disciplines.


Inkluzija i sport

Inkluzija i sport

Bojana Milićević Marinković, Nino Manojlović

Статья научная

Inkluzija i sport su dva posebna fenomena čiji spoj čini da se i putem institucija kao što su sportske ogranizacije omogući učešće u sportskim aktivnostima svim osobama sa invaliditetom, bez obzira na funkcionalnosti. U ovom radu primenjena je teorijska analiza primene inkluzije u sportu, a podaci su dobijeni iz dosadašnjih istraživanja objavljenih u naučnim časopisima iz oblasti društvenih i sportskih nauka, zbornika radova međunarodnih naučnih skupova, referentne literature, kao i iz ličnog iskustva autora ovog rada. Primena osnovnih principa obrazovne i socijalne inkluzije u sportu stvara pozitivno okruženje za napredovanje dece se smetnjama u razvoju i invaliditetom, kao i pozitivan odnos društvene zajednice prema ovoj populaciji.


Investigation of the attitudes of users of sports tourism on mountian Goč

Investigation of the attitudes of users of sports tourism on mountian Goč

Pavlović M., Perić M., Milunović M.

Статья научная

In this paper, the authors analyze and investigate the relevant facts of the organization and management of sports and recreational tourism in the Goč valley. Today's tourists expect a lot from tourist destinations. So today's tourists are ready to pay more. For this reason, the marketing role must be crucial for sports tourism. Mount Goč in the context of sports tourism explores the potential of Mount Goč as a desti-nation for sports tourism. Goč mountain, located in Serbia, offers a variety of natural beauties and sports opportunities that attract lovers of active vacations. The paper analyzes the geographical location of the mountain and its accessibility, and highlights the proximity of major cities and roads as key advantages for the development of sports tourism based on the opinions of users. The mountain offers various terrains for sports activities, including hiking, cycling, skiing and snowboarding, as well as opportunities for adventure sports such as paragliding and mountain biking. Also, the paper explores the existing sports infrastructure on Goč, including tracks, sports fields and accommodation facilities. The importance of further infrastructure development for attracting sports enthusiasts and tourists is emphasized. Then the competition and demand for sports activities on Mount Goč are analyzed, including a comparison with other mountain destinations in the region. Marketing strategies and promotion of the mountain as a destination for sports tourism are also discussed. Based on all of the above, the paper concludes that Mount Goč has significant potential for the development of sports tourism, but that it is necessary to continuously invest in infrastructure and promotion in order to attract sports fans and tourists and stimulate the economic sustainability of tourism. region through this type of tourism.


Istraživanja Herte Hercog – preteča teorije koristi i zadovoljstva

Istraživanja Herte Hercog – preteča teorije koristi i zadovoljstva

Neven Obradović

Статья научная

Teorija koristi i zadovoljstva predstavlja jednu od ključnih teorija koje su dovele do promene teorijske paradigme o maksimalnim efektima medija na ljude. Teorijsko pitanje „šta mediji rade ljudima?” u okviru ove teorije zamenjeno je pitanjem „šta ljudi rade sa medijima?”, a takođe sa ovom teorijom se uvodi i pojam „aktivne publike”. I sama teorija koristi i zadovoljstva i pojam aktivne publike reaktuelizovani su u eri digitalnih medija i društvenih mreža, upravo zbog interaktivnosti koju omogućavaju korisnicima. Zbog svega navedenog, važno je vratiti se u prošlost, tačnije u četrdesete godine 20. veka i ukazati na pionirska istraživanja Herte Hercog (Herta Herzog) o aktivnoj ulozi medijske publike, koja su bila od velikog značaja za tim okupljen oko Pola Lazarsfelda (Paul Lazarsfeld) i Elihu Kaca (Elihu Katz) prilikom postavljanja temelja teorije koristi i zadovoljstva.


Language of sports commentaries and how to evaluate IT

Language of sports commentaries and how to evaluate IT

Danica Piršl, Tea Piršl, Esad Beširović

Статья научная

Aggression or sportsmanship can be learned and reinforced in many different ways. Multfple reasons, rather than a single one, influence such behaviors. Young athletes need positive, appropriate, and constructive role models to teach and reinforce sportsmanship and moral reasoning. The coach is perhaps the most significant person influencing the amount of aggressive or sportsmanlike behaviors displayed in the competitive sport context. It was reported that nine percent of hockey players (N=166) between the ages of 12 to 13 perceived their coaches as approving of hockey violence. The role of referees has also been identified as a significant factor affecting athletes' subsequent behaviors. The role of sports commentaries and the language used should also be observed in order to classify them into objective, judgmental or historical ones, and to attribute them their vital role in sportsmanship development.


Marketing of personality and/or sportsmen personal branding

Marketing of personality and/or sportsmen personal branding

Dejan Dašić, Goran Jeličić

Статья научная

Human brands operate in the same way as brands of products or services. Branding is not used only in products, services or companies. A new trend, named personal branding, is created as an efficient tool which helps in defining who you are, what you stand for, why are you so special, different from majority even when you're part of it and a person who manages to have its "uniqueness" in a particular field of social action financially valorized, becomes a brand. Some athletes earn much more from their sponsorship contracts than from professional contract with their clubs, competitions, etc. What all of them have in common is that they are good in their own branding, ie. they were able to commercialize their success and popularity.


Metaphorical language in specialized and popular scientific texts

Metaphorical language in specialized and popular scientific texts

Zaga Vučković

Статья научная

This study positions itself within the domain of analysing metaphor in naturally-occurring data. The use of metaphor often varies depending on many factors such as the context in which it is used, topic, audience, mode of communication and so on. This study specifically aims at investigating the differences and similarities in the use of metaphorical expressions between specialized and popular scientific texts. The research is based on the analysis of eight articles coming from four scientific disciplines: exact, life, social sciences, and humanities. A pair of texts comes from each discipline, one being a popular science article written by journalists for the general public, and the other being a research article written by scientists for their peers. All metaphorical language in the articles was identified using MIPVU, a systematic and transparent procedure for identifying linguistic metaphor. The findings indicate a pronounced difference in linguistic metaphor use between the two related text-types. These differences concern the frequencies, types, and functions of metaphorical language use. The variations in the use of metaphor proved to be largely explainable in terms of the differences in the components of genre and register.


Modern sports tendencies and new language challenges

Modern sports tendencies and new language challenges

Valentina Budinčić

Статья научная

Recently, one of the challenges for all those who are faced with a sports terminology in the Serbian language is the proper use and understanding of a number of new sports terms that occur with the advent of new sports activities, due to the fact that they are in their original English forms used as a linguistic borrowings in Serbian. The question of use (adaptation) of these terms (in Serbian) is very significant from the perspective of sports and standardization of Serbian sports registry, as well as from the perspective of linguistics in general and standardization of the Serbian language as a whole. The aim of this paper is to consider the specific sports and linguistic issues and analyze certain examples in order to point out how we should treat these terms.


Participation of parents and teachers in stimulating physical activity in preschool children

Participation of parents and teachers in stimulating physical activity in preschool children

Dragan Vukajlović, Borka Bukajlović

Статья научная

Significance of physical activity in children, when the period of fastest neuropsychological development is exactly in the early period, together with development of functfons, determine the goal of our research. Specially designed questionnaire for this research analyses quantity and partly the quality of physical activity systematically performed in preschool institutions as well as involvement of parents in stimulation of physical activity of their children. The sample included 106 parents whose children are in preschool institutions in 3 different groups and 36 educators in the City of Banja Luka. Gathered information indicate insufficient systematically led physical activity in preschool institutions as well as by the parents.


Pilates exercise in development of certain segments of motoric status in women

Pilates exercise in development of certain segments of motoric status in women

Dejan Milenković, Nataša Nikić, Vesna Milenković

Статья научная

The research was performed in order to determine the effect of 3 months pilates exercise in experimental group of women on the level of certain motoric abilities. Research and testing process are conducted on a sample of40 women (20 in experimental group and 20 in control group) from 20 to 40 years old in the premises of aerobic studio "NIA" in Niš. Examined motoric abilities were evaluated by strength, balance, endurance and flexibility tests: Flamingo Balance Test, Balance Board Test, Isometric Back Strength Test, Sguats Test, Abdominal Endurance Test (Eurofit sit up test), Sit and Reach, Shoulder Circumduction Test and General Strength and Balance Test. After pre and post testings, the processing ofthe obtained data was conducted. In addition to analyzing the basic statistical parameters (mean and standard deviation), canonical discriminant analysis and analysis of covariance for assessing the effect of treatment were also used. The results showed that there was an effect of pilates exercise on every motoric test in experimental group of women.


Prescription of the physical activity for prevention and treatment of diseases

Prescription of the physical activity for prevention and treatment of diseases

Sanja Mazić, Nikola Topalović

Статья научная

It has long been shown that understanding of the impact of physical activity and exercise on the prevention and treatment of a large number of diseases is of great importance. Scientific evidence confirms that prescribing of individually programmed physical activity by a professional person is of great importance in the therapy of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, obesity, heart and lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure followed by intermittent claudication, muscle problems, bone and joints (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome), as well as in the treatment of asthma, cancer, depression, and many mental diseases. For each of these diseases there is proven positive effect of exercise. Also, there is scientific proof of impact of exercise for prevention, improvement of the prognosis of disease, its favorable outcome and influence on quality of life. In order to achieve preventive and therapeutic effect of exercise, we must define the type and amount (volume and intensity), assess possible contraindications, especially when it comes to high-intensity exercise in elderly population and certain diseases (eg. cardiovascular disease). We present overview of guidelines concerning use of adequate intensity, type and duration of exercise in most frequent diseases (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, musculoskeletal system diseases).


Primena six sigma i Pareto dijagrama u košarci

Primena six sigma i Pareto dijagrama u košarci

Željko Turčinović, Mila Radaković, Nevena Naumčev, Miao Wu

Статья научная

U sportu – cilј je pobeda. Izabrani igrači, zajedno sa strategijom koja se koristi na terenu, primarno su oružje svakog tima. „Siks sigma” (Six Sigma) promoviše procesni pristup, tj. identifikuje greške, a po prioritetu bira one najbitnije i na njih deluje cilјano. Pareto (ABC) dijagram je grafička metoda za analizu pojava kojom se vrši rangiranje veličina/pojava ili grešaka i njihovih uzroka u opadajućem redosledu. Svrha ovog rada je podstaknuti razmišlјanja o tome koliko su koncept „Siks sigma” i Pareto dijagram primenlјivi u košarci i šta je to zbog čega su tako privlačni za mnoštvo uspešnih košarkaša, trenera i klubova u svetu.


Specifičnosti povreda u streličarstvu

Specifičnosti povreda u streličarstvu

Đorđe Redža

Статья научная

Svaki oblik sporta, bez obzira da li je rekreativan, amaterski ili profesionalni, nosi određenu dozu rizika od povreda. Povećanjem opterećenja i/ili intenziteta treninga povećava se mogućnost povređivanja, čak i kada je sportista dobro pripremlјen za trening. U ovom preglednom istraživanju biće prikazani rezultati i analize uzroka povreda u streličarstvu, kao i neke od preporuka za njihovu prevenciju. Streličarstvo je repetativna aktivnost pod velikim opterećenjem, stoga su povrede ramenog pojasa česte, ali se pored toga mogu javiti i razviti neke druge vrste povreda na ne tako očekivanim mestima.


Sport u životu i umetnosti književnika

Sport u životu i umetnosti književnika

Sanja Domazet

Статья научная

Ideja povezanosti sporta i književnosti se ponekad ne čini intuitivnom. Ipak, s obzirom da možemo reći da je uloga književnosti da realnosti kojoj svedoči daje neki drugi smisao i ulogu iscrtavajući tako društvene okolnosti i odnose, sport predstavlja jednu od tema kojom su se mnogi književnici bavili. Osim uloge sporta u književnosti, koju ovaj rad preispituje, takođe se bavi i povezanošću samog književnika sa sportom kao takvim, posebno kroz život i delo Miloša Crnjanskog. Iako se najčešće književnici zamišljaju kao usamljeni utopisti koje ne ometaju toliko svakodnevne životne aktivnosti, kroz rad ćemo imati prilike da saznamo upravo suprotno, pogotovo kada pogledamo sam lik i delo Miloša Crnjanskog koji je jedan od osnivača sportskog lista „Sportista”. Kroz sport je Miloš Crnjanski pokazao svoj izrazito avanturistički život, ali i svoj patriotizam. Pored njegove književne i sportska uloga u jugoslovenskom društvu ostaće neizbrisiva. Kroz ovaj rad pokušaćemo da pokažemo vezu između sporta i književnosti i preispitivati ulogu jednog pisca i njegove životne okolnosti i kako su one povezane sa ovim bitnim delom naših svakodnevnih života.


Sports teachers and their role in sport

Sports teachers and their role in sport

Janez Vodičar

Статья научная

The main purpose is to describe the problems concerning the professional practice of teachers and coaches. This topic has not been a frequent subject of authors in the field of sports science. More often the problems of athletes are described. However, the development of a sports culture depends considerably on the organization and professional development of the coaching profession. The most developed countries that have a high level of sports culture development pay increasingly more attention to the problems of the professional role of a coach. Questions are being raised and dealt with regarding the social role of the coaching profession, especially the professional qualifications of coaches. The belief that a coach can be any former athlete or even sports enthusiast is being replaced by new views that regard the role of a coach as a serious professional and social problem. Coaches are responsible for the training process of athletes. Their work involves a great number of narrow expertise areas for which they must be appropriately qualified. A coach’s role is not only that of a trainer, but also of an educator, teacher, psychologist, manager, consultant, animator, technologist, masseur, physiotherapist, etc. In order to successfully perform the professional role of a coach a person must first acquire the proper education and specific professional competence in a chosen sport or form of sports activity. This fairly broad variety of professional competences calls for a substantial leap forward from the current understanding of the system of professional training. Until now many coaches were trained in training courses consisting of 75 to 300 hours, but there is an urgent requirement for coaches with an academic degree. The professional role of coaches is becoming the subject of national strategies that strive to place this profession among those that are socially regulated. Part of the effort has also been made in Slovenia by passing the Sports Act. Unfortunately, the law requires certain changes and should work more in favour of ensuring the adequate quality of the coaching profession in Slovenia. This calls for a greater contribution by those involved with higher education and the training of coaches in Slovenia. The programs of higher education institutions are still not adapted to the specific needs of the various sports and the specific characteristics of the professional practice of trainers. Moreover, not enough attention is paid to practical training and the acquisition of specific practical professional skills. Even more neglected is the area of specific professional knowledge, methods, skills, and techniques. Higher educational institutions emphasize a theoretical cognitive approach to learning, which is of course important, but mostly for scientific research work that coaches do not engage much in when practicing their profession. This is why this monograph describes the hypothetical area of the various components typically defining the professional role of a coach. Most of these components will require much more social and scientific professional attention in the future.


Sportski turizam Nacionalnog Parka Tara

Sportski turizam Nacionalnog Parka Tara

Miloš Čolić, Ana Gavrilović, Uroš Selenić

Статья научная

Nacionalni parkovi zauzimaju posebno mesto u prirodi svake zemlјe u svetu, pa je tako i u Srbiji u kojoj su, pored svega ostalog, najpoznatija turistička odredišta. Nacionalni park Tara je jedan od retkih planinskih centara u Srbiji, sa dugom tradicijom stacionarnog i izletničkog turizma. Sport i rekreacija su prisutni, kao dopunski programski sadržaji, kao sportska takmičenja, manifestacije ili izletničke aktivnosti manjih grupa i pojedinaca. U ovom radu težište je stavlјeno na kvalitetniji opis prirodnih karakteristika i antropogenih vrednosti, detalјan prikaz strukture i trenutnog stanja turističke i sportske infrastrukture, izvore lјudskih resursa i postojeću ponudu sportsko-rekreativnih sadržaja i manifestacija na zaštićenom području. Zaklјučak je da su sport i rekreacija u Nacionalnom parku Tara veoma prisutni, ali se ne može konstatovati da su zastuplјeni na nivou sportsko-rekreativnog turizma. Za viši nivo je neophodna i adekvatna naučna studija, koju bi sledila sistematična praktična primena. Takođe, ovaj rad se može shvatiti i kao inicijalni poziv upućen naučnicima i naučnim institucijama iz oblasti sporta i rekreacije da sportsko-rekreativnom turizmu na Tari, kao posebnom obliku turizma, posvete više pažnje.


Sportsko turistički avion Tojka

Sportsko turistički avion Tojka

Đokić N.

Статья научная

U radu je ukratko data istorija sportsko – turističkog aviona 251 Trojka. Avion je razvijen na osnovu konkursa TKV2 br. 1940/46 za sportsko – turistički avion. Prvi let prototipa, izrađenog u Ikarusu, je bio 6. oktobra 1947. godine. Tokom 1949. godine predato je 57 aviona Trojka a 1951. godine još 23 aviona. Od ukupno 80 proizvedenih aviona Trojka, u fabrici Utva, Vazduhoplovnom savezu je predato 73 dok je preostalih 7 rashodovano u ratnom vazduhoplovstvu pre predaje.


The analysis of furnishing and designing of diagnostic centers within sports objects

The analysis of furnishing and designing of diagnostic centers within sports objects

Krsmanović Veličković S.

Статья научная

The increasing development of mankind can be seen in the progress in the design of sports facilities which must satisfy certain high standards of construction and equipment and which need to offer a maximum number of services in their envi-ronment in order to meet the needs of customers. One of the major positive influ-ences on users includes opening diagnostic centers within sports objects which must be furnished properly and functionally. When furnishing and designing the interior, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of colours, floor materials, lighting, and most importantly – the equipment that will be used in the premises of the center. They can be separated into zones: medical rooms, laboratory, and diagnostics and training area. Each of these zones has different requirements for equipment with special attention to the privacy of the patients being tested, their safety and keeping the space clean.

