Original scientific work. Рубрика в журнале - Pravo - teorija i praksa
The importance of thought experiments
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Living in the world of legal norms seems to be easy: you have rules of conduct guiding you how to behave in a lot of life situations including the fact what will happen to you if you do not obey these rules. In a way, legal norms are predicting the future giving us the guidelines for living. Although the legal system together with its rules tend to cover all areas of social life, there are situations that couldn’t be foreseen at the time of making a particular regulation. These gaps could be spanned by adopting subsequent rules of conduct. In order to predict an event that may occur, and to predict human behavior in these situations as well as a human response to punishment when someone violates a rule, it is good to conduct- a thought experiment. The basis of a thought experiment can be a completely fictitious and even currently impossible event, or a variation of some of the known and possible events. The key question when formulating a thought experiment is “what if”. The answers to this question may start with “then it is possible”, “then it will be”, “it could be” or something similar. The answers will differ in terms of content only on the basis of the values, beliefs and attitudes of the one who answers the “what if” question. In our paper, we will briefly present the concept of a thought experiment, its internal structure, types and, by giving some examples, encourage readers to be more informed about this topic.
The influence of family and school in recognizing Covid 19 as a security risk
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In this paper, the authors emphasize the importance of awareness of security culture, and define its essential characteristics. By using such an approach, they analyse the phenomenon and features of one of today’s greatest security risks – COVID-19. In addition, the authors also deal with analysing the security culture through the prisms of school and family, as the fundamental institutions having an influence over the education and upbringing processes. They observe security culture primarily through the ways in which these institutions react to the new security risk resulting from COVID-19, which has become one of the greatest security threats all over the world. It means that nowadays people are preoccupied with finding the ways of preserving both physical and mental health, and protecting themselves, and, at the same time, maintaining a normal lifestyle and daily functioning, without fear and uncertainty.
The legal position of secured creditors in financial restructuring and bankruptcy
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The legal position of secured creditors in financial restructuring and bankruptcy is a necessary and essential topic in legal and economic reality for both legal theoreticians and practitioners, particularly nowadays when a wave of global recession has caused difficulties in business and payment. Banks as the largest secured creditors are mostly affected with these difficulties in business. The author of this paper pointed out the modalities of treatment and payment in a proceeding of financial restructuring for secured creditors as well as the most important segments and solutions of protection of secured creditors represented in both the local bankruptcy law and business and court practice.
The minors as victims in a criminal proceedings for criminal offenses against sexual freedom
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It is undeniable that the minors represent a particularly sensitive group of the modern society. Criminal acts have a particularly hard impact on the minors, especially children. For this reason, the domestic legislator almost always incriminates an act committed against a minor and/or a child as the most serious or heaviest form of a criminal act. However, in addition to prescribing special, more serious forms of criminal offenses when they are directed against a minor, and in addition to punishing such offenses much more severely, the domestic legislator also intervenes from another angle, guided by the best interest of a child as an absolute imperative, so he prescribes special rules under which the minors can participate in a criminal proceedings for criminal acts directed against them. This paper, starting from the general rules on the position of the injured party, provides an overview of the special rules referring to the minors as the injured parties.
The position and authorizations of enforcement officers in the Belarusian legal system
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Considering the fact that the profession of the enforcement officer has an increasingly efficient role both in securing and realizing creditors’ claims, which was significantly contributed by the introduction of the system of the enforcement officers as independent, non-state entities in a large number of legal systems (the so-called out of the court enforcement officers), the author analyzes the Belarusian model according to which the profession of the enforcement officer is still a part of the apparatus of the state power and its basic features. In some places, the author will make a comparison with the current position of enforcement officers in Republic of Serbia, and present a conclusion on the efficiency of both models.
The powers of the guardianship authorities according to the enforcement and security law amendments
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The Act on Enforcement and Security in the part of the enforcement in family disputes grants the signicificant powers to social work centers as guardianship authorities. First of all, these powers relate to the ability of the guardianship authority to initiate an executive procedure, participate in it,both as a party and as a third participant. By the most recent amendments to the Act on Enforcement and Security from 2016, which came into force on 1st January 2020, there was significantly changed the role of the guardianship authorities in the enforcement procedure, during taking away and giving over the child as the most important enforcement procedure in the area of family disputes. In the paper,the authors analyze the provisions that came into force on the basis of the amendments to the existing law.
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The task of the criminal procedure defined in terms of clarifying and resolving the main case of a criminal proceedings – criminal matter (causa criminalis) is achieved by the application of legally standardized basic procedural principles. The possibility given to the parties in a criminal proceedings to actively participate in it represents one of the basic features of the accusatory system of criminal proceedings. The principle of contradiction refers to the right of any procedural party to declare itself to the procedural actions of the opposing party before the competent court bases its decision on these procedural actions. The principle of contradiction is one of the general elements of the right to a fair trial. Therefore, the right of contradiction (contradicere) opposing the allegations of the other party is, together with the principle of immediacy, in a direct function of achieving the principle of a fair trial in our legal system. It is present during the whole criminal proceedings, but it mostly becomes prominent to expressing the evidence at the main trial. The Code of Criminal Procedure of Republic of Serbia has explicitly not envisaged the principle of contradiction. However, in addition of being involved in the main trial, as the main phase of the criminal proceedings, this principle extends through the entire criminal procedure, both the first instance and the second instance. Although not explicitly proclaimed in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the principle of contradiction has developed in the practice of the European Court of Human Rights as a general element of the right to a fair trial.
The principles of the corporate governance in banks and legislation of Republic of Serbia
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Complex relations, a frequent separation of ownership, management, and control functions in banks, as well as turbulent and changeable market conditions make responsible, fair, and transparent corporate governance mechanisms extremely important for these financial institutions. “The culture” of the corporate governance is incorporated into the banking sector of Republic of Serbia and it is based on the national legislation and international governance standards. The aim of the research is to analyze the level of the implementation of international principles of corporate governance in the Serbian banking sector and to assess the adequacy and strength of the national legal and regulatory framework to enable and support such an act. The descriptive method, an analysis and synthesis technique, as well as the analysis of the content of laws, reports, and available national and foreign literature in the field of corporate governance, were used for the preparation of this paper. The result of the research implies the confirmed assumption that the legal and regulatory framework of corporate governance in the banking sector of Republic of Serbia makes the implementation of the international principles of corporate governance possible and sufficiently supports it.
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The article reviews the regulations of Republic of Serbia, domestic legal practice, as well as the opinions of jurisprudence on the exercise and protection of the preemptive rights of separate and pledge creditors in a bankruptcy proceedings. There has been clarified the legal nature of the preemptive right on the subject of the secured right or lien. There were also provided the details related to the significance of the right of a creditor to set off its secured claim with the purchase price, in the case of a creditor being the best bidder (credit bidding). The article aims to present the manner of exercise of preemptive rights in the case of the method of sales of encumbered property/assets by a direct agreement, as well as the legal instruments the secured creditors may use in the case of its violation. There have been analysed the rules of procedure per lawsuit for annulment of a sale due to the violation of the preemptive rights. The deadline for a lawsuit, the content of the lawsuit which protects the preemptive right as well as the damage compensation right were especially considered.
The status of international law sources in the constitutional order of Republic of Serbia
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The status of the international law sources in the domestic legal order is determined by a complex relationship between both the international and domestic law, respectively by the relevant rules concerning the implementation of the international law. The Constitution of Republic of Serbia from 2006 regulates this question primarily in Articles 16, 18 and 194 which represent the subject matter of this paper. The main issue of the paper will also be approached from a comparative point of view by analyzing relevant constitutional provisions of certain countries. Certain views concerning the identified problems will be presented in the concluding remarks in order to contribute to the practice.
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The subject of this paper is the analysis of strategic management, with a focus on the impact of innovation and information and communication (IC) resources on a company’s entrepreneurial strategy. The paper analyzes the management of strategic issues, with an emphasis on contingency planning and the establishment of an appropriate management system. The aim of the research is to define and measure the impact of innovation and information resources on the business performance of companies, with particular attention to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that face various challenges. The research identified a statistically significant positive relationship between the analyzed variables, concluding that innovation, IC equipment, and an entrepreneurial strategic approach are linked to the business performance of companies.
Trafficking: The influence and consequences on human rights
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Trafficking is one of the greatest international problems. This phenomenon has reached alarming proportions recently. The public was paid attention to it by its quick spreading and adapting itself in different areas in both economically well-developed countries and less developed regions. By defining this social phenomenon in the UN Protocol, which is the most significant international act in this field till now, there is given a good basis for the determination of this phenomenon in national legislatures, which was done in Republic of Serbia in 2003 through the adoption of changes and amendments of the Criminal law act of Republic of Serbia. Trafficking represents a strong violation of human rights so it should also be recognized as the most extreme form of the violation of human rights because even elementary human rights are violated too. The aspect of human rights is getting more and more important in national ranges as well as in international acts. Countries must strengthen their institutions and create adequate legal acts because, in this way, it is possible to react to the activities of this global phenomenon successfully. At the same time, intensifying of international cooperation in order to repulse trafficking is an imperative for it is necessary to be well-organized and ready to fight against one of the heaviest forms of the organized crime.
Troškovi neproizvodnih usluga i preciziranje izmena načina obračuna oporezivog i neoporezivog iznosa
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Autori u radu razmatraju izvršene izmene načina obračuna, oporezivog i neoporezivog iznosa troškova neproizvodnih usluga, odnosno detaljnije uređenje osnovice poreza na zarade za lica upućena na rad u inostranstvo i načine obračuna naknade troškova i drugih primanja zaposlenih. Dobrom organizacijom i korišćenjem principa upravljanja može se povećati konkurentnost preduzeća, smanjiti troškovi proizvodnih i neproizvodnih usluga, povećati motivisanost i drugo. Usvojena pravna regulativa trebala bi da bude podstrek i podsticaj razvoja a ni u kom slučaju stega i kočnica pozitivnog poslovanja velikih, srednjih i malih preduzeća. Pravni okvir trebao bi da bude stabilan, bez čestih izmena i dopuna, kako bi privredni subjekti mogli da realizuju usvojene biznis planove, ostvare prihode i podmire neophodne rashode. Ukupnoj uspešnosti preduzeća doprineće i smanjenje troškova neproizvodnih usluga, izdataka i drugih rashoda. Javne rashode treba pratiti i korigovati u delu i funkcijama gde se smatraju nepotrebnim, odnosno bitna je kategorija rashoda koji se zadovoljavaju a ne visina ili limitiranje obima.
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Tržište predstavlja jedan od bazičnih fenomena savremene ekonomije. Sam termin tržišta je imao različita znanja tokom vremena. U svom originalnom značenju, tržište predstavlja mesto (u fizičkom smislu) gde se susreću kupci i prodavci, da bi izvršili razmenu proizvoda i usluga. U ovom smislu, još u srednjem veku, gradovi su imali ovakva mesta - tržišta (obično neki od gradskih trgovaca je imao ovu namenu), gde su prodavci donosili svoje proizvode da bi ih prodali, a kupci dolazili da bi ih kupili. Polazeći od ovakvog određenja tržišta, može se uočiti da je tržište skup svih odnosa koji po osnovu transakcije roba i usluga između prodavca i kupca. Dalje, tržište je mesto susretanja ponude i tražnje, odnosno proizvođača i kupca. U savremenoj privredi dominira nepotpuna, odnosno nesavršena konkurencija. Tražnja predstavlja funkcionalni odnos koji ukazuje na količinu pojedinačne robe koja bi se kupovala po različitim cenama na datom mestu i u datom vremenu. Tržište kao ekonomska kategorija u sebi nosi personalnu, materijalnu, prostornu i vremensku, instrumentalnu, tehničku, cenovnu, institucionalnu, komunikativnu i druge dimenzije.
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Ubistva izvršena iz koristoljublja spadaju u teška ubistva s obzirom na pobude izvršenja. Pobude iz kojih je krivično delo učinjeno predstavljaju u stvari motiv izvršenja dela, te objašnjavaju razloge zbog kojih je učinilac delo ostvario. Kod teških ubistava motiv ima značaj kvalifikatorne okolnosti i neophodno je u svakom konkretnom slučaju utvrditi njegovo postojanje, jer bi u suprotnom postojalo obično ubistvo. U teoriji krivičnog prava ne postoji jedinstveno shvatanje o pojmu koristoljublja. U tom pogledu srećemo nekoliko definicija pojma motiva koristoljublja, odnosno koristoljubive pobude. U radu se, takođe, razmatraju stavovi i mišljenja istaknutih krivičnopravnih teoretičara u vezi sa pojmom ubistva iz koristoljublja. Izneta gledišta potvrđena su i primerima iz sudske prakse. U tom kontekstu su prezentirani i rezultati istraživanja koje je autor ovog rada obavio u Okružnom sudu u Novom Sadu. Sličnostima i razlikama između ubistva iz koristoljublja i ubistva pri izvršenju razbojništva i razbojničke krađe u radu je posvećena odgovarajuća pažnja. U zaključku je istaknuto da je odlučujući uslov ubistva iz koristoljublja postojanje motiva koristoljublja.
Ugovor o otvaranju dokumentarnog akreditiva
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Plaćanje putem dokumentarnog akreditiva jedan je od najčešćih poslova u bankarskoj praksi, posebno značajan u međunarodnom prometu. S obzirom da je dokumentarni akreditiv složeni pravni posao, predmet ovog rada je samo ugovor o otvaranju dokumentarnog akreditiva, koji nastaje bančinim prihvatanjem naloga komitenta za otvaranje akreditiva, a kojim se praktično započinje ovaj pravni posao. Detaljnije su obrađeni pojam i pravna priroda ugovora o otvaranju dokumentarnog akreditiva, zaključenje i njegovo pravno dejstvo. Jednoobrazna pravila i običaja za dokumentarne akreditive Međunarodne trgovinske komore u Parizu (UCP 600) u bankarskoj praksi se primenjuju od 1. jula 2007. godine. Prve analize pokazuju da je veći broj banaka u svetu uspešno prilagodio svoje obrasce i poslovnu praksu novim pravilima, koja nude jednostavniju međunarodnu poslovnu praksu, koja pretočena u nova pravila, postaje operativnija i efikasnija. Praktičan značaj novih pravila ogleda se u tome što je bankarska praksa postala jednostavnija, a i data su tumačenja pojedinih termina, koji su ranije stvarali nedoumice. Ovaj instrument je dobio svoj puni smisao, tako što je postao praktični instrument plaćanja, a nova pravila doprinela su evropskim i svetskim integracijama i ujednačavanju bankarske poslovne prakse.
Uloga i značaj Saveta za etička pitanja Društva sudija Srbije i Standardi sudijske etike
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U ovom tekstu autor analizira pravne izvore i primenu sudijske etike u Srbiji. Konstatuje da pitanje sudijske etike za vreme socijalističkog poretka u Srbiji nije celovito analizirano niti zakonski regulisano. Obzirom da je i u Srbiji u toku tranzicija ka demokratskom poretku, po uzorima zemalja Zapadne Evrope i šire, autor se zalaže da se i u Srbiji primene iskustva i zakonodavna rešenja iz pravno uređenih demokratskih zemalja. Analiza najpre daje prikaz stanja u definisanju i primeni standarda sudijske etike. Utvrđuje da se i u Srbiji unapređuju nezavisnost sudske vlasti i položaja sudija, a s tim u vezi autor se zalaže da se pitanje sudijske etike u Srbiji znatno unapredi. Obzirom da je u Srbiji Standarde sudijske etike definisalo Društvo sudija Srbije, kao profesionalno udruženje, analiza se zalaže da se i zakonom propiše obaveznost Standarda sudijske etike i predvide organi za primenu tih Standarda. U analizi je dat načelni pregled zakonskih rešenja u svetu i u Srbiji i način njihove primene. Analizira se nezavisnost, nepristrasnost, profesionalnost, integritet, posvećenost i odanost Standardima sudijske etike. O svakom od principa sudijske etike autor daje i svoje predloge, na osnovu iskustava koje postoje u Srbiji i u svetu. Autor iznosi svoj zaključak o potrebi jačanja mehanizama za ostvarivanje Standarda sudijske etike, o njihovoj opštoj obaveznosti, u skladu sa Zakonom o sudijama koji u Srbiji treba da počne sa primenom od 01.01.2010. godine.
Underage marriage – A comparative analysis
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Underage marriages represent a specific form of marriage, established between underage partners, one or both of whom are minors. Underage marriage is a complex social phenomenon that withstands social changes, highlighting the relevance of this topic. The aim of the research of this paper is to look at the legal solutions concerning underage marriage in the Republic of Serbia with special reference to the legislations of France, England, Germany, Romania and Poland. By using the normative method, the authors will analyze the provisions of the most important laws that are relevant to the topic in the mentioned countries, while comparative analysis will reveal similarities and differences on issues related to underage marriage. Drawing on research that has examined the prevalence of underage marriages worldwide, the authors will present these findings to gain insights into the “real-life” situation, i.e., the prevalence of these marriages.
Uporedno-pravni pregled upravljačke strukture privrednih društava
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Unapređenje zajedničkog upravljanja ostaje u središtu interesovanja zemalja širom sveta. Zakonodavac, organi zaštite bezbednosti i berza imaju iste ciljeve u unapređivanju dostupnosti i kvaliteta informacija koje se daju investitorima i pojačavaju funkciju odbora u njihovom nadzoru nad kompanijom. Sve ovo ukazuje na to da je zajedničko upravljanje i dalje od velike važnosti za poboljšanje poverenja investitora u tržište kapitala.
Uslovni otpust u kaznenom zakonodavstvu Srbije
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Promene u kaznenom zakonodavstvu Srbije nužno su se odrazile i na uslovni otpust. Usklađivanje sa međunarodnim standardima dovelo je do povećanja dužine izdržane kazne zatvora posle koje se može tražiti uslovni otpust, ali i ukazalo na neusklađenost sa odredbama Evropske konvencije o ljudskim pravima. Neophodno je uvesti rokove u kojima mora da se rešavaju molbe za uslovni otpust, izdiferencirati da li je to ipak samo mogućnost, ili i pravo na uslovni otpust, što bi uz uvođenje jasnijih kriterijuma na osnovu kojih bi se to utvrđivalo dovelo do svođenja arbitrabilnosti u odlučivanju po ovim zahtevima na minimum. Procesna rešenja vezana za postupak za odobrenje uslovnog otpusta morala bi se proširiti kroz uvođenje nejavnog postupka tokom rešavanja molbe za uslovni otpust, uz davanje mogućnosti zatvoreniku da aktivno učestvuje u njemu. Saslušanje stručnih lica, veštaka koja sačinjavaju Izveštaj o zatvoreniku trebalo bi uvesti najmanje kao mogućnost. Državni tužilac bi svoju ulogu u ovim postupcima morao promeniti, kroz aktivno učešće u njima. Specijalizacija sudskog veća i njegovo izdvajanje iz rada i redovne nadležnosti vanraspravnog veća doprineli bi efikasnosti u radu po ovim predmetima. Opoziv uslovnog otpusta bi trebalo raditi na isti način i postupku kao i odobravanje uslovnog otpusta. Uslovni otpust kao korektiv pravnosnažnoj sudskoj presudi zahteva da bude pod nadzorom stručnih organa i nadležnošću suda. Ovo bez obzira da li se osuđenom kojem se kazna suspenduje kroz uslovni otpust određuje da ispuni i obaveze predviđene krivičnopravnim odredbama.