Статьи журнала - Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Математическое моделирование и программирование

Все статьи: 767

Analysis of the Avalos-Triggiani problem for the linear Oskolkov system of the highest order and a system of wave equations

Analysis of the Avalos-Triggiani problem for the linear Oskolkov system of the highest order and a system of wave equations

Sukacheva T.G., Kondyukov A.O.

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The Avalos-Triggiani problem for a system of wave equations and a linear Oskolkov system of the highest order is investigated. The mathematical model contains a linear Oskolkov system describing the flow of an incompressible viscoelastic Kelvin-Voigt fluid of of the highest order, and a wave vector equation corresponding to some structure immersed in the specified fluid. Based on the method proposed by the authors of this problem, the theorem of the existence of the unique solution to the Avalos-Triggiani problem for the indicated systems is proved.


Analysis of the Wentzell stochastic system composed of the equations of unpressurised filtration in the hemisphere and at its boundary

Analysis of the Wentzell stochastic system composed of the equations of unpressurised filtration in the hemisphere and at its boundary

Goncharov N.S., Sviridyuk G.A.

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The deterministic and stochastic Wentzell systems of Dzekzer equations in a hemisphere and on its boundary are studied for the first time. The deterministic case is characterised by the unambiguous solvability of the initial problem for the Wentzell system in a specific constructed Hilbert space. In the case of the stochastic hydrodynamic system ``reservoir-well-collector'', the theory of Nelson-Glicklich derivative is applied and a stochastic solution is constructed, which allows us to determine the prognoses of quantitative changes in the geochemical regime of groundwater under non-pressure filtration. It should be noted that for the filtration system under study, the non-classical Wentzell condition is considered, since it is represented by an equation with the Laplace - Beltrami operator defined on the boundary of the domain, understood as a smooth compact Riemannian manifold without an edge, and the external influence is represented by the normal derivative of the function defined in the domain.


Analysis of the influence of the Lagrange multiplier on the operation of the algorithm for estimating the signal parameters under a priori uncertainty

Analysis of the influence of the Lagrange multiplier on the operation of the algorithm for estimating the signal parameters under a priori uncertainty

Poborchaya N.E., Lobov E.M.

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The paper considers a recurrent regularizing algorithm for joint estimation of distortions of a M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) signal obtained in a direct conversion receiver path. The algorithm is synthesized using a modified least squares method in the form of Tikhonov's functional under conditions of a priori uncertainty about the laws of noise distribution. The resulting procedure can work both on the test sequence and on information symbols after the detection procedure. We analyze the influence of the Lagrange multiplier on the accuracy of the estimation procedure and on the complexity of the algorithm. It is shown that, with the same accuracy, the regularizing algorithm requires significantly fewer iterations than the procedure without the Lagrange multiplier, and therefore has a lower computational complexity.


Analytical solution to the problem of convective heat transfer in a porous rectangular channel for thermal boundary conditions of the second genus

Analytical solution to the problem of convective heat transfer in a porous rectangular channel for thermal boundary conditions of the second genus

Ryazhskikh V.I., Konovalov D.A., Ryazhskikh A.V., Boger A.A., Dakhin S.V.

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In the three-dimensional statement, we consider the Brinkman equation together with the equation of heterogeneous heat transfer for an unidirectional flow of the Newtonian fluid under laminar regime through horizontal porous channel having a constant rectangular cross-section with known thermal flows at the boundary and small values of the Darcy numbers. Due to the linearity of the formulated system of model equations, we obtain analytical solution of the system using the Laplace and Fourier integral transformation. The obtained solution allows to estimate the length of the input hydrodynamic section, the coefficient of hydraulic resistance, and the local Nusselt numbers. The results obtained for the hydrodynamic subproblem with a large porosity and thermal subproblem with a stationary temperature field agree with the classical data.


Analytical study of the mathematical model of wave propagation in shallow water by the Galerkin method

Analytical study of the mathematical model of wave propagation in shallow water by the Galerkin method

Bychkov E.V.

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Of concern is an initial-boundary value problem for the modified Boussinesq equation (IMBq equation) is considered. The equation is often used to describe the propagation of waves in shallow water under the condition of mass conservation in the layer and taking into account capillary effects. In addition, it is used in the study of shock waves. The modified Boussinesq equation belongs to the Sobolev type equations. Earlier, using the theory of relatively p-bounded operators, the theorem of existence and uniqueness of the solution to the initial-boundary value problem was proved. In this paper, we will prove that the solution constructed by the Galerkin method using the system orthornormal eigenfunctions of the homogeneous Dirichlet problem for the Laplace operator converges *-weakly to an precise solution. Based on the compactness method and Gronwall's inequality, the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Cauchy-Dirichlet and the Showalter-Sidorov-Dirichlet problems for the modified Boussinesq equation are proved.


Andrei Ivanovich Kibzun (to anniversary since birth)

Andrei Ivanovich Kibzun (to anniversary since birth)

Naumov A.V.



Anisotropic diffusion in anisotropic Stepanov spaces

Anisotropic diffusion in anisotropic Stepanov spaces

Gorlov V.A.

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We consider a problem on the image processing and computer vision. A wide range of methods allows to solve problems of this type. The methods of partial differential equations are the most useful and interesting ones. A non-linear diffusion takes special place in these studies. In this context, fundamental theoretical foundation is a central part of this approach. Therefore, we introduce a new functional class of spaces, formulate and prove the lemma on the equivalent norms in anisotropic Stepanov spaces. Another important result of this study is the lemma that the anisotropic Stepanov spaces are Banach. In addition, we obtain the theorem on the solvability of the equation of anisotropic diffusion in anisotropic Stepanov spaces. The results can be applied to the image processing and computer vision. Also, the obtained results open the new view to this problem.


Applicability of forecasted bankruptcy models to Russian industrial companies

Applicability of forecasted bankruptcy models to Russian industrial companies

Chebotareva G.S., Strielkowski W., Gafurov N.S.

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The application of effective methods for forecasting of the bankruptcy of industrial companies is always an urgent task for businesses, especially at the present stage which is characterized by an extremely high uncertainty. The paper presents the main techniques of bankruptcy modelling used in the world's practice: logit, probit and MDA-models, as well as the special private methods developed on their basis. These tools constitute the methodological foundation of our research. To assess the practical applicability of these methods to the contemporary Russian market, two sectorial companies (bankrupt and non-bankrupt) are selected as the object of study. A feature of the research is the use of financial statements of companies developed according to Russian and international standards. In the course of the calculations, we apply external and internal restrictions related to the key rate, credit history characteristics, age and regional affiliation of companies. Based on the dynamic assessment, we draw conclusions about the practical applicability and inapplicability of certain forecast models for the Russian economy. We investigate the relationship between the assessment results and the type of source data used. Research veracity is confirmed using generally recognized models and methods, as well as the practical implementation of the results obtained. We can recommend to use these results for improving the existing models for predicting bankruptcy and developing new ones, as well as for owners and investors of companies who need to make strategic decisions.


Application of particle swarm optimization for parameter estimation of the logistic map

Application of particle swarm optimization for parameter estimation of the logistic map

Sheludko A.S.

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This work considers the parameter estimation from measurements of the logistic map. The problem is solved in the context of optimization approach, which assumes minimization of a cost function that measures the difference between the time series obtained from the model equation and measurements. Complex dynamics of the logistic map leads to the multi-extremal optimization problem. It requires using appropriate computational techniques. This work presents the application of particle swarm optimization in searching for the global minimum of the cost function.


Application of the finite volume method for calculating radiation heat transfer in applied problems

Application of the finite volume method for calculating radiation heat transfer in applied problems

Litvintsev K.Yu., Sentyabov A.V.

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A number of numerical models of radiation heat transfer, based on P approximation and finite volume method, were implemented in the in-house CFD code "SigmaFlow" developed by the Krasnoyarsk group of the Institute of Thermophysics of Russian Academy of Science. The implemented finite volume method allows parallel calculations based on domain decomposition of an unstructured mesh and uses sub-mapped spatially inhomogeneous angular grids. Both conventional in CFD methods for solving linear systems such as BiCGStab, DILU, CG and a marching scheme were considered. A number of applied problems with radiation heat transfer were solved by means of CFD code "SigmaFlow". They include such problems as the numerical simulation of a gas furnace chamber, a burner and a vacuum electrical furnace.


Application of the smooth approximation of the probability function in some applied stochastic programming problems

Application of the smooth approximation of the probability function in some applied stochastic programming problems

Sobol V.R., Torishnyy R.O., Pokhvalenskaya A.M.

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This paper is devoted to the application of the smooth approximation of the probability function in the solution of three different stochastic optimization problems: minimization of an airstrip area under the constrained probability of successful landing, minimization of the cost of water supply system with random performance and with predefined water consumption, and determination of the set of wind speed vectors which guarantees the safe landing of an aircraft in future with the given probability. The first two problems are mathematical programming problems with probability constraint, and the third one is a problem of constructing the isoquant surface of the probability function. Smooth approximation of the probability function allows to use the gradient projection method in the constrained optimization problem and to define the isoquant surface as the solution to a partial differential equation. We provide an example for each of the considered problems and compare the results with known results previously obtained using the confidence method.


Approximation of solutions to the boundary value problems for the generalized Boussinesq equation

Approximation of solutions to the boundary value problems for the generalized Boussinesq equation

Furaev V.Z., Antonenko A.I.

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The paper is devoted to one of the Sobolev type mathematical models of fluid filtration in a porous layer. Results that allow to obtain numerical solutions are significant for applied problems. We propose the following algorithm to solve the initial-boundary value problems describing the motion of a free surface filtered in a fluid layer having finite depth. First, the boundary value problems are reduced to the Cauchy problems for integro-differential equations, and then the problems are numerically integrated. However, numerous computational experiments show that the algorithm can be simplified by replacing the integro-differential equations with the corresponding approximating Riccati differential equations, whose solutions can also be found explicitly. In this case, the numerical values of the solution to the integro-differential equation are concluded between successive values of approximating solutions. Therefore, we can pointwise estimate the approximation errors. Examples of results of numerical integration and corresponding approximations are given.


Approximation of the solution set for a system of nonlinear inequalities for modelling a one-dimensional chaotic process

Approximation of the solution set for a system of nonlinear inequalities for modelling a one-dimensional chaotic process

Sheludko A.S.

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The paper is focused on the modelling of a one-dimensional chaotic process which dynamics is described by a one-parameter nonlinear map. The problem is to estimate the initial condition and model parameter from measurements corrupted by additive errors. The considered guaranteed (set-membership) approach assumes that the prior information about the unknown variables (initial condition, model parameter and measurement errors) is presented as interval estimates. In this context, the estimation problem can be stated as a problem of solving a system of nonlinear inequalities. Due to the nonlinearity, it is not possible to obtain an exact characterization of the solution set. The developed algorithm computes an outer approximation as a union of non-overlapping boxes.


Assessment of economic sustainability of an enterprise

Assessment of economic sustainability of an enterprise

Thierling M., Pluzhnikov V.G.

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In a turbulent economy and increasing economic crises, the question of assessing the economic sustainability of a corporation is quite relevant and in demand in scientific research. At the same time, with a certain degree of conditionality, all works in this direction can be divided into two clusters: works based on traditional indicators of financial stability and ones using original scientific approaches to determining the economic condition of an enterprise. This article belongs to the works of the second cluster. The basis for assessing the economic sustainability of an enterprise is the economic and mathematical modelling of the operating activities of the enterprise based on the well-known Cobb - Douglas production function. A methodology is developed for constructing a mathematical model of the enterprise's activity, for determining elasticity indicators of output according to the resources used in the production process and elasticity of production, on the basis of the dynamics of which an approach to assessing economic stability is proposed. The methodology was tested on the data of PJSC Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant during the implementation of the innovation project "Height 239".


Asymptotic estimate of a Petrov - Galerkin method for nonlinear operator-differential equation

Asymptotic estimate of a Petrov - Galerkin method for nonlinear operator-differential equation

Vinogradova P.V., Samusenko A.M., Manzhula I.S.

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In the current paper, we study a Petrov - Galerkin method for a Cauchy problem for an operator-differential equation with a monotone operator in a separable Hilbert space. The existence and the uniqueness of a strong solution of the Cauchy problem are proved. New asymptotic estimates for the convergence rate of approximate solutions are obtained in uniform topology. The minimal requirements to the operators of the equation were demanded, which guaranteed the convergence of the approximate solutions. There were no assumptions of the structure of the operators. Therefore, the method, specified in this paper, can be applied to a wide class of the parabolic equations as well as to the integral-differential equations. The initial boundary value problem for nonlinear parabolic equations of the fourth order on space variables was considered as the application.


Balance on Nash in "soft" control problems for systems of the hierarchal type

Balance on Nash in "soft" control problems for systems of the hierarchal type

Menshikh V.V., Orlova D.E.

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This paper discusses the hierarchical system, which includes the Center, symbolizing the global interests of the system and control objects (CO), perform guidance Center, but at the same time pursuing its own local interests. In the first phase, the Centre produces a decision, taking into account global interests, and in the second stage CO chooses a specific version of the decision, taking into account their own administration and their local interests. It is anticipated that decision is consistent if the interests of each of the parties are counted so that a departure from it cannot improve the performance of any of the parties, i.e. it is balance on Nash. «Soft» control suggests that for each pair of «Center-facility control» global and local interests are taken into account in varying degrees. The method of finding equilibrium solutions depending on the extent of the accounting of interests and levels of reflection is found.


Baltic Sea water dynamics model acceleration

Baltic Sea water dynamics model acceleration

Bagliy A.P., Boukhanovsky A.V., Steinberg B.Ya., Steinberg R.B.

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Industrial Baltic sea water dynamics modelling program optimization and parallelization is described. Program is based on solving the system of partial differential equations of shallow water with numerical methods. Mechanical approach to program modernization is demonstrated involving building module dependency graph and rewriting every module in specific order. To achieve desired speed-up the program is translated into another language and several key optimization methods are used, including parallelization of most time-consuming loop nests. The theory of optimizing and parallelizing program transformations is used to achieve best performance boost with given amount of work. The list of applied program transformations is presented along with achieved speed-up for most time-consuming subroutines. Entire program speed-up results on shared memory computer system are presented.


Big-data approach in abundance estimation of non-identifiable animals with camera-traps at the spots of attraction

Big-data approach in abundance estimation of non-identifiable animals with camera-traps at the spots of attraction

Ivanko E.E.

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Camera-traps is a relatively new but already popular instrument in the estimation of abundance of non-identifiable animals. Although camera-traps are convenient in application, there remain both theoretical complications (such as spatial autocorrelation or false negative problem) and practical difficulties, for example, laborious random sampling. In the article I propose an alternative way to bypass the mentioned problems. In the proposed approach, the raw video information collected from the camera-traps situated at the spots of natural attraction is turned into the frequency of visits, and the latter is transformed into the desired abundance estimate. The key for such a transformation is the application of the correction coefficients, computed for each particular observation environment using the Bayesian approach and the massive database (DB) of observations under various conditions. The proposed method is based on automated video-capturing at a moderate number of easy to reach spots, so in the long term many laborious census works may be conducted easier, cheaper and cause less disturbance for the wild life. Information post-processing is strictly formalized, which leaves little chance for subjective alterations. However, the method heavily relies on the volume and quality of the DB, which in its turn heavily relies on the efforts of the community. Although the construction of such DB could be rather difficult and controversial, it is much easier than the solution of the initial abundance estimation problem. Moreover, such a rich DB of visits might benefit not only censuses, but also many behavioral studies.


Boundary inverse problem for star-shaped graph with different densities strings-edges

Boundary inverse problem for star-shaped graph with different densities strings-edges

Akhtyamov A.M., Mamedov Kh.R., Yilmazoglu E.N.

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The paper is devoted to the mathematical modelling of star-shaped geometric graphs with n rib-strings of different density and the solution of the boundary inverse spectral problem for Sturm-Liouville differential operators on these graphs. Earlier it was shown that if strings have the same length and densities, then the stiffness coefficients of springs at the ends of graph strings are not uniquely recovered from natural frequencies. They are found up to permutations of their places. We show, that if the strings have different densities, then the stiffness coefficients of springs on the ends of graph strings are uniquely recovered from all natural frequencies. Counterexamples are shown that for the unique recovery of the stiffness coefficients of springs on n dead ends of the graph, it is not enough to use n natural frequencies. Examples are also given showing that it is sufficient to use n+1 natural frequencies for the uniqueness of the recovery of the stiffness coefficients of springs at the n ends of the strings. Those, the uniqueness or non-uniqueness of the restoration of the stiffness coefficients of springs at the ends of the strings depends on whether the string densities are identical or different.


Calculation of aircraft area on satellite images by genetic algorithm

Calculation of aircraft area on satellite images by genetic algorithm

Iskhakov A.R., Malikov R.F.

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Classical genetic algorithm is used in a computational experiment, which is described in this article, to measure an area of the aircraft Boeing 737-300. Satellite images containing objects of interest are selected as initial data. The computational experiment consists of two steps. The first step presents the generalized formulas of values. These formulas are needed to select initial images, using the theory of modified descriptive algebra of images. After that, the initial data is formed according to the calculated values, i.e. the satellite image is chosen in the needed scale and the shooting angle. At the second step, a model of technical vision system (computer vision system) in the modified descriptive images algebra and a fitness function for the genetic algorithm are developed. Then varying parameters of the model are chosen and their optimization is carried out in MATLAB. The article demonstrates development of the model due to its complexity by additional imaging techniques. Experimentally it was found that the evolution of the model improves optimization results.

