Статьи журнала - Juvenis scientia

Все статьи: 647

Quantile metrics of risk assessment

Quantile metrics of risk assessment

Vidmant O.S.

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Recently risk management has become an integral part of any company. It allows not only to reduce the uncertainty level of any business but also to expand the measures themselves due to the adaptation to various market factors. The author focuses on one of the most popular and recognized methods for risk prediction, VaR, and the distinctive features of its structure. The main characteristics of the reduced model are analyzed by discriminating the strengths and weaknesses.


Russian oil and gas (O&G) industry: modern challenges and innovational development

Russian oil and gas (O&G) industry: modern challenges and innovational development

Bakhareva I.V.

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The paper researches the competitiveness of the Russian oil and gas industry in the face of upcoming global innovational changes. The analysis includes the evaluation of the macroeconomic and innovational environment in which the industry operates, the summarization of several predominant research and development trends in the industry as well as the peculiarities of research and development activity in the Russian oil and gas industry. The findings show that the Russian oil and gas industry underinvests in the development of own technology and innovation and heavily depends on foreign imports in several key areas of its operation.


Russian post-soviet identity of southern Siberia inhabitants

Russian post-soviet identity of southern Siberia inhabitants

Aksyutin Yu. M.

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In article axiological consideration and the analysis of a phenomenon of cultural value from a world and theoretical and methodological outlook of semantics, semantic approach is performed. Semantics is treated as philosophical understanding of the world, but not just structural section of semiotics. Value is by the main category of human being integrating and sublimating all its authentic - manifestations, corresponding to sense. Cultural value is of it by a practical objectivization on which creative basis the anthropogenous world of culture as the world of originally human being is constituted. It is noted that in the conditions of globalization cultural values define world development, its prospects also gain fatal character.


SMM как основа продвижения автогоночных команд в сети интернет

SMM как основа продвижения автогоночных команд в сети интернет

Кулинченко М.И.

Статья научная

В рамках исследования изучено использование социальных сетей спортивными командами, которые принимают участие в автомобильных соревнованиях. Выделены особенности использования данного инструмента интернет-маркетинга в автомобильном спорте и доказана его ключевая роль. Предложены изменения в маркетинговой стратегии продвижения команд сферы автомобильного спорта в сети Интернет.


Silver lining in the dark clouds: radiological resolution of non-functional giant pituitary adenoma after traumatic spinal cord injury

Silver lining in the dark clouds: radiological resolution of non-functional giant pituitary adenoma after traumatic spinal cord injury

Mishra M.K., Sahu A.

Статья научная

Tumors of pituitary are considered relatively rare. Giant adenomas of this gland further add in rarity. Pituitary apoplexy (PA) is an unusual event, which may occur as a result of hemorrhage, necrosis and/or infarction within the tumor and/or adjacent gland parenchyma. The presentation of PA is highly variable. In some cases, it may be the initial presentation of tumor while at the other end of spectrum it can be asymptomatic. Whenever symptomatic, it represents medical emergency due to associated potentially lethal adrenal insufficiency and threat to permanent visual loss. Management begins with fluid resuscitation and empiric corticosteroid administration. It is followed by detailed endocrine assessment and needful supplementation. Neurosurgical decompression is indicated in a specific subset of patients. Head injury is an established factor in causation of PA, but there are only handful of cases where traumatic spinal cord injury had led to it. Cases of apoplexy culminating into resolution of adenoma are very sparse. Hereby authors report a case where non-functional giant pituitary adenoma (NFGPA) has radiologically evanished after spinal cord trauma. In this manuscript, authors also discuss the pathophysiology of apoplexy in pituitary adenomas, types of apoplexy as well as standard protocol recommended for follow-up of such cases.


Some Arabic phonemes as the problematic ones for English - speaking learners of Arabic: the reasons and the possible solutions

Some Arabic phonemes as the problematic ones for English - speaking learners of Arabic: the reasons and the possible solutions

Swanson M.L.

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The current paper touches up the reasons of difficulties that the English-speaking Learners of Arabic face in the pronunciation of some phonemes. The author explains this phenomenon through the description of the mechanism of formation of similar sounds in Arabic and English and the problematic sounds for English-speaking Learners. She also gives a brief comparative analysis of Arabic and English phonemes that are mistakenly perceived by students as identical. This paper also analyzes the challenges of English-speaking Learners related to the pronunciation of Arabic phonemes that are absent in English. In addition to the theoretical part, the article contains practical recommendations aimed at solving the difficulties associated with the setting up the correct pronunciation of this category of students. In addition to the exercises targeted at setting up the correct pronunciation, the author provides the lesson plan, containing various activities for resolving this issueThis work also briefly highlights issues related to the uneasy situation in the field of teaching pronunciation as one of the aspects of learning Arabic in the United States.


Some aspects of development of SCO (shanghai cooperation organization) at the present stage

Some aspects of development of SCO (shanghai cooperation organization) at the present stage

Kurpayanidi K.I., Urmonov A.A.

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The article analysed the activities of the international Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). It is targeted on the studying of main objectives and principles of the international organization. The main attention is paid to the results of the Tashkent SCO Summit (2016), with the constituent element the "Shanghai spirit". Based on the above, the authors suggest some directions and prospects for the activating of the SCO among member countries' in the immediate future and of this international organization.


The burden and predictors of early sexual initiation among school-going adolescents in rural settlements in Rivers state, Nigeria

The burden and predictors of early sexual initiation among school-going adolescents in rural settlements in Rivers state, Nigeria

Harold I., Okpara K., Harold A.I.

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Introduction. Early sexual initiation is the art of initiating sexual activity before age 15. This study aimed to identify the burden and predictors of early sexual initiation among school-going adolescents in rural settlements in Rivers State, Nigeria.


The ideological legacy of Pyotr Kropotkin in the context of modern-day regionalism

The ideological legacy of Pyotr Kropotkin in the context of modern-day regionalism

Kotsyubinsky D.A.

Статья научная

The article aims to find the constructive conceptual elements in the ideas of the anarchist theorist Peter Kropotkin which are suitable for resolving one of the fundamental contradictions of the modern world - the impossibility of an effective state-legal solution to many of the conflicts between states and their regions. This seemingly dead end conflict lies primarily in the internal contradiction of the original international legal document: the UN Charter. The article analyzes the views of Kropotkin on the problem of confrontation of communal and imperial beginnings throughout human history. Kropotkin’s ideas are noted for their potential productivity in the theoretical analysis and practical resolution of modern territorial conflicts on the basis of reforming international law. The concept of “regional sovereignty” is introduced into the terminological context.


The problem of outsourcing of accounting services. Organization of centralization of accounting functions of the enterprise

The problem of outsourcing of accounting services. Organization of centralization of accounting functions of the enterprise

Popova D.A.

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In this article, two topical issues are considered: outsourcing of accounting services and implementation of centralization of accounting function in the enterprise. The first part covers the problem of outsourcing accounting services in large enterprises. The risks and advantages are highlighted in the transition to outsourcing of accounting services in the organization and the way of implementation. In the second part, the project of centralization of accounting function at the enterprise is considered. The project details the measures to centralize the accounting function. The most problematic places in the implementation are identified, such as the transfer of employees, the organization of receipt of primary documents, as well as the interaction with the Customer. In the conclusion of the second part, both economic and social effects resulting from the implementation of this project are indicated.


The use of fruit fresh juices as inhibitors of aluminium electrochemical corrosion in alkaline medium

The use of fruit fresh juices as inhibitors of aluminium electrochemical corrosion in alkaline medium

Sikachina A.A.

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In this article, the anticorrosion properties of inhibitors (that is, fruit and berry processing products) are studied using an electrochemical cell with irreversible electrodes as an example, in which cathode surface (aluminum sample for testing the class “AD1 pl”) is highly renewable. A sample of crudely processed copper (needed to minimize polarization at hydrogen evolution) of the “M00 k” class serves as an anode. A measure for corrosion is a change in the amperage of a galvanic electrochemical cell.


Transformation course of hispanicization as a socio-political phenomenon of the united states of America

Transformation course of hispanicization as a socio-political phenomenon of the united states of America

Barsukova D.A.

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The article examines the problem of the Hispanic influence on the process of modification of the domestic socio-political and cultural situation in the United States. The author analyzes the specifics of migration and ethno-cultural components that form an image of the modern US society. Despite the diversity of the Hispanic diaspora, it makes a powerful force that is capable of radical changes in any aspect of public relations with its own instruments of influence in the host society. There also given the estimation of the Hispanicization development prospects as a society transforming factor with an increasing political and electoral potential. Analysis of the Hispanics role and dynamics in the US leads to the conclusion that together with all specificity of this ethnic group, their main objectives are to preserve its identity in terms of diversification of lively cultural environment and to create its own social and political agenda. The practice of studying the Hispanic community in the US is important for understanding the development perspectives of the state, as well as for awareness of key characteristics of international migration.


Translation practices as an effective teaching instrument for ielts & dalf students in india: a case study

Translation practices as an effective teaching instrument for ielts & dalf students in india: a case study

Verma E.S.

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The article outlines the results of using translation as a tool to help students learn English and French in the multicultural environment of Chandigarh, India. An anonymous group of eight students was observed from 2013 until 2015 to reveal the main concepts of the use of translation in helping Indian students to strengthen their language competence. Based on a brief overview of the current linguistic situation in India, these findings serve as a further insight into pedagogical translation nowadays. The case study features semi-structured interviews showing participants’ views on translations tasks in the classroom. In the conclusion, the case study reports the weaknesses of this approach as well as recommendations on how to avoid it.


Translators’ reception of English epic literature: factors, strategies, competence (on the material of Russian pioneer translations of J. R. R. Tolkien's “The lord of the rings”)

Translators’ reception of English epic literature: factors, strategies, competence (on the material of Russian pioneer translations of J. R. R. Tolkien's “The lord of the rings”)

Sherstneva E.S.

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Comparative-contrastive analysis of the original and its multiple translations, including language parameters and extralinguistic factors mediating their character, held within the context of diachronic viewpoint, allows to detect the national language development, evolution of translators’ strategies, degree of literation, Russianization and foreignization of translations, level of translator’s personal and professional competence. Analysis of J. R. R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” pioneer-translations has shown that there is co-existence of two types of translation: introductory translations, not aimed at the reconstruction of the whole semantic-stylistic depth of the original, and translations reconstructing literary features of the original making it conformable and akin for the receiving linguistic environment. Second type of translation, adopted for a native Russian speaker, bearer of the Russian culture, prevails in Russian books market by the number of editions.


Who is responsible to protect environmental refugees under united nations treaties’ policy?

Who is responsible to protect environmental refugees under united nations treaties’ policy?

Cheshyk K., Stolper I.

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The total aim of the following study is to reveal the already conducted surveys by using the method of investigation case law not only under International law, but also under domestic level in order to mediate the rights of human ones, who were displaced because of environmental or/ and natural disaster. The first and foremost step should be taken by any country on municipal law rather than on international level alongside with their collaboration by making certain amendments in their regional documents regarding the legal status of environmental refugees. In all of the recent case law and provided data in this work, even when we deliberate appropriate strategy, it will reshape the understanding of international system of human rights and environmental law. We applaud the efforts of those seeking to widen the scope of studies, however, first and foremost should be taken on municipal law.


«Группа Шаповалова»: использование временных броне-механизированых формирований кавказского (Крымского) фронта в 1942 г

«Группа Шаповалова»: использование временных броне-механизированых формирований кавказского (Крымского) фронта в 1942 г

Ткаченко С.Н.

Статья научная

На основе архивных документов изучена история создания и боевого применения временных формирований в составе бронетанковых и механизированных частей Кавказского фронта и при создании Крымского фронта в январе - феврале 1942 г.; приведены доводы о оперативно-тактических и других причинах расформирования подвижной группы.


«Китайские знания - сущность, западные знания - инструмент» или реформаторское движение в системе образования во второй половине XIX века

«Китайские знания - сущность, западные знания - инструмент» или реформаторское движение в системе образования во второй половине XIX века

Самойлова М.П., Митцева М.В.

Статья научная

Данная статья освещает ключевые события в развитии традиционной китайской системы образования во второй половине XIX века. Этот период в Китае отмечен глубоким системным кризисом, шел поиск путей дальнейшего развития, осознавалась необходимость реформ, в том числе в важнейшей сфере общества - образовании. Лидеры реформаторского движения «Сто дней реформ» подчеркивали отсталость Китая в сфере образования и выступили за вестернизацию страны как путь преодоления отсталости. Реформирование образования было направлено на формирование человека нового типа: создавались учебные заведение нового образца, были отменены восьмичленные сочинения-рассуждения в системе государственных экзаменов, создавались программы обучения за рубежом, в школах начали изучать науки и технологии западных стран. Ключевую роль в период проведения реформ сыграли китайские мыслители Кан Ю-вей и Лян Цичао. Хотя реформы потерпели неудачу, они оказали значительное влияние на дальнейшее состояние образования в Китае.


«Обязательность» службы дворянского сословия и особенности ее прохождения в русской армии в XVIII в

«Обязательность» службы дворянского сословия и особенности ее прохождения в русской армии в XVIII в

Бенда В. Н.

Статья научная

В статье автор прослеживает регламентация обязательности и порядка прохождения военной службы дворянским сословием российского государства на протяжение XVIII столетия. Особое внимание в статье обращается на меры, предпринимаемые органами власти по принуждению дворянам и их недорослей к явкам на так называемые «смотры», на которых решались вопросы направления дворян и их недорослей на гражданскую или военную службу, или же для прохождения обучения в военно-специальных и других учебных заведениях. Выделяются и описываются характерные особенности прохождения дворянами военной службы, повышения их в чинах и условия их отставки. В работе рассматриваются отдельные проблемы, связанные с таким распространенным нарушением воинской дисциплины офицерским и унтер-офицерским составом русской как попытки уклонения от службы. В научный оборот вводятся ранее неиспользованные источники.


«С богом за короля и отечество!» война и религия в Пруссии в годы освободительных войн (1813 - 1815 гг.)

«С богом за короля и отечество!» война и религия в Пруссии в годы освободительных войн (1813 - 1815 гг.)

Стерхов Д.В.

Статья научная

В статье исследуется влияние религиозного фактора на формирование военно-патриотической идеологии в Пруссии в годы Освободительных войн (1813 - 1815 гг.). В начале статьи автор рассматривает вопрос о том, как на рубеже XVIII - XIX вв. менялось отношение немецкого общества к войне и отмечает, что подобные процессы в Пруссии складывались под влиянием войн с Францией. Переломным моментом выступает 1813 год, когда прусское политическое руководство было вынуждено предпринимать меры для мобилизации населения на освободительную борьбу против наполеоновской Франции. В основной части статьи автор более подробно останавливается на том, как в качестве мобилизационных факторов использовались религиозные символы и способы интерпретации. Особое внимание уделяется традиционному христианскому символу - кресту. Важной фигурой патриотической пропаганды становится Иисус Христос, чья мученическая гибель стилизуется как смерть во имя народа и Отечества. В качестве ещё одного средства воздействия на общественное мнение служили религиозно-патриотические праздники, организуемые в честь военных побед, одержанных над врагом. Образ врага (Наполеона, французов) также конструировался с помощью религиозной аргументации. В данном контексте война с наполеоновской Францией трактовалась как справедливая и священная. Почитание погибших на полях сражений героев Отечества носило черты христианского культа. В заключении автор делает вывод о значимости религиозного фактора в процессах модернизации европейских обществ начала XIX века, примером чему может служить Пруссия в эпоху Наполеоновских и Освободительных войн.

