Original scientific work. Рубрика в журнале - Pravo - teorija i praksa

Публикации в рубрике (222): Original scientific work
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Protection of human and minority rights in the constitution of Serbia with reference to the legal provisions on the treatment of persons in detention

Protection of human and minority rights in the constitution of Serbia with reference to the legal provisions on the treatment of persons in detention

Dejan Logarušić, Darko Golić

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The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia contains a large number of provisions on human rights and freedoms. The Constitution guarantees all three generations of rights. Articles 28 and 29 of the Constitution regulate the following rights: Dealing with a person deprived of liberty and Supplementary rights in case of deprivation of liberty without a court decision. Basing the provisions on the aforementioned articles of the Constitution, the criminal procedure legislation has regulated in detail the matter of dealing with persons in custody. After a detailed analysis of the rules of treatment of persons in detention, it has been concluded that it is not about any specific rights or rules, but only about the realization of the basic guaranteed rights that every citizen should enjoy, regardless of their status. Bearing in mind the topic, the paper analyzes the development and conceptual definition of human and minority rights. Some characteristic provisions of the Constitution related to the topic of the paper were also analyzed, and then an overview was made of the legal provisions in Serbia on the treatment of persons who are in detention, and which have their basis precisely in the provisions of the Constitution.


Protection of personal data of employees

Protection of personal data of employees

Jovana Vasiljković

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Protection of personal data of employees forms part of the concept of the right to privacy which is becoming increasingly important with the development of various means of monitoring and control by employers, thus creating the need for adopting the legislation that would protect individuals from undesired data processing. The legislation that regulates the field of data protection has created a complex system of their protection. This paper will hence summarise those legal solutions that are relevant to understanding the protection of personal data of employees in the European Union law, but also in the law of the Republic of Serbia. In addition to this, the paper will explore the right to protection of personal data from the perspective of employees, but also from that of employers, by analysing various means of supervision and examples from the practice.


Provisions of Mažuranić's Act on the organization of public schools and teacher training schools and legislative frameworks for encouraging creativity in education

Provisions of Mažuranić's Act on the organization of public schools and teacher training schools and legislative frameworks for encouraging creativity in education

Daniel Haman, Domagoj Kopljar, Vlasta Haman

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Ivan Mažuranić, Croatian Ban who reigned from 1873-1880 implemented significant reforms in education, administration, and judiciary since his political programme focused on the provision of the modern legal framework for Croatian autonomy. During the second year of his reign, on 19th August 1874, Ban Mažuranić proposed to the Parliament a draft Act on the organisation of public schools and teacher training schools (original in Croatian Zakon ob ustroju pučkih školah i preparandijah), which was adopted and confirmed by the Austrian Emperor and Hungarian-Croatian King Francis Joseph I already on 14th October 1874. That Act is considered to be the first Croatian autonomous school law and one of the most liberal school laws in Europe, as it secured the schools the status of secular institutions. Many of the provisions of that Act are still accurate and applicable in today's Croatian educational system. However, being proposed back then, they caused serious debates and protests of all social classes. A qualitative comparative analysis of the Act on the organisation organization of public schools and teacher training schools and the current Act on education in primary and secondary schools will compare the legislative frameworks for encouraging creativity in education, which provide prerequisites for the creative and autonomous work of teachers. Having passed this law, Ban Mažuranić proved himself to be serious in fulfilling his election promises. Along with other laws enforced in judiciary and administration, this Act opened the way for the modernisation of the former Croatian state and its faster adoption of European standards of a modern civil state.


Public finances in constitutional system of Serbia

Public finances in constitutional system of Serbia

Šipovac Radica, Golić Darko, Počuča Milan

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Matter of public finances doesn't belong to the cycle of fundamental questions of so-called materie constitutionis. However main principle of socio-economic system of one political community, in which question of public finances is one of basic is regulation of every modern constitution. This scientific work is focusing on norms relevant for the question of public finances, which are contained in Constitution of Republic of Serbia and in proposal of new Statute of Vojvodina Province, and will consist, after Statute goes into effect, the largest number of norms already contained in constitutional system of Serbia. Substances referring to public finances are not considered only in part which contains them under the title. Questions directly or indirectly related to public finances can be found besides the following, in part about human and minority rights and freedom, Republic authority, separation of powers and territorial structure. Part of constitution referring to public finances is deficient. According to article 91 of the Low, resources for financing Republic regulation, province and local authority are providing from taxes and other incomes defined by the law, which also defines budget regulation, public debts, proper regional development, and Central bank and Governmental revision institution. Former constitution, as the difference from the existing one, made important changes in system of public finances in Serbia. Guaranteeing province and units of local authority the right for incomes, Republic of Serbia demonstrated determination for general decentralization, including fiscal without which is illusory to talk about any other. Through tax legislation and other financial laws constitutional regulation will get acquire meaning.


Public sector reform according to the new public management model

Public sector reform according to the new public management model

Petrović Ivan

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During the last 30 years or even more many countries implemented certain programs in order to transform the public sector representing a consequence of generating economic- financial and fiscal pressures. In these countries various initiatives have successively been driven based on liberal principles of the market economy, mainly motivated by similar reasons with a cumulative effect to realize the development goals of the new global environment. A number of these initiatives are based on the same assumptions, so we can talk about the reforms of programs being more or less coherent in their content. One of such programs is the New Public Management (New Public Management, NPM), which was, in the conceptual sense, initiated in the UK and other countries of the Anglo-Saxon tradition in early 1980s. Although in practical terms a particular manifestation of this model was, as the nucleus, firstly widespread through New Zealand and Australia and later through the Scandinavian countries, those reflections were very extensive, and acquired the form of a paradigm for contemporary changes in the sphere of public sector governance in many continental countries where they experienced an empirical verification.


Purpose of criminal sanctions in the law of the Republic of Serbia

Purpose of criminal sanctions in the law of the Republic of Serbia

Nada Đuričić, Mirela Tahirović

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The subject of the paper is the general and specific purpose of criminal sanctions in the law of the Republic of Serbia, with a brief overview of certain characteristics of criminal sanctions, and in order to better understanding them. Achieving the purpose of prescribing and imposing criminal sanctions contributes to the realization of the basic function of criminal law, which is aimed at combating crime. Reducing crime is necessary, but as it is a complex phenomenon, achieving this goal is not easy, and understanding the purpose of criminal sanctions can contribute to a more successful application of criminal law and, to that end, to more successfully counteract of this negative phenomenon.


Razlozi za izjavljivanje žalbe u parničnom postupku

Razlozi za izjavljivanje žalbe u parničnom postupku

Božić Zoran

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Žalba protiv presude u parničnom postupku, čini jedan od najvažnijih oblika zaštite građanskih prava i sloboda, zajemčenih Ustavom. To je deo osnovnih tekovina i vrednosti razvoja civilizacije i ljudskog društva koja traje više od dve hiljade godina. Zakonom o parničnom postupku Republike Srbije navedeni su razlozi protiv koje se može pobijati presuda doneta u prvom stepenu. Imajući u vidu da žalba ima suspenzivno dejstvo na donetu prvostepenu odluku, zakonodavac je predvideo široki spektar razloga zbog kojih se može takva odluka pobijati. Svi žalbeni razlozi su svrstani u tri grupe i odnose se na povredu odredaba parničnog postupka, utvrđeno činjenično stanje i primenu materijalnog prava. Kroz dosadašnju sudsku praksu, utvrđeni su i iskristalisani najvažniji kriterijumi i dileme, vezane za primenu ovog instituta procesnog prava kod nas.


Regioni - ekonomske celine države Srbije

Regioni - ekonomske celine države Srbije

Đurić Aleksandar B.

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U ovom radu autor je analizirao sadržinu i značaj razvoja srpske lokalne samouprave u procesu evropske integracije kao sredstvo za ostvarivanje osnovnih ljudskih prava u Srbiji. Poseban značaj posvećen je komparativnoj analizi ustavnopravnih odredaba o lokalnoj samoupravi i u vezi sa lokalnom samoupravom u našem nacionalnom (članovi 1, 3, 4, 12, 18-81, 82-94, 176-193, 194-205. Ustav RS) i inostranim zapadno-evropskim ustavima (Nemačke, Francuske, Španije, Norveške i dr.). Iako je ustav konstitutivni pravni akt odredbe o lokalnoj samoupravi u srpskom Ustavu su deklarativnog karaktera (članovi 176-178, osim člana 192. Ustava RS), dok su odredbe o lokalnoj samoupravu u inostranim ustavima konstitutivnog karaktera. Takođe, pojedini međunarodno-pravni akti sadrže konstitutivne odredbe o sadržini i razvoju lokalne samouprave u državama EU (primera radi, Povelja Ujedinjenih nacija; Evropska povelja o lokalnoj samoupravi; Evropska povelja o regionalnoj autonomiji; Međunarodni pakt o građanskim i političkim pravima; Međunarodni pakt o ekonomskim, socijalnim i kulturnim pravima i drugi). Drugo osnovno pitanje koje direktno utiče na kvalitet sadržine i razvoja lokalne samouprave kod nas i u svetu je decentralizacija i regionalizacija. Proces decentralizacije se mora shvati kao kreativni proces, a ne kao sredstvo za ostvarenje političke ideologije pojedinih političkih stranaka. Upravo kao prevencija političke zloupotrebe, sadržina i proces decentralizacije (naročito fiskalne decentralizacije) moraju biti detaljno i sveobuhvatno regulisani zakonom i putem naučnih tribina, seminara i masmedija propagirni u Srbiji. Takva sadržina i proces decentralizacije u Srbiji trebaju biti osnovno sredstvo realizacije primarnih (ekonomskih, socijalnih i pravnih) ljudskih prava u zemlji Srbiji (primera radi, građani u lokalnoj samoupravi moraju organizovati na nivou lokalne samouprave kroz lokalne organe vlasti administriranje poreza i način raspolaganja poreskim sredstvima; ili inostrane investicije moraju biti osigurane i obezbeđene kroz razvijeni sistem zakonske i moralne odgovornosti građana i njihovih organa lokalne vlasti; ili sudski i drugi državni organi u lokalnoj samoupravi moraju biti kadrovski i profesionalno osposobljeni za obavljanje svojih profesionalnih funkcija na nivou lokalne vlasti; ili razvoj preduzetništva i malih preduzeća u skladu sa ekonomskim potrebama konkretne jedinice lokalne samouprave i drugo). Upravo ovakav kvalitet decentralizacije u Srbiji moraju inicirati i započeti Republički izvršni organi (Premijer i Vlada RS) svim lege artis raspoloživim sredstvima. Ovako ostvarena decentralizacija omogućiće regionalizaciju Srbije. Organizovanje regiona u Srbiji treba počivati na sličnostima u ekonomskim resursima pojedinih jedinica lokalne samouprave. Cilj regionalizma je postizanje ravnomernog razvoja svih delova teritorije države Srbije. Regioni trebaju da predstavljaju ekonomske uzajamno povezane celine unutar jedinstvenog državnog ekonomskog sistema Srbije. Zakonom o decentralizaciji i regionalizaciji moraju biti celovito i temeljno regulisana sva pitanja decentralizacije i regionalizacije u Srbiji, a osobeno zakonskopravna odgovornost srpske (republičke i lokalne) egzekutive za sprovođene navedenog kvaliteta decentralizacije i regionalizacije. Sadržina i procedura decentralizacije i regionalizacije u Srbiji zavisi od namera i idejnih planova njenih građana i njene izvršne vlasti. Decentralizacija i regionalizacija Srbije ne smeju biti sredstvo za separaciju i secesiju pojedinih delova teritorije Srbije.


Relation between financial law and other grain rights

Relation between financial law and other grain rights

Šipovac Radica

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Financial law as a branch of law dealing with the investigation of legal norms that make the legal framework of a state. The aim of passing legislation is a very complex regulation of relations arising from the financial activities of political collectivity. From the financial rights as a broader notion of general-separated the two right fiscal and budget. Fiscal law for the subject of study includes part of the financial rights to apply the process of introduction, establishment and collection of public duties, while the budget law is a separate 'state accounting' discipline, the system of legal norms that regulate the management of state property, etc. Financial law is connected, and work closely with the administrative law, constitutional, international public and criminal law.


Saobraćaj unutrašnjim vodenim putevima - potencijal za razvoj Srbije

Saobraćaj unutrašnjim vodenim putevima - potencijal za razvoj Srbije

Vitez Miroslav, Raičević Vuk

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Ovaj rad predstavlja pokušaj da se skrene pažnja na postojanje, ali neiskorišćenost značajnih potencijala Republike Srbije kada je u pitanju saobraćaj unutrašnjim vodenim putevima. S tim ciljem, nakon preciznog ukazivanja na suštinske pojmove i značaj saobraćajnog prava uopšte, detaljnije se obrazlaže koje su to prednosti saobraćaja unutrašnjim vodenim putevima i zašto on u savremenim uslovima predstavlja značajan činilac razvoja privrede. U centru interesovanja je trenutna situacija i postojeća pravna regulativa u Republici Srbiji u kojoj, godinama unazad, ili bolje reći decenijama, ne postoji ozbiljan napor da se nešto učini po pitanju iskorišćavanja rečnih plovnih puteva, kao najznačajnijeg segmenta saobraćaja unutrašnjim vodenim putevima. Svetlu tačku trenutno predstavlja Master plan za razvoj saobraćaja na Dunavu, sačinjen od strane Evropske agencije za rekonstrukciju, koji je već delimično sproveden. U drugom delu rada, naglasak je stavljen na pravno regulisanje plovidbe na Dunavu i Savi, uz kritički stav i o jednom i o drugom. Režim plovidbe Dunavom uređen je Konvencijom o režimu plovidbe na Dunavu koja je posle više od pola veka sasvim spremna za menjanje i prilagođavanje promenjenoj situaciji u savremenoj Evropi, dok je regulisanje plovidbe Savom tek u začetku, ali sa pozitivnim tendencijama. U završnoj misli, ukazuje se na još neke ideje o potencijalnim rečnim tokovima i daljem povezivanju postojećih, čija je realizacija, naročito u uslovima savremene privrede, neizbežna, nadamo se u skorijoj budućnosti.


Savremeno tržište osiguranja

Savremeno tržište osiguranja

Ostojić Bojana, Lutovac Nataša, Matić Marko

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Čoveka i njegovu zajednicu od davnina su ugrožavale najrazličitije opasnosti preteći da ih unište, povrede, ugroze život, zdravlje ili imovinu, dovodeći u pitanje čak i njihov opstanak. Razni oblici zaštite koji su primenjivani morali su se neprekidno usavršavati budući da su nastajale i nove opasnosti, odnosno rizici. Sem potrebe za zaštitom sopstvenih dobara od prirodnih nepogoda ili od tuđih radnji, javljala se i potreba za zaštitom od posledica sopstvenog delovanja kojim se može naneti šteta tuđim ili i svojim dobrima. Početni oblici zaštite ljudima koje je pogodila nesreća (bolest ili smrt hranioca porodice, nastanak radne nesposobnosti, uništenje imovine posle požara i slično) bili su zajednički prilozi i pomoć zajednice - rodbine, sela ili plemena. U prvobitnoj društvenoj zajednici, kada nije bilo privatne svojine, taj problem nije mogao biti složen: uništena dobra je zajednica zamenjivala novostvorenim. U ovakvim, više ili manje slabo uređenim poduhvatima, mogu se pronaći izvesni tragovi savremenog osiguranja. Koren reči osiguranje predstavlja pridev siguran (italijanski sicuro, latinski securus). Pojedinac sopstvenim snagama nije mogao obezbediti ovakvu zaštitu. Stoga je vrlo rano u razvoju ljudskog društva iskrsla zamisao o ustrojenju neophodne zaštite preko mehanizma kojim će pojedinci, ugroženi istom opasnošću, svojim naturalnim ili, kasnije, novčanim doprinosima obezbediti naknadu onima koje opasnost pogodi.


Significance and economic functions of securities

Significance and economic functions of securities

Petar Bulatović

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Globalization of markets and internationalization of trade significantly affect both the regional and national ways of doing business, economic trends, and economic balances, as well as the competitive positions on the world market of knowledge and capital. Securities have a great importance in business. Theory and practice agree that the issuance of securities represents a significant social and economic event, both locally and regionally, as well as globally. Bearing in mind the topic of the paper, in the subheadings there have been analyzed the basic issues related to securities – the concept and essential features of securities, the legal nature and types of securities, the creditworthiness of securities, the legal treatment of securities in Republic of Serbia, as well as the importance and economic function of securities.


Sistem finansiranja lokalne samouprave u Republici Srbiji

Sistem finansiranja lokalne samouprave u Republici Srbiji

Aleksić Vesna

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U proteklom periodu (1994-2006. godine) u sistemu finansiranja lokalne samouprave u Srbiji dešavale su se brojne i značajne promene. Pri tome je zadržana zatečena teritorijalna organizacija, broj odnosno veličina jedinica lokalne samouprave. Srbija ima relativno mali broj jedinica lokalne samouprave, jer je ocenjeno da bi se usitnjavanjem lokalne samouprave smanjila njena ekonomska samostalnost, a time i njena autonomija i sposobnost za efikasno i racionalno pružanje usluga. Takođe, u posmatranom periodu nisu bitnije menjane nadležnosti lokalne samouprave. Počevši od 2007. godine, povećanje obima nadležnosti na osnovu sektorskih zakona, desiće se u oblasti zdravstvene zaštite i predškolskog obrazovanja. Promene u okviru fiskalne decentralizacije kretale su se, pre svega, u okviru vertikalne i horizontalne ujednačenosti sistema. U okviru vertikalne ujednačenosti sistema, realno su udvostručena raspoloživa sredstva lokalne samouprave, i to za postojeći obim nadležnosti. Ocena je da za postojeći obim nadležnosti, lokalna samouprava raspolaže sa dovoljnim sredstvima. Lokalna samouprava u Srbiji ostvaruje ne samo operativni već i ukupan budžetski suficit, mada je on, u dosadašnjem sistemu finansiranja, uglavnom bio skoncentrisan kod fiskalno najjačih lokalnih samouprava.


Sloboda prometa robe u okviru Evropske unije - osnovno obeležje Evropske unije, sa posebnim osvrtom na carinsku uniju

Sloboda prometa robe u okviru Evropske unije - osnovno obeležje Evropske unije, sa posebnim osvrtom na carinsku uniju

Mirković Predrag, Đurić Vladimir

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Sve što se radi u poslovnom svetu radi se sa ciljem sticanja dobiti. Carinska unija je najbolji primer kojim se potvrđuje da privredni interesi često imaju presudan uticaj na politiku i na političke lidere. Sloboda prometa robe je osnovno obeležje EU i predstavlja jednu od glavnih razloga nastanka EU. Naravno sva ostala načela na kojima počiva EU su takođe od izuzetnog značaja. Carinska unija koja je osnovno obeležje EU, je od suštinskog značaja za funkcionisanje ovakve zajednice. Zajedničke carinske tarife i jedinstveni carinski prostor su elementi koji definišu EU kao organizaciju kakvu danas poznajemo.


Spanish special taxes and the tax harmonization of the European union

Spanish special taxes and the tax harmonization of the European union

Vanesa Sánchez-Ballesteros

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If the special taxes have been imposed with a fundamental objective of promoting a consumption limitation of certain products derived from their devastating social or environmental impact, it is necessary to reflect on their high cost produced by the transposition of the EU Directive 2020/262 of the Council, from December 19th, 2019, which establishes a general regime of special taxes and their taxation. If the objective of the aforementioned Directive is to achieve a fiscal harmonization, it is necessary to consider the effects that occur when its application in the Spanish state directly collides with the economic capacities and tax justice, since these principles may be void of a content and threaten to a greater or lesser extent against another basic non-confiscatory tax collection. For this reason, this work will analyze some issues related to its high quantification and the results produced in the EU harmonization line. Taking into account that our constitutional principles may be called into question, there will be raised various questions about a double taxation of the products affected by these taxes, and, how, in its social repercussion, it does not seem to comply with its alleged extra-taxation in terms of its effectiveness.


Specialization of judges for settlement of marriage disputes

Specialization of judges for settlement of marriage disputes

Tanja S. Mitrović

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The specialization of judges and/or specialized courts, as the reality of modern legal systems, take many forms: a specialized judge dealing with a limited legal area or cases relating to a particular factual situation in certain areas (such as, e.g. family law), specialized councils at existing courts (e.g. family council) or separate special courts (e.g. family courts). Modern family law defines a divorce judge as mediator, controller and protector of children’s interests, as well as of the balance of interests of spouses, whose main role is the consensual and complete regulation of the consequences of the marriage dissolution and, in other cases, the resolution of the divorce dispute by judgement on merits based on all the evidence presented. Such a complex court role requires not only an in-depth knowledge of legal matter but also a multidisciplinary approach to dispute resolution and imposes a specialization requirement in family matters, especially when it comes to high-conflict divorce cases. The subject of this paper is an analysis of the specialization of judges in the resolution of a high-conflict divorce dispute, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of specialization of judges, i.e. courts in that matter. Also, the aim of the paper is to consider the possibilities of better and more efficient work of the courts of the Republic of Serbia in this field, as well as the possibilities of specialization of judges in family law or the establishment of special family courts.


Specific characteristics of digital violence and digital crime

Specific characteristics of digital violence and digital crime

Željko Bjelajac, Aleksandar Filipović

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Migration of many aspects of human life and work into the online sphere has become an integral part of everyday life and it is difficult to imagine the functioning of any aspect of life without the Internet and the space in which most human interactions take place. One such large and significant new form has created a large number of smaller ones, and conditioned the transformation of things and phenomena from the physical world into completely new digital forms. The same happened with violence, as a phenomenon, a pattern of behavior and a part of human nature from the very beginnings of civilization, which took its new form being called a digital violence. It does not necessarily have to be online, but it is necessarily related to digital devices. To the problem of digital crime there should be added a digital violence as a contemporary problem, especially when we talk about legal regulatory mechanisms, although these two phenomena, with frequent overlaps, do not necessarily have to be contained in each other, but they are equally important. Online and offline digital spaces represent just a new field in which violence and crimes are committed, but the virtual characteristic of these spaces is only an additional specific feature, because their consequences are felt in the physical, real world, and in that sense, the border between virtual and real is invisible. This paper aims to explore the ontological determinants of violence and digital violence, to identify specific forms of digital violence and digital crime, as well as to analyze existing regulations aimed at combating digital violence and digital crime.


Specific execution of criminal sanctions against juveniles

Specific execution of criminal sanctions against juveniles

Ignjatović Aleksandar

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In almost all modern societies appear as perpetrators of criminal acts the young population. This phenomenon and this type of crime called juvenile delinquency. Regardless of the diversity of the causes of that delinquency, we can say that it is a specific type of crime which consists of young people. In almost all modern countries, according to them, as a rule, the specific types of criminal sanctions - educational measures, and only very fine, which may be a special kind. Purpose of criminal sanctions to juveniles is to control, providing protection and assistance, as well as providing general and vocational training affect the development and strengthening of personal responsibility of minors, to education and proper development of his personality, in order to ensure the reintegration of juveniles in the community. Measures of social reactions to juvenile crime in the resocialization, are subject to a permanent theoretical studies, and frequent criticism, which are subject to change.


Specifičnosti i uloga komunikologije u međunarodnom ekonomskom pregovaranju

Specifičnosti i uloga komunikologije u međunarodnom ekonomskom pregovaranju

Radović Vidak, Đelošević Milena D.

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U diplomatiji i ukupnoj korespodenciji u oblasti međunarodnih odnosa sve se više koristi veština pregovaranja. Isto tako, sve je naglašeniji značaj ovog vida komuniciranja među ljudima u svakodnevnom privatnom i javnom životu. Važno je istaći da svojevrsni međunarodni standardi komuniciranja treba da budu primenjeni u jednom krajnje osetljivom sektoru kao što je bezbednost. Nakon 'hladnog rata' bezbednost pojedinca, svake države i međunarodne zajednice nije više ugrožena prevashodno vojnim pretnjama, nego i drugim brojnim rizicima koje prepoznajemo kao prirodne katastrofe, ne namerno ili namerno izazvane nesreće, nemaran odnos prema životnoj sredini, bolesti, ekonomske krize, socijalne promene, prisilne migracije, organizovani kriminal, terorizam i sl. Po osnovu svih navedenih izazova bezbednosti veoma često dolazi do sukoba i kriza. Ovaj članak predstavlja napor da se uspostavi nova matrica odnosa u sferi bezbednosti (gde je dugo vladala netolerantnost i nepostojanje osećaja za kompromis), kako bi se i najsloženiji problemi mogli rešiti mirnim, a ne nasilnim sredstvima - pregovaranjem, a ne oružjem i prisilom.


Specifičnosti naučno-istraživačkog rada u društvenim naukama

Specifičnosti naučno-istraživačkog rada u društvenim naukama

Montgomery Lynne, Jež Zdravko, Prelević Snežana

Статья научная

Metodologija naučno-istraživačkog rada predstavlja svojevrsnu riznicu dosadašnjih iskustava naučnih radnika iz različitih oblasti. Stoga su mnoge teme ostale van okvira ovog rada, dok su obrađena osnovna pitanja metodologije (metod i izvori metodoloških saznanja) i naučnog istraživanja (metodološki postulati naučne delatnosti i faze naučnog istraživanja) s posebnim osvrtom na specifičnost istraživanja i problem objektivnosti istraživanja u društvenim naukama, te je ukazano na izvesna otvorena pitanja iz pomenute materije.

