Socio-economic development strategy. Рубрика в журнале - Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast

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The paper systematizes problems of territorial development from the perspective of the theories and concepts that are characteristic of traditional socio-economic geography. These problems include the area-integrated, nodal-economic and territorial-industrial ones. The role of socio-economic geography in finding scientific explanation and solution to these problems becomes more important, since it has research programs that reveal the dialectic of the knowledge of territorial organization of society and economy based not on a single theory or on a set of theories, but on their interdisciplinary synthesis. The research program is relatively autonomous from practice and gives it only its most important results that can be used for the organization of program-target management, as well. The goal of the paper is to include an analysis of the relationship between the categories “problem” and “program” in the methodology of research on territorial organization of economy. Based on the experience of national and foreign research, we show that the “problem-program” combination gives an additional effect in the scientific explanation of territorial development, if the “problem” is presented in the form of a complex theoretical or practical question, the answer to which requires both basic and new knowledge, while the “research program” is presented as one of the main units of science (according to I...

About the role of input-output balance in government regulation of the economy
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March 30, 2017, a notable event took place in Russia: the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) published the basic input-output balance (IOB) for the national economy for 2011 and the tables that show the resources and utilization of products for 2012-2014. Economists have been waiting for this event for more than 20 years. The latest IOB was made in 1995. The present paper summarizes theoretical foundations of input-output balance and basic methodological approaches to its construction. It is shown that input-output balance is the basis for government regulation of the economy in industrialized countries. The paper evaluates the situation with the availability of necessary statistical information to build the “input - output” tables for the Russian economy. The author highlights possible areas, in which input-output balance can be used in government regulation of the economy. It is proved that input-output balance contains all the main macroeconomic indicators of the country (region) in its sectoral and national economic context...

Assessment of the regional development strategy implementation
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The article considers the issue concerning the formation of an effective mechanism to implement the strategies for socio-economic development in the region. The authors focus on the imperfection of the regional strategic planning system. This problem has become critical in the time of the global financial and economic crisis at the end of 2008. The article indicates the importance of monitoring as a tool to assess the implementation of the strategy on the basis of analyzed consequences of the global financial crisis for the regional economy. The authors present their own approach to estimating the strategy implementation according to the dynamic normal method. The method presupposes that it is possible to carry out the assessment on the basis of comparison of the achieved level with the reference model (matrix of domination) of the economic system functioning. Testing of the authors’ method has helped assess the implementation of the strategy for the Vologda Oblast development at the tactical and strategic level and identify the main problems of socio-economic development.

Centralization and autonomation as the drivers of socio-economic development of the Russian Far East
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The article considers macroeconomic trends in the development of the economic complex in the Russian Far East. We explore the interaction of dynamic and structural parameters of reproduction and the specifics and regularities of promising modernization in the region. We analyze how the regional economy responds to various types of institutional impacts, and study the features of regional governmental economic policy in the east of the Russian Federation. We consider trends in external and internal impacts of economic, institutional, military and political nature. We describe formation regularities and assess sustainability trends. The aim of our research is to find the answer to the question about the possibilities and ways of transforming the socio-economic system of the Far East in accordance with the current national geo-economic paradigm. We prove that the best results in the development of the Far East were achieved in those periods when non-economic goals of the state were combined with the use of centralized material and financial resources of the state for the purpose of generating intra-regional economic and financial resources based on the support provided by government to the institutional environment that should be as comfortable as possible for the formation of endogenous reproduction within the region...

Changing social reality amid crisis in the Russian society
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The sociological interpretation of reality and the processes occurring in it is determined by various approaches to understanding its nature. The diversity of these approaches is eventually reduced to its definition as a reality of the social world, which reflects, on the one hand, objectively existing phenomena and processes and, on the other hand, people's subjective perceptions about the objective reality. Social actuality as objective social reality exists beyond the subject of social cognition, i.e. objectively. Each new generation inherits from their parent generations a complex system of economic, social and political structures, institutions, organizations and the established relationships which form the social infrastructure of objective reality (social reality). But people perceive directly only the part of objective reality in which they have their own knowledge. Due to knowledge of its particular sphere or different objects of reality, people get its more or less adequate subjective perception...

Children and young people in Russia: global challenges of modernity
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The present-day world’s development is becoming more and more uneven and new global challenges are emerging. Russia should respond to them by enhancing its economic competitiveness, preserving and increasing its population and human potential, first of all, that of children and young people. The paper points out that for the Russian Federation with its vast territory and substantial reserves of natural resources the most important geopolitical challenges consist in the preservation and increase of population and human potential. The authors prove that the formation of the population of Russia is under double “pressure” of high mortality and low fertility; therefore, natural movement (decline) is not completed by mechanical movement. In addition, the article determines that the share of young people in the total population is decreasing. For the first time in the history of Russia the share of children has become lower than the proportion of the elderly. In 2013 in 56 Russian regions, the proportion of children and adolescents accounted for less than 20% of the population (in the early 2000s, there were 41 such regions, and in 1990 - three)...

Circumpolar region amid socio-spatial transformation of a territory (case study of Yamal)
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The article examines the issues of socio-spatial transformation of the Northern territory associated with the development of one of the most important far-reaching oil and gas region of Russian arctic regions. The authors demonstrate the possible solutions to these issues based on interdisciplinary and sociological studies conducted by the authors and their colleagues, including mass surveys of the population of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug by representative sample in 2005, 2010 and 2015 and sociological diagnostics of their results in the context of different social groups of respondents (long-term residents, including representatives of native minorities, new settlers, shift personnel). These studies have helped reveal the social issues characteristic of the Arctic region and requirements to scientific support of possible their possible solutions. The authors provide the authorities with the information necessary for the preparation and adoption of effective managerial decisions in the theoretical, methodological and practical discourse; such information cannot be obtained otherwise, for example, using the statistics...

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The low monetization of the Russian economy occasionally provokes serious debates on the necessity of its substantial increase in order to promote economic growth. However, this step will not change the crisis situation due to the counteraction of structural factors and flaws in monetary regulation. The study of the level of monetization in the periods of stagnation and decline in oil prices in the countries that export raw materials shows it is impossible to promote economic growth only at the expense of additional money supply. The policy of inflation targeting in commodity-based developing economies proves efficient only if commodity prices are growing, when monetary policy restrains excessive credit activity. At present, falling oil prices and a liberal foreign exchange regime stimulate high inflation and decline in credit activities. Therefore, during the time of negative commodity market conditions, it is necessary to readjust monetary regulation so that it could counteract deleverage processes in the real sector of economy. The dynamics of credit activities should become the main regulating indicator instead of the consumer price index. The Bank of Russia should start lowering interest rates if credit activities are declining, even if the consumer price index remains high. It will be possible to return to neutral monetary policy only after the falling trend in oil prices is reversed and credit activities increased.

Cross-border investment cooperation in the arctic region: challenges and opportunities
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The article considers the investment processes that take place in the foreign and Russian Arctic, the tools to attract investment and the possibility of accumulating best practices in the implementation of investment projects. Analysis of the data on planned, unfinished and cancelled projects in the Russian and foreign Arctic, including joint projects, allows us to reveal problems in cross-border investment cooperation. In the framework of global economic challenges, when discussing the opportunities for the Northern regions alternative to large-scale production and transportation, we determine the need to find new promising areas of investment, including infrastructure projects. On the basis of official, statistical and expert assessments, we analyze the priorities and directions of investment activities in the Arctic and the main tools to increase investment attractiveness and promote investment. We consider European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) Kolarctic 2007-2013 as an analytical case, since it is one of the most effective tools for providing financial support to multilateral cross-border cooperation projects in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region...

Employment strategy of the Russians
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During the crisis it is especially important to choose a correct employment strategy. Every employee uses an employment strategy, as he/she selects the direction of long-term employment consciously or intuitively. The choice of strategy is determined by a number of factors shaping the person's attitudes: health, character, upbringing, education, social environment, institutional environment. The employment strategies of the young people newly entering the labor market differ from lab our strategies of workers. Young people do not have such experience and can plan their life “from scratch”. The Soviet specialists, people who started their career in the planned economy, have their own features of employment strategies. The article describes employment strategies of the Russians.

Foreign direct investment in the economy of the Russian Far East
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The article considers the trends and patterns of foreign direct investment in the Russian economy in the context of mega-regions, the features of attracting and spatial distribution of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the regions of the Far East. The purpose for the study is to assess the economic effects generated by foreign investment in the Far East. The hypothesis is the assumption that attracting foreign investment in the region is to a greater extent a tool to maximize the economy of scale, rather than eliminating financial imbalances. The initial data of the study are statistical materials of the Central Bank, as well as macroeconomic indicators published by federal and regional statistical agencies. The methodological framework of the study is the concept of modern general theory of foreign direct investment, in particular the concept of spatial distribution of foreign investment. The article presents the assessment results of spatial performance and modification of the spatial-sectoral structure of foreign investment in the Far East, and the macroeconomic effects of their application...

Gaining efficiency of public administration - key objective for modern Russia
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The article proves that addressing the issues of socio-economic development of Russia, ensuring the population's high quality of life and national security is of particular importance. Analysis of domestic and foreign historical experience concludes that there are many factors which determine both the development of statehood and the decreasing public administration efficiency. Their consideration is extremely important for the reformation of public administration in modern Russia. We consider a series of technical approaches to assessing management effectiveness, which have established in the academic literature and practice, point to the drawbacks limiting their wider use. The present paper uses target and functional approaches which prove the inefficiency of public administration in the post-Soviet period, which led to the crisis in key sectors of the Russian economy, which is impossible to overcome without changing the government policy. Moreover, at the present stage, management is characterized by specific features reducing its efficiency; these include lack of coordination between the actions of authorities, contradictory management decisions made at different levels, lack of sound objective strategic planning and forecasting...

Geosystem approach to socio-economic development in the regions of the north of Russia
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The paper considers the Russian North in various geographical dimensions: circumpolar, zonal (latitudinal), meridional, structural and territorial. The author estimates the number and dynamics of the population in three zones of the Russian North with the use of primary data provided by district and regional municipalities; he uses the same data to arrange the Northern territories into groups depending on the systems of resettlement of the population and economic specialization of the territories. The analysis of “anatomy” of the North shows that the majority of issues related to socio-economic policy should be considered at the regional and local levels with regard to those territorial and economic systems which have already been formed, but require modernization on the basis of technology adapted for extreme and difficult climatic conditions. The applied part of research on the issues of the North is linked to the theory of the territorial (geosystem) organization of economy.

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The policy of Russia in the Arctic is based on innovation modernization in the interests of national security, development of the smart use of natural resources, conservation of unique arctic ecosystems and local communities. The aim of the present research was to analyze specific features of innovation policy in Northern and Arctic territories of Russia and the Nordic countries. The article presents an original analysis of development of such a policy, which, in our opinion, can be carried out with the help of considering development scenarios of the Arctic zone and challenges of their implementation in the long term, with the help of studying the situation in the Northern territories and countries in national and global innovation activity rankings; with the help of studying approaches to the formation of innovation policy in the Nordic countries, the experience of which could be used by Russian Federation constituent entities that have similar geographical and geopolitical features...

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The article shows that institutional trajectories of catching-up development in successful countries including similar interim institutions; this similarity is explained by common technological, institutional and cultural limitations which need to be taken into account and overcome. Corporatism, indicative planning, the availability of the “general” development agency with broad mandate, undervalued exchange rate - these and some other mechanisms provide the countries of the “economic miracle” with an opportunity to initiate and maintain rapid economic growth despite the low level of human capital, underdeveloped civic culture and market failures. Institutions of catching-up development contributed to the formation of collaborative relations between the government, business and society. They eased the limitations and were gradually modified, providing a transition to modern democracies with efficient market economy. The conducted analysis helps outline a plan for an institutional reform taking into account Russia’s institutional features...

Interregional cooperation in the emerging Eurasian economic space
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In 2015 the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union entered into force and presented a new stage of reintegration of the countries on the territory of the former USSR. The success of this project will depend not only on collaboration at the national level, but also on the degree of the EEU countries’ involvement in the integration process. The academic debate on this issue is a relevant and practically important task. The article highlights the results of the international online-conference “Interregional cooperation in the emerging Eurasian Economic Space”, conducted by the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of RAS June, 16-20 2015. It considers the issues associated with interregional trade and economic cooperation, interaction in the sphere of science and innovation and various aspects of humanitarian cooperation. It raises important problems of cross-border cooperation of the EEU states. The article makes a conclusion about the need to develop the integration process both in scope (through expanded directions of cooperation, which should not be limited only to contacts at the highest political level or trade partnership) and depth (through involvement of regions, enterprises, different social groups, individual citizens).

Is transition in the Russian economy complete?
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A quarter of a century passed since the beginning of market transformation (transition) in Russia; nevertheless, there are serious doubts about whether the transition is complete. The effective transition to a new type of economy should ideally be a period of transformation, modernization and the formation of a national economic model. Only in this case can it be qualified as full, adequate, and constructive. Such combination has not taken place in Russia; it seems as if the market transformations were taking place independently, and this is the root of Russia’s many contemporary problems. The current crisis in the Russian economy primarily reflects the pendency of these tasks that were necessary to be solved from the very beginning of transformation. This crisis is first of all a focused expression and continuation of the transformation and reproduction crises in the national economy, the crisis of the current defective economic models and the then pursued economic policy...

Localization of foreign production as a tool to develop the export base of the Russian Federation
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The relevance of our paper lies in the fact that in the conditions of the “new normality” of the world economy and amid international competition and protectionist measures, developed partner countries of Russia replace imports with localization of production. The main idea and goal of the paper is to substantiate the essence of the strategy of localization of foreign production for various stages of geo-economic development and the implications for the national economy. Its scientific novelty consists in the fact that it develops theoretical provisions that identify motives for the use of the strategy of foreign production localization by host economies at various stages of geo-economic development; the paper also classifies and assesses possible effects that a country obtains in the process of localization (on the example of Russia). We use the following research methods: analysis of localization experience of different groups of countries; synthesis of the experience of localization of foreign production in Russia in terms of using the institutional framework to promote localization and systematization of localization effects based on the analysis of the opinions of its participants and content analysis of press releases about their activities (companies included in the rating of major companies operating in Russia, and the list of special investment contracts); statistical analysis of the relative scale and some effects of localization; and analysis of the regulatory framework. The analysis has revealed that in the context of global challenges for foreign companies the localization of production in Russia, involving exports, becomes a way to preserve their positions in the Russian market. It provides the Russian economy with a number of positive effects, both quantitative (growth of investments, production and export volumes, tax revenues, and the number of jobs) and qualitative (inflow of technologies and specialists; import substitution, contribution to the revival of manufacturing; diversification of production and exports; training of local specialists, development of local production of components; improving the competitiveness of products produced in Russia and the image of Russian territories and participating companies). The results allow us to move toward the formation of a comprehensive vision in assessing the impact of the institutional factor on the foreign economic activity of territories.