Статьи журнала - Форум молодых ученых
Все статьи: 13820
![Selfie addiction Selfie addiction](/file/thumb/140280676/selfie-addiction.png)
Статья научная
The article attempts to study the phenomenon of ‘selfie’, and the youngsters’ addiction to it. The paper covers such aspects as the impact of ‘selfie’ on the person’s social life, causes of addiction, its negative consequences as well as the correlation between ‘selfie’ and self-esteem.
![Shy people and their life in social networks Shy people and their life in social networks](/file/thumb/140283264/shy-people-and-their-life-in-social-networks.png)
Shy people and their life in social networks
Статья научная
The article is devoted to the research problem of shyness in interpersonal communication on the basis of the research of the scholars at Kuban State University, attended by N = 150 respondents (F=100, M=50) aged from 18 to 25 years old, using the Russian version of the SHYQ-Henderson / Zimbardo questionnaire (2017). The aim of our research is to study the personal characteristics of shy students in order to explain how social networks help them to solve the problem of shyness. Shyness doesn''t necessarily equate to being introverted or not liking yourself. In this regard, we put forward the following tasks: to study the causes of shyness; to study the personality characteristics of shy people; to reveal the influence of shyness on a person.
![Significance of information environment in modern society Significance of information environment in modern society](/file/thumb/140280321/significance-of-information-environment-in-modern-society.png)
Significance of information environment in modern society
Статья научная
This article focuses on the importance of information environment influence on personality development, formation and advancement. It is typical for modern information environment to be open and available in gathering material of different kinds and formats. A person should consume and process information in order to shape their own knowledge and experience.
![Slow steaming as competitive advantage of contemporary liner company Slow steaming as competitive advantage of contemporary liner company](/file/thumb/140283812/slow-steaming-as-competitive-advantage-of-contemporary-liner-company.png)
Slow steaming as competitive advantage of contemporary liner company
Статья научная
This article is devoted to investigation of limits of efficiency of slow steaming. The goal of our research was to define bunker price level at which the transition to slow steaming becomes efficient for liner companies. We have developed a methodology allowing us to determine the critical bunker prices based on the fuel consumption dependence on cruising speed and effective demand for carriage on delivery time. The obtained results show that the current price level allows to speak about the efficiency of slow steaming only on particular voyages for certain classes of vessels.
![Smart HR: цифровые технологии в управлении персоналом Smart HR: цифровые технологии в управлении персоналом](/file/thumb/140286908/smart-hrcifrovye-tehnologii-v-upravlenii-personalom.png)
Smart HR: цифровые технологии в управлении персоналом
Статья научная
В данной статье подчеркивается, почему в эпоху глобализации человеческие ресурсы рассматриваются как источник конкурентного преимущества. Поэтому целью работы является показать, что управление человеческими ресурсами имеет значение для обеспечения успеха любой организации, основанной на убеждении, что компания получает конкурентное преимущество за счет эффективного и действенного использования деятельности своих сотрудников. Что касается новой задачи HRM, то в статье делается попытка определить, можно ли рассматривать HRM как источник конкурентного преимущества фирм. Наконец, результат этого исследования подчеркивает ценность человеческих ресурсов (HR) и его стратегической деятельности, которые влияют на производительность организации и конкурентоспособность.
![Social isolation as a factor of smartphone addiction in adolescents Social isolation as a factor of smartphone addiction in adolescents](/file/thumb/140284570/social-isolation-as-a-factor-of-smartphone-addiction-in-adolescents.png)
Social isolation as a factor of smartphone addiction in adolescents
Статья научная
The article is devoted to the problem of studying the adults’ smartphone addiction caused by the lack of real life communication. The research attempts to establish the correlation between smartphone addiction and loneliness in adolescents on the basis of the survey, attended by N= 61 young people (F=37, M=24) aged from 18 to 23 years old, who live in Krasnodar Region.
![Social media marketing как инновационный формат банковского маркетинга. Анализ банков-лидеров по качеству продвижения и уровню обслуживания клиентов в социальных сетях Social media marketing как инновационный формат банковского маркетинга. Анализ банков-лидеров по качеству продвижения и уровню обслуживания клиентов в социальных сетях](/file/thumb/140279186/social-media-marketing-kak-innovacionnyj-format-bankovskogo-marketinga-analiz.png)
Статья научная
Данная статья посвящена проблеме развития российских банков в Social Media как дополнительного канала для PR и привлечения новых клиентов. В настоящее время большинство российских банков недооценивают возможности Social Media. В данной статье также производиться анализ качества обслуживания и продвижения между банками-лидерами в социальных сетях. В работе рассматривается возможность использования социальных сетей для повышения уровня лояльности клиентов и роста конкурентной позиции банка на финансовом рынке.
![Social situation and conditions for professional self-determination in boarding schools Social situation and conditions for professional self-determination in boarding schools](/file/thumb/140287214/social-situation-and-conditions-for-professional-self-determination-in-boarding.png)
Social situation and conditions for professional self-determination in boarding schools
Статья научная
The article is devoted to the theoretical study of the social situation of boarding schools and how it affects the pupils’ professional self-determination. The process of personal and professional self-determination is quite important and difficult for any teenager. However, living in a boarding school, the pupil has supplementary difficulties.
![Socialliq tarmaqlardag’i media tekstlerinde feyk informaciyalar Socialliq tarmaqlardag’i media tekstlerinde feyk informaciyalar](/file/thumb/140295138/socialliq-tarmaqlardagi-media-tekstlerinde-feyk-informaciyalar.png)
Socialliq tarmaqlardag’i media tekstlerinde feyk informaciyalar
Статья научная
Bul maqalada social-media tekstlerinde tarqalıp atırǵan hár túrli kórinistegi feyk informaciyalar haqqında aytılǵan. Búgingi kúnde keń jámiyetshiliktiń feyk informaciyaǵa bolǵan dıqqat-itibarı júdá joqarı. Olardıń aldın alıw jolları, sociallıq tarmaqlarda informaciya mádeniyatın saqlaw sıyaqlı máseleler úyrenilip shıǵılǵan.
![Socio-economic aspects of the conservation, reconstruction and modernization of the housing stock Socio-economic aspects of the conservation, reconstruction and modernization of the housing stock](/file/thumb/140288236/socio-economic-aspects-of-the-conservation-reconstruction-and-modernization-of.png)
Socio-economic aspects of the conservation, reconstruction and modernization of the housing stock
Статья научная
The paper is devoted to the present day actual problem, to the detailed analysis of the present state of the housing resources. General and practical recommendations on reconstruction of buildings according the criteria of energy and resource efficiency and seismic stability of residential buildings have been proposed by the authors.
![Socio-legal basis protection of youth from moral threats Socio-legal basis protection of youth from moral threats](/file/thumb/140287247/socio-legal-basis-protection-of-youth-from-moral-threats.png)
Socio-legal basis protection of youth from moral threats
Статья научная
In this article highlights of socio-legal basis protection of youth from moral threats in the condition globalization.
![Some differences between jargon and slang Some differences between jargon and slang](/file/thumb/140288837/some-differences-between-jargon-and-slang.png)
Some differences between jargon and slang
Статья научная
In this article, some differences of jargon and slang will be given. Besides this, their types will be analyzed.
![Some trends in forming students' motivation for scientific research Some trends in forming students' motivation for scientific research](/file/thumb/140278938/some-trends-in-forming-students-motivation-for-scientific-research.png)
Some trends in forming students' motivation for scientific research
Статья научная
The article gives an analysis of some aspects of forming students' motivation for scientific research. The need for the development of educational system is determined by the progress of science, technology and the wide use of innovative technologies. The current situation in the sphere of higher professional education marked the existence of the problem of teaching students the basic skills in scientific activity, gaining experience in conducting research, developing their creative abilities. The improvement of students’ scientific activity is impossible without studying the motivational component of the research work of a highly qualified specialist. The methods described in the article are aimed at engaging students, showing them their intellectual abilities and providing freedom in implementing their ideas, as part of the training course. One of the most promising aspects of this direction is the use of information technologies.
![Some trends in minimasing laboratory animals’ distress during the experiment Some trends in minimasing laboratory animals’ distress during the experiment](/file/thumb/140297414/some-trends-in-minimasing-laboratory-animals-distress-during-the-experiment.png)
Some trends in minimasing laboratory animals’ distress during the experiment
Статья научная
The article discusses some existing methods of minimizing distress of laboratory animals during the experiment. The author describes the principles of treating experimental subjects. Special attention is paid to the correct ways of fixing animals. In conclusion, the importance of using the methods described above is substantiated.
![Specific features of language in the development of culture Specific features of language in the development of culture](/file/thumb/140278697/specific-features-of-language-in-the-development-of-culture.png)
Specific features of language in the development of culture
Статья научная
Resume: This article is dedicated to the actual questions of developing process of languages. Language and culture are closely interconnected and the development of mankind have shown that the language could not be exist without culture.
![Specifics of Russian and international financial reporting standards Specifics of Russian and international financial reporting standards](/file/thumb/140286001/specifics-of-russian-and-international-financial-reporting-standards.png)
Specifics of Russian and international financial reporting standards
Статья научная
The article considers the fundamental differences between international financial reporting standards and Russian accounting principles. As the main reason for the difficulty in implementing international financial reporting standards in Russia, conceptual differences in accounting practices are stated.
![Statistical analysis of the commodity structure of exports in the Russian regions Statistical analysis of the commodity structure of exports in the Russian regions](/file/thumb/140280758/statistical-analysis-of-the-commodity-structure-of-exports-in-the-russian-regions.png)
Statistical analysis of the commodity structure of exports in the Russian regions
Статья научная
The article compares the regions of the country in terms of the commodity structure of exports. A representative sample consisted of 25 regions of the European part. The analysis is carried out using various statistical methods.
![Students vs teacher: through the image looking glass Students vs teacher: through the image looking glass](/file/thumb/140285737/students-vs-teacherthrough-the-image-looking-glass.png)
Students vs teacher: through the image looking glass
Статья научная
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of student’s perception and assessment of the image of the faculty member. The paper examines the main characteristics of the teacher's personality, as well as the dynamics of changes in the components of the educator’s image throughout the entire study period. The results of the study showed that university students tend to change their beliefs about the image of the teacher.
![Study about cognitive linguistics Study about cognitive linguistics](/file/thumb/140289993/study-about-cognitive-linguistics.png)
Study about cognitive linguistics
Статья научная
The article is devoted to the issues of considering such linguistic phenomena as conceptual metaphor, polysemy and modality in the English language from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics. The work analyzes the influence of cognitive human experience on the speed of memorization and the depth of assimilation of foreign language lexical units, reveals the concept of “conceptual metaphor”. The author substantiates the need to study a foreign language not only as a sign system, but also as a system of understanding the world through the history and culture of representatives of different countries.
![Study of methods of description in the work "Buura dokhsun" Study of methods of description in the work "Buura dokhsun"](/file/thumb/140290031/study-of-methods-of-description-in-the-work-buura-dokhsun.png)
Study of methods of description in the work "Buura dokhsun"
Статья научная
In the scientific work, the main idea of the work "Buura Dokhsun" is studied and the author's methods of describing.