Статьи журнала - Re-health journal
Все статьи: 588
Qon ivishi va turli genezdagi trombositopeniyadagi buzilishlar
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Gemostaz buzilishlarining umumiy inson patologiyasida muhim o'rni nafaqat gemorragik va trombogemorragik kasalliklar va sindromlarning yuqori chastotasi, xilma-xilligi va potentsial xavfi bilan, balki bu jarayonlar juda ko'p sonli boshqa kasalliklarning patogenezida muhim aloqalar ekanligi bilan ham belgilanadi. Ular jarohatlarga hamroh bo'ladi, jarrohlik aralashuvlar, dori va qon quyish terapiyasini murakkablashtiradi Gemostaz tizimining patologiyasini o'rganishda sezilarli yutuqlarga qaramay, zamonaviy terapevtik tadbirlarning ta'siri ko'pincha etarli emas. Bu o'zaro og'irlashish sindromining paydo bo'lishi va rivojlanishi, xususan bemorlarning kamqonligi bilan bog'liq. Turli gemorragik gemostaziopatiyalarda anemiyani aniqlash chastotasi 4,3 dan 84,3% gacha o'zgarib turadi.
Radiation diagnostics of respiratory disorder syndrome in newborns
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Highlight radiological verification of changes in powers depending on the severity of radiographic manifestations and severity of symptoms occurring in the inflammatory process on the background of the immaturity of the lung tissue in pneumonia of newborns. The results of X-ray studies for pneumonia in newborns make it possible to conclude that it is necessary to conduct them in the neonatological period, contribute to the development of treatment tactics that prevent the development of irreversible changes in the lungs, chronic respiratory failure, broncho-obstructive syndrome and bronchopulmonary dysplasia in older children.
Relationship of food allergy and atopic dermatitis in children
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Submission the article is the results of the estimation of frequency and risk factors of food Allergy in children with AD, which has several pharmacologically stable chronic diseases. Food Allergy was detected in 65% of children. The obtained results allow recommending to children suffering from continuously-recurrent chronic diseases, to conduct specific Allergy diagnosis with the aim of eliminating food allergies.
Relationship of secretary activities of salivian amylase and gastromes in human
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In the last decade, the hypothesis of the endocrine function of the large salivary glands has been confirmed, which puts them in a number of organs that have a regulatory effect on various functions of the body: processes of physiological regeneration, erythropoiesis, mineral metabolism, etc. However, saliva still remains the least studied of all body fluids. Performing many functions (digestive, protective, trophic, endocrine, excretory and others), saliva provides the normal functional state of the teeth and oral mucosa.
Relevant aspects of traumatic brain injuries’ problem modern stage
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Traumatic brain injuries remain leading cause of death for young men in developed countries. For survivors, this is often significant personal suffering, problems for the family and a significant increase in social costs for society. According to WHO injuries, along with cancer and cardiovascular diseases, are one of the three main causes of death in the world. The literature describes a variety of clinical and neurological manifestations developing in the remote post-traumatic period, which in some cases leads to the designation of similar conditions in different terms and creates diagnostic difficulties for practical neurologists.
Respiratory outcomes in patients following COVID-19
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This article discusses the relationship between the transferred coronovirus infection and the pulmonary functions of patients. We studied patients who had COVID-19 in the last two weeks. We came to the conclusion that a decrease in the function of external respiration can be traced regardless of age, gender and concomitant extrapulmonary diseases. Thus, the average deviation from VC in men and women was 22.3% and 25.3%.
Schistosomiasis of the female genital organs
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Human schistosomiasis remains an important public health problem in many tropical settings. At least 261 million people require treatment for schistosomiasis and up to 659 million people are at risk. Female genital schistosomiasis (FGS) is a manifestation mainly of Schistosomahaematobium infection. Given the nature of the signs and symptoms of FGS, women tend to approach health services with complaints of infertility or symptoms of sexually transmitted infections. Clinicians are generally unaware of FGS because it is not described in the medical textbooks or nursing curricula in any of the countries where schistosomiasis is endemic. Laboratory diagnostics are inadequate.
Semizlikka chalingan bolalarda yurak-qon tomir tizimining zararlanishi
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Hozirgi vaqtda kardiovaskulyar patologiyaning rivojlanishiga hissa qo'shadigan asosiy biologik omillar arterial gipertenziya (AG), yuqori xolesterin, 2 turi qandli diabet va semirib ketishdir. Ma'lumki, yurak-qon tomir kasalliklarining epidemiologik va biologik xavfi bolalik davrida shakllana boshlaydi, shuning uchun ortiqcha tana vazniga ega bo'lgan bolalarning nisbati yaqin kelajakda yurak-qon tomir asoratlarining mumkin bo'lgan o'sishining ogohlantiruvchi ogohlantirishidir. Bu holat obezlikda yuzaga keladigan yurak va qon tomirlarining shikastlanishining dastlabki belgilarini aniqlash va tuzatish zarurligini ko'rsatadi.
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In recent years, in connection with the widespread introduction of echocardiography in pediatric practice, the frequency of detection of atrial septal defects in the fossa oval area has significantly increased. Being a rudiment of the normal blood circulation of the embryo, PFO is not a congenital malformation and refers to structural anomalies of the heart. However, spontaneous closure of this fetal communication does not always occur.
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When analyzing the distribution of genotypes of the Arg72Pro polymorphism of the TP53 gene among 226 patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), 165 conditionally healthy women were deciphered and the prevalence of the Pro allele and the rare mutant homozygous Pro / Pro genotype over the Arg / Arg homozygous genotype was found. An increase in the severity of CIN is associated with an increase in the frequency of the rare mutant homozygous Pro / Pro genotype: in case of mild intraepithelial lesions (Lowgrade Squamous Intraepitelial Lesions (LSIL)), the frequency of the Pro / Pro genotype is 18.28% (OR = 1.422); with a high degree of squamous intraepithelial lesion (Highgrade Squamous Intraepitelial Lesions (HSIL) CIN ΙΙ 56,25% (ОR = 7,938); with HSIL CIN ΙΙΙ 75,00% (ОR = 18,522). Since the presence of the Pro allele is also associated with the progression of CIN severity, it is obvious that genotypes with the presence of this allele are risk factors for the severity of CIN.
Surunkali ekssudativ oʻrta otitning quloq pardasidagi teziografiyalar natijasida bosqichini aniqlash
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Surunkali ekssudativ otitni muvaffaqiyatli davolashning eng muhim tarkibiy qismlaridan biri bu kasallik bosqichlarini oʻz vaqtida tashxislash va shunga muvofiq maqsadli taʻsir qilishdir. Surunkali ekssudativ oʻrta otit (SEOʻO) oʻrta quloqning gʻayritabiiy kasalligi sifatida tavsiflanadi, bu uning boʻshliqlarida transudat yoki ekssudat - seroz, shilliq yoki mukoid tabiatning toʻplanishi bilan namoyon boʻladi, bu esa eshitish qobiliyatini yoʻqotishiga olib keladi.
Ta’lim sifatini oshirishda xalqaro pedagogik integratsion hamkorlikning ahamiyati
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Maqolada bugungi kunda ta’lim sifatini oshirishda xalqaro pedagogik integratsion hamkorikning ahamiyati Yevropada tashkil qilingan “Boloniya kelishuvi” asosida misolida aniq ko’rsatib o’tilgan va Respublikamizda bu yo’nalishda qilinayotgan ishlar ham keltirilgan.
Technical capabilities of ultrasonic diagnostics
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Instrumental diagnosis of diseases of the paranasal sinuses remains an urgent problem in practical otorhinolaryngology. The method used to identify sinusitis should be simple to perform, fast, safe and acceptable for screening diagnostics.
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This article presents the results of experiments with natural and artificial feeding, as well as the effect of artificial feeding on the development of offspring, the structural and functional functioning of its endocrine system, in particular, on the national adrenal glands. For the experiment, rat pups of white outbred rats of 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 30 days were used. Animals were divided into 2 groups of control and experimental. The control group were puppies rats born from intact females and fed a natural diet. The experimental group of animals up to 7 days was transferred to artificial feeding.These experiments were started at the Problem Biophysical Laboratory of the Tashkent Medical Academy under the guidance of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan K.A. Zufarova. Our data on the development of the offspring of rats in the period of early postnatal ontogenesis against the background of artificial feeding indicate a lag in growth and development, as well as a decrease in the mass of internal organs, including the adrenal glands. Thus, on the basis of our research, it was established that, against the background of artificial feeding, starting from 7 days after birth, the lag of the rat develops, resulting in a decrease in body weight, body length and mass of internal organs. organs for 14-21 days of development.
The effectiveness of experimental herbal medicine for atherosclerosis with saponins
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Статья посвящена вопросам фитотерапии атеросклероза тритерпеновыми сапонинами. Профилактика и лечение болезней растительными лекарствами известно с древних времен. Главным преимуществом является возможность их применения для профилактики и лечения атеросклероза и связанных с ним сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний. Общепринятым считается, что профилактика позволяет предотвратить и/или отсрочить сердечно-сосудистые заболевания. Но удается это не всегда, поэтому внимание исследователей привлекают препараты растительного происхождения. Общеизвестными считаются их преимущества, в сравнении с синтетическими препаратами. Экспериментальный атеросклероз был моделирован на кроликах. Фитотерапия представлена изучением растительных тритерпеновых сапонинов: леонтозид, дипсакозид и ладыгинозид. Выявлено, что наиболее высоким эффектом на атеросклероз кроликов показал ладыгинозид, который в сравнении с животными холестеринового контроля, приводит к снижению атерогенных поражений в 3,77 раз. Следующим идет дипсакозид, снизивший поражение атеросклерозом в 3,70 раза. Третье место занимает леонтозид, который уменьшил атерогенные поражения в 3,22 раза.
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Objective: Hyperprolactinemia is one of the most common endocrine disorders and can affect both genders at any age. The annual incidence of hyperprolactinemia in women is 8.7 per 100,000 individuals [5], and in the age group of 25-34 years, it increases to 29.3 cases per 100,000 population [3]. The most common causes of hyperprolactinemia include pituitary adenoma, intracranial tumors, medication use, primary hypothyroidism, and chronic kidney failure. Aim: To study the relationship of hyperprolactinemia with the immunohistochemical and morphological characteristics of breast cancer in women. Materials and methods: The study included 100 female patients with breast cancer associated with hyperprolactinemia. To achieve the set objective, all patients were divided into two groups: Group I - 70 women with hyperprolactinemia associated with breast cancer, and Group II - 30 patients with breast cancer and normal prolactin levels. Results: The study included 70 patients with hyperprolactinemia associated with breast cancer (Group I) and 30 women with breast cancer without hyperprolactinemia (Group II, the control group). The age of patients in the first group ranged from 29 to 65 years (mean age in the main group was 49 ± 11.7). In Group II, the age ranged from 19 to 65 years (mean age was 45.2 ± 13.2). Conclusion: Analysis of clinical and laboratory indicators in women with hyperprolactinemia (Group I) associated with breast cancer (BC) revealed a significant predominance of mastalgia (91.4%), nipple edema (53.3%), and breast edema (53.3%) accompanied by the lactoreia-dysmenorrhea syndrome. In contrast, Group II showed a significant prevalence of classical breast cancer symptoms, such as bloody nipple discharge (92%), orange-peel skin (60%), breast redness (40%), and axillary lymph node enlargement (40%). The study of the correlation between histological and molecular subtypes with prolactin levels revealed a predominance of invasive ductal carcinoma in 13 cases (19%), adenocarcinoma in 11 cases (16%), and medullary carcinoma in 10 cases (14.3%) in Group I.
The relevance of the treatment of aplastic anemia
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Aplastic anemia is a disease in which the bone marrow does not produce enough blood cells. Deficiency of all blood cell types - white blood cells (leukocytes), red blood cells (erythrocytes) and platelets - can lead to the formation of a disease called pancytopenia. For the treatment of aplastic anemia, medications, blood transfusions, or bone marrow transplants (stem cell transplants) are performed. Treatment of this disease is very topical. This will be discussed in this article.
The role of endocrinological changes and obesity in the pathogenesis and origin of psoriasis
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In spite of the fact that many developments are recorded in the treatment and pathogenesis of psoriasis, its etiology still remains obscure. Psoriasis is a chronic, common skin disease, which affects the patient’s quality of life to the highest degree. Several exogenous factors and endogenous hormonal changes may act as triggers for psoriasis. The skin possesses a true endocrine system, which is very important in multiple systemic diseases. A number of conditions are associated with psoriasis, and its severity can also be influenced by hormones and obesity. Hormones which can influence the psoriasis clinical manifestations: glucocorticoids, epinephrine, thyroid hormones, prolactin, sex hormones and insulin.
The role of lipid metabolism in the development of biliary diseases
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A diverse spectrum of diseases affects the biliary system, often presenting with similar clinical signs and symptoms. These conditions include gallstones, acute calculus cholecystitis, acute acalculus cholecystitis, Mirizzi syndrome, chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis (recurrent pyogenic, primary sclerosing, primary biliary, autoimmune), biliary tract malignancies, biliary tract cysts, and others. Metabolism also plays a role in the development of these diseases. This article discusses the role of lipid metabolism in the development of biliary diseases.
The role of proinflammatory cytokines in metabolic syndrome
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The article covers the literature data informing the relationship of proinflammatory cytokines and obesity. The study of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying obesity is crucial for the development of effective therapeutic strategies to combat this disease, which causes many pathologies, including the development of a "pro-inflammatory condition". In this regard, the study of proinflammatory cytokines is of particular importance in the development of metabolic syndrome.