- Все статьи 6181
Статьи журнала - Бюллетень науки и практики
Все статьи: 6181
Mammadov Tofig, Sadigova Kemale, Albaliyeva Sh.
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The article presents: a botanical description, information on the decorative appearance during cultivation, the preservation of a beautiful appearance in the winter months and the influence of the external environment on the growth and development of the species Cynara scolymus L. Extracts from the leaves, inflorescences, fruits of Cynara scolymus L. and the component composition were studied by gas-liquid chromatography on the Crystal 2000 M device. Cynara scolymus L. is a very useful plant, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Thus, the presence of linol, citonellol, mirtenol, geranyl acetate, caryophyllene contributes to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension; nerol, neryl acetate and synarin, which are in the plant, neutralize toxins in the blood, promote the renewal of liver cells (with hepatitis, cirrhosis), and insulin regulates the normalization of blood sugar balance. This plant, which has a multifaceted significance, can be widely used in various sectors of the national economy (as a medicinal, vegetable, fodder, ornamental plant).
Botanical-geographical characteristic of lichens and mosses of Korchay State Nature Reserve
Alekbarov F.
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The geographical analysis shows that the mosses flora of the Korchay State Nature Reserve was not genetically homogeneous but was composed of various geographical elements included in different botanical-geographic regions. The mosses flora as a whole is boreal - 39.5%, arid - 23.7%. Euryholarctic - 15.8% and mountain species - 10.5% play a certain role in the flora. The flora of lichenes has a nemoral-continental character as a whole. Boreal - 14.0%, euryholarctic - 10.7% and hypoarctomontane - 10.7% species also play a significant role in the flora.
Branches activity prospects of economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Baikhonov Bakhodirzhan
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The article analyzes the development trends and forecasts the prospects of the economic sectors, such as agriculture, construction, services and other sectors of the economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also, based on the results of the forecast, the proposals for the development and effective use of investments in the sectors of the economy are set out.
Brief Review of the Study of Central Asian Agriculture
Khatamova M.
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The article examines archaeobotanical and agricultural research conducted in Central Asia. Based on this research, the author divided the study of irrigational and agricultural culture in Central Asia into three groups. These have been studied in groups such as the issue of irrigation facilities and irrigation systems, the issue of tools of labor, and the issue of farming and economics in the restoration of the agricultural past, and the essence of the issue has been clarified.
Brief evolution of children's literature: from folklore to epic novels
Sattorova Yulduz
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The article examines the evolution of children’s literature as an independent part of literature. When did the children’s literature become a satisfying branch of literature and scholars find it distinct for being researched? An understanding of children’s literature is a central issue in the development of every sphere of our life: from home sittings to ELT classrooms. While teachers are all wound up with teaching young learners in ELT classrooms reading tales, stories and poems remain unnoticing part of education, overall, knowing what evolutionary way children’s literature passed through gives us an opportunity to develop ELT classrooms better and hence straighten out our young learners with correct motivation into literature.
Brief overview of semantic description of spatial elements in Azerbaijani fairy tales
Khudaverdiyeva Tehrane
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In fairy tales, space plays an important role and acts as a structural element of fairy tales, performing a certain function within the fairy tale. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine fairy tales without the elements of space. As it is mentioned in the article, the world of fairy tales consists of numerous transformations and changes of spatial elements. The article gives a brief overview of semantic description of the spatial elements in the Azerbaijan fairy tales on the bases of five volume book of the Azerbaijan fairy tales. The article also identifies the functions of the words describing spatial elements. It investigates the transformations of spatial elements in the fairy tales. It notes that the spatial elements make up the archaic world model and participate in the formation of fairy tales. The article searches the semantic structure of the fairy tales with exact examples from them.
Муркамилов Илхом Торобекович, Раимжанов Зафарбек Рахимович, Сабирова Азиза Ибрагимовна, Дуйшеева Гулзат Кубанычбековна, Жунусова Динара Аскарбековна, Сатарова Асель Алишеровна, Гасанов Камранбей, Закиров О.Т., Батырбеков И.З., Сабиров Ибрагим Самижонович, Юсупов Фуркат Абдулахатович, Айдаров Зиябидин Абдирайимович
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Несмотря на появление современных биомаркеров, инновационных методов обследования и лечения, проблемы сердечно-сосудистого риска в клинической медицине по-прежнему остаются достаточно актуальными. Широкое распространение факторов сердечно-сосудистого риска и высокая смертность от болезней органов кровообращения наблюдаются во всех странах мира, в том числе и Киргизской Республике. Цель исследования. Изучить клинико-функциональные значения СРБ и его взаимосвязь с факторами сердечно-сосудистого риска у пациентов с хроническими неинфекционными заболеваниями. Материал и методы. В одноцентровое открытое исследование было включено 290 человек с различными категориями сердечно-сосудистого риска, из них мужчин 150 (51,7%), женщин - 140 (48,3%). У всех участников были проанализированы параметры гемодинамики, показатели клинико-биохимических обследований. Экскреторная функция почек оценивалась по уровню сывороточного цистатина С. Скорость клубочковой фильтрации (СКФ) рассчитывалась по методике F. Hoek. Учитывались размер левого предсердие (ЛП), линейные размеры левого желудочка (ЛЖ) с оценкой структурной модификации миокарда. В зависимости от концентрации СРБ были сформированы две группы: 1А и 1Б. Результаты. У пациентов с высоким уровнем СРБ средний возраст, индекс массы тела, частота сердечных сокращений, число тромбоцитов, лейкоцитов, глюкоза, цистатин С крови были существенно выше, а средний уровень холестерина липопротеинов высокой плотности и СКФ были достоверно ниже. Размер левого предсердия, конечный диастолический размер ЛЖ, величины толщины межжелудочковой перегородки и задней стенки ЛЖ, относительная толщина стенки ЛЖ, масса миокарда ЛЖ, индекс массы миокарда ЛЖ, отношение Е/А правого желудочка, DT (deceleration time) ЛЖ, DT (deceleration time) правого желудочка были значимо выше в группе лиц с высоким содержанием СРБ крови. У пациентов с нормальным (1А) и повышенным (1Б) уровнем СРБ в структуре изменений геометрии ЛЖ значимо чаще выявлялся эксцентрический вариант гипертрофии ЛЖ (74,9% и 66,0% соответственно). Концентрация СРБ крови была положительно связана с размером левого предсердия и толщиной стенок ЛЖ, отрицательно - со скоростью СКФ. Заключение. У лиц с высоким и очень высоким сердечно-сосудистым риском повышенные уровни СРБ ассоциируются с более выраженными факторами сердечно-сосудистых осложнений. В группе пациентов с высоким уровнем СРБ структурная модификация миокарда представлена значимо чаще эксцентрическим вариантом гипертрофии ЛЖ.
C1Q нефропатия (клинический случай)
Айыпова Динара Аалыевна, Бейшебаева Назира Адылбековна, Калиев Рысбек Рысманбетович
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С1q нефропатия редкая, недостаточно хорошо изученная патология, характеризующаяся отложением С1q компонента комплемента и иммунных комплексов в мезангии. Постановка диагноза требует выполнения биопсии почки c исследованием иммунных комплексов. При световой микроскопии данная патология проявляется болезнью минимальных изменений (БМИ), фокально-сегментарным гломерулосклерозом (ФСГС) и пролиферативным гломерулонефритом. Клиническая картина разнообразна, колеблющаяся от бессимптомной гематурии или протеинурии до нефротического синдрома. Кортикостероиды являются основой лечения, а иммуносупрессивные агенты зарезервированы для стероидорезистентных случаев. Наличие нефротического синдрома и ФСГС предсказывают неблагоприятные исходы в отличие от благоприятных исходов у пациентов с БМИ. В этой статье мы опишем клинический случай, гистопатологию, клиническую особенность C1q нефропатии.
CAR T-клеточная терапия как современный метод лечения онкологических заболеваний
Штыров Евгений Михайлович, Зотов Руслан Андреевич, Лапштаева Анна Васильевна
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Ежегодный рост случаев онкологических заболеваний диктует необходимость поиска и разработки новых методов диагностики и терапии онкозаболеваний. В статье представлены результаты анализа современных литературных источников, посвященных CAR T-клеточной терапии, ставшей прорывным направлением в лечении ряда гематологических опухолей. В основе CAR T-клеточной терапии лежит создание пула опухоль-специфичных цитотоксических лимфоцитов путем внесения ex vivo трансгена, кодирующего химерный антигенный рецептор. В статье изложены основные принципы, возможные осложнения, преимущества и недостатки CAR T-клеточной терапии.
CRM-системы как инструмент повышения эффективности бизнеса
Филимонова Виктория Дмитриевна
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В настоящее время для результативного ведения бизнеса, повышения конкурентоспособности компании, необходимо постоянно повышать эффективность управленческой деятельности, отслеживать и анализировать все бизнес-процессы. Применение специализированного программного обеспечения CRM позволит компаниям повысить эффективность управления взаимоотношениями с клиентами, а также оперативно решать текущие задачи.
Calculation method of fastening the upper slope of the land bund for erosion and strength
Hasanov Elgiz, Mammadov Ahad, Aliyev Hamlet
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To protect the slopes of the ground dam from the devastating effects of wind waves, ice, water flow, precipitation and other factors, a number of engineering measures are provided. Based on this, an engineering decision is taken on the choice of materials for fastening structures, as well as methods for calculating their stability. When calculating the stability of the upper slope, two cases of a combination of loads and impacts are mainly considered. One of them is the reduction of the water level in the reservoir with maximum speed, and the other is the case when the water level in the reservoir is at the lowest operational level. The article investigates the processes of sliding of natural slopes of the upstream dam. Taking into account the combined action of the forces of filtering, weighing and vapor pressure, as well as the force of hydrostatic pressure to the level of dead volume. The equation for the stability coefficient of a circular-cylindrical slip of a uniform natural slope of the upstream dam has been obtained.
Catalytic properties study of mixed MFI-mord type zeolite in bioethanol transformation
Brovko Roman, Lakina Natalia, Doluda Valentin
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The decrease in stocks of traditional fossil fuels contributes to the widespread growth of interest in renewable sources of raw materials and energy. Bioethanol can become a serious alternative to traditional types of fossil raw materials and fuels due to the possibility of its widespread production from agricultural waste and wood processing. Bioethanol can be used directly as a fuel, or after transformation into hydrocarbons. The transformation of bioethanol into hydrocarbons is carried out using zeolites and zeotypes of various types, while the main problem encountered for these systems is deactivation during the catalytic transformation. In this case, one of the possible solutions to this problem is the regulation of the acidic and diffusion properties of the catalytic surface of zeolites. Changing the acidic properties can contribute to a significant increase in the stability and activity of zeolites. In this case, the variation of acidic properties is possible by combining different types of zeolites. The article presents the results of a study of a mixed zeolite of the MFI type and mordenite in the reaction of the transformation of ethanol into hydrocarbons. Zeolite synthesis was carried out by a sequential method using zeolite seed grains for the synthesis of MFI structures and n-butylamine for the synthesis of a mordenite layer. The synthesized sample was tested on a flow-type setup with a tubular reactor. The effect of temperature, specific ethanol feed rate, and total pressure in the system was investigated. An increase in the reaction temperature from 350℃ to 370℃ contributed to an increase in the rate of accumulation of liquid hydrocarbons from 0.52 to 0.64 g(HC)/(g(Cat)*h), while a further increase in temperature to 430℃ contributed to a decrease in the rate of formation of liquid hydrocarbons to 0.32 g(HC)/(g(Cat)*h). An increase in the specific feed rate of ethanol from 0.5 to 2 g(EtOH)/(g(Cat)*h) contributes to a decrease in the yield of liquid hydrocarbons. An increase in the total pressure in the system from 1 atm to 15 atm promotes an increase in the rate of accumulation of liquid hydrocarbons from 0.34 to 0.83 g(HC)/(g(Cat)*h).
Hasanov M., Nasibov M.
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The article talks about the causes of infection of birds with colibacillosis and pasteurellosis in farm enterprises and private farms, about research work carried out in recent years at poultry farms, about the influence of opportunistic microbes on the activities of farms. The difference in infection of domestic chickens with colibacillosis and pasteurellosis for each age group was identified by us during the examinations. So, in 30-day-old chickens, infection with colibacillosis 24.4%, pasteurellosis 31.1%, in 45-day-old colibacillosis 33.3%, pasteurellosis 37.7%, in 60-day-old colibacillosis 20.0%, pasteurellosis 26.6% was detected.
Cavitation generator development process at Russia and abroad
Shi Yuanyuan, Levtsev Alexey, Povorov Sergei
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The energy situation in the world indication a rapid increase in the consumption of natural resources. The only way out of this situation is the development of alternative environmentally friendly technologies. The research and utilization of cavitation heat generators will help ease the energy crisis and reduce exhaust emissions from fuel combustion. Therefore, it is a potential research topic.
Cerulein induced acute pancreatitis in experiment
Saparbaeva Gulshirin, Atadjanov Shukhrat
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Acute pancreatitis (AP) is an inflammatory disorder of the pancreas, which ranges from mild, self-limiting disease to a severe form that is associated with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), high morbidity, and mortality. Unpredictable nature of the disease, heterogeneity of disease presentations, and limited access to human samples, make research on human tissues impractical and often very difficult. We tried to identify crucial events in the pathophysiology of AP, in the course of several in vivo experimental models of the AP induction. In vivo experiment was carried out on rats using the analog of cholecystokinin octapeptide - Cerulein. The rats were divided into groups, in each group there was a different dosing regimen of the drug. As a result of a series of experimental studies, it was found that the interval low-dosage induction of AP causes more severe damage of pancreas tissue than a single administration of higher doses of the test substance.
Change of gray-brown soils water-physical properties under the winter wheat
Osmanova Sona
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Research is conducted at the Terter Regional Experimental Station of the Research Institute for Agriculture. In order to improve soil fertility and obtain high and high-quality crop yields, we studied the water-physical properties of the soils of the experimental plot. Soil and fertilizer treatment in the 0-30 cm layer reduced the density of the soil but increased the natural moisture and total porosity compared with the control variant. As a result, soil fertility increased, which in turn significantly affected the grain yield of winter wheat.
Rustamova T., Alshanli U., Heydarli L.
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One of the factors causing stress in society is exam stress. Taking exams is stressful and quite exciting in itself. However, under the influence of excitement, the student cannot show his little knowledge. From this point of view, the study of psychological and physiological development of students is also of special importance. The study is dedicated to the change of vegetative indicators due to the influence of the exam process depending on the temperament of the nervous system in students of the 5th year of choleric type. In this regard, the main goal of the study was to reveal the age characteristics of changes in vegetative indicators depending on the type of temperament as a result of the effect of emotional stress during the examination. In order to study the effect of the exam process on emotional stress, students were divided into three groups: The first group was students studying on regular school days 2 months before the exam, the second group was 30 minutes before the exam process, and the third group was the group after the exam and 30 minutes after the exam process. First of all, the physiological indicators of different states of excitement of the temperament type and the process of excitement were studied in the experiment. In order to comprehensively evaluate the effect of emotional stress, we measured the main hemodynamic parameters, arterial pressure and number of heart beats per minute. It was determined that, depending on the type of temperament, vegetative indicators before the exam process (heart pressure, systolic and diastolic pressure) of young people on an ordinary day, before and after the exam, are different. However, after the exam, these indicators do not fully return to the norm. The tone of the sympathetic nervous system prevails during the examination process in all age groups.
Zhalalova Gulbarchin, Zholdoshev Saparbai, Mamatkulova Nazgul
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The article reflects the study of the influence of climatic and seasonal factors on the body of people of middle, elderly and senile age. These factors significantly aggravate the course of many diseases, worsen health and reduce the body's performance. The incidence of cardiovascular disease is often associated with risk factors and seasons. Most people aged 65 years and older often suffer from hypertension. With age, the number of such patients increases significantly. Severe hypertension is rare in humans because patients with hypertension do not live to an advanced age or often develop complications. Changing seasonal factors requires great attention to the functional state of the cardiovascular system. Patients with hypertension are very difficult to adapt to changing weather conditions, which worsens the quality of life of the elderly and leads to various complications. Changes in blood pressure in people of middle, elderly and senile age depending on the season of the year have been established.
Characteristic properties of the spread of associative diseases in domestic chickens
Mammadov R.
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In private poultry farms, located in the Fatmai and Sarai settlements of Apsheron district there have been carried out scatological and helminthological examination for various age groups. It became known that in Fatmai settlement infection of birds with various invasions, including with IE of ascaridiosis was 32.0%, II 2-31 of specimens, with IE of raillietinosis 18.9%, II 1-9 of specimens, with IE of heterakiosis was 30.9%, II 2-28 of specimens, and according to the results of examinations, conducted on poultry in Sarai settlement, with ascaridiosis having IE of 30.7%, II 1-29 of specimens, with IE of raillietinosis of 19.1%, II 2-17 of specimens, with IE of heterakiosis of 30.2%, II 1-23 of specimens of helminths, have been identified in the mixed form.
Bayramova A.
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By the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 1, 2008, Goygol National Park was established in the administrative territories of Goygol, Dashkasan and Goranboy districts from 6739 hectares to 12755 hectares. The grassland vegetation of Goygol National Park and the lake ecosystem it surrounds is one of the floristically rich regions of the Caucasus. The richness and diversity of flora is related to the geomorphological complexity of the area. On the other hand, the reserve regime allows the protection of vegetation. Modern subalpine vegetation has changed dramatically as a result of mowing and grazing. Thus, short (13-15 cm) grass or grass-steppe plant groups have formed in the place of relatively tall plants that existed earlier in many pasture areas. The flora composition of subalpine meadows is much richer than the meadow associations of other mountain zones. 70-80 (100) flowering plants were recorded in many vegetation groups. The climate of the Alpine belt is distinguished by its harshness. Short summer (2.0-2.5 months), low air and soil temperature, abundance of atmospheric precipitation, etc. are characteristic features of the alpine zone.
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