Статьи журнала - Arctic and North

Все статьи: 752

The innovative vector of the Nordic countries’ competitiveness: case of Sweden

The innovative vector of the Nordic countries’ competitiveness: case of Sweden

Marina R. Kalinina, Nikolay A. Kondratov

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Innovation and competitiveness are among key research topics in the social, economic and hu-manitarian fields. This article describes specific aspects of innovation policy in Sweden, one of the dynami-cally developing Northern European countries. This development is confirmed by the position of the coun-try in the global innovation and competitiveness rankings. It is shown that high position of Sweden arises from the successful use of its geographic location, the “welfare state” model put into practice, the effective interactions of the state, science, and business, the implementation of research policy, according to which universities and research, and educational centers, involved in technology clusters formation, play an im-portant role. The existing Arctic strategy developed in Sweden adds relevance to the research. The Arctic strategy states that “growth and competitiveness based on overcoming trade barriers, research and educa-tion system, as well as on international cooperation within the Arctic Council, the EU and the UN” will have crucial significance for the sustainable social and economic development of the state. From a practical point of view, the Swedish experience in the formation of an innovation economy, which includes northern re-gions as well, is of interest for the Russian subarctic areas. The article can be used for the educational pro-cess at universities. It is relevant for civil servants and researchers, economists and geographers involved in forecasting and territorial development of the northern regions.


The international image of the state as an instrument of soft power

The international image of the state as an instrument of soft power

Anna A. Koptyaeva

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The international image of the state as an instrument of soft power is revealed on the example of Russia as one of the Arctic states. The analysis of the main aspects of the international image of Russia, a set of causes and factors that influence the perception of Russia abroad have been analyzed. The specific of the international image making of Russia is discussed.


The islands of the White Sea, from the Mesolithic to the Middle Ages (the ancient development of the White Sea islands on archaeological data)

The islands of the White Sea, from the Mesolithic to the Middle Ages (the ancient development of the White Sea islands on archaeological data)

Martinov А.Y.

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The article is devoted to the history of development of the White Sea Islands (Solovki, Kuzova, Zhizhgin, Mudyug) in the Stone Age − Iron (VI millennium BC. E. − I millennium AD. E.). On the basis of archaeological sources and experimental data it contains answers to questions about the nature of the ancient island of settlements, the culture of their inhabitants, cultural ties with continental cultures, ancient sea routes, origin and destination of stone labyrinths of the White Sea.


The leading determinants of public health of the Arctic territories of the European North of Russia

The leading determinants of public health of the Arctic territories of the European North of Russia

Vyazmin A M., Sannikov A.L., Mordovsky E.A.

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The article from the perspective of public health disciplines summarizes the population dynamics, age structure of population of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions and Nenets autonomous district at the turn of XX−XXI centuries. The main aspects of the natural movement of population in three regions of the European North of Russia. Analyzed death rates from the major groups of diseases (cardiovascular, tumor) and states (external causes of death). The characteristics of the processes of marriage and divorce. The data on disability populations of the Arctic regions as one of the most important factors leading to a reduction of the labor potential.


The legal aspects of the development of the Northern sea route and North-­Western passage, like a new Arctic marine transportation system

The legal aspects of the development of the Northern sea route and North-­Western passage, like a new Arctic marine transportation system

Zhilina I.S.

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The article is devoted to the legal regime for the international navigation on the waters of the Northern sea route and North-­Western passage and sovereignty in the territorial waters. Particular attention is given to the foreign policy aspects of the development of the transport route of the Arctic and its economic potential.


The local community of the Solovetsky Islands: self-organization against dissociation

The local community of the Solovetsky Islands: self-organization against dissociation

Rahmanova L.Y.

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This article analyzes the historical forms of the cooperation and mutual aid typical for Solovky Islands with a view to compare them with the modern situation in Solovetsky settlement. The ways of overcoming of the local community disintegration via restructuring of occupational pattern and elaboration of the new life strategies are proposed.


The local government: problems of cooperation with population

The local government: problems of cooperation with population

Fedotova N.D.

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The modern democratic state can not exist without such an important element, as local government, which creates the necessary conditions for the approximation of power to the people, creates a flexible system of management and promotes the development of citizens' initiatives. For the most efficient functioning of local self-government and the issue of interaction of the population is of particular importance, since it is at the municipal level is the closest they interact.


The long-term dynamics of the social space of the Russian Arctic

The long-term dynamics of the social space of the Russian Arctic

Korchak Elena A.

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The Russian Arctic was explored and populated rigorously and purposefully during the Soviet period. The settling pattern was then based on the industrial capabilities of the Arctic areas (mineral deposits), considering the need to develop relevant transport infrastructure. The incentive component of the Soviet propaganda of Arctic development was aimed at mobilizing the skilled workforce. The market transformation in the late 20th century caused a rapid deterioration in the social and economic situation nation-wide: the state abandoned protectionism of the Arctic territories so that state-provided preferences were significantly reduced. Such transformations eventually entailed the reduction of social and economic services and a large-scale migration outflow in the Arctic territories. The current social and economic situation in the Arctic is still characterized by a negative migration balance, which determines a decline in the level of labor force participation. The negative migration balance is attributable to the lower economic attractiveness of the region, which again brings about the issue of unemployment in the Arctic. Destructive processes in the social and economic development of the Russian Arctic shape multi-faceted threats to its stable evolution. Thus, the analysis of the long-term pattern of the social space in the Russian Arctic is an essential aspect of new emerging conceptual approaches towards research and practical plan for Arctic development. The purpose of the survey was to review the pattern of the social space in the modern Russian Arctic territories between 1950 and 2018, with one of its objectives being the analysis of its social development stages based on historiographic, problematic / chronological, retrospective and comparative-historical methods. The survey shows that transformations in the consistent long-term pattern of the social space in the modern Russian Arctic are determined by the intensity of its industrial development, the scale of government support, and the long-term interests of the national economy.


The main problems of the Russian Arctic

The main problems of the Russian Arctic

Hramchihin A.A.

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Corruption, bureaucracy, lack of strategy development are all-Russian problems. The main problems of the Arctic itself are the climate and poor transportation infrastructure. Talks about the perspectives of the development of the Arctic are meaningless without the development of the transport. Quartering along the Arctic coast of the Arctic brigades and air defense forces of the Russian Federation Armed Forces is also need.


The management of the regional informatization

The management of the regional informatization

Yurkov D.V.

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In the article estimates the state of the informatization of the Arkhangelsk region in general and of the government in particular, analyzes the results of the target program ‛Electronic Arkhangelsk region’, the status of work on the creation of e-government in the region.


The mission of Russia − is to be an example of building the world power with the optimal social – cultural model of the development of the nations

The mission of Russia − is to be an example of building the world power with the optimal social – cultural model of the development of the nations

Zalivsky N.P.

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The article defines the futurological capabilities of Russia to the world’s leadership in the social modernization of the society. As hypotheses for the strengthen of the Russian's geopolitical situation in the long-term historical process is named, as the stimulation process of the unitarization of the government, evolutionary modernization of the national and ethnic portrait of the Russian society and the formation of the associated sozium with the culture of the union historical existence. The author emphasizes that the international leadership of Russia in the social development of mankind is based on the leading social policy of the country, its peoples (ethnic groups) and the Russian society.


The motives and interests of non-Arctic states on Arctic development

The motives and interests of non-Arctic states on Arctic development

Sergey N. Grinyaev

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The article summarizes the work of the Center for Strategic Assessments and Forecasts on the study of strategy and policy of the Arctic Council observer countries. It is proposed in the number of the Arctic Council observer organizations include the Russian Geographical Society — internationally recognized and oldest scientific community, which has made a significant contribution to the development of the Arctic.


The mystery of the Neumayers strait

The mystery of the Neumayers strait

Zobnin A.N.

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In the article made an analysis of all the currently available information about the last days of G. Y. Sedov, his death and burial. On the basis of these materials are given the direction of the further search for the tomb of the first initial Russian polar expedition.


The national daily life of the settlements of Yakutiya in the context of the sociological researcher

The national daily life of the settlements of Yakutiya in the context of the sociological researcher

Baisheva S.M.

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The data of sociological research in national settlements that support the hypothesis of adaptation of the Evenki society to the new challenges of the environment, due to their personal-­professional qualities, ability to survive, develop desire and dynamically changing world.


The natural tourist potential of the islands in the western sector of the Russian Arctic

The natural tourist potential of the islands in the western sector of the Russian Arctic

Natalia M. Byzova

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The islands of the archipelago of Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya of the western sector of the Russian Arctic are very promising for the organization of the Arctic sea cruises. They have the unique natural landscapes and diverse flora and fauna. The Arctic holds half of the species of shore birds in the world. In summer, the Novaya Zemlya is full of Branta leucopsis and Branta bernicla and occasionally there are tundra swans, white-fronted goose, eider ducks and loons. The archipelago has spherulites — one of the mysterious formations in the Arctic, they are perfectly round stone balls from a few centimeters to several meters in diameter.


The new book “Nature and indigenous populations of the Arctic under the influence of climate change and industrial development: the Murmansk oblast”

The new book “Nature and indigenous populations of the Arctic under the influence of climate change and industrial development: the Murmansk oblast”

Slukovskiy Zakhar I.

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In 2020, a book, edited by E.A. Borovichov and N.V. Vronsky, “Nature and the indigenous population of the Arctic under the influence of climate change and industrial development: the Murmansk Oblast” was published by the Graphite Publishing House. The book provides a comprehensive assessment of the effects of modern climate dynamics and human impact on biota, the environment and nature management in the Murmansk Oblast, one of the most industrially developed regions of the Russian Arctic, with particular attention to changes in the life of the indigenous people of the area - the Sami. The approaches to the development of a regional climate change adaptation strategy based on scenarios of the development of the Murmansk Oblast and considering the traditional knowledge of the indigenous population, as well as the socio-cultural development strategy of Lovozero, the compact residence area for the Kola Sami, are presented.


The new economic crisis: a regional projection

The new economic crisis: a regional projection

Olga Р. Sushko, Nikolay B. Telegin

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The economic situation in Russia continues to worsen because of multiple factors. Analysis of the economic situation of the Arkhangelsk region 1999—2015 reveals an earlier manifestation of the negative effects of economic recession. Currently, the crisis is manifesting itself in the reduction of investment, increase in unemployment rates, fluctuations of prices for some industrial products. The forecast for the end of the year 2015 and for 2016 is not encouraging also.


The new theory of the Arctic and Northern development: multi-scale interdisciplinary synthesis

The new theory of the Arctic and Northern development: multi-scale interdisciplinary synthesis

Nadezhda Yu. Zamyatina, Alexander N. Pilyasov

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After the bright achievements of the Soviet development school in the past 30 years, there was a long pause. Meanwhile, the need for a broad scientific generalization of practical efforts to deploy large and small economic projects in the Arctic and the North is enormous. The authors set the task of develop-ing a new complex theory of the North and the Arctic development, which would be a synthesis of the best achievements of the Soviet school, foreign frontier studies and the modern regional science studies of the innovative development. In the authors’ view, its key feature is the emphasis on local development and the endogenous factors of the development, which had no attention before. Constructive synthesis of external and internal factors of colonization should be formed “from below”, from the territory itself, not from the federal center. Four new research priorities in the new study of the North and the Arctic development are identified and described in detail with a focus on: the analysis of local institutional capital; conflicts and contradictions of the natural resource development; the evolution of the settlement system; and the inter-action of large and small forms of development of the territory. The new ideology of studying the Northern and Arctic development is supposed to be tested during the field and expeditionary study in the North and the Arctic regions.


The northern sea route: problems of national status legitimization under international law. Part I

The northern sea route: problems of national status legitimization under international law. Part I

Gudev Pavel A.

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The Northern Sea Route (NSR) for the Russian Federation is a strategically important maritime communication with the status of a historically established national transport artery. Despite its applicability to the Arctic, and therefore to the waters of the NSR, the norms and provisions of the modern international maritime law, and, first of all, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS), Russia declares the important role of the national legislation on the regulation of navigation on the NSR. Such a situation is conditioned by the existing historical practice, the tacit consent of most states, as well as the special environmental vulnerability of the Arctic region and the desire to prevent the marine environment pollution due to the navigation. Among the main opponents of this approach is the USA, which traditionally disputes the unified permitting regime for navigation along the NSR as an example of Russia's extremely broad interpretation of the norms and provisions of UNCLOS. The first part of the paper will show how those legal approaches used by Russia to introduce the national level of the NSR regulation, i.e., the concept of internal historical waters and the method of straight baselines, do not contradict UNCLOS, as they go beyond its limits and are based mostly on customary norms of international law (the so-called international custom) rather than treaties. The U.S. disagreement with such an assertion is discredited by the fact that Washington is not a full party to UNCLOS, and thus cannot fully enjoy all the prerogatives it has introduced.


The objectives and strategy of the spatial development (the case of the Solovetsky archipelago)

The objectives and strategy of the spatial development (the case of the Solovetsky archipelago)

Alexander Yu. Tsvetkov

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This article is devoted to the objectives and working-out of the strategy of the spatial development. The correlation of goals and strategies is shown, their role in the management of the territory is determined. Using the example of the Solovetsky Archipelago, the mechanism of conducting the SWOT analysis was reviewed, the system of strategic goals was analyzed, and the model of the integrated spatial development strategy was presented. The methods of morphological and comparative analysis, synthesis, and modeling were used. The necessity of more complete correspondence of the mission, goals and strategy, as well as their correspondence to the factors of the internal and external environment of the development of the territory was identified. The importance of working out of comprehensive strategy of the territory aimed at its sustainable development is substantiated.

