Статьи журнала - Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Математическое моделирование и программирование

Все статьи: 767

Mathematical model of heating of plane porous heat exchanger of heat surface cooling system in the starting mode

Mathematical model of heating of plane porous heat exchanger of heat surface cooling system in the starting mode

Ryazhskikh V.I., Konovalov D.A., Dakhin S.V., Bulygin Yu.A., Shatskiy V.P.

Статья научная

Based on the conjugate Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheymer hydrodynamic model and Schumann thermal model with boundary conditions of the second kind, a model with lumped parameters was proposed by means of geometric 2D averaging to identify the integral kinetics of the temperature fields of a porous matrix and a Newtonian coolant without phase transitions. The model was adapted for a heat-stressed surface by means of a porous compact heat exchanger with uniform porosity and permeability, obeying the modified Kozeny-Carman relation, in the form of a Cauchy problem, the solution of which was obtained in the final analytical representation for the average volume temperatures of the coolant and the porous matrix. The possibility of harmonic damped oscillations of the temperature fields and the absence of coolant overheating in the starting condition of the cooling system were shown. For the dimensionless time of establishing the stationary functioning of the porous heat exchanger, an approximate estimate was obtained correlating with the known data of computational and full-scale experiments.


Mathematical model of methane replacement process in gas hydrate with carbon dioxide in a porous layer

Mathematical model of methane replacement process in gas hydrate with carbon dioxide in a porous layer

Khasanov M.K., Stolpovsky M.V., Kildibaeva S.R.

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In this article we construct a mathematical model and examine the characteristics of the injection of carbon dioxide into the natural layer, rich of the methane and its hydrate in its initial state. We consider the case in which due to the injection of carbon dioxide in the layer two areas are formed: in the first (proximal) region the pores of the layer are saturated with carbon dioxide and its hydrate but in the second (distant) region the pores of the layer are saturated with methane and its hydrate. In the numerical experiments it was established when the pressure increasing on the right border of the layer and decreasing the permeability of the layer or of the pressure of the of carbon dioxide injected, the temperature of the layer can rise at the front of the replacement above the equilibrium temperature of gas hydrate decomposition of methane that corresponds to the appearance of the dissociation border of gas hydrate to methane and water.


Mathematical model of the downward two-phase flow of a heat-transfer agent in an injection well

Mathematical model of the downward two-phase flow of a heat-transfer agent in an injection well

Musakaev N.G., Borodin S.L., Rodionov S.P.

Статья научная

At the present time, the main method of developing highly viscous and bituminous oil reservoirs is the injection of hot water or steam into such reservoirs. When injecting heat-transfer agent into a porous reservoir, its characteristics at the wellhead are known. It is important to know the parameters of a heat-transfer agent (pressure, temperature, mass content of steam in a two-phase mixture "water-steam", etc.) directly at the reservoir entrance. In order to calculate various parameters of a heat-transfer agent along the injection well depth (including the bottomhole), we propose a mathematical model of the downward flow of a hot "water-steam" mixture in a vertical channel. The model takes into account phase transitions occurring in a two-phase "water-steam" mixture, and external heat exchange of the well product with surrounding rocks (including permafrost). Based on the proposed mathematical model, we develop an algorithm to solve a quasistationary problem. In this case, we use the Runge-Kutta method in order to solve the system of differential equations describing the stationary flow of a heat-transfer agent in a well. Also, in order to solve the non-stationary problem of temperature distribution in the rocks that surround the well (including permafrost), we use the author enthalpy method with implicit scheme. For each time moment, the developed software allows to find the distributions along the well depth of various parameters of the downward two-phase flow, taking into account external heat exchange, as well as the temperature distribution in the rocks that surround the well and the permafrost thawing radius.


Mathematical modelling and analysis of activities of PJSC "Fortum"

Mathematical modelling and analysis of activities of PJSC "Fortum"

Mokhov V.G., Chebotareva G.S.

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The article discusses a mathematical model of the production activity of PJSC "Fortum", which is the main supplier of electrical and thermal energy in the Southern Urals. The model is constructed on the basis of the modified production function of Cobb - Douglas for 2010-2020. The author's algorithm for constructing the model is given, according to which a computer program for modelling the operating activities of an enterprise was written and registered in the State Register of computer programs in the Java language. The adequacy of the constructed model was checked by the coefficient of determination, the value of which showed its high reliability. The analysis of the constructed mathematical model made it possible to draw the following conclusions: the strategic goal of reducing tariffs declared in the course of the restructuring of OJSC "RAO UES of Russia" was not fulfilled, on the contrary, their steady growth is observed; the efficiency of operating activities does not meet modern requirements - during the entire analyzed period, there is a diminishing economies of scale; the sustainable development strategy implemented by PJSC "Fortum" does not have a proper economic power supply unit due to a decrease in the return on resources involved in production; relatively high financial results of PJSC "Fortum" are associated with an unreasonable increase in tariffs; consumers of electric and thermal energy of the Urals and Western Siberia, in the conditions of the monopoly on the energy market, finance the richest country in the world - the Netherlands - through payments from Fortum Holding B.V., which directly and indirectly owns 98% of the shares of PJSC "Fortum"; with the existing management mechanism and state control by the antimonopoly service, PJSC "Fortum" has no incentives to replace the outdated cogeneration option based on hydrocarbon fuels with modern, progressive green technologies. The results of the study are recommended to the Federal Antimonopoly Service to strengthen control over the activities of PJSC "Fortum", reduce tariff pressure on consumers of electric and thermal energy and unjustified enrichment of foreign subjects of the electric power industry at the expense of Russian consumers.


Mathematical modelling economy

Mathematical modelling economy

Mokhov V.G.

Статья обзорная

The article presents an overview of the main methods of economic modelling used in scientific research over the past twenty years. This overview does not claim to cover all areas, methods and models used in scientific research in the field of economics, since it is impossible to do within a single article. We consider mathematical modelling of only two branches of economic theory: macroeconomics and microeconomics. At the same time, we present no literature review of methods and models of research in the section of microeconomics, which take place in the tools of scientific research, but were described in the section of macroeconomics. We believe that this review is useful to scientists engaged in the indirect study of economic phenomena and processes.


Mathematical modelling of a transport system with minimal maintenance costs

Mathematical modelling of a transport system with minimal maintenance costs

Kibzun A.I., Khromova O.M.

Статья научная

We suggest a mathematical model of a transport system. The model describes the delivery of products from several suppliers to different points of consumption. It is assumed that consumer demands are random. The model is a two-stage stochastic programming problem. At the first stage suppliers make the commodity stocks. At the second stage we consider the product distribution to the points of consumption while minimizing compensation expenses for the goods shortage caused by the random demand. The model takes into account a random loss that occurs during the transportation of goods and the detection of defective products. The total cost of the transport system operation is minimized. The algorithm for solving the problem is proposed. This algorithm is based on reduction of the original problem to an equivalent mixed-integer linear programming problem after discretization. An example is considered.


Mathematical modelling of industrial equipment operation based on Markov processes

Mathematical modelling of industrial equipment operation based on Markov processes

Mokhov V.G., Chebotareva G.S.

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The existence of an almost unlimited number of methods for evaluating the productivity of industrial equipment contributes to the uncertainty of choosing the most effective approach. At the same time, the presence of many possible states of equipment (from working to repair and other downtime) complicates the problem of modelling the operation of such a system. The problem of modelling does not lose its relevance, first of all, for large industrial companies. The article presents the methodological features of modelling the operation of industrial equipment based on the Markov method. This approach is used as a base for estimating the probabilities of equipment transitions between states, as well as for predicting the final state of operation of such a system. In terms of practical application, we consider an example of the functioning of the same type of industrial equipment in the framework of three possible states (functional, broken, and also in the mode of forced repair). Based on the results of calculations, we carry out assessment of the reality of the state transitions of equipment, designed rate of these transitions, as well as the predicted level of productivity equipment system after the period "''. The reliability of the research results is confirmed by their practical implementation. The obtained results are recommended to be used by the management and analysts of industrial companies in the process of making operational decisions and in the development of equipment repair strategies.


Mathematical modelling of moisture distribution in porous media

Mathematical modelling of moisture distribution in porous media

Koshev A.N., Kuzina V.V., Koshev N.A.

Статья научная

We propose the mathematical model for distribution of moisture in porous material during the industrial wetting process for a number of assumptions. The model is presented in form of a boundary problem for ordinary differential equation. In current article we discuss possible methods of the solution of this problem, highlight some problems, which can occur during the solution. At the end of the paper, we present some numerical results of modelling wetting process for different materials and calculation of the parameters. The model under discussion allows to understand better the influence of parameters of the problem in order to optimize the wetting process in industry.


Mathematical modelling of spread COVID-19 epidemic for preventive measures to protect life and health of elderly

Mathematical modelling of spread COVID-19 epidemic for preventive measures to protect life and health of elderly

Bubeev Yu.A., Vladimirskiy B.M., Ushakov I.B., Usov V.M., Bogomolov A.V.

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Quantitative approaches based on mathematical modelling are used to justify a set of measures aimed at justifying a set of preventive measures to protect the life and health of older people in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. Analysis of the state of development of actuarial mathematical models of mortality in the COVID-19 epidemic shows the need to construct models that reflect the dynamics of the studied ratios of infection rates, morbidity, recovery and mortality in the dynamics of the pandemic, taking into account the influence of external factors on this process. Most of the known mathematical models for predicting the spread and consequences of COVID-19 are compartmental models that implement sequential transitions between states with the allocation of groups of individuals with different affiliation to the progression/decline of the spread of infection. To compensate for the shortcomings of the compartmental models due to the assumption of population homogeneity and the lack of adequate approaches to the scalability of the simulation results, models based on the Monte Carlo method and the concept of multi-agent systems are used. The development of modelling methods is associated with the need to expand information support for healthcare professionals and health care organizers with the possibility of online configuration of parameters of mathematical models and the use of data from «cloud services» with visualization of the results of modelling.


Mathematical modelling of vortex generation process in the flowing part of the vortex flowmeter and selection of an optimal turbulence model

Mathematical modelling of vortex generation process in the flowing part of the vortex flowmeter and selection of an optimal turbulence model

Kartashev A.L., Krivonogov A.A.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to mathematical modelling of processes, occurring in the flowing part of the vortex flowmeter, by the finite element method. The urgency of the current study is due to the lack of research in this area. The analysis of research literature devoted to the study of non-stationary vortex shedding processes and other hydrogasdynamics effects occurring in the flowing part of the vortex flowmeter and similar devices has been performed. A brief description of the vortex generation process behind the bluff body placed in a circular cross-section pipe as well as the basic criteria for functional products are presented. Various mathematical models for describing turbulent flows in pipes with an object or obstruction were investigated. The available software packages suitable for modelling unsteady turbulent flows were analyzed. The ANSYS software package, in particular CFX module for fluid and gas, as well as various approaches to mathematical modelling were used to simulate the flowing part of the vortex flowmeter. The article provides a brief description of the basic computational domain settings, mesh formation and initial and boundary conditions setting. To verify the numerical calculations, physical experiments on fluid and gas test benches were performed. For this purpose the samples corresponding to the numerical model have been manufactured and tested. The research findings led us to conclude that in terms of accuracy and calculation time the optimal approach to numerical simulation of vortex generation processes (Karman vortex street) in the vortex flowmeter is the use of the Reynolds-averaged Navier - Stokes equations (or RANS equations) closed by means of a two-equation model of turbulence, known as the k-e model, which is confirmed by comparison with the experimental data.


Mathematical modelling of wavy surface of liquid film falling down a vertical plane at moderate Reynolds' numbers

Mathematical modelling of wavy surface of liquid film falling down a vertical plane at moderate Reynolds' numbers

Prokudina L.A., Salamatov Ye.A.

Статья научная

Development of periodic disturbances on free surface of water film falling down vertical plane for Reynolds' number Reє[5;10] is investigated. The investigation is implemented in a scope of the nonlinear differential equation for evolution of free surface of falling down liquid film. The equation is solved by a finite differencies method at rectangular uniformly spaced grid. By researching the growth of unit inaccuracy, the conditions on parameters of computation grid for inaccuracies to be not increasing are obtained. As a result, waveforms of water film, time spent to form the regular wave mode and amplitudes of periodic disturbances are calculated. Calculated amplitudes and experimental ones are compared.


Mathematical terrain modelling with the help of modified Gaussian functions

Mathematical terrain modelling with the help of modified Gaussian functions

Rodin V.A., Sinegubov S.V.

Статья научная

Based on a fundamentally new approach, we present a complete mathematical model for estimating the mass of water in the flooded coastal relief, taking into account the water in the basin of the reservoir in a given region. Taking into account stochastic studies, we construct an approximate model of the relief of the reservoir basin bottom, as well as the relief of a possible section of the flooding of this basin coastline. The modelling is based on the empirical data of measurements of the reservoir depths, as well as on the study on the architecture of the lines of the coastal maps of the possible flooding zone. Based on the measurements of the depths and bumps of the bottom surface, we verify the hypothesis that the use of the two-dimensional Gauss distribution is adequate. Numerous confirmation of this hypothesis on the basis of empirical measurements allows to use localized elliptic Gauss surfaces as a model function in order to construct an approximate model of hillocks and valleys. At the same time, the coordinates of local extremes of the depths, as well as the values of these extremes are constant. In order to simulate the surfaces of the underwater slopes, we construct planes according to depth measurements. This simulation is not a real copy, but is stochastic in nature and allows to take into account the main goal of the model, i.e. a full adequate estimation of the water mass of the flooded coastal relief included the water in the basin of the reservoir in the region. The equation of the model of the entire flooded region includes all local functions constructed for the mounds and troughs of the reservoir, as well as the functions of the planes of the slope models. For an approximate construction of the surface equations of the coastal zone, we use maps with detailed level lines as empirical data.


Maximal coordinate discrepancy as accuracy criterion of image projective normalization for optical recognition of documents

Maximal coordinate discrepancy as accuracy criterion of image projective normalization for optical recognition of documents

Konovalenko I.A., Kokhan V.V., Nikolaev D.P.

Статья научная

Application of projective normalization (a special case of orthocorrection and perspective correction) to photographs of documents for their further optical recognition is generally accepted. In this case, inaccuracies of normalization can lead to recognition errors. To date, a number of normalization accuracy criteria are presented in the literature, but their conformity with recognition quality was not investigated. In this paper, for the case of a fixed structured document, we justify a uniform probabilistic model of recognition errors, according to which the probability of correct recognition of a character abruptly falls to zero with an increase in the coordinate discrepancy of this character. For this model, we prove that the image normalization accuracy criterion, which is equal to the maximal coordinate discrepancy in the text fields of a document, monotonously depends on the probability of correct recognition of the entire document. Also, we show that the problem on computing the maximal coordinate discrepancy is not reduced to the nearest known one, i.e. the linear-fractional programming problem. Finally, for the first time, we obtain an analytical solution to the problem on computing the maximal coordinate discrepancy on a union of polygons.


Method for analyzing the structure of noisy images of administrative documents

Method for analyzing the structure of noisy images of administrative documents

Slavin O.A., Pliskin E.L.

Статья научная

The problem of extracting content elements (fields) from the images of administrative documents via descriptions of anchoring elements is considered. Administrative documents contain static elements and content elements (filled information). The static objects of the document model are the lines of the document structure and the words. Sets of objects united by properties and relationships are described. The text descriptor can contain attributes that distinguish it from similar descriptors. We suggest using combined descriptors of line segments and words. We showed experimentally that the extraction of object sets improves the recognition accuracy of the document fields by 17% and the accuracy of information extraction by 16%. For optical character recognition, we employed SDK Smart Document Engine in the experiment.


Method for calculating the parameters of superplasticity of titanium alloys based on the results of test forming into a rectangular matrix at constant pressure

Method for calculating the parameters of superplasticity of titanium alloys based on the results of test forming into a rectangular matrix at constant pressure

Murzina G.R., Zharmukhametova A.R., Ganieva V.R., Enikeev F.U.

Статья научная

We propose a procedure to determine the strain rate sensitivity index of a superplastic material from the results of bulge forming of a long thin rectangular membrane under constant pressure of inertia gas. In contrast to other known procedures, the method suggested takes into consideration the presence of entry radius in the matrix set used. The mathematical model of the technological process is developed based on the main assumptions of the thin shell theory. To validate the procedure suggested the finite element analysis is fulfilled using the software package ANSYS 10 ED. Experimental approbation of the method suggested is carried out on the titanium alloys Ti-6Al-4V, a good agreement is achieved. It is shown that taking into account the influence of the entry radius allows to improve considerably the accuracy for finite element modelling. We draw the conclusion that the procedure developed may be recommended for practical usage to determine the superplastic parameters of thin sheet superplastic materials.


Method for expanding the object base of examination by stitching solutions of hierarchy analysis method

Method for expanding the object base of examination by stitching solutions of hierarchy analysis method

Bukharin S.V., Melnikov A.V., Menshih V.V.

Статья научная

The paper presents the results on numerical modelling of the quality of opto-electronic detectors. In order to demonstrate a successful application of the proposed method of the object base extension, we use examples of hierarchy analysis of generalized quality index and integrated quality-price index. The proposed methodology allows reliable analysis the number of objects up to 21-24, that is enough for the most practical cases of examination.


Model of conveyer with the regulable speed

Model of conveyer with the regulable speed

Pihnastyi O.M., Khodusov V.D.

Статья научная

This article is devoted to mathematical modelling of the production flow lines of the conveyor-type. Here is an analytical method for calculating the parameters of a production line with a regulated speed of the movement of the subjects of the labour along the conveyor developed. The description of the parameters of the state of the production line is made in the one-moment approximation using partial differential equations. There has been derived a solution that determines the state of the parameters of the production line for a given technological position as a function of the time. The transitional period during which the initial condition of the distributing of the subjects of the labour along a conveyor has the influence on the state parameters of a production line is certain. The developed method of the calculation of the flow parameters of the production line allows designing control systems of the production line of the conveyor-type with a regulated rate of the movement of the subjects of the labour.


Model of porous material sintering

Model of porous material sintering

Shults O.V., Simonenko V.A., Drovosekov S.P., Kapustina P.V., Belobrova I.A.

Статья научная

The mathematical model of inert porous materials sintering was proposed. As an initial data, the model uses the initial distribution of pore surface elements and time-temperature conditions of sintering. Sintering is modelled by the system of kinetic equations describing shrinkage of a material depending on its initial properties and a time-temperature condition of the process. Experiments on aluminum oxide powder sintering have been carried out in several time-temperature conditions in which linear shrinkage was traced in time. The initial powder particles size distribution was previously measured. A value of main parameters used in the model was determined according to the sample linear shrinkage data measured at the 10 C/min heating rate. Time dependences of linear shrinkage were calculated for the heating rates of 5 and 15 C/min. Comparison of the calculated dependences with experimental data for heating rates 5 and 15 С/min has shown the good qualitative and quantitative concordance.


Modelling and calculation of adaptive devices of automation, control and protection for intellectual electric grid in Scilab freeware computer mathematic package

Modelling and calculation of adaptive devices of automation, control and protection for intellectual electric grid in Scilab freeware computer mathematic package

Volovich G.I., Solomin E.V., Topolskaya I.G., Topolsky D.V., Topolsky N.D.

Статья научная

In this paper we studied the possibilities of adaptation of Scilab freeware computer mathematic package to the solution of special calculation problems are studied. We modeled and calculated the family of adaptive devices of automation, control and protection for smart/intellectual electric grids including renewable energy sources. We studied the possibilities of Scilab package for sequential calculating using a big number of algebraic functions, solving the systems of linear algebraic equations, analyzing of results, solving the tasks of optimization, building 2D and 3D function diagrams, etc. All calculated solutions obtained from Scilab, were analysed in comparison with the similar solutions calculated in MathCAD. The results confirm the relevance of using the Scilab package for these purposes and demonstrate some of its advantages in education, scientific research and electric engineering calculations.


Modelling of "green" investments risks

Modelling of "green" investments risks

Mokhov V.G., Chebotareva G.S., Khomenko P.M.

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The practical lack of methods for quantitative assessment of capital-intensive renewable energy projects taking into account the present uncertainty leads to an increase in the riskiness and reduce the amount of "green" investment in the economy. It resolves the urgency of the developing approaches to the renewable energy projects assessment. The article presents the diagnostics of specific risks and assessment of limiting the investor market share in the renewable energy projects with the optimal risk level. The proposed authors' approach to risks formalization of renewable energy deals is based on the introduction of dummy-variable, evaluation of coefficients' significance, tendency and strength of relation of risks indicators. This approach yields an indicative assessment of the deals' riskiness taking into account sectoral specifics. The developed method to limiting the investor market share is based on the principles of the economic capital theory. It allows for consolidating the current states of investor, project and economy. Research veracity is confirmed by the practical implementation. The results of the study can be used by the management of energy companies, investors and analysts in making financial decisions.

