Статьи журнала - Форум молодых ученых
Все статьи: 13729
Modern problems of parliamentary control realization of the Russian Federation
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There has been analyzed the Russian normative legal base which regulates particularities of the Parliamentary control activity. Fundamental problems of practicing the institute have been specified. It has been concluded that it is necessary to have more concise legislative regulation of its functioning for more effective Parliamentary control implementation.
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With the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation between Russia and China, How to actively seize opportunities and respond to challenges has become a new issue facing e-commerce companies in both countries. This article focuses on the research and analysis of the consumption and behavior of Russia and China, which is of great significance to the development of Russia and China's online consumer market by companies between the two countries.
Motivation as a tool for effective management of staff
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The article is devoted to motivation of staff. The purpose of article is the examining motivation, detection motivational challenges and the role of motivation in the field of HR-management. The author describes theoretical foundations of personnel motivation, considers incentives to increase productivity, identifies five barriers to successful employee motivation and analyzes importance of motivation.
National self-determination of Catalonia
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Catalonia is a region in Spain, which has a long history of forced assimilation and civil war, fighting first for independence and later for autonomy. This article describes the history of self-determination of Catalonia, and also highlighted the different points of view for the secession of Catalonia from Spain, along with the arguments for normalization and stability in this region. A brief overview of the main national, linguistic and cultural differences, the history of the oppression of the Catalans and their struggle for independence and autonomy is given.
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The emergence of neologisms is a direct evidence of the viability of language, its desire to express the wealth of human knowledge and the progress of civilization.
New look at the management of human resources: a competent approach
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The most common and modern approach in personnel management is the competence approach. It allows to develop a unified system for work with personnel in the field of selection, training, motivation. Advantages of this approach is an assessment of the characteristics and qualities of the individual in terms of the manifestation of a certain behavior in the workplace, which allows the constant development of personnel and increase the productivity of labor in the organization.
New technologies in English lessons
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In this article highlights of using new technologies, so interactive methods in English lessons.
Novec 1230 или "сухая вода" и ее применение
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В статье рассмотрено вещество под названием «сухая вода», а также его основные физические свойства. Описано его применение в пожаротушении и системах охлаждения. Дана оценка эффективности, безопасности и экологичности при применении вещества в системах защиты помещения от пожаров. Проведен анализ работы систем охлаждения, использующих «сухую воду». Представлены преимущества применения данного вещества.
Ocoбeннocти прoведения aудитa пpeдпpиятий мaлoгo бизнeca
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Субъeктaм мaлoгo пpeдпpинимaтeльcтвa, в cилy pядa пpичин, нeт нeoбхoдимocти ocyщecтвлять ayдитopcкyю пpoвepкy. Oднaкo бyхгaлтepcкий (нaлoгoвый) yчeт дoлжeн cooтвeтcтвoвaть тpeбoвaниям дeйcтвyющeгo зaкoнoдaтeльcтвa. Пpи этoм opгaнизaция имeeт вoзмoжнocть пpиглaшaть ayдитopcкиe opгaнизaции или индивидyaльных ayдитopoв для пpoвeдeния ayдитa. Этo дeлaeтcя для peшeния мнoгих пpoблeм вoзникaющих y cyбъeктoв мaлoгo пpeдпpинимaтeльcтвa.
On regulatory regulation of crypt-turness turnover in Russia
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This article discusses the possible regulation of cryptocurrency turnover in Russia. The experience of foreign countries in this direction and the possibility of its adaptation in Russia are analyzed. Recommendations are given on how to improve the existing draft law. It is predicted how potential regulation may affect entrepreneurship in our country.
On the issue of the development of common professional educational standards for customs
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The paper covers recent trends in the field of customs regulation towards unification and harmonization, particularly those concerning education and training. The WTO PICARD Professional Standards describing profile requirements for Operational and Strategic Customs Managers are analyzed. The author also highlights the competences of future customs specialists provided for by the Russian Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. The components of the discipline ‘The Foreign Language in the Customs Sphere” are discussed. The necessity of adjustment of international professional standards, as well as further promotion of collaboration between educational institutions and customs administrations are justified.
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Adoption of successful managerial decisions depends on the provision of business with qualitative management information, which can be achieved by building effective relationships between the financial controller and business representatives - budget holders and function directors. A high level of relationships can be achieved by choosing the appropriate style of communicative behavior.
On the peculiarities of reforming a national accounting system
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The article analyzes the fundamental realities of the process of reforming the Russian accounting system and accounting (financial) statements. The main problem is the discrepancy between the requirements declared in the regulatory acts and the realities of the practical activities of organizing and maintaining accounting records.
On the problems of reforming the Russian accounting system
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The article is devoted to specific differences in the application of International Financial Reporting Standards, which makes it difficult to fully implement the Russian accounting and reporting system to the corresponding requirements.
On threats of accident and self-control in professional activity of accountant and auditor
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In the work of a professional accountant and auditor circumstances may arise that cause various threats to independence. The Code of Professional Ethics describes such threats, and lists general measures to prevent or reduce them to an acceptable level. However, the practical side of the issue requires concretizing actions in the event of threats, maintaining independence and improving the quality of assistance and audit services in the public interest.
Open banking и первичный API-подход
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В данной статье рассмотрено понятие Open Banking как возможность третьим сторонам анализировать и использовать данные. Приведен пример создания данной концепции на примере Hellenic Bank
O‘zbekiston Respublikasining qisqacha tarixi
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Buyuk allomalarning hayoti, ijodi va ular qoldirgan bebaho madaniy-ma’rifiy merosi o‘sib kelayotgan yosh avlod uchun ibrat va na’munadir, ularning ta’lim-tarbiyaga oid ma’rifiy ta’limotlari yoshlari ona vatanga, millatga sadoqat va xurmat ruhida tarbiyalashda, ularni iymon, e’tiqodli, insof va diyonatli, odob-axloqli, oqil va odil inson qilib tarbiyalashda o‘zligini anglatishda be’nazir qadryatdir. Ushbu maqolada O’zbekiston Respublikasida ma’naviyatning rivojlanishi tadqiq etilgan.
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O‘zbekistont sharoitida ishlaydigan motor moylari qiyin sharoitda ishlaydi. Moyning qovushqoqligi harorat o‘zgarishi bilan keskin o‘zgaradi, shuning uchun uning qiymati qizigan dvigatel uzoq muddat ishlaganda ham, past haroratda sovuq holatdagi dvigatelni ishga tushirganda ham suyuq ishqalanishni ta’minlaydigan darajada bo‘lishi kerak. Motor moylarining sifatini yaxshilash va ekspluatatsion xossalarini keskin oshirish uchun ularga 15-18% gacha miqdorda qo‘shilmalar qo‘shiladi. Biz O‘zbekiston sharoitida ishlatiladigan motor moylariga quyida keltirilgan qo‘shilmalar ta’sirini o‘rgandik.
O’quvchilarga amaliy fanlar ta’limida vatanparvarlik tuyg’ularini shakllantirish asoslari
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Ushbu maqolada o’quvchilarni hayotga tayyorlash jarayoni va bunda amaliy fanlarning ahamiyati haqida mulohazalar keltirilgan.
PEST - анализ конкурентоспособности АО "Газпромбанк"
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В статье рассматривается проведение PEST - анализа конкурентоспособности АО «Газпромбанк» по политико - правовым, экономическим, социокультурным, технологическим факторам; рассчитывается итоговая оценка влияния рассматриваемых факторов внешней среды на акционерное общество «Газпромбанк».