Статьи журнала - Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal

Все статьи: 496

Cement stone on the basis of quartz-ash-cement binder

Cement stone on the basis of quartz-ash-cement binder

Kosach A.F., Kuznetsova I.N., Rashupkina M.A., Pedun G.A.

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Introduction. One of the promising areas related to formation of concrete structure on the basis of a mineral binder with specified performance properties employs the addition of ultradispersed fillers (nanomodifiers) to the binder composition. Wastes of quartz and hydro-removal ash are used as nanomodifiers. The presence of nanoparticles in the binder can significantly change the processes of hydration and hardening of the concrete mix. Materials and methods. Hydro-removal ash from Omsk combined heat and power plant 5 (CHPP-5), cement and quartz waste obtained from the production of highly pure quartz concentrate which acted as an enhancer of pozzolanic activity to hydro-removal ash were used as materials for cement stone on the basis of a quartzash- cement binder. Nanomodifier was obtained as a result of mechanical, mechanohydraulic (water) and mechanohydrochemical (water + Megalit S-3ML additive) activations. Activation of the quartz-ash mixture was carried out in a continuous-action rotary mill. The mechanical method provides only mechanical activation, and the mechanohydraulic method provides mechanical, hydraulic, turbulent and acoustic activations. The mechanohydrochemical method provides all actions of hydraulic activation including chemical one. Results. The article investigated cement stone on the basis of quartz-ash-cement binder (activated quartz waste and hydraulic ash from Omsk CHPP-5, cement). The technologies of activation of the quartz-ash mixture by increasing the specific surface of the dispersed phase for the production of quartz-ash-cement binder are considered. The obtained results of the weight distribution of particles of hydro-removal ash and quartz before and after activation show that the average size of the nanoparticle diameter is from 25 μm to 1.5 μm and specific surface is 967–7729 cm2/g. Conclusions. The use of nanoparticles in a quartz-ash mixture allows increasing the strength characteristics of cement stone from 23 to 59%. The use of quartz waste from the production of high-purity quartz concentrate and ash hydraulic removal from Omsk CHPP-5 power plant with the introduction of the proposed technologies for their activation allows increasing the formation of cement stone on a quartz-ash-cement binder by increasing the package density and chemical activity of nanoparticles in the processes of phase formation of hydrate compounds, which will reduce intergranular space between non-hydrated cement grains and will improve physical and mechanical characteristics of cement stone.


Circular economy in recycling concrete and reinforced concrete waste

Circular economy in recycling concrete and reinforced concrete waste

Graneva A.V., Lushin K.I., Pulyaev I.S., Kudryavtseva V.D.

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Introduction. In the process of demolition and dismantling of emergency buildings, as well as during construction and reconstruction, more than 70 million tons of construction waste are generated annually in Russia. The circular economy is based on the principle of resource renewal, recycling of secondary raw materials, technological measures to return waste to the repeated economic turnover. Nowadays the problem of saving natural resources and reducing construction waste is especially urgent. About 80% of construction waste is heavy and light reinforced concrete, from which can be produced secondary crushed stone, increasing the use of which is one of the tasks in the transition of linear economy to a circular economy. Materials and methods. The study of the implementation of a set of organizational, economic and technological solutions aimed at the reuse of construction waste was carried out. The analysis was carried out on the example of using secondary aggregates obtained from concrete scrap. Results and discussions. In the course of the research the necessity of concrete scrap involvement into repeated economic turnover was proved, as its use in construction fully meets the requirements of the set tasks in the field of energy and resource saving and environmental safety. Conclusion. Recycled crushed stone is a valuable resource that contributes to the sustainable development of the economy as a whole and reduces the harmful impact of the construction industry on the environment.


Collagen based bio-additives in polymer composites

Collagen based bio-additives in polymer composites

Baldanov A.B., Bokhoeva L.A., Shalbuev D.V., Tumurova T.B.

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Introduction. Polymer composite materials (PCM) based on epoxy resins are widely used in the construction industry. They are applied in construction of bridge spans, roadway slabs, footwalk planks, in low-loaded structures, as well as for reinforcement of concrete structures, sheating, strengthening of metal and concrete structures. Various fillers of micro- and nanosizes are used to improve the performance properties of PCM. Interfacial interaction between the filler and the polymer matrix plays an important role in determining the strength of the created composite materials. Methods and materials. The article studies the properties of polymer matrix composites reinforced with collagen based bio-additives obtained from solid organic waste of the leather industry. We have developed a fundamentally new method for obtaining a bioactive collagen product at a relatively low price, described in patent RU No. 2272808. Tensile studies of the PCM samples were carried out by adding dry collagen powder to an epoxy binder. We analyzed the sections of samples made on a JSM-6510LVJEOL scanning electron microscope, and studied the changes in the structure of PCM with fillers. Results and discussion. When 1% collagen is added to the PCM matrix, the amount of chemical elements is increasing: carbon (C) by 2.93%, oxygen (O) by 1.61%, magnesium (Mg) by 0.11%. And the number of micropores on the surface of the matrix, which serve as a stress concentrator, is decreasing by 4.9%, and they are also diminishing in size. The tensile tests have shown that when 1% collagen is added to the PCM matrix, the bearing capacity of the samples is increasing by 15.57%. The results obtained can contribute to the expansion of collagen application, waste reduction in the leather industry due to recycling. Conclusion. A fundamentally new method has been developed for obtaining a bioactive collagen product from solid organic waste of the leather industry at a relatively low price. It has been established that a bioactive collagen product in a powder form has a low cost and can be used as a bio-additive for PCM.


Compatibilization of polymer mixtures during processing of waste products from thermoplastics

Compatibilization of polymer mixtures during processing of waste products from thermoplastics

N.N. Fomina, V.G. Khozin

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Introduction. The recycling of thermoplastic waste into building materials with a long-life cycle is a promising and technologically feasible disposal direction. It is advisable to develop the processing of mixed polymer waste. Thermoplastics are thermodynamically incompatible, and technological compatibility can be controlled at the melt stage by the introduction of compatibilizers and nanofillers, the formation of free radicals in the melt, and reaction compatibilization. Materials and methods. The work aimed to study the effect of a compatibilizer – an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer with grafted acrylate and epoxy groups on the properties of composites obtained from mixtures of polyethylene terephthalate and polypropylene waste. The polymer mixture was melted, filled with limestone flour (50–85 wt.%), the samples were pressed, and their physical and mechanical properties were investigated. Results and discussion, conclusions. Differential thermal analysis established the melt preparation temperature of 240оC, which is below the onset of thermal oxidative destruction of the compatibilizer. It was established that the optimal ratio of polyethylene terephthalate: polypropylene: compatibilizer as 70:25:5 wt.% provided the greatest improvement in the bending strength without compromising the compressive strength of filled composites; the optimal degree of filling was found to be 60–70%. The volume fractions of polymers in the mixture are comparable. Therefore, one can expect the formation of both the matrix structure of the composite and the interpenetrating networks type structures. In both cases, the compatibilizer is distributed along the interphase boundaries. Its effect on properties can be attributed to its plastic deformation in the interfacial layer and morphological changes in the structure of the polymer mixture. There is evidence of increased structure-sensitive properties, tensile and tensile strength, of polymer mixtures containing this compatibilizer. This fact indicates an increase in adhesion between polymer phases, which is difficult to explain only for physical reasons. Possible reactions between the functional groups of the compatibilizer and polyethylene terephthalate in the melt with epoxy ring opening were analyzed. An increased effect of compatibility was revealed; however, the actual effectiveness of the compatibilizer is difficult to assess. Additional mechanical tests are required as well as optimization of the melt temperature. It is also necessary to find a balance between activating the reaction compatibilization and minimizing destructive processes in polymers.


Complementary improvement of technological characteristics of asphalt concrete road surfaces using macromolecular nanocomposites

Complementary improvement of technological characteristics of asphalt concrete road surfaces using macromolecular nanocomposites

Anton O. Glazachev, Olga V. Ivanova, Dmitry A. Sinitsin, Ranis M. Akhmetshin

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Introduction. The issue of enhancing the long-term performance of asphalt concrete pavement on highways is not entirely addressed by conventional solutions, such as improving the choice of material composition and refining the production process for bitumen binders and mineral filler compounds. One of the most promising ways to improve the performance and durability of asphalt concrete is the complementary modification of bitumen and road-concrete nanocompositions with thermoplastic and elastic polymers. Methods and materials. Bitumen binders are assessed employing suitable methodologies to determine the following technological parameters: extensibility, softening temperature, brittleness, elasticity, and so forth. Asphaltenes of bitumen binders are the most important structure-forming component and form associated nanoclusters with sizes of 15–200 nm. Thermoplastic block copolymers are introduced into the composition of bitumen binders in granular form (chips) or melted form. Additionally, compatibilizers are used to improve the compatibility of complementary copolymers in bitumen binders. The quality of the finished asphalt concrete composition is significantly affected by the characteristics of the main components: mineral powder, sand, crushed stone, bitumen binder and macromolecular nano-additives, as well as by optimal process modes: mixing temperature, etc. Results. The complementary interaction of supramolecular associations of asphaltenes and fragments of macromolecules of polymer nanocomposites ensures the formation of Van der Waals bonds due to spatial mutual correspondence. The introduction of polymer nanomodifiers leads to an increase in the softening temperature and a decrease in the brittleness temperature of bitumen binders due to the formation of sufficiently stable supramolecular complexes. Discussion. Synergistic nanoadditives of complementary macromolecules into the bitumen binder provides a fewfold increase in the adhesion of the bitumen composition and the mineral components, as well as a noticeable increase of the temperature range for plasticity and deformability. Asphalt concrete coatings with polymer-bitumen binders increase the operability of the roadway and resistance to the formation of plastic flow deformations (shifts, ruts) at high and low temperatures. Conclusion. Bitumen binders of asphalt road concrete, which have been modified with polymer nanocomposites, have higher adhesion, an extended range of thermoplasticity and water resistance.


Composite building materials based on nanomodified cement systems

Composite building materials based on nanomodified cement systems

Natalia O. Kopanitsa, Olga V. Demyanenko, Anzhelika A. Kulikova, Alexander F. Buryanov, Nadezhda A. Lukyanova, Vadim G. Soloviev

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Introduction. This research work investigates the combined influence of nano-sized silicon dioxide (nano-SiO2), carbon nanotubes and surfactants on the structural and technological characteristics of cement compositions. Materials and research methods. The paper reveals the findings of a study on the effects of various dispersion techniques of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in surfactants, such as mechanical dispersion, ultrasonic treatment, and a combined method. It considers the uniformity of CNT distribution within the plasticizer and within the cement system, along with their impacts on the physical and mechanical properties of cement stone and concrete. Differential thermal and electron microscopic analysis of aqueous dispersions of carbon nanotubes and hardened activated nanomodified cement stone was carried out. Results and discussion. It has been experimentally proven that mixing nanotubes in dry cement does not allow them to be evenly distributed throughout the volume of the mixture. When using carbon nanotubes, the maximum effect is achieved when they are introduced into aqueous dispersions of plasticizers. The percentage of plasticizer was 1%, CNT 0,1% per 1 liter of water. The most effective method of dispersing carbon nanotubes in a plasticizer is a combined one. The results obtained were used in the preparation of cement stone and concrete compositions. Conclusion. The results show that complex additives consisting of nano-SiO2 and aqueous dispersions of carbon nanotubes have a positive effect on the physical-mechanical and structural-technological properties of cement stone and concrete. Graphic dependencies are shown indicating the effectiveness of using complex additives in the production of cement composites.


Compressibility of the composite material with fiber filler and nanodimensional polyurethane matrix for road and hydro engineering construction

Compressibility of the composite material with fiber filler and nanodimensional polyurethane matrix for road and hydro engineering construction

Victor G. Nazarov, Alexander V. Dedov, Elena S. Bokova

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Introduction. The aim of the research is to study the compressibility of composite materials obtained by varying the degree of impregnation of a non-woven needle-punched cloth with an aqueous dispersion of polyurethane. Materials and research methods. Non-woven needle-punched cloth made of polyethylene terephthalate fibers (TU 6-13-0204077-95-91) with a linear density of 0.33 tex (diameter 20–25 microns) was used as objects of research. For impregnation, an aqueous dispersion of anionic stabilized aliphatic polyethiruretane of the brand IMPRANIL DL 1380 (PRC) with a dry residue of 40% was used. The compressibility of canvases and composite materials was established using the ICH indicator according to GOST 577-68 with an accuracy of measuring the thickness of ± 0.001 mm. Results and discussion. An approach is proposed to establish the relationship between the degree of compressibility of composite materials and the load and to obtain an equation for predicting the degree of compressibility of composite materials from the degree of impregnation and load. Optimal loading conditions of the composite material with a minimum degree of compressibility has been established. Conclusion. The optimal degree of impregnation of a non-woven needlepunched fabric made of polyethylene terephthalate fibers with a diameter of 20–25 microns with polyurethane dispersion is 0.5.


Compressive strength prediction and composition design of structural lightweight concretes using machine learning methods

Compressive strength prediction and composition design of structural lightweight concretes using machine learning methods

Artemy S. Balykov, Elena A. Kaledina, Sergey V. Volodin

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Introduction. Reducing the density, increasing the strength and other physical-technical characteristics of lightweight concretes are urgent tasks of modern building materials science. To solve them, it is necessary to consider new approaches to the development of compositions of cement systems using effective porous aggregates, binders, chemical and mineral additives, including different nanomodifiers (carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, nanoparticles of SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, etc.). The complexity of designing modified cement concretes is largely due to their multicomponent nature and a large number of parameters affecting the key characteristics of material. The qualitative solution of such multicriteria problems is possible with the complex implementation of rational physical and computational experiments using mathematical modeling and computer technology. New opportunities for modeling of structure formation processes and predicting properties of multicomponent building materials are emerging with the development of machine learning methods. The purpose of this study is to develop machine learning algorithms that can efficiently establish quantitative dependences for the compressive strength of modified lightweight concretes on their composition, as well as to identify the optimal variation ranges of prescription parameters based on the obtained multifactor models to achieve the required level of controlled mechanical characteristic. Methods and materials. The processing and analysis of experimental research results were carried out using modern methods of machine learning with a teacher used in the problems of regression recovery, knowledge extraction and forecasting. To implement the developed machine learning algorithms, libraries in the Python programming language, in particular NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, were used. Results and discussion. It is established that the gradient boosting model is the most accurate type among the obtained machine learning models. It is characterized by the following quality metrics: R2 = 0.9557; MAE = 2.4847; MSE = 12.7704; RMSE=3.5736; MAPE = 11.1813%. According to the analysis of this multifactor model, the optimal dosages of pozzolanic and expanding modifiers amounted to 4.5–6.0% and 6.0–7.5% of the binder weight (Portland cement + modifier), respectively, which ensured achievement of the required level of compressive strength (40–70 MPa) of lightweight concretes at the age of 28 days at material density reduced by 3–10% (the range under consideration is 1200–1900 kg/m3). Conclusions. Thus, the study results show the prospects of using machine learning methods for design compositions and predicting properties of multicomponent cement systems.


Concrete with fillers of various dispersion and their nanomodification

Concrete with fillers of various dispersion and their nanomodification

Gusev B.V.


The author is the first to propose the filling and nanostructuring of coarse materials such as concrete. Existing grinding methods in construction materials provide particle sizes of 10–50 microns (microns), including cement particles. It is preferable to use cavitation technology in suspensions when producing smaller particles. The article discusses the nanostructuring of cement systems by introducing ultra- and nanodispersed mineral additives. At the same time, additional grinding of mineral additives is carried out at cavitation plants. Nanostructuring provides compaction of concrete structures and increase the strength characteristics of concrete up to 2.5 times.


Concretes with nanoadditive of fired recycled concrete

Concretes with nanoadditive of fired recycled concrete

Gusev B.V., Kudryavtseva V.D., Potapova V.A.

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The practice of using recycled concrete from the broken concrete of substandard reinforced concrete products can become widespread in practice. The undoubted relevance of this topic is explained by the program for the renovation of the housing stock in the city of Moscow, which provides for the demolition of 5-storey residential buildings until 2032. The problem of recycling and reuse of construction waste becomes obvious to improve the environmental situation, as well as to reduce the cost of materials in construction and preserve natural resources. The article deals with the nanostructuring of cement systems by means of introduction of ultra- and nanodispersed mineral additives. In this case, additional grinding of mineral additives is carried out in cavitation units. Nanostructuring provides the compaction of concrete structures and an increase in the strength properties of concrete.


Construction heat and sound insulating composite materials with high tensile strength

Construction heat and sound insulating composite materials with high tensile strength

Kozhevnikova O.V., Bokova E.S., Dedov A.V., Nazarov V.G., Ivanov L.A.

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Introduction. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of the impregnation (with the aliphatic polyurethane water dispersion) degree on the deformation properties of the polyacetal, polyethylene terephthalate and polypropylene fibers based nonwoven needle-punched composite fabrics. Materials and methods. We investigated the deformation properties of the nonwoven fabrics manufactured from the 0.33 tex linear density fibers of: polyethyleneterephthalate (diameter 20–25 microns, according to TU 6-13- 0204077-95-91), polypropylene (diameter 27–30 microns, according to TU 2272-007-5766624-93) and the original polyacetal ones (diameter 18–22 microns). The nonwoven fabrics were obtained by the mechanical formation technique. The needlepunching surface density was 180 cm–2. The water dispersion of anionic stabilized aliphatic polyethyruretane (IMPRANIL DL 1380 (China)) with a dry residue of 40% was used for the impregnation. The experimental samples’ linear dimensions were determined in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15902.2-2003. The sample’s thickness was determined by a thickness gauge with a pressure of 10 kPa and an instrumental error ~ 0.01 mm according to GOST 11358-70. The samples’ mechanical properties were determined in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15902.3-79. Results and discussion. The fiber filler composition influence on the ob-tained (by the impregnation of polyethyleneterephthalate, polypropylene and polyacetal fibers based non-woven needle-punched fabrics with polyurethane aqueous dispersion) composite materials tensile resistance has been established. We found the impregnation degree (depending on the chemical nature of the fibers and on the direction of nonwoven fabrics formation) at which the tensile resistance of the composite materials reaches the maximum value. It is demonstrated that, in the construction of buildings and structures, it is advisable to utilize materials based on composite polyacetal fibers. These materials exhibit higher tensile resistance compared to those based on polypropylene and polyethylene terephthalate at equivalent impregnation levels. Conclusion. The obtained optimal impregnation degree (at which the maximum tensile resistance of polyacetal fiber based composite materials was achieved) depends on the direction of the non-woven fabric formation. The maximum tensile resistance was observed: in the transverse direction – at 0.44 and in the longitudinal direction – at 0.35 impregnation degree values.


Content of the issues for 2019

Content of the issues for 2019



Content of the issues for 2020

Content of the issues for 2020



Content of the issues for 2023

Content of the issues for 2023



Content of the issues for 2024

Content of the issues for 2024



Content of the issues published in 2021

Content of the issues published in 2021



Content of the issues published in 2022

Content of the issues published in 2022














