Статьи журнала - Психология. Психофизиология
Все статьи: 865
!["Закон уменьшения отдачи" Спирмена: исследование на масштабных российских выборках "Закон уменьшения отдачи" Спирмена: исследование на масштабных российских выборках](/file/thumb/147233024/zakon-umenshenija-otdachi-spirmenaissledovanie-na-masshtabnyh-rossijskih.png)
"Закон уменьшения отдачи" Спирмена: исследование на масштабных российских выборках
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Снижение уровня корреляций между тестами способностей в группах с более высоким уровнем интеллекта было открыто Ч. Спирменом в 20-е годы прошлого века и получило в современной психологической литературе обозначение «закон уменьшения отдачи» Спирмена (SLODR). Многочисленные попытки подтвердить данный феномен за рубежом дали противоречивые результаты. В России подобных исследований до настоящего времени не проводилось. На двух масштабных выборках численностью 11335 и 11934 человека, выполнявших одну и ту же батарею тестов способностей, и характеризующихся высокой гомогенностью, было подтверждено наличие эффектов, постулированных Спирменом. Использованная в исследовании технология анализа данных позволила исключить артефактное происхождение выявленных зависимостей. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что эффекты SLODR проявляют себя на уровне групповых факторов способностей и являются высоко воспроизводимыми. Предложены гипотезы относительно возможных причин отрицательных результатов, полученных некоторыми авторами, и рекомендации относительно возможных направлений будущих исследований.
![Correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents Correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents](/file/thumb/147239272/correction-of-emotional-disorders-as-a-means-of-preventing-violence-and-cruelty.png)
Correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents
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The article describes the conditions and methods, techniques of correction of emotional disorders of adolescents that cause violence and cruelty in the adolescent environment, in the context of personality-oriented education that affects self-actualization and socialization of the individual. The presented recommendations for correction of emotional disorders and deviant behavior of adolescents can be useful to parents, psychologists, teachers and other professionals in the process of working with this category of persons. Aims: to identify the specifics of methods and means of correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents. Materials and methods. Theoretical analysis of literary sources for the study and generalization of available research on the problem of correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents. Results. Techniques, tools and recommendations for conducting psychocorrective work with adolescents with emotional and personal disorders are proposed. Conclusion. Based on the analysis of scientists' research, some guidelines have been made in terms of determining ways and methods of correctional work with adolescents, taking into account their individual life activities, individual problems and characteristics of character and behavior.
![II Всероссийская научная конференция «Современная психодиагностика в период инноваций» (г. Челябинск, 8-10 сентября 2010 г.) II Всероссийская научная конференция «Современная психодиагностика в период инноваций» (г. Челябинск, 8-10 сентября 2010 г.)](/file/thumb/147159669/ii-vserossijskaja-nauchnaja-konferencija-sovremennaja-psihodiagnostika-v-period.png)
8-10 сентября 2010 г. в Челябинске прошла П Всероссийская научная конференция «Современная психодиагностика в период инноваций». В ее работе приняли участие 327 человек из многих регионов России, ближнего зарубежья (Молдовы, Украины, Казахстана), а также гости из Австралии, Великобритании. Работало 10 секций, проведены 2 открытые лекции и 1 мастер-класс. Секции посвящены различным аспектам психодиагностики и ее особенностям в различным отраслях профессиональной деятельности. Были отмечены изменения, произошедшие в психодиагностике за последние два года, а также пути дальнейшего выхода психодиагностике из кризиса.
![Mathematical modeling of social and psychological potentials of the management team in the conditions of innovative introductions Mathematical modeling of social and psychological potentials of the management team in the conditions of innovative introductions](/file/thumb/147159875/mathematical-modeling-of-social-and-psychological-potentials-of-the-management.png)
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The current issue of the organized consultation practice is a selection of the managers that are efficient in learning new professional purviews during the introduction of innovations. The research of the existing problem is based on complex program of psychological advanced audit of V.G. Gryazeva-Dobshynskaya, who's one of the main subjects is identification of the command and role structure of enterprises management (technique of R.M. Belbin "Roles in the teamwork"). 155 managers of enterprises took part in the research. The research revealed that identification of potential development of the management team might be based on the methods of mathematical modeling correlation of activity tendency, aimed at modifications or preservation of the organization functioning parameters. Functioning model of the self-developing biological systems by V. Volterra was adapted to model the potential of development innovative activity of the management team. The optimum point model of the training impact (the balance point) in the process of further education of leadership competencies was built as a result of mathematical data modeling psychological diagnosis of team roles differentiation. On the basis of mathematical modeling of social and psychological potentials of a team one can build a differentiated educational programs of command and role-playing leadership competencies for different groups of managers. This increases the efficiency of innovative management consulting organizations and optimization of cost organizations for staff training under the circumstances of innovative introductions.
![Methods of measuring the ego identity Methods of measuring the ego identity](/file/thumb/147159867/methods-of-measuring-the-ego-identity.png)
Methods of measuring the ego identity
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This article is a review of some measurement instruments elaborated to measure the ego-identity development. It contains a brief description of the psychological methods used in the modern foreign studies of ego identity.
![Physiological correlates of mathematical anxiety in resting state and during anticipation of math Physiological correlates of mathematical anxiety in resting state and during anticipation of math](/file/thumb/147237525/physiological-correlates-of-mathematical-anxiety-in-resting-state-and-during.png)
Physiological correlates of mathematical anxiety in resting state and during anticipation of math
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Introduction. Math anxiety (MA) is a feeling of discomfort or fear during performing any kind of math related tasks. It is shown that MA affects performance in mathematics. People with high math anxiety have a moderate response in brain activity, not even to the task itself, but to the anticipation of math. Electrodermal activity and heart rate and heart rate variability are known to be sensitive indicators of stress. Aim. Our purpose was to investigate changes in physiological measures such as: electrodermal activity, heart rate and heart rate variability; during resting state and while anticipation of math in participants with different levels of math anxiety. Materials and methods. Our sample included 84 participants with high and low levels of math anxiety. Experimental procedure included recording of physiological measures during resting state, without specific instruction and during anticipation of math task, when they were informed that they will be performing calculation. Results. Study showed that heart rate was significantly higher during anticipation of math in all participants, with no regards to math anxiety level. However, a small effect was shown. Also it was found differences in amplitude of electrodermal activity in participants with different levels of math anxiety. Conclusion. Overall study suggests that heart rate is sensitive to such emotional state as anticipating math and electrodermal activity can be one of the indicators of math anxiety.
![Relationship of perceived facial asymmetry to attributed personality traits Relationship of perceived facial asymmetry to attributed personality traits](/file/thumb/147234207/relationship-of-perceived-facial-asymmetry-to-attributed-personality-traits.png)
Relationship of perceived facial asymmetry to attributed personality traits
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Although phrenology and physiognomy have been considered a pseudoscience, most people make consistent judgments based on faces. Though their knowledge may not be expressed in words, it involves stereotypes widespread across a given culture. Aim: to determine the relationships between perception of facial asymmetry and personality traits associated with stereotypical judgements. Materials and methods: 151 volunteers were recruited - 71% female (mean age 25.4 years, SD = 6.98) and 29% male (mean age 25.9 years, SD = 8.29). A new assessment method has been proposed: participants in addition to classifying 21 Caucasian male gray-scale facial images and their mirror images into one of three categories (symmetric, right asymmetric or left asymmetric) were asked to rate on a one to seven scale 19 polar opposite personality traits. Chi-squared test, ANOVA, independent t-tests, rank correlations were analyzed with SPSS Statistics Version 27. Results: Statistically significant differences were found among left asymmetry, right asymmetry, and symmetry classifications in the patterns of assessed personality traits; between the personality traits of the unaltered faces and their mirror images; faces judged as asymmetric and faces judged as symmetric; faces judged as asymmetric and symmetric by females; extreme right asymmetric faces and extreme left asymmetric faces. Significantly greater statistical differences were found for attributed personality traits of honest, calm, athletic, sociable, and distinctive. Conclusion: The detection that most of the socially desirable traits were found in the top five faces perceived as extremely right asymmetric rather than the top five extremely left asymmetric is most intriguing and warrants further research.
![The influence of mood on the implicit self-appraisal The influence of mood on the implicit self-appraisal](/file/thumb/147160102/the-influence-of-mood-on-the-implicit-self-appraisal.png)
The influence of mood on the implicit self-appraisal
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The aim of this study is the influence of mood on the implicit self-appraisal. This research is one of the first in the Russian psychological science on this subject. Sample consisted of Russian students (N = 90). Measurement methods: the implicit association test, questionnaire "mood", an experimental procedure based on the Raven's Progressive Matrices. The experiment consisted of three phases. Implicit self-appraisal and mood were measured at the first stage. In the second stage people took part in experimental procedure based on the Raven's Progressive Matrices. Results were deliberately understated. In the third stage implicit self-appraisal and mood were measured at the second time. We divided the people into two groups, depending on their results on the questionnaire "mood". Experimental group consisted of people who have a difference in values between the first and the second measurements of the questionnaire. The second time results measurement of IAT in the control and experimental group were also compared between ourselves. Level of implicit self-esteem in the experimental group significantly different from the level of implicit self-esteem in the control group (U = 330, p
![The methodological problems of correlation (or compliance) and quality metric assessments in neuropsychology The methodological problems of correlation (or compliance) and quality metric assessments in neuropsychology](/file/thumb/147159858/the-methodological-problems-of-correlation-or-compliance-and-quality-metric.png)
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This article highlights the strengths and weaknesses of to two research directions neuropsychology of domestic and foreign, as well as identifying possible areas of integration. One of the most acute problems is the development of experimental psychological methods to determine the quantitative and expressed characteristics of the psychic phenomena by flexibly combining qualitative and quantitative approaches, with a view to putting into practice foreign neuroscience principles and standards of evidence. An analysis of contemporary publications on neuropsychological diagnosis reveals the need to consider the standardization of neuropsychological research in the context of current approaches, requirements, and psychodiagnostic criteria. In the domestic neuropsychological literature, these issues are need attention: standardized procedures for presenting stimuli are not, as a rule, described; basic psychometric assessment of the results of the tests is lacking; no investigation of their clinical and psychometric validity is carried out. An analysis was made of the nature of the psychometric approach in foreign child neuropsychology, which relies on mathematical procedures of processing qualitative (ordinal) data converted into quantitative indicators. We examined separately the mathematical software for clinical trials (based on the principles of «evidence-based medicine« which relies on the «abnormal» nature of the distribution of clinical phenomena.
![Variability as a property of evaluation Variability as a property of evaluation](/file/thumb/147159849/variability-as-a-property-of-evaluation.png)
Variability as a property of evaluation
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In the article the definition of the term «variability of evaluation» is considered from the point of view of the evaluation theory by N.A. Baturin. Understanding of the evaluation variability is considered in the different approaches, both domestic and foreign authors. It was determined after the analysis of researches that the concept of «variability» entails several meanings: variability refers to the «original position that a person undergoes continuous changes throughout a person's life»; the variability refers to the variety, variability of symptoms, etc; the variability refers to the instability, volatility estimates associated with situational errors; the variability is rate change in response to changes in the object. Generally the variability of evaluation is understood on the one hand, as a property of evaluation on the other hand, as an individual way of evaluation. The article highlighted two components of the variability: personal (evaluative style as the propensity to quickly change the rates when changes appear in the object and / or in the assessment base) and situational (changes of rates under the influence of context (situational factors)). Also it is considered issues of the variability connection with accuracy and adequacy of evaluations.