Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

National projects in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

National projects in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Gagiev Nikolay N., Goncharenko Lyudmila P., Sybachin Sergey A., Shestakova Anna A.

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In 2021, the Russian Federation will assume the chairmanship of the Arctic Council. This fact confirms the special attention of the country’s leadership to the unique geostrategic region. In December 2020, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, at an online meeting with volunteers and finalists of the contest “Volunteer of Russia”, noted that Russia would grow with the Arctic and the territories of the North. Many Russian citizens’ lives and the state’s success in the international arena depend on this territory’s development. One of the most important mechanisms for achieving the stated goals is national projects (NP), which should make a significant contribution to the development of the country’s territory. The purpose of the study is to assess NP in the subjects that are entirely related to the Arctic zone: Murmansk region, Nenets Autonomous okrug (NAO), Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous okrug (YANAO), and Chukotka Autonomous okrug (CHAO). In the course of the work, general scientific research methods were applied: comparative analysis, data comparison, induction, deduction, etc. The study results showed that, despite all the differences in economic and geographical position, financial condition, population, and regional development priorities, all Arctic regions have similar problems that hinder the effective development of territories. Without solving the problems indicated in the work, it is impossible to expect a qualitative «breakthrough» and implement the NP’s goals.


Native Languages Education as a Factor in the Formation of the Well-Being and Quality of Life of Children and Youth of the Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation

Native Languages Education as a Factor in the Formation of the Well-Being and Quality of Life of Children and Youth of the Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation

Trapitsin S.Yu., Agapova E.N., Granichina O.A., Zharova M.V.

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The quality of life is determined by approaches to its assessment, including analysis of the effectiveness of measures to improve it. Russia has accumulated empirical data on socio-economic factors of well-being and quality of life of the indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East, however, there is a lack of knowledge about the degree of influence of educational policy in the field of preservation and development of national languages and culture on them. The purpose of the work is to assess the social situation related to the availability of education in the native language as a condition for the formation of well-being and quality of life of children and youth of the indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation. The study included 2 parts: analysis of macro-level indicators of the quality of life of the indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East based on data from ethnic statistics, general statistical indicators, educational statistics; a survey study in which young people of the indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation from 8 regions of the Russian Federation participated. The study obtained reliable and representative data on the learning conditions and factors of subjective well-being of the youth of the indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East living in different regions. The use of comparable indicators to assess the social situation in several subjects of the Russian Federation makes it possible to correctly compare the quality of life of the youth of the indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East with their peers living in the same territories of the Russian Federation, but not belonging to these ethnic groups. The results of the study made it possible to fill in the lack of data on the potential for the preservation and development of native languages and cultures of the indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Knowledge of the mechanisms of formation of attitudes and behavior of young people is important for Russian society, as it is associated with making decisions about potential risks for a special socially vulnerable and difficult-to-study part of the Russian population. The complex use of socio-psychological research and analysis of statistical data made it possible to triangulate various sources of information and identify significant factors of well-being and quality of life of the indigenous minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.


Nature and antroposocial phenomenon of nuclear energy

Nature and antroposocial phenomenon of nuclear energy

Komleva Е.А.

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Identified the main concepts. Performed pioneering researchers for Russia, antropo-social complex components of the phenomenon of nuclear energy. Phenomenon without which, life on Earth is excluded. Researchers have brought to the pragmatic way of SAMPO.


New book about the Arctic – 'Directions of the projects in the high latitudes' (Novosibirsk: Science, 2011. 440 p.)

New book about the Arctic – 'Directions of the projects in the high latitudes' (Novosibirsk: Science, 2011. 440 p.)

Elert A.K.

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The monograph is reviewing, which has been prepared by the team of the researchers of the Institute of History of SB RAS.


New comers of the Arctic Council open the Far North

New comers of the Arctic Council open the Far North

Natalia M. Antyushina

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The article is devoted to the study of the elaboration and realization of the Arctic policy in three countries-members of the EU. These are Netherlands, Poland and Spain. Up to now Spain is not very interested in the Arctic, but now it is very interested in the development of the arctic tourism. Netherlands possesses the wide experience in offshore extraction of hydrocarbons, which may be used in the Far North. Poland is very active and aims to unite the observer countries of the Arctic council. The study of the climate change and environmental conditions are the main objects of the interests of these three countries.


New journal «Arctic news»

New journal «Arctic news»



New projects for the development of Russian Arctic: space matters!

New projects for the development of Russian Arctic: space matters!

Pilyasov Aleksandr N., Putilova Elena S.

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The article summarizes the results of the analysis of 23 recent projects for the development of Russian Arctic resources in terms of the spatial effects they generate or rely on. It is proved to be the feature of the economic and geographical approach to the analysis of arctic projects. The most critical change, compared with the realities of the late Soviet era, is the reliance on the sea logistics of most new projects for the development of Russian Arctic resources. Three main spatial effects of development projects are described in detail: the localization effect, the regional effect, and the corporate effect. The first one reflects the desire of companies to the utmost compactness and low occupancy of the production site, platform solutions using artificial intelligence, remote control, robotic mining, and processing schemes. The second effect revives the Soviet district effect within the contour of the resource corporation as their desire to provide cost savings on the “soft” infrastructure pairing of neighboring production facilities. The third effect characterizes the cooperation of usually competing companies in severe natural and economic conditions for the development of arctic projects. It is untypical but may occur in some cases. The territorial structures of the new development space are also affected by the desire of companies to absolute control of the resource chain, to rely on previously created development bases, technological, organizational, and institutional innovations, which usually have a spatial “dimension”. An “ideal” corporate scheme for the modern development of arctic resources - a separate autonomous production platform where production and processing are deployed, with uninhabited technologies and remote control of production, contradicts state interests and creates sharp spatial and social contrasts.


New publication anout memorial culture of the Kola North inhabitants

New publication anout memorial culture of the Kola North inhabitants

Kotkin K.Y.

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New publication «Man – place – memory: Memorial culture old-timer population`s the north territories of the Kola Peninsula in conditions of the social transformation» is presented in the article.


New publication on the strategic management system for the development processes of Northern Russia

New publication on the strategic management system for the development processes of Northern Russia

Kondral D.P.

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The paper presents a new publication “Strategic Management of Processes of Spatial and Territorial Development of North Russia: Problems and Prospects”


New risks and opportunities for interstate cooperation in the Arctic

New risks and opportunities for interstate cooperation in the Arctic

Pavel A. Gudev

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Despite the growing tension in Russia-West relations, the Arctic region continues to remain a zone of peace and cooperation. The level of interstate collaboration here is extremely high, unlike other maritime regions. The interaction is developing in scientific research, protection of the marine environment and biodiversity, regulation of fisheries, improvement of search and rescue efforts, control of oil spills, and regulation of navigation. However, interstate competition has not disappeared in the Arctic. The countries participating in the maritime activities in the region often have completely different priorities and are firmly defending their national interests. Under sanctions’ pressure, the Russian Federation is forced to seek new partners and allies in the Arctic. This choice is extremely difficult since the coincidence of positions on one issue or another is often minimal. In order to defend its interests, Russia needs to achieve such a format of interaction with the Arctic and non-Arctic countries which would be extremely mutually beneficial and work for the good of our country, but not to its detriment.


No righteous man exists without honoring books. Manuscript book of the Russian north of the 15th - 20th centuries (exhibition materials)

No righteous man exists without honoring books. Manuscript book of the Russian north of the 15th - 20th centuries (exhibition materials)

Nenasheva Larisa V.

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The article represents the review of manuscript books of the 15th - 20th centuries introduced at the exhibition “No righteous man exists without honoring books. Manuscript book of the Russian North of the 15th- 20th centuries”. All exhibits are stored at the State Museum Association “Artistic Culture of the Russian North”. The museum’s collection includes many impressive monuments of traditional Russian literature, as well as manuscripts of the Old Believer environment. For several years, attribution of manuscript monuments was carried out. The result of scientific research was a catalog. The fascinating books in terms of content and artistic performance are exhibited at the museum. The exhibition stands show many miniatures, screensavers, and other elements of book design. Each visitor of the exhibition will find something interesting for himself: the creation of manuscript monuments, the genre variety of the Northern book, the decoration of texts, the development of the decorative design of manuscripts, the variety of singing books. All exhibited manuscripts are presented for the first time. For this purpose, special exhibition equipment, shop windows, and a lighting system under the museum standards were used.


Non-­saline Meadows and Grasslands in the Kola Peninsula

Non-­saline Meadows and Grasslands in the Kola Peninsula

Kopeina E.I., Korolyova N.E.

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State of knowledge about non-­saline meadows and grasslands in the Kola Peninsula is analyzed. Various approaches to study and descriptions of meadows and grasslands are observed.


Noospheregenesis of the Arctic: forming environmental world outlook of students

Noospheregenesis of the Arctic: forming environmental world outlook of students

Moisey H. Shraga

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Social ecology is designed to equip future specialist with knowledge of the regularities of the system "society-nature" development and derived from these laws principles and technologies of optimization of relations between society and nature. Social ecology must be included in the curricula of the main university directions of NArfU. Social ecology must be taught in module, which should include: social and environmental problems of the Arctic (the North), social security, social medicine (hygiene). It is already necessary to start environmental education of society with focus on that common, which must contain all civilization of the 21st century right today.


Northern Miniature in the Ecclesiastic Book of the Early 19th Century

Northern Miniature in the Ecclesiastic Book of the Early 19th Century

Nenasheva L.V.

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The article is devoted to the study of plots associated with different stages of the movement of the soul, presented in a manuscript book and on drawn sheets. The book was written at the beginning of the 19th century in the Russian North in the Old Believers' environment. The manuscript is interesting in composition, content and unique in design. The text of the book is written on fifty-five sheets, collected in a notebook and bound into a book. The manuscript includes three works: an excerpt from the eighteenth chapter of "The Flower Garden of Dorotheus of Gaza" about the spiritual ladder, the vision of Monk Gregory about the walk of Blessed Theodora, a story about a meal from the teachings of Saint Niphon.The text is attached by four folding miniatures and several illustrations - images on the themes of the works of the manuscript, which interpret the literary text more fully. As a result of the research, it was found that this collection is not the only list. Collections, similar in composition and decoration, are contained in the archives of museums and libraries of the country. This indicates the book wealth of the Russian North, the artistic and genre diversity of the northern book.


Norwegian-Russian Arctic frontier: from the whole districts to the Pomor region

Norwegian-Russian Arctic frontier: from the whole districts to the Pomor region

Zaikov К.S., Nilsen I.P.

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In the present article the authors analyse the history of the Norwegian-Russian state border. Three main periods are pointed out. In the middle ages and Early Modern Period there existed a large frontier or common taxation district. Thence the common district gradually shrank until in 1826 a permanent territorial border was drawn. In the Soviet epoch the border became almost hermetically closed. To-day it is again opening up and politicians and researchers on both sides are discussing the possibility of establishing a joint Special Economic Zone (SEZ), a new and modern form of “common district”.


On scientific approaches to the Arctic boundaries’ delimitation

On scientific approaches to the Arctic boundaries’ delimitation

Ekaterina Yu. Kochemasova, Valeriy P. Zhuravel, Natalia B. Sedova

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The article deals with the boundary delimitation of the Arctic and the territories belonging to it. The authors identified political, economic, and other factors influencing the delimitation of the Arctic terri-tories. The approaches of the subarctic countries Canada, the USA, Norway, and Denmark, to the problem of the borders of their Arctic territories are considered. The authors analyze Russian regulatory legal documents, expert assessments, the boundaries of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and determine their importance for the socio-economic development of the country. The authors draw attention to the need for Russia to protect its sovereignty in the Arctic.


On the Conceptual Model of Balanced Socio-Economic Development of the Arctic Territories

On the Conceptual Model of Balanced Socio-Economic Development of the Arctic Territories

Regeta A.I., Malinina K.O., Maksimov A.M.

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The article deals with the key aspects of the formation of the integrated socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF). The main purpose of the study is to create a conceptual model for balanced socio-economic development. The article uses such methods as comparison, analysis, deduction and induction. The importance of the development of these territories for the sustainable development of the country is shown. The main regulatory documents defining the development of this region are highlighted. Threats to the security of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation are identified. The relations of other countries to the Arctic are considered. The importance of bringing the standard of living in the Arctic region closer to the average in Russia and the importance of this direction of action to reduce the negative demographic trend are outlined. Besides, the need to study the development of the Arctic region of the Russian Federation is determined not by statistical methods, but by new research methods. The importance of creating a megaproject for the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation with specific measurable goals is highlighted. Such risks of this region are described as: population decline, in particular, the decline of the able-bodied population (including highly qualified personnel), the critical state of housing and communal services, the high cost of living and use of resources, the threat to environmental safety, weak diversification of production, long distances from industrial centers. Economic, social and environmental factors affecting the dynamics of the integrated socio-economic development of the Arctic region of the Russian Federation are considered. A conceptual model of balanced socio-economic development of the region was developed on the basis of a set of factors. The conceptual model of integrated development of the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation is a complex of various factors. This model can become a basis for the preparation of strategic planning documents in the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and it is possible to compare and compare the development of the regions using this model.


On the Question of Public Policy in the Field of Language Preservation of the Indigenous Peoples of the North

On the Question of Public Policy in the Field of Language Preservation of the Indigenous Peoples of the North

Koptseva N.P.

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Indigenous languages of Krasnoyarsk region, which are at risk of extinction to the maximum extent, are identified. Conclusion on the need to adopt a series of legal documents for the preservation of the languages of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East is justified.


On the collective monograph “Ethnonational processes in the Arctic: trends, problems, and prospects”

On the collective monograph “Ethnonational processes in the Arctic: trends, problems, and prospects”

Vladimir M. Kapitsyn, Alexander E. Shaparov, Valery I. Kovalenko, Arbakhan K. Magomedov

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The article represents the review of the collective monograph “Ethnonational processes in the Arctic: trends, problems, and prospects.” The monograph is an original joint work of researchers at Russian research centers specializing in the study of the Arctic. The researchers focus on ethnonational processes in the context of the socio-economic, socio-political, legal, socio-cultural development of the Arctic territories of Russia. The interdisciplinary nature of the research, the full coverage of ethnonational policies and subregions, the depth of the study, the visualization of the material with tables, charts, graphs, maps determines not only the academic but also the comprehensive nature of the monograph under review.

