Статьи журнала - Juvenis scientia
Все статьи: 656
Financing activities of modern universities - approaches, challenges, problems
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The article examined the main approaches to the funding of universities and possible mechanisms for their subsequent efficient financial management. The main sources of funding for modern universities, are usually a mix of state funding other targeted grants, tuition fees and revenues from economic activity. The declining targeted budgetary resources for the financing of universities, and linking it to performance (quality, rating realization), forcing universities to seek alternative sources of financing, incl. and through the expansion of the international education market. The growing need for effective management of university assets and financial resources available has led many universities to seek expert management, both from the financial manager and through various elements of proven practices for effective corporate governance.
Hyperledger-инструментарий разработки отраслевых блокчейнов
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Отдавая должное тому, что сделано предшественниками, авторы тем не менее считают, что многие до сих пор не понимают и не могут по достоинству оценить весь потенциал блокчейн технологии. Возможность эффективного и безопасного использования информации сильно ограничена устаревшими технологиями баз данных, используемых повсеместно в настоящее время, поэтому актуальной является задача внедрения новых систем организации и хранения данных. Такой системой как раз является блокчейн, ведь он объединяет в себе как быстроту, так и надежность, что является главными критериями, при работе с важными данными. Данная статья посвящена такому актуальному вопросу, как использование технологии блокчейн для организации информационных платформ для компаний и бизнес-систем. Рассмотрены основные возможности технологии блокчейн на примере проекта Hyperledger. Данное исследование показало неоспоримое преимущество децентрализованной базы данных, над всеми другими системами хранения и использования данных, представленных в данный момент. Обобщая сказанное, можно сделать вывод, что за технологией блокчейна будущее, и всем компаниям, работающим с какими-либо данными, безусловно стоит задуматься о внедрении данной технологии в свою систему.
IPSEC and SSL as solutions for the enterprise network security
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When a company starts to build enterprise network, the information technology department always faces the question about which protocol to choose for building a Virtual Private Network (VPN). The answer is not obvious because each protocol has its own pros and cons. Priority of the selection of the protocol to build the VPN depends on specific criteria. These criteria can be the required type of access for users, the level of the network security, the level of data security, necessity of scalability for the network in future, etc. At the moment the most reliable protocols are considered to be Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL). This paper discusses and analysis the demand of using these protocols separately or simultaneously.
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Введение. Гиперпигментация кожи является важной проблемой дерматокосметологии. Образующиеся пигментные пятна на кожных покровах человека, особенно на открытых участках тела, влияют на его психоэмоциональное состояние и социальную адаптацию, а в некоторых случаях являются и триггерами формирования заболеваний дерматологического профиля. Целью исследования является поиск новых эффективных и безопасных соединений с антитирозиназной активностью. Материалы и методы. В качестве объектов исследования выступают семь новых ранее синтезированных азометиновых производных 2-амино-4,5,6,7-тетрагидро-1-бензотиофен-3-карбоксамида. Для in silico изучения молекулярных механизмов ингибирования тирозиназы исследуемыми соединениями использован метод молекулярного докинга. Ингибирующую активность тирозиназы определяли согласно методу, описанному Mapunya et al. (2012). Результаты. В ходе вычислительного эксперимента определены аминокислотные остатки активного сайта тирозиназы, с которыми взаимодействуют азометиновые производные 2-амино-4,5,6,7-тетрагидро-1-бензотиофен-3-карбоксамида. In vitro оценка антитирозиназной активности изучаемых соединений свидетельствует о том, что практически все анализируемые вещества уступают референтам по выраженности биологического действия, кроме соединения 1, которое превосходит по активности койевую и молочную кислоты. На основании значения LD50 соединения 1 оно было отнесено к 5-му классу токсичности по GHS-классификации. Заключение. В ходе проведенного исследования было установлено, что структура 1 по выраженности своей фармакологической активности превосходит койевую и молочную кислоты. Считаем целесообразным дальнейшие фармакологические исследования данного вещества.
Influence of ecological factors to articular syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis
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This article presents results of a comparative analysis of the peculiarities of articular syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) according to the four areas of Uzbekistan. The study included 460 patients with a documented diagnosis of RA: I Zone is the northern region - Tashkent - 144 patients; II Zone is the western region - Khorezm region - 112 patients; III Zone is the eastern region - Namangan region - 104 patients and IV Zone is southern region - Surkhandarya region - 100 patients. The comparative analysis has shown that articular syndrome in RA in four different zones have certain differences. So, in II and IV areas known fact of predominance of fast progressive start, as well as more aggressive joint syndrome. The results of disperse analysis indicated degree of contamination of air and soil by xenobiotics. It depended on the clinical, radiographic and sonographic signs of articular syndrome in RA. It means that changes in the micro elementary composition of soil and air which depends on zone of residence of patients with RA in Uzbekistan contributes rate of progression of joint syndrome.
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Introduction. Adolescence is a period in which many adolescents start exploring certain risky behaviours like tobacco use. Adolescent tobacco use is a significant global public health challenge. This study was conducted to determine the intention to smoke tobacco products among coeducational senior secondary school students in Uyo LGA, Akwa Ibom State.
Justification of risk management in virtual securities transactions
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The article explores the specific risks that accompany online securities transactions. Private investors are focused on speculative operations, long-term investments are unpopular. This increases the risk and forms the need for risk management. The article attempts to analyze the risk management system of virtual work of Internet brokers on the stock exchange. The emphasis has been shifted specifically to private investment, since this block is one of the most promising for the development of the securities market at the present stage. The purpose of risk management in the system of Internet trading in securities is positioned in the article, primarily as a reduction of financial losses, and then ensuring the financial stability and reliability of the system for the client.
Legal capacity of artificial intelligence
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Digitalization of the economy makes research in the field of artificial intelligence relevant. The introduction of robots in all spheres of human life gives rise to problems of responsibility for the actions of artificial intelligence, for example, in the event of an accident involving an unmanned taxi. No less relevant is the problem of intellectual property in the results of intellectual activity. Who should be considered the author of a work created by artificial intelligence: the robot itself, man? These practical problems entail the need for a scientific and theoretical understanding of the personality of the robot. The article explores the basic approaches to understanding artificial intelligence, its types. It is determined as the degree of autonomy of artificial intelligence can determine its legal personality.
Linguistic and pragmatic aspects of scientific and technical translation
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The paper touches upon the issue of scientific and technical translation, its linguistic and pragmatic aspects. The topicality of the work is determined by more and more increasing importance of scientific and technical translation in the context of contemporary science and industry development. The object of the research is the translation of scientific and technical articles. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that not all the issues of scientific and technical translation have been sufficiently investigated. The aim of the work is to identify the peculiarities of scientific and technical translation based on the Energy&Power journal paper translation analysis. The authors conclude that the quality of scientific and technical translation is due to not only knowledge of source and target languages but knowledge of special terms, stylistic features of target texts and deep understanding of the subject of translation.
Macro-rhythmic analysis of R. M. Rilke’s prose (based on “the notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge”)
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The article provides survey of such problematic phenomenon as literary prose rhythm and its basic difference from cognominal notion in poetry. One of the structural aspects of prose organization in R. M. Rilke’s novel “The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge” is studied. This aspect is specifics of prose rhythm organization on macro-level. General objective laws for rhythmic organization are revealed. The author draws a conclusion that architectonics of the text is specified by the character of narration, rhythm of inner monologue ideas of the protagonist; switching from external reality description to interior feelings and emotions experienced by Malte and transition to author’s reminiscences.
Meat products for baby nutrition enriched with natural mineral and vitamin supplements
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The article discusses the possibility of correction of preschool and school age nutrition status with the usage of local (Georgian) vegetable and mineral resources. The techniques of kids sausages and semi-processed minced meat productswith the usage of natural mineral and vitamin supplements of high bioavailability. As the mineral supplements the Lyophilic Concentrate of Georgian mineral water "Lugella" (CaCl2 10% Concentrate) are used for on the base of wheat bran, and as the vitamin supplement - the lyophilic concentrate of sweetbrier fruit extract, taken from the high mountainous regions, on the basis of starch. Chemical composition of food supplements has been established. Theoretical reasoning of the new technology of vitamin C is given. It is noted that the first time in the fruit of the sweetbrier and the filling of biologically active substances and its complement is to increase the value of vitamin C. It is shown that the vitamin supplement obtained by the proposed technology is characterized by 2,4 times higher containing of vitamin C, compared to the dry flour of the fruit. The influence of sodium nitride reduction in microbiological safety of children's sausages is also studied.
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Introduction. The spread of pathogenic bacteria from food production processes has become a problem worldwide. Abattoir effluents are potential carriers of resistant pathogenic bacteria and could contribute to these strains' global spread in the environments. This study extensively analyzed abattoir wastewater in Obio/Akpor (Nigeria), focusing on its microbiological and physicochemical aspects.
On xenophobia in science fiction
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The article deals with how the notion of xenophobia is re-iterated in contemporary science fiction. First, the author provides a brief analysis of xenophobia as a cognitive phenomenon that is, on the one hand, built into the mass culture as an archetypal attitude and, on the other hand, symbolically disguised following the two prototypic scenarios-those of alienation and of appropriation. One of the central arguments of the article is that the quintessential sci-fi “alien” is based on the reinvented image of a Jew in the Western culture, while the narrative of “androids” draws on the historical and emotional experience of black slavery.
Pattern recognition in the vision system
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The article touches upon the issue of the edge detection of digital images in robotics and in other fields. Algorithms of the edge detection of the most often met images in static pictures are viewed as the target of research. In this paper, HOG-based characteristics are used to search for images of a human figure. When searching for faces in images, the most popular algorithm called Viola-Jones is used. To identify fingerprints, a correlation comparison and a special point comparison is used. It should be also noted that today the algorithms under discussion are used very often. The review of these algorithms has showed that they are sufficiently effective. The conclusions were drawn on the basis of the obtained results, and the branches of application of these algorithms, which are supported by the examples of processing various images, have been indicated.
Peculiarities of customs logistics in the case of transportation in the limited space and time
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In modern conditions, transport processes encompass not only the movement of goods from suppliers to consumers, but also a large amount of forwarding, information, customs and transactional processing operations on insurance, storage of transported goods. Transport process faces special difficulties, if it is restricted by the scope of border and customs procedures of several countries in the limited space and time. Implementation of modern principles of customs logistics in the practice of customs clearance of transport and goods in the limited space and time will allow us for improving significantly the organizational and economic sustainability of transport processes. The paper examines the trends in the use of customs logistics to simplify customs clearance of vehicles and goods in the case of transportation in the limited space and time.
Polish-New Zealand economic ties: legal perspective on the current state of trade
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The purpose of this article is an attempt to explain the contemporary Polish-New Zealand economic relations, as well as potential development of the further cooperation. The relatively new diplomatic relations between Warsaw and Wellington are not enough studied and therefore they require more research. Legal framework is an obvious factor, which can be seen both in the methods of soft and hard law. Understanding history and characteristic marks of this relation would allow developing economic cooperation but also establishing it in the branches of national economy where such collaboration does not exist yet. Both countries perceive one another as an important, trust-based representative of appropriately the Central-East Europe and the South Pacific. Cooperating with each other, Poland and New Zealand might not only increase their bilateral trade exchange, but also become a key economic associate within the partner region.
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Stroke is amongst the leading causes of morbidity and mortality globally. Majority of strokes are ischemic and up to 1/3rd ischemic strokes have infective etiology. In this post-pandemic era, SARS-CoV-2 is an established infectious agent which can precipitate it by various mechanisms. Though post-vaccination incidence of COVID-19 has dropped drastically, still new cases get reported with typical or atypical presentations. Irrespective of causation, malignant cerebral edema in stroke necessitates salvage neurosurgery. Hereby authors present an interesting diagnostic chase in a young female who presented in altered sensorium, underwent emergency decompressive craniectomy and neurologically recovered over subsequent days. Despite being double vaccinated, she developed potentially fatal COVID-encephalitis, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), ischemic infarcts and hemorrhagic transformation. Suprisingly, there were cross reacting antibodies against antigens of herpes simplex virus (HSV), leptospira and cytomegalovirus (CMV) yielding false positivity on serology screening test, which spoofed us while carrying out infectious disease work up of stroke.
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In times of danger of severe international conflicts with fear of the use of atomic weapons and accidents in nuclear power plants, a so-called "Disaster Medicine" has been created to reduce the damage in affected populations and territories. Radionuclide contamination in terrestrial ecosystems has nowadays reached a dangerous level. The most frequent and studied artificial radionuclides are iodine (131-I) and cesium (137-Cs and 134-Cs), which are both on the rise in the world. In humans, these elements are captured and metabolized by the thyroid, pancreas, mammary and salivary glands, cerebrospinal fluid and brain, thymus and numerous other organs and excrete with stool and urine. In organs, these radionuclides are a serious danger that can cause cancers, and through inflammatory, carcinogenic and necrotic mechanisms also thyroiditis, pancreatitis and functional deficiencies as well as diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and mental damage. The Author reports autoradiographic and scintigraphic studies describing some, little-known, damage to organs caused by radionuclides and in particular, pancreatic and thyroid cancer, chronic pancreatitis, thyroiditis and diabetes mellitus, whose incidence rate is gradually rising worldwide. Some methods of radionuclide removal and cancer prevention are also suggested.
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The article discusses the main obstacles to the development of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in the framework of increasing geopolitical instability. The main research tool is a comparative analysis of the CSTO with individual structures of the NATO, as well as an analysis of the potential capabilities and the actual state (effectiveness) of the CSTO. It was concluded that there are a number of problems, both political and organizational, that affect the effectiveness of regional security. The author proposed ways to solve the problems under consideration, divided into three groups: «Security at state borders», «Strategical communication and the image», and «International interaction».
Professional training of future specialists of EMERCOM: the communicative aspect
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The article includes the analysis of scientific and educational literature, as well as regulatory documents relating to the communicative component of EMERCOM future specialists professional training. Emphasis is placed on the formation of communicative self-efficacy of students as one of the components of their successful communicative competence mastery. Attention is drawn to the need for interaction of all the teaching staff and officers and the organization of purposeful and systematic work on the subject under study.